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Feb 28th, 2015
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  2. # Name: CommandOverride
  3. # Author: mrCookieSlime
  4. #
  5. # Do not modify the Config while the Server is running
  6. # otherwise bad things might happen!
  7. #
  8. # This Plugin also requires CS-CoreLib to run!
  9. # If you don't have it installed already, its going to be
  10. # automatically installed for you
  11. #
  12. # This Plugin utilises an Auto-Updater. If you want to turn that off,
  13. # simply set options -> auto-update to false
  14. options:
  15. auto-update: true
  16. commands:
  17. /example:
  18. - '&aThis is an Example Message'
  19. - '&6Feel free to ignore me ;)'
  20. - '&eYou propably want to change something in the config here. Just set /example:
  21. []'
  22. - '&cIf you do that this message will no longer show up.'
  23. - command:/say You can also make players execute commands now
  24. /spawntest1:
  25. - RANDOM 1 8
  26. - '[chance: 10]command:/say 1'
  27. - '[chance: 20]command:/say 2'
  28. - '[chance: 30]command:/say 3'
  29. - '[chance: 40]command:/say 4'
  30. - '[chance: 50]command:/say 5'
  31. - '[chance: 60]command:/say 6'
  32. - '[chance: 70]command:/say 7'
  33. - '[chance: 80]command:/say 8'
  34. aliases:
  35. /whatstheversion: /test1
  36. restricted:
  37. /plugins: permission.plugins
  38. message: '&4You do not have permission for this Command'
  39. cooldown:
  40. /plugins: 1
  41. message: '&4You have to wait &c%time% &4seconds before you can do that command again!'
  42. money-cost:
  43. /plugins: 0.0
  44. message: '&4You need &c$%money% &4to perform this command'
  45. gem-cost:
  46. /plugins: 0
  47. message: '&4You need &c%gems% Gems &4to perform this command'
  48. xp-cost:
  49. /plugins: 0
  50. message: '&4You need &c%levels% XP Levels &4to perform this command'
  51. arguments:
  52. /tell:
  53. min: 2
  54. message: '&4Usage: &c /tell <player> <message>'
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