

Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. edits = false -- put your name here if you did edits
  2. plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  3. local function callback(text)
  4. if text == "Info" then
  5. print("Script by: Hipeopleofthisworld8.")
  6. if edits ~= false then
  7. print("Edits by: "..edits..".")
  8. end
  9. elseif text == "Dismiss" then
  10. notify({TTLE = "Dissmissed", TIME = 0.1})
  11. elseif text == "Get code." then
  12. hint ="Hint", plr.PlayerGui)
  13. hint.Name = "Password"
  14. hint.Text = 1236987450 * 3 / 10 - 2 + 500
  15. print(hint.Text)
  16. notify({TTLE = "Password", TXT = hint.Text, TIME = 1000, BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  17. elseif text == "Reconnect" then
  18. human ="Humanoid", plr.Character)
  19. human.Health = 0
  20. end
  21. end
  22. local trigger ="BindableFunction", script)
  23. trigger.OnInvoke = callback
  24. local connected ="BindableFunction", plr.Character)
  25. connected.Name = "Connected"
  26. function notify(Table)
  27. game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
  28. Title = Table.TTLE or " ";
  29. Text = Table.TXT or " ";
  30. Icon = Table.IMG or nil;
  31. Duration = Table.TIME or 5;
  32. Callback = trigger;
  33. Button1 = Table.BTTN1 or nil;
  34. Button2 = Table.BTTN2 or nil;
  35. })
  36. end
  37. notify({TTLE = "Script Sucsessful!", TXT = "Hello "..plr.Name.."!", IMG = ""..plr.Name, BTTN1 = "Info", BTTN2 = "Dissmiss", TIME = 10})
  39. game:GetService("Players").ChildAdded:connect(function(vict)
  40. notify({TTLE = "Player Joined", TXT = vict.Name.." connected.", IMG = ""..vict.Name,BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  41. end)
  42. game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:connect(function(vict)
  43. notify({TTLE = "Player Left", TXT = vict.Name.." disconnected.", IMG = ""..vict.Name,BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  44. end)
  45. plr.Chatted:connect(function(mess)
  46. if mess:sub(1,8) == "hip/code" then
  47. notify({TTLE = "Password", TXT = "Want the password?", IMG = ""..plr.Name,BTTN1 = "Get code.", TIME = 10})
  48. notify({TTLE = "Ran Command", TXT = "Get code.",BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  49. elseif mess:sub(1,8) == "hip/cmds" then
  50. print([[Current Commands:
  51. 1) hip/code -- gets script compatibility password
  52. 2) hip/cmds -- gets commands
  53. 3) hip/nog -- clears player gui
  54. 4) hip/link -- gets link for script compatible scripts
  55. 5) hip/ban/"player FULL name" -- bans a player
  56. ]])
  57. notify({TTLE = "Ran Command", TXT = "Got Commands.",BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  58. elseif mess:sub(1,7) == "hip/nog" then
  59. notify({TTLE = "Ran Command", TXT = "Cleared player gui.",BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  60. for _ , c in pairs(plr.PlayerGui:GetDescendants()) do
  61. if c.ClassName == "Hint" then
  62. c:Destroy()
  63. end
  64. end
  65. elseif mess:sub(1,8) == "hip/link" then
  66. notify({TTLE = "Ran Command", TXT = "Got link for script compatible scripts.",BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  67. print([[Heres the other half of this script.
  68. 1)
  69. ]])
  70. elseif mess:sub(1,8) == "hip/ban/" then
  71. notify({TTLE = "Ran Command", TXT = "Got ban.",BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  72. notify({TTLE = "Player Banned", TXT = "Banned " ..mess:sub(9).. ".", IMG = ""..mess:sub(9),BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  73. elseif mess:sub(1,12) == "hip/shutdown" then
  74. notify({TTLE = "Ran Command", TXT = "Got shutdown.",BTTN1 = "Dissmiss"})
  75. notify({TTLE = "Server Error", TXT = "This server has been shutdown. To reconnect restart the admin script.", BTTN = "Reconnect", TIME = 1000})
  76. end
  77. end)
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