
#MalwareMustDie Postal_Receipt.exe Strings w/Calls

Nov 24th, 2012
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  1. start 00401A87
  2. RtlUnwind 0040DD54
  3. GetSaveFileNameW 0040E000
  4. CommDlgExtendedError 0040E004
  5. ReplaceTextW 0040E008
  6. GetOpenFileNameW 0040E00C
  7. PrintDlgExW 0040E010
  8. FindTextW 0040E014
  9. PageSetupDlgW 0040E018
  10. GetFileTitleW 0040E01C
  11. ChooseFontW 0040E020
  12. GetProcAddress 0040E028
  13. GetModuleHandleW 0040E02C
  14. ExitProcess 0040E030
  15. DecodePointer 0040E034
  16. GetCommandLineA 0040E038
  17. HeapSetInformation 0040E03C
  18. GetStartupInfoW 0040E040
  19. RaiseException 0040E044
  20. EncodePointer 0040E048
  21. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0040E04C
  22. DeleteCriticalSection 0040E050
  23. LeaveCriticalSection 0040E054
  24. EnterCriticalSection 0040E058
  25. GetLastError 0040E05C
  26. LoadLibraryW 0040E060
  27. UnhandledExceptionFilter 0040E064
  28. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0040E068
  29. IsDebuggerPresent 0040E06C
  30. TerminateProcess 0040E070
  31. GetCurrentProcess 0040E074
  32. TlsAlloc 0040E078
  33. TlsGetValue 0040E07C
  34. TlsSetValue 0040E080
  35. TlsFree 0040E084
  36. InterlockedIncrement 0040E088
  37. SetLastError 0040E08C
  38. GetCurrentThreadId 0040E090
  39. InterlockedDecrement 0040E094
  40. WriteFile 0040E098
  41. GetStdHandle 0040E09C
  42. GetModuleFileNameW 0040E0A0
  43. HeapFree 0040E0A4
  44. GetFileAttributesA 0040E0A8
  45. GetModuleFileNameA 0040E0AC
  46. FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0040E0B0
  47. WideCharToMultiByte 0040E0B4
  48. GetEnvironmentStringsW 0040E0B8
  49. SetHandleCount 0040E0BC
  50. GetFileType 0040E0C0
  51. HeapCreate 0040E0C4
  52. QueryPerformanceCounter 0040E0C8
  53. GetTickCount 0040E0CC
  54. GetCurrentProcessId 0040E0D0
  55. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0040E0D4
  56. IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0040E0D8
  57. GetCPInfo 0040E0DC
  58. GetACP 0040E0E0
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  60. IsValidCodePage 0040E0E8
  61. Sleep 0040E0EC
  62. HeapSize 0040E0F0
  63. __imp_RtlUnwind 0040E0F4
  64. GetExitCodeProcess 0040E0F8
  65. WaitForSingleObject 0040E0FC
  66. CloseHandle 0040E100
  67. CreateProcessA 0040E104
  68. LCMapStringW 0040E108
  69. MultiByteToWideChar 0040E10C
  70. GetStringTypeW 0040E110
  71. HeapAlloc 0040E114
  72. HeapReAlloc 0040E118
  73. GetConsoleCP 0040E11C
  74. GetConsoleMode 0040E120
  75. FlushFileBuffers 0040E124
  76. SetFilePointer 0040E128
  77. CompareStringW 0040E12C
  78. SetEnvironmentVariableA 0040E130
  79. WriteConsoleW 0040E134
  80. SetStdHandle 0040E138
  81. CreateFileW 0040E13C
  82. ReadConsoleInputA 0040E140
  83. SetConsoleMode 0040E144
  84. aPause 0040E198
  85. aTentPicturedDi 0040E1A0
  86. ProcName 0040E1F4
  87. ModuleName 0040E204
  88. aCmd_exe 0040E21C
  89. aC 0040E224
  90. aComspec 0040E228
  91. a_nextafter 0040E230
  92. a_logb 0040E23C
  93. a_yn 0040E244
  94. a_y1 0040E248
  95. a_y0 0040E24C
  96. aFrexp 0040E250
  97. aFmod 0040E258
  98. a_hypot 0040E260
  99. a_cabs 0040E268
  100. aLdexp 0040E270
  101. aModf 0040E278
  102. aFabs 0040E280
  103. aFloor 0040E288
  104. aCeil 0040E290
  105. aTan 0040E298
  106. aCos 0040E29C
  107. aSin 0040E2A0
  108. aSqrt 0040E2A4
  109. aAtan2 0040E2AC
  110. aAtan 0040E2B4
  111. aAcos 0040E2BC
  112. aAsin 0040E2C4
  113. aTanh 0040E2CC
  114. aCosh 0040E2D4
  115. aSinh 0040E2DC
  116. aLog10 0040E2E4
  117. aLog 0040E2EC
  118. aPow 0040E2F0
  119. aExp 0040E2F4
  120. aE000 0040E2F8
  121. aKernel32_dll 0040E300
  122. aFlsfree 0040E31C
  123. aFlssetvalue 0040E324
  124. aFlsgetvalue 0040E330
  125. aFlsalloc 0040E33C
  126. aRuntimeError 0040E348
  127. aTlossError 0040E370
  128. aSingError 0040E38C
  129. aDomainError 0040E3A8
  130. aR6033AttemptTo 0040E3C8
  131. aR6032NotEnough 0040E5B8
  132. aR6031AttemptTo 0040E620
  133. aR6030CrtNotIni 0040E6E8
  134. aR6028UnableToI 0040E728
  135. aR6027NotEnough 0040E778
  136. aR6026NotEnough 0040E7E8
  137. aR6025PureVirtu 0040E858
  138. aR6024NotEnough 0040E8A8
  139. aR6019UnableToO 0040E918
  140. aR6018Unexpecte 0040E970
  141. aR6017Unexpecte 0040E9B8
  142. aR6016NotEnough 0040EA18
  143. aR6010AbortHasB 0040EA70
  144. aR6009NotEnough 0040EAB8
  145. aR6008NotEnough 0040EB10
  146. aR6002FloatingP 0040EB68
  147. aMicrosoftVisua 0040EC78
  148. a___ 0040ECCC
  149. aProgramNameUnk 0040ECD4
  150. aRuntimeErrorPr 0040ED04
  151. aNull_0 0040ED38
  152. aNull 0040ED48
  153. aPath 0040EDB0
  154. a_com 0040EDB8
  155. a_exe 0040EDC0
  156. a_bat 0040EDC8
  157. a_cmd 0040EDD0
  158. a_ 0040EDD8
  159. aHhMmSs 0040F0A8
  160. aDdddMmmmDdYyyy 0040F0B4
  161. aMmDdYy 0040F0C8
  162. aDecember 0040F0DC
  163. aNovember 0040F0E8
  164. aOctober 0040F0F4
  165. aSeptember 0040F0FC
  166. aAugust 0040F108
  167. aJuly 0040F110
  168. aJune 0040F118
  169. aApril 0040F120
  170. aMarch 0040F128
  171. aFebruary 0040F130
  172. aJanuary 0040F13C
  173. aSaturday 0040F174
  174. aFriday 0040F180
  175. aThursday 0040F188
  176. aWednesday 0040F194
  177. aTuesday 0040F1A0
  178. aMonday 0040F1A8
  179. aSunday 0040F1B0
  180. aGetprocesswind 0040F1D4
  181. aGetuserobjecti 0040F1EC
  182. aGetlastactivep 0040F208
  183. aGetactivewindo 0040F21C
  184. aMessageboxw 0040F22C
  185. LibFileName 0040F238
  186. aSystemroot 0040F2B0
  187. ExceptionInfo 0040F2BC
  188. aHH 0040F5CC
  189. a1Qnan 0040FB50
  190. a1Inf 0040FB58
  191. a1Ind 0040FB60
  192. a1Snan 0040FB68
  193. FileName 0040FB70
  194. a5 0040FB8A
  195. a? 0040FB8C
  196. aConin 0040FEC0
  197. lpCriticalSection 00411BC0
  198. dwTlsIndex 00411CE4
  199. lpAddend 00412578
  200. hConsoleHandle 00412C64
  201. lpMem 00412CEC
  202. lpTlsValue 00412E74
  203. Filename 00412EB2
  204. hHeap 004135C0
  205. uNumber 0041393C
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