
Hello Friends

Sep 24th, 2014
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  1. Hey friends, what's up? How are you? Hope you are all doing amazing! This paste is gonna be kind of long and have multiple parts so bear with me, alright?
  3. PART 1: Updates on my living situation
  5. As some of you know, I left my house a few weeks ago due to not feeling comfortable there. I have been staying with my friend Josh and his family since they were nice enough to take me in. I will be moving in with Sylamando, one of my good friends and a wonderful member of the community. This will require me to relocate to Maryland, which honestly Im not too upset about. My stream schedule shouldnt be disrupted save for the day I travel up there and possibly the next day for setup. I have my laptop and am able to stream from it. The relocation will put me closer to PAX East, AGDQ, and my girlfriend, so all in all it's not a bad call.
  7. PART 2: Stream plans for the near future
  9. The hair color war is entering its last 2 weeks, which means soon I will have a cool new hair color! Also I am going to be working on improving my monkey ball deluxe times as much as possible. Once second cuts for AGDQ are announced I will narrow my focus onto whichever category gets selected(if any do) This means either All expert runs all the time, or all Ultimate runs. Also I am going to work on getting a good mario tennis All Cups time, and maybe going for sub 11 in tournament cups! Also I think I will be doing a one/two day a week casual game day once I get situated in Maryland. I'll have a list of games up soon for that.
  11. PART 3: Future Stream Plans
  13. As we continue to grow, new ideas emerge. One of these being new emotes. I know we are a little bit away from 500 subs, but it's never too early to plan for the future! I already have one emote ready to go for when this happens, and I'm always looking for suggestions! Also, I will be picking up one or two new speedruns after AGDQ, and there will be a game war for those in december, I'll have the potential games list up sometime soon as well! Going forward from there, look for everyday streams from me for the next 6-12 months. Streaming has been very successful for me and my community, and we are ever growing. With a community as wonderful, kind, and supportive as the one I have around me I cant help but to want to stream as much as possible! Also I will be attending PAX South/PAX East so if youre planning on going to either of those I'd love to meet up!
  16. If you have any questions/concerns/or just want to talk feel free to tweet me or twitch PM me! Love you guys!
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