Guest User


a guest
Jan 22nd, 2020
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  1. Commands:
  2. register:
  3. exist: '&cAuth &8| &cThis player is already registered.'
  4. wrong: '&cAuth &8| &cYou used the register command incorrectly, use &e/register pass pass'
  5. non_captcha: '&cAuth &8| &cYou forgot to put the captcha at the end: %captcha%'
  6. wrong_captcha: '&cAuth &8| &cCaptcha incorrect your captcha is: %captcha%'
  7. bannedpw: '&cAuth &8| &cThis password is too easy and/or banned from this server'
  8. to_short: '&cAuth &8| &cYour password is too short'
  9. to_long: '&cAuth &8| &cYour password is too long'
  10. registering: '&cAuth &8| &fВаш аккаунт зарегистрирован.'
  11. success: '&cAuth &8| &fПриятной игры на сервере &cStreetMine.'
  12. login:
  13. already: '&cAuth &8| &cYou are already connected. OmegaLuL'
  14. wrong_pass: '&cAuth &8| &cIncorrect password. Try again'
  15. wrong_kick: '&cIncorrect password. Try again'
  16. correct: '&cAuth &8| &7Вы вошли в аккаунт.'
  17. wrong_cmd: '&cAuth &8| &cYou used the login command incorrectly, use &e/login pass'
  18. register_first: '&cAuth &8| &cYou need to register first.'
  19. cracked:
  20. already: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account is already set as cracked. You can also try /premium'
  21. successful: '&cAuth &8| &cYour account cache was cleared by an admin, please re-join.'
  22. exception: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account is not registered on the server'
  23. premium:
  24. successful: '&cAuth &8| &aYour account has been set to premium please rejoin the server.'
  25. on_list: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account is already on the list please rejoin to apply changes.'
  26. error: '&cAuth &8| &cSomething weird happened please contact a staff member!'
  27. already_premium: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account is already set to premium, this command will not work!'
  28. not_registered: '&cAuth &8| &aYou first need to register your account to use /premium'
  29. not_mojang: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account does not exist on mojangs system'
  30. deactivated: '&cAuth &8| &cThis command has been disabled'
  31. only_player: '&cAuth &8| &cThis command only works on players'
  32. wrong_method: '&cAuth &8| &cThis command does not work with this method'
  33. require_login: '&cAuth &8| &cThis command only work if y ou are logged. Please use /login pass'
  34. unregister:
  35. correct: '&cAuth &8| &aCorrect usage: &c/authadmin forcelogin %player%'
  36. console: '&cAuth &8| &aThe user %player% was un-registered by %admin%'
  37. success: '&cAuth &8| &aThe player was un-registered correctly'
  38. disableshield:
  39. success: '&cAuth &8| &cThe shield has ben disabled correctly, now all the players can join'
  40. wrong: '&cAuth &8| &cThis server does not use the protection with shield mode.'
  41. cacheclear:
  42. correct: '&cAuth &8| &aCorrect usage: &c/authadmin playercacheclear %player%'
  43. success: '&cAuth &8| &aThe cache for %player% was cleared from the server'
  44. player_msg: '&cAuth &8| &cYour player info was removed from the cache by an admin, try join again.'
  45. changepassword:
  46. not: '&cAuth &8| &cYou need to register first...'
  47. wrong: '&cAuth &8| &cCorrect usage is: &a/changepassword current_pass new_pass'
  48. same: '&cAuth &8| &cYour new password is the same as the old one, please try with a different password.'
  49. successful: '&cAuth &8| &cYour account password has been updated correctly'
  50. incorrect: '&cAuth &8| &cYour current password is not the same as the registered password.'
  51. premium_adm:
  52. wrong: '&cAuth &8| &cCorrect usage is: /authadmin premium nick'
  53. already: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account is already set to premium'
  54. sucess: '&cAuth &8| &aThis account is now is set as premium'
  55. not_registered: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account does not exist on this server'
  56. cracked_adm:
  57. wrong: '&cAuth &8| &cCorrect usage is: /authadmin cracked nick'
  58. already: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account is already cracked'
  59. sucess: '&cAuth &8| &aThis account has now been set to cracked'
  60. not_registered: '&cAuth &8| &cThis account does not exist on this server'
  61. fetchdata: '&cAuth &8| &aThe command is processing and the result will be displayed on your DATABASE "playerip" Table'
  62. redis: '&cAuth &8| &aThe command was executed on the player proxy'
  63. rediserror: '&cAuth &8| &cThe player isn''t online or RedisBungee isn''t installed.'
  64. playerip:
  65. ipnotfound: '&cAuth &8| &cThe player ip isn''t registered on the database'
  66. addaccount: '&cAuth &8| &aAdded 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  67. minusaccount: '&cAuth &8| &aRemoved 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  68. addplaying: '&cAuth &8| &aAdded 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  69. minusplaying: '&cAuth &8| &aRemoved 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  70. delete: '&cAuth &8| &aThe %player% IP was deleted from the database'
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