
Main Chan - Let the gathering commence!

Apr 26th, 2014
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  1. [20:13] <~Deedles> It was quiet in the tavern that morning, just a few patrons downstairs having tea and a bite to eat to prepare themselves for the day. The elderly innkeeper was sat behind the bar, currently in the middle of cleaning some glasses.
  2. [20:17] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi clutches the banister on his way down the stairs, rubbing his aching head with the other, wobbling all the way down the bar where he drags himself int a seat. "I'm going to need a few things..." he tells the innkeeper.
  3. [20:19] <Jian> Jian, clad in black and grey trousers, shirt and jacket of linen, keeps his head down as he enters the bar, surreptitously scanning the room before he steps in...
  4. [20:19] <~Deedles> The old man looked up as Yoshi spoke to him, chuckling softly. "You look like you need a whole lot of things, son." he said, putting the glass down to free up his hands. "What can I get ya?"
  5. [20:23] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi lists off what sounds like a bunch of random ingrediants, as well as an empty glass to put it all in.
  6. [20:24] <~Deedles> The man raised an eyebrow, but mixed the drink that he asked for, sliding it over to the hungover boxer.
  7. [20:25] <Jian> ...Well that was convenient. He takes a few steps forward and hops onto the barstool next to Yoshi.
  8. [20:26] <Yoshihiro> "Bottoms up..." Yoshi mutters before plugging his nose and downing the contents of the glass, his nose scrunching up afterwards in obvios distaste, slamming his fist on the bartop a few times. "Never gets any better..."
  9. [20:29] <Jian> "But it works?" Jian asks dryly as he nods to the barkeep. "Do you serve breakfast?"
  10. [20:30] <~Deedles> "Yes, we do." The innkeeper said, chuckling at Yoshi still as he got on with cleaning the glasses, one at the time. "Missus serving dumplings this morning, you'll want to head over to the kitchen if you want to order some." he nodded across the room, past the tables and to a doorway.
  11. [20:32] <Jian> Jian nods his thanks, glancing across. "Shall I get some for you?"
  12. [20:32] <Jian> *at Yoshi
  13. [20:32] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi looks up from the bar to see Jian beside him, one of the drunkard's hands smoothing over his muzzed hair. "Where were you all night?" he addresses the swordsman. "Breakfast sounds good..."
  14. [20:33] <Jian> "On the roof." He deadpans, turning to go fetch some food.
  15. [20:35] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi looks straight up, obviously confused. "What on earth were you doing up there?"
  16. [20:36] <Jian> Jian smirks back at him. "Sleeping. What else would I do overnight?" With that, he heads off for the dumplings.
  17. [20:38] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi accepts it and takes a large bite out of it, seemingly satisfied with that answer until he was finished with the food in his mouth. "...find anything out?"
  18. [20:40] <Jian> "...Well You're hungry" Jian comments as he sees the dumpling vanish almost as soon as he returns. Then he lowers his voice "...A great deal."
  19. [20:41] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi raises a curious brown, munching a bit more quietly, leaning a bit closer to his companion with obvious interest.
  20. [20:42] <Jian> Jian shakes his head. "Later." With that, he starts on his own plate.
  21. [20:42] <~Deedles> The Innkeeper eyed the pair curiously as they began speaking in hushed voices, but didn't pry, instead he put the final glass away underneath the bar, before returning his attention to his half-finished tea.
  22. [20:43] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi sits upright once more, eating quietly for the most part, lifting his gourd to his lips for a short swig. "Ahh~"
  23. [20:45] <Jian> Jian asks the barkeep "Might there be any tea to spare? Too early in the day for sake or wine." He pauses before smirking at Yoshi. "For me, at least."
  24. [20:47] <~Deedles> "I'll go get my missus to get another batch going." The innkeeper said as he got off the stool he was sat on with a grunt, grabbing a cane from behind the bar as he began making his way around and off towards the kitchen. As he did the pair could see that he was missing part of his right leg, from the middle of his lower leg and down.
  25. [20:49] <Yoshihiro> "So...where did the new threads come from?" Yoshi wonders, leaning on one of his elbows as he reaches over to lightly tug on one of Jian's sleeves.
  26. [20:50] <Jian> "Got them from a doctor who helped patch me up. My old ones were halfway to ruined. I repaired them... But they're pretty distinctive."
  27. [20:52] <Yoshihiro> "I'll say." Yoshi agrees, taking another sip from his gourd, the wine helping to sooth his aching head.
  28. [20:53] <Jian> "Want to walk with me, after? The doctor said I should come back in the morning."
  29. [20:55] <Yoshihiro> Yoshihiro turns his attention to the stairs with a pondersone expression. "I guess Xi could do with a little more sleep, doubt she'll recover as quickly as I did from last night."
  30. [20:55] <Jian> "Was she keeping up with you?"
  31. [20:56] <Yoshihiro> "It wasn't exactly a contest." Yoshi points out. "But we did share a fairly good bottle of wine together."
  32. [20:57] <Jian> "Then she'll likely appreciate another hour. I'll have my tea, and then we'll be off."
  33. [20:58] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi nods in agreement, killing off the rest of the dumpling in hand.
  34. [20:59] <~Deedles> It took a minute or so before the Innkeeper returned, hobbling around the bar and back into his seat. "Tea'll be here in a moment." he told Jian
  35. [21:01] <~Deedles> The tea was brought out and consumed, after which the pair set off to go to the doctor's place, soon finding themselves in front of the black door of the house.
  36. [21:01] <Jian> Jian followed Yoshi's lead, having not made the journey at street level before.
  37. [21:03] <Yoshihiro> Yoshihiro stretches out his arms as the exit the inn, keeping them folded behind his head as they walk. "So, you're alright then? you looked pretty down when we left last night."
  38. [21:04] <Jian> "Well enough. The spirits guide me to where I need to be." He knocks at the door with a soft smile.
  39. [21:05] <Yoshihiro> "Heh, glad to know they're looking out for one of us at least..." Yoshi muses.
  40. [21:07] <~Deedles> It took a moment before the door opened, revealing the doctor from the previous night. His hair was still ruffled, but his get-up was a lot tidier. Black trousers and a white silk jacket that was buttoned up. He glanced between the two. "I see you found your friends then." he concluded, moving back and pulling the door with him to allow the two entry.
  41. [21:08] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi offers the doctor a short wave. "Morning, doc."
  42. [21:09] <Jian> Jian gives him a bow. "Good morning." He steps in, waiting for the door to close before asking "How are Futu and Chang'e?"
  43. [21:10] <~Deedles> "Morning." the doctor replied "They're fine, still asleep. No surprise, having been up most of the night." he said while leading the pair inside, but to the kitchen instead of the medical room this time.
  44. [21:14] <Jian> Jian nods. "Let them rest, then... When I found them, all they had was an alley to hide in and a few scraps of food."
  45. [21:14] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi looks a tad confused, but just shrugs and follows all the same.
  46. [21:14] <~Deedles> "I know." Mamoru answered simply as he moved over to a teapot, pouring himself a cup of it.
  47. [21:16] <Jian> Jian shakes his head. "...I want to help her." He glances towards Yoshi. "I found a young girl, cursed with Corruption and driven out as a pariah. Her friend was sick, so I brought them here."
  48. [21:17] <Yoshihiro> "That's terrible..." Yoshi replies, shaking his head lightly, he was quite aware what that felt like.
  49. [21:18] <~Deedles> The doctor sipped at his tea as he turned to look at the pair. "You know how to help her?" he asked
  50. [21:20] <Jian> Jian turns his left hand face up, his blood bubbling forth unnaturally, rising above his skin in a crimson arc. "I am a priest, and I know Corrupt Chi. There are those who know better, but as far as I know they are not here."
  51. [21:22] <~Deedles> "What are you planning?" he continued to ask, his words were calm, but his eyes sharp. They had seemed such even when he was tired, but seemed twice so now when he was rested.
  52. [21:23] <Jian> "First, to help her control it. Currently, it frightens her... The only way to change that is to help her gain mastery over it, and understand it."
  53. [21:23] <Yoshihiro> "I guess it's fortunate you of all people ran into them." Yoshi pipes up, leaning against a nearby wall.
  54. [21:23] <~Deedles> "How long will that take?" The doctor wondered, having another small drink of his tea.
  55. [21:24] <Jian> "I can't know for sure... Yesterday, she made a start. She called it forth by will alone."
  56. [21:26] <~Deedles> Mamoru looked thoughtful, drinking the last of his tea, before putting the cup to the side. "Her learning to control it will help, but it won't change her situation." he said.
  57. [21:26] <Yoshihiro> "We seem to have a knack for picking up troubled souls along the way." yoshihiro points out.
  58. [21:28] <Jian> "Control is a start. From there, we can unravel the nature of the Corrupt Chi within her... I think it might be something unnatural. It doesn't feel like her Chi."
  59. [21:33] <~Deedles> The doctor nodded slowly "And you plan to help her control it where? While I would love to offer my clinic for it, if her powers got out of control the result could be explosive, and if neither of you got hurt it would still be bad, especially for you."
  60. [21:34] <Yoshihiro> "It'll probably have to be somewhere out of town, away from any wandering eyes." Yoshi suggested.
  61. [21:35] <Jian> Jian nods. "I'd do it away from people, of course... You know the area better than I do."
  62. [21:38] <~Deedles> Mamoru pondered about that, before answering "Only nearby area that would be secluded is the forest." he said, settling his gaze on Jian as he added. "But I'm not sure how wise that would be either."
  63. [21:40] <Jian> "During the day, it would be safe."
  64. [21:41] <~Deedles> "Are you sure?" The doctor inquired, folding his arms.
  65. [21:43] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi glances between Mamoru and the door, rather unsure about the situation himself.
  66. [21:46] <Jian> "...Once, I would have been. Now?" He shakes his head.
  67. [21:46] <~Deedles> "Now you're beginning to be careful." Mamoru nodded
  68. [21:47] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi gets an idea, leaning over to whisper to Jian. "What about the cave? you think it's safe enough?"
  69. [21:48] <Jian> He nods. "...And it pains me. That forest is a sacred place."
  70. [21:55] <Jian> Jian leans back to Yoshi, shaking his head. "We have no guarantee of even finding it again. She has many homes, moving between them to evade her uncle."
  71. [21:57] <~Deedles> The doctor looked to the side as they whispered amongst themselves.
  72. [22:01] <Yoshihiro> "There's got to be somewhere safe we can take her..." Yoshi rubs his chin thoughtfully.
  73. [22:07] <Jian> "It might have to wait..." Jian bites his lip, looking frustrated.
  74. [22:14] <Yoshihiro> "Trouble seems to follow us like a bad habit these days." Yoshi shakes his head lightly. "We should probably stick to one thing at a time right now." he suggested. "Remember why we're here, we can't help anyone until we get to the bottom of this."
  75. [22:14] <Jian> Jian glances sideways at him. "I'm not sure they're unconnected. Wait until you feel her Chi."
  76. [22:17] <Yoshihiro> "You noticed something strange?" Yoshihiro wonders. Ever since Jian had opened his senses he had been able to distingish such things, but he often got more than he bargained for.
  77. [22:20] <Jian> "Very." He pauses, giving the doctor another glance, and bowing his head. "I apologise for such rudeness in your own home."
  78. [22:21] <~Deedles> Mamoru shrugged "I got some errands to run anyway. You're welcome to some tea if you want." he pointed to the teapot behind him and then began heading for the door, but paused. "Just don't wake the kids."
  79. [22:21] <Jian> Jian nods. "We won't."
  80. [22:21] <Yoshihiro> "I'll be quiet as a temple mouse." Yoshi assures him.
  81. [22:22] <~Deedles> "Good." The doctor nodded, and then he was gone.
  82. [22:23] <Jian> Jian nods to Yoshi, and then creeps quietly through the house to check Chang'e and Futu are still there.
  83. [22:24] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi lingers in the doorway, peeking his head into the hallway.
  84. [22:25] <~Deedles> As he entered the hallway he could see a few different doors. The one closest to him, on the opposite side of the kitchen, he knew lead to the medical room. Then there was the bedroom he'd seen the night before, the door was partially open, and at the moment it was vacant, leaving just the final door straight across from it, which was closed.
  85. [22:25] <Jian> Jian walks quietly as he can, very carefully opening the door a crack and peeking in...
  86. [22:28] <~Deedles> The two kids were asleep, sharing a bed. Chang'e was curled up and hugging her pillow, while Futu was sprawled out across most of the bed, both snoring.
  87. [22:29] <Jian> Jian lets out a sigh of relief, closing the door and making the way back to Yoshi. "They're safe."
  88. [22:32] <Yoshihiro> "Finally, some good news." Yoshi mutters. "Although this does make our situation increasingly more difficult."
  89. [22:34] <Jian> He nods and sighs. "She has power in her... More Corrupt Chi than I could take in, welling up from some strange unknown depths."
  90. [22:40] <Yoshihiro> "We need to find Shen." Yoshi concluded. "Haven't seen him since we split up last night, who knows where he's been since then. With any luck he'll have found something, it could even be connected to her condition."
  91. [22:41] <Jian> Jian nods. "Could you go look for him? I... Have to be careful. A hunch went nad, and some of the guards might recognize me, for the wrong reasons. And I don't want to leave those children alone."
  92. [22:44] <Yoshihiro> "Alright, I'll bring him here once I find him, then we can put all the pieces together and see what we come up with."
  93. [22:45] <Jian> He nods. "See you later my friend."
  94. [22:48] <Yoshihiro> "Stay safe." Yoshi replies, heading for the front door.
  95. [22:50] <Jian> Jian waves him away, getting himself some tea as he ponders... Where could they go?
  96. [23:01] <Yoshihiro> Yoshihiro makes his exit from the clinic and out into the streets to search for their missing comrade, hopefull he hadn't gotten himself into trouble. He tracks down the nearest guard to shed some insight as to his friend's location. "Pardon me, I'm looking for a friend of mine, I can't seem to find him, can you help? he likely wouldn't have seen you..."
  97. [23:05] <~Deedles> The guard turned around as Yoshi adressed him, through the gap in the helmet for the eyes he could see some grey hairs in the man's eyebrows, so he was probably either in or past his middle age. "A friend of yours? Could you be more specific?" he inquired.
  98. [23:07] <Yoshihiro> "Certainly! he's a blind young man, about my height, black hair. We got seperated last night, and I'm unfamiliar with the town."
  99. [23:08] <~Deedles> "Hmm..." the guard pondered, trying to recall if he had seen anyone fitting that description, but shook his head in the end. "Don't recall seeing anyone looking like that. If you're concerned about him then you can always go to the guard tower and let them know."
  100. [23:13] <Yoshihiro> Yoshihiro nods. "I'll try that, if you could point me in the right direction?"
  101. [23:14] <~Deedles> The guard raised his hand, pointing a finger towards a building towering over all the others close to the center of the village. "Right over there."
  102. [23:18] <Yoshihiro> "Oh...of course." he chuckles lightly. "Thanks for your help." he concludes, offering the guard a short bow before he was on his way.
  103. [23:23] <~Deedles> The guard saluted in return "Hope you find your friend." he said, before he got on with his patrols.
  104. [23:25] <Yoshihiro> With his goal in sight Yoshi proceeds straight to the guard tower in search of Shen.
  105. [23:38] <~Deedles> As usual Yoshi saw a few guards patrolling the street, some alone and some in pairs, but they became a more frequent sight as he got closer and closer to the guard tower.
  106. [23:45] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi doesn't pay them any mind, he didn't need to concern himself with them at the moment, though he does keep an eye out for Shen in case he happens to be wandering about.
  107. [23:58] <~Deedles> He couldn't see Shen about, just several guards conversing in the entrance hall of the tower.
  108. [00:00] <Yoshihiro> As long as none of them barred his path the drunkard would enter the tower, bowing his head toward them as he makes his way inside.
  109. [00:05] <~Deedles> None of them stopped him, though he did get a few glances and a couple of hellos as he passed by.
  110. [00:08] <Yoshihiro> He offers a friendly "Good morning" on the way in, but doesn't linger any longer than that.
  111. [00:10] <~Deedles> There were a few desks to his right as he entered, a person behind each, a couple of them in the middle of writing something, while the final one was sipping at tea while reading a couple of sheets of paper. To his left were a group of guards, male and female, a few different lines of conversation going between them.
  112. [00:14] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi tries his luck with the guards first, clearing his throat, speaking up as he approaches. "Excuse me." he starts of, just to get their attention. "I'm looking for a friend of mine, was hoping one of you could help me." he gives them the same description as the first guard he had asked for help.
  113. [00:19] <~Deedles> The group of guards turned to Yoshihiro as he approached, all of them looking thoughtful at his question, but one of them piped up, a short female guard. He couldn't see much of her face, other than her moss green eyes that peered out at him. "Yeah, I believe I saw him. He came here to speak to a collegue of mine."
  114. [00:22] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi emits a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank the spirits he's alright, I've been looking everywhere for him." he takes a moment to look around curiously. "Can you take me to him?"
  115. [00:23] <~Deedles> "Sadly, no." The female guard answered "If he got lead off to a room it'd be to speak in private, can't just barge in. I'm sure it won't be long anyway." she explained, her tone somewhat apologetic.
  116. [00:27] <Yoshihiro> "That's alright, at least I know he's here, I'll just wait for them to finish up." he concludes, offering a small smile.
  117. [00:30] <~Deedles> Her eyes creased as she smiled back. "Want anything in the mean time?"
  118. [00:33] <Yoshihiro> "I'm fine, thank you, but if you lead me to the kitchen I'd be more than happy to whip something up for the lot of you while I wait, if you;ll permit me that is."
  119. [00:34] <~Deedles> "Well, we have a kitchen, but sadly I can't allow a stranger to cook for us. Sorry." she replied, once more sounding apologetic.
  120. [00:38] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi waves a dismissive hand. "I understand, can't have just anyone using your kitchen, suppose I'll just have to sit and wait until he comes back."
  121. [00:50] <~Deedles> "I don't think our resident cook would be too impressed, and we are guards after all." the woman shrugged, leading Yoshi over to a set of benches where he could wait.
  122. [00:57] <Yoshihiro> "I get that a lot, wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes, cooking is among my best talents...aside from drinking." Yoshi admits as he takes a seat.
  123. [00:58] <~Deedles> "Drinking?" She looked at him with a raised eyebrow "That's a ... unique talent." she said with a thoughtful expression.
  124. [01:01] <Yoshihiro> "Moreso than most people, anyway, if you can call that a talent." he shrugs. "But more people can appreciate the cooking."
  125. [01:07] <~Deedles> "I can imagine that, drinking is more of a personal thing." She replied
  126. [01:08] <Yoshihiro> "It can be a sociable thing as well, but only for those who njoy the prospect, you can hear some very interesting stories that way."
  127. [01:10] <~Deedles> "Hah, yeah, you certainly can." The guard chuckled slightly as she folded her arms.
  128. [01:11] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi raises a curious brow. "Oh? sounds like you've heard a few good ones, care to share them?"
  129. [01:12] <~Deedles> She laughed slightly "No, it's the kind of things one only shares while drunk, and plenty of them aren't mine." she smiled
  130. [01:15] <Yoshihiro> "That's too bad, as a guard I'm sure you have a few of your own." Yoshi smiles. "Perhaps when you're not on duty we can have a drink and share sometime?" he offers. "I hear the Golden Bull has good wine."
  131. [01:16] <~Deedles> She smiled again "I think you mean the Golden Ox." she said, before adding "And yeah, they do have good wine. Innkeeper don't mind people getting drunk, as long as people don't get rowdy."
  132. [01:20] <Yoshihiro> "That's the one." Yoshi grins. "I just enjoy listening to the stories people tell, and drinking in peace, only get rowdy when the need arises. Less chance of spilling good wine."
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