
Just... why?

Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. This is my first ever fanfiction! Enjoy.
  2. “M- muh... ”
  3. As I begin to regain a sense of consciousness, the first thing I notice is the light scent of jasmine. It’s almost soothing; as if I was in the arms of my mother after having a nightmare.
  4. “Ah... hnng... “
  5. The world around me is slowly starting to come together. However, as it does, I notice that there is no world. Nothing but an endless, white void above a tiled floor, just like our club room.
  6. I don’t know whether to panic or go back to sleep... or whatever it was.
  7. After trying to make sense of everything, I notice the sound of heavy breathing coming from behind me. As I turn around, I’m greeted by the sight of Yuri; her arms covered in cuts and her face wearing an expression that i’ve never seen before. It’s actually kind of terrifying.
  8. “Natsuki...!”
  9. She calls to me with a tone that sounds like she’s being possessed by a demon. Pupils dilated, eyes widened, and an unsettling smile shoot at me like a bullet. I don’t know what to make this mess.
  10. I want to be scared, but i’m not.
  11. Her bloodshot eyes gave me a warm feeling of reassurance. It was almost hypnotizing. I really want to say something. I want to run away, but I wouldn’t have anywhere to run. That doesn’t really matter though, as I was fixated on Yuri’s otherworldly gaze.
  12. “Kh... khh... come closer... ”
  13. Without hesitation, I make my way towards Yuri, as if I was being gently guided by some sort of ghost. As I inch closer and closer to her, a slight pleasurable feeling slowly begins to build up inside of me. This feeling turned into what I could assume is arousal as I kneel down in front of her. It’s as if her presence, despite being almost physically appalling, is actually wiping all of my fears and worries away.
  14. Where I am or what happened to me doesn’t really matter anymore. I feel too good to care.
  15. The nothingness around me becomes the least of my concerns once I gaze into Yuri’s eyes. After what felt like a month long staring contest, Yuri quickly raises her injured arm to my face. Her arms are full of uniformed, large gashes that are, strangely enough, emitting the same scent of jasmine that woke me from... whatever I was doing.
  16. “Touch them.”
  17. I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to. Something took control of me, and if i’m being honest, I was completely fine with that. I begin to gently brush my fingers over Yuri’s open wounds. “
  18. “Haah...!”
  19. Yuri lets out a soft moan as I drag my fingertips up and down Yuri’s numerous cuts. Each moment of contact between us sends out little touches of pleasure throughout my body. As I stated before, I don’t know what the hell is going on, and I don’t care. This is the greatest moment of my life.
  20. My heart is beating faster and faster. I was completely enveloped in sweat and tears. My mind becomes a torrent of thoughts, memories, and noises, but yet seems so calm and tranquil. I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to reach heights that I never thought I could. As if I devolved into some feral beast, I forcibly claw my fingers into Yuri’s arms
  21. “NnnAAAAAAAHHHHHHaaahhhh!”
  22. She lets out an incredible scream. One of pleasure and pain. I loved it. I wanted more. I wanted to experience more of Yuri’s pain. I want more of her blood. I want to become one with her. My mind is blank as I fuck her wounds with my hands, clawing at them like a tiger tearing apart their meal of the day. By this time, Yuri and I are both screaming from a state of absolute mind-numbing pleasure. The sounds of her flesh sloshing around is driving me completely insane. Up and down, up and down, up and down. No sexual experience in all of the worlds can come close to what we are feeling right now. That wasn’t stopping me, however. I wanted more. I needed more. I begin to drag my claws into Yuri’s beautiful wounds and drag them down as hard as I possibly could.
  23. Rrr-rip!
  24. The sounds of Yuri’s tearing flesh along with her demon-like shrieks send waves of complete euphoria throughout every inch of my body. The sound is akin to forcibly tearing leather followed by the feeling of dipping your fingertips into a sweet, juicy orange. By this time, we are both completely covered in a layer of Yuri’s blood. The average person would have died from this amount of blood loss, but something is keeping us alive.
  25. Alive and in love.
  26. As I mindlessly rip and tear into Yuri’s body, a loud noise pounds against my ear drums. The state of euphoria I was currently in was replaced with a state of absolute fear and torment.
  27. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” All I could do is shriek. All of the love and pleasure that I felt with my lover is gone. I can’t take this. As a result, I attempt to wrap my arms around whatever was left of Yuri’s body. However, there was no body to hug. Whatever was left of Yuri’s body had transformed into a pile of disgusting, long-legged spiders, only leaving her head. I’m completely frozen in shock, able to do nothing but watch as the spiders crawl up my arm and look into Yuri’s cold, dead eyes.
  28. What’s that? She’s saying something to me.
  29. I can’t hear her over the sound of this tormenting buzzing sound. All I can make out from the movement of her lips is the word “Wake! Wake! Wake!” as the spiders engulf me completely. All there is left is a true void of nothingness. All of the pain, pleasure, suffering, spiders, and noise have disappeared, and I was left with nothing but a growing white light. At this point, there was literally nothing I could do, so fuck it. Whatever happens happens. By now the light has completely engulfed me, and transported to me to what looks like a room.
  30. Wait... wh... where am I?
  31. Oh, shit. It’s 6 AM.
  32. Now where’s that poem at?
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