
Sadie Description

Sep 27th, 2021
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  1. <desc><s>You examine <var v="container.displayName"/>.</s> <if cond="container.hasAttribute('concealed') && container.displayName === 'Samus'"><s>She is about average height, and wearing a full suit of hi-tech armor.</s> <s>The suit is primarily bronze and yellow in color, with a red helmet and chestpiece with huge, bulky spherical shoulder pieces.</s> <s>The chestpiece flares out dramatically, forming a sharp angle.</s> <s>The waist of the suit is quite narrow.</s> <s>Most of the right arm is taken up by a long blaster gun, leaving her with only one usable hand.</s></if><if cond="container.hasAttribute('concealed') && container.displayName === 'Evangelion Unit 08'"><s>It is about average height, and covered with a full suit of hi-tech armor.</s> <s>The armor is primarily pink in color, with a three-pointed helmet with eight brightly glowing green eyes.</s> <s>The shoulder pieces have what look like large, L-shaped black blades that stick very far up.</s> <s>The chestpiece flares out dramatically, and the waist is quite narrow.</s> <s>It looks sleek, but imposing.</s> <s>The armor is accented in white and orange pieces that shine brightly under the light.</s></if><if cond="container.hasAttribute('concealed') && container.displayName !== 'Samus' && container.displayName !== 'Evangelion Unit 08'"><s>They are about average height, but their face is concealed.</s></if><if cond="!container.hasAttribute('concealed')"><s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/>'<if cond="container.pronouns.plural">re</if><if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">s</if> about average height, with a pale skin tone.</s> <if cond="container.displayName === 'Futaba'"><s>She has long, orange hair with straight bangs and brown eyes with a slight purple tinge.</s></if><if cond="container.displayName === 'Zelda'"><s>She has long, blonde hair with a braid circling the head and green eyes.</s></if><if cond="container.displayName === 'Zinnia'"><s>She has short, black hair with slanted straight bangs swept to the left.</s> <s>It's tied in a short ponytail in the back.</s> <s>She has red eyes that fade to black towards the top.</s></if><if cond="container.displayName === 'Miku'"><s>She has extremely long, pink hair that's tied up in two very long ponytails.</s> <s>She has sideswept bangs and pink eyes that fade from darker to lighter from top to bottom.</s></if><if cond="container.displayName === 'Chiaki'"><s>She has shoulder-length, dull, pinkish brown hair with nearly straight bangs.</s> <s>Her hair on the sides curls inwards while the hair in the back curls upwards.</s> <s>She has pink eyes.</s></if><if cond="container.displayName === 'Eula'"><s>She has neck-length, light blue hair that reaches over the shoulder on the left side, with sideswept bangs falling between the eyes.</s> <s>Her eyes are purple on top and fade into yellow towards the bottom, with an intricate insignia-like pattern on the bottom.</s></if><if cond="container.displayName === 'Sadie'"><s>She has long, red hair with straight bangs and pink eyes.</s></if> <s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/> <if cond="container.pronouns.plural">have</if><if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">has</if> a pleasant smile, making <var v="container.pronouns.obj"/> appear rather friendly.</s> <s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/> <if cond="container.pronouns.plural">have</if><if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">has</if> a thin frame and an average bust.</s></if> <s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/> wear<if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">s</if> <il name="equipment"></il>.</s> <s>You see <var v="container.pronouns.obj"/> carrying <il name="hands"></il>.</s> <if cond="container.statusString.includes('stinky')"><s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/>'<if cond="container.pronouns.plural">re</if><if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">s</if> a little stinky.</s></if><if cond="container.statusString.includes('rancid')"><s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/> smell<if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">s</if> absolutely **rancid**.</s></if> <if cond="container.statusString.includes('soaking wet')"><s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/> <if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">is</if><if cond="container.pronouns.plural">are</if> soaking wet.</s></if><if cond="container.statusString.includes('partially wet')"><s><var v="container.pronouns.Sbj"/> <if cond="!container.pronouns.plural">is</if><if cond="container.pronouns.plural">are</if> a bit wet.</s></if></desc>
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