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2018-06-17 - Monero Dev Meeting summary and logs:

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Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. <rehrarthebrearar> k, made a new channel #monero-world-cup
  2. <rehrarthebrearar> dev is now focused
  3. <m2049r[m]> and monerujo doesnt have subaddresses (yet) 😆
  4. <rehrarthebrearar> pre pings
  5. <endogenic> rehrarthebrearar: better to have pinged the people
  6. <rehrarthebrearar> ArticMine binaryFate fluffypony luigi1111 luigi1111w smooth hyc moneromooo vtnerd iDunk anonimal
  7. <endogenic> pinged -> PMd
  8. <rehrarthebrearar> DaveyJones dEBRUYNE Jaquee dsc_ medusa_ gingeropolous suraeNoether sarang stoffu
  9. <rehrarthebrearar> pigeons serhack tficharmers and all others
  10. <serhack> thanks rehrarthebrearar
  11. <rehrarthebrearar>
  12. <rehrarthebrearar> 1. Greetings
  13. <endogenic> hi rehrar
  14. <rehrarthebrearar> Who all is out there?
  15. <rbrunner> Hoi zäme
  16. <serhack> Hello
  17. <ErCiccione> Hi!
  18. <+moneromooo> here
  19. <rehrarthebrearar> 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting
  20. <+hyc> I'm definitely out there
  21. <rehrarthebrearar> Anyone have anything to report for the past couple weeks?
  22. <endogenic> rehrarthebrearar: anything to report?
  23. <rehrarthebrearar> I had a good vacation. That's my report.
  24. <@ArticMine> hi
  25. <endogenic> dev related
  26. <vtnerd> present
  27. <+hyc> nothing to report here
  28. <ErCiccione> the bastard unofficial release:
  29. <vtnerd> got some patches for ZMQ JSON RPC stuff (missing data, etc). apparently no one using a few of the calls
  30. <endogenic> ^-- we're making progress on the lightwallet server, which is using lmdb and zmq
  31. <endogenic> or hosted wallet
  32. <vtnerd> the ZMQ is between daemon <--> mymonero-api-compatible-server
  33. <vtnerd> otherwise its still using http REST+JSON for better/worse
  34. <serhack> I'll take a look vtnerd and endogenic, any links?
  35. <endogenic> soon
  36. <vtnerd> although supporting ZMQ on that shouldn't be terrible should someone want it
  37. <vtnerd> good point, haven't published that yet will get on that
  38. <@ArticMine> I am working on the fee / scaling formula for Bulletproofs
  39. <el00ruobuob_[m]> how are the audits going?
  40. <serhack> Personally I am working on Mastering Monero. I know that isn't dev related but that will help new developers that would like to understand about Monero.
  41. <@ArticMine> Mainly to address the difference in scaling for size and verification time
  42. <rehrarthebrearar> any update on that ArticMine? How's it going?
  43. <@ArticMine> I am not dealing with the audits directly
  44. <rehrarthebrearar> I meant on the fee/scaling formula
  45. <@ArticMine> The concept is done it is mainly the details
  46. <rehrarthebrearar> sarang needs to report on the audits, but it doesn't seem he's around atm
  47. <suraeNoether> el00ruobuob_[m]: Quarkslab apparently says they will be done very soon
  48. <suraeNoether> end of next week
  49. <@ArticMine> replacement of blocksize with block weight
  50. <suraeNoether> sorry, hi, i'm here :D and helpful
  51. <+hyc> sarang left a note in -research-lab yesterday or so
  52. <sarang> Quarkslab will finish in about a week
  53. <+hyc> Quarkslab said they found a few opportunities to flag invalid stuff earlier, but no vulns.
  54. <sarang> Kudelski around end of month
  55. <suraeNoether> i'm literally emailing a musig author right now about a question koe and i both had about their set-up and replay protection
  56. <sarang> Benedikt begins now
  57. <+hyc> oh there he is
  58. <sarang> Yeah just for a minute tho
  59. <el00ruobuob_[m]> good to hear!
  60. <rehrarthebrearar> yup, sounds promising. Anyone else?
  61. <rehrarthebrearar> alright, let's move on
  62. <rehrarthebrearar> 3. Point release items (GUI)
  63. <rehrarthebrearar> I expect this to be short because all that's being waited on is fp, no?
  64. <dEBRUYNE> Yes
  65. <rehrarthebrearar> Ok. :P 4. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A
  66. <dEBRUYNE> Oh for the GUI I suppose we could discuss this ->
  67. <dEBRUYNE> ^ If anyone has remarks, throw them out :p
  68. <rbrunner> I thought that this "bootstrap mode" (remote daemon until local one is synced) is already worked on. Misunderstanding?
  69. <rehrarthebrearar> reading
  70. <+hyc> as I commented on reddit, I believe this will lead to local nodes never catching up
  71. <+hyc> users will fire up wallet, do a few things, then shut it all down
  72. <+moneromooo> Ugh. Good point.
  73. <el00ruobuob_[m]> are casual users supposed to run a full node? If gui is too heavy for them they'll use monerujo or cake wallet...
  74. <ErCiccione> yeah that's probably a deal breaker hyc didn't think about that
  75. <@ArticMine> Can we wait for bullet proofs? There are a lot of optimization that will impact this
  76. <dEBRUYNE> Bulletproofs doesn't reduce the sync time retrospectively
  77. <dEBRUYNE> rbrunner: The functionality is there, it just isn't default
  78. <@ArticMine> But has a major impact on the verification time
  79. <+moneromooo> They kinda do. Range proofs covered by hoh aren't checked.
  80. <dEBRUYNE> moneromooo: could you elaborate?
  81. <iDunk> The mysterious hoh :)
  82. * dEBRUYNE heads to github
  83. <+moneromooo> case 1: quick sync from 0 to 1.5e6, slow range proof sync from 1.5e6 to 1.6e6.
  84. <+moneromooo> case 2: quick sync from 0 to 1.6e6, medium speed bp sync from 1.6e6 to 1.7e6.
  85. <+moneromooo> You traded 100k slow for 100k quick + 100k medium, which is very likely faster.
  86. <+moneromooo> Won't last super long as the chain grows though.
  87. <dEBRUYNE> hyc: Good point. I'll have to put some thought into that. More full nodes is only one aspect of a greater user base though. Another would arguably be more transactions
  88. <+moneromooo> (100k is a placeholder, I don't know the actual number)
  89. <dEBRUYNE> I see, thanks for clarifying. Do you have an idea how much it saves relatively though?
  90. <@ArticMine> Another issue that we want to encourage more nodes to improve the new user performance
  91. <iDunk> Hours.
  92. <@ArticMine> Try syncing MoneroV and one see the impact of very few nodes
  93. <+moneromooo> They actually released somthing ?
  94. <@ArticMine> It took like 4 day on hard ware that would sync Monero in 5 hours
  95. <dEBRUYNE> ArticMine: I posit that eventually you end up with more full nodes though
  96. <+hyc> using bootstrap nodes is better than no local nodes at all
  97. <+hyc> but I think overall, not a lot better
  98. <@ArticMine> I am not disagreeing just saying that are changes in the pipeline that will impact this
  99. * Keniyal (~Keniyal@unaffiliated/keniyal) has joined #monero-dev
  100. <+hyc> either way, you need to get in the user's face and make them read and click.
  101. <+hyc> don't leave it hidden/automatic/transparent.
  102. <rehrarthebrearar> do we stick then to the ideals, or do we make concessions for reality?
  103. <endogenic> *rolls his eyes*
  104. <dEBRUYNE> hyc: Yes, we'd rather have a user use a bootstrap node than a remote node indefinitely
  105. <rbrunner> I think most new users lack completely the conceptual understanding of the whole architecture to judge what to do
  106. <+hyc> and it might be as futile as expecting people to read EULAs before clicking OK
  107. <@ArticMine> Sometimes the ideal actually make the reality work
  108. <endogenic> <3 ArticMine
  109. <@smooth> the reality really doesn't work if everyone is just trying o use free remote nodes
  110. <+hyc> but I think we should still put it in front of their face and force them to click.
  111. <dEBRUYNE> hyc: Are you proposing some kind of disclaimer page?
  112. <dEBRUYNE> Like ToS :-P
  113. <rbrunner> Maybe put nice animations in front of their face that help understanding of daemons and the network?
  114. <endogenic> how about an incentive system?
  115. <rbrunner> And the importance of all
  116. <ErCiccione> what kind of incentive endogenic?
  117. <rbrunner> A lottery among all the new full nodes of the current week? :)
  118. <endogenic> well to smooth's comment if people are just using free stuff..
  119. <dEBRUYNE> rbrunner: I think it would be more important to warn them about the trade-offs of (temporarily) using a remote node
  120. <@smooth> rbrunner: we can hire Kurzgesagt to do a nice animation for us
  121. <dEBRUYNE> and give them an option to opt-out and just start the blockchain sync from scratch without a bootstrap node
  122. <+hyc> dEBRUYNE: yes. explain "we're uding a remote node to get you started quickly" blah blah blah
  123. <rbrunner> Yeah, but first you have to get enough understanding to even see what is a remote node :)
  124. <rbrunner> Or a "node" at all
  125. <rbrunner> I think hiding all this exactly the wrong way
  126. <rehrarthebrearar> I think that the wallet stewarded by the core team should indeed stick to the ideals. If somebody else wants to make a GUI that goes remote node first or by default, then nobody is stopping them
  127. <ErCiccione> don't we have some PR people right now? they could help with is
  128. <ErCiccione> *this
  129. <dEBRUYNE> rehrarthebrearar: I'd agree for the CLI, but we should be a bit more lenient on the GUI
  130. <endogenic> rehrarthebrearar: i don't think we need to use the word ideals. there are principles of how things work
  131. <@smooth> actually the 'ideal' is maybe there is no core GUI at all
  132. <@smooth> obviously it serves a purpose now
  133. <dEBRUYNE> hyc: Yeah I envisioned something similar. Just a full page w/ trade-offs and an option to opt-out
  134. <rehrarthebrearar> dEBRUYNE: meh,, the GUI isn't exactly a stellar example of UX period.
  135. <endogenic> nor is the code itself
  136. <dEBRUYNE> How is that related?
  137. <+hyc> dEBRUYNE: sure. put a timer on the OK button, don't enable it for 10-20 seconds.
  138. <rehrarthebrearar> well, I mean that the concessions for the increased UX don't matter a huge amount imo.
  139. <rehrarthebrearar> It's still for power users.
  140. <dEBRUYNE> The GUI is fairly easy to use as long as you have a fully synced daemon and wallet
  141. <dEBRUYNE> Most issues are stemming from the daemon not being fully synced or the GUI lagging
  142. <dEBRUYNE> My proposal addresses both of those
  143. <rbrunner> The GUI is fairly easy to use as long as you understand what you do
  144. <rehrarthebrearar> ^
  145. <rbrunner> If you don't even a magic GUI and UX won't help you
  146. <rehrarthebrearar> it's not necessarily intuitive, which is not the fault of the GUI per se, but a fault of cryptocurrencies in general, and Monero has added complexity.
  147. <rbrunner> Exactly my opinion
  148. <+hyc> lagging sounds like improper division of labor btween graphics threads and worker threads
  149. <rbrunner> But we are not helpless against this fact, are we?
  150. <rehrarthebrearar> If someone has done the research to get into Monero at all right now, they might as well do the research to run a full node or not? :D
  151. <rehrarthebrearar> rbrunner, of course not
  152. <endogenic> yes hyc
  153. <dEBRUYNE> rehrarthebrearar: you're significantly diverging from the original discussion now though
  154. <@smooth> what does 'GUI lagging' mean exactly
  155. <rbrunner> See that people still completely freak out about change, for example
  156. <+hyc> OK then - who is the target audience of the GUI?
  157. <endogenic> hyc: that is the problem
  158. <dEBRUYNE> smooth: I should've clarified that I meant that the system "lags", i.e., users are unable to use other processes properly
  159. <rehrarthebrearar> with only one real desktop GUI in existence, doesn't the answer default to 'everyone'?
  160. <@smooth> dEBRUYNE: okay, that is a matter of resource usage i guess
  161. <dEBRUYNE> it mostly happens on Windows fwiw
  162. <+hyc> rehrarthebrearar: maybe but I think that's unrealistic at this stage
  163. <rehrarthebrearar> hyc exactly
  164. <dEBRUYNE> smooth: It's probably related to hyc's observation, i.e., the GUI and monerod running concurrently
  165. <@ArticMine> For many if not most people running a full node makes sense; however there are cases where it is not appropriate and this has nothing to do with how tech savvy the person is
  166. <@smooth> dEBRUYNE: have you confirmed that reduced max-concurrency actually helps. maybe propose to change that default on windows?
  167. <endogenic> how about a core GUI that actually mirrors simplewallet functionality
  168. <endogenic> in its UI. then you can build it in a modular pluggable way so others can expand it in different ways
  169. <endogenic> users are already familiar with spreadsheets for example
  170. <endogenic> keep it simple
  171. <endogenic> try not to abstract
  172. <@ArticMine> I really like this idea. A GUI for power users
  173. <+hyc> not sure this is a good time to design a brand new GUI
  174. <dEBRUYNE> smooth: Yes, anecdotally though
  175. <endogenic> it's not about designing a new GUI
  176. <endogenic> it's about using the existing simplewallet design
  177. <endogenic> and just plopping the same access into a GUI kit
  178. <@smooth> dEBRUYNE: it seems like a reasonable change that could help things independent of the remote node issue
  179. <endogenic> the whole point is, anytime something is added to simplewallet, even a dev should be able to design how to add it to the GUI
  180. <dEBRUYNE> smooth: It also occurs on mac os x, but I've seen it happen less often
  181. <+hyc> lowering max-concurrency to something like cores/2 is not a bad idea
  182. <dEBRUYNE> Of course this could be explained by there simply being less mac os x GUI users
  183. <+hyc> unfortunately, "max-concurrency" is a lie. monerod spawns tons of threads completely independent of this setting
  184. <endogenic> yup..
  185. <rbrunner> Hmm, that may be more difficult than you anticipate. I was thinking about how to add my own MMS to the GUI and really did not get very far
  186. <dEBRUYNE> smooth: Yeah I'd agree
  187. <dEBRUYNE> hyc: Only for the GUI or?
  188. <dEBRUYNE> Because running monerod separately usually doesn't produce any issues
  189. <+hyc> dEBRUYNE: in that case I have no idea what's up
  190. <+moneromooo> It's *worker* threads. Other threads are typically mostly idle.
  191. <dEBRUYNE> hyc: With monerod separately I meant monerod with the GUI closed
  192. <+hyc> right
  193. <dEBRUYNE> So this probably still applies -> <hyc> lagging sounds like improper division of labor btween graphics threads and worker threads
  194. <rehrarthebrearar> Alright, any further discussion on what dEBRUYNE has brought up?
  195. <endogenic> apparently not :P
  196. <dEBRUYNE> hyc: Btw, the GUI allows the user to run the daemon in the background upon closing the GUI
  197. <dEBRUYNE> Perhaps we could add some more information there on how it would benefit the network etc.
  198. <+hyc> that's helpful. as long as it also makes users aware of that
  199. <+hyc> right
  200. <rehrarthebrearar> 4. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A
  201. <rehrarthebrearar> anything for this? moneromooo around to field questions?
  202. <iDunk> < rehrarthebrearar> Ok. :P 4. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A
  203. <+hyc> is there going to be a 0.12.3?
  204. <+hyc> I mean, we've merged quite a few bug fixes into master recently
  205. <endogenic> lol dEBRUYNE
  206. <+moneromooo> That depends on whether the pony can find the strength.
  207. <rehrarthebrearar> right iDunk, but then we peddled backward a bit I thought
  208. <dEBRUYNE> endogenic: ?
  209. <endogenic> oops sorry that was iDunk
  210. <dEBRUYNE> :-P
  211. <rehrarthebrearar> but ok, if we feel that's been done we can move on
  212. <rehrarthebrearar> 5. Any additional meeting items
  213. <+moneromooo> I have one thing about 4011: if anyone doesn't mind switching their db to v3 (that is, not being able to use a master/v2 branch after that), testing all of 4011's SSL cases would be nice ^_^
  214. <+moneromooo> Also, I don't know alot about SSL, so someone who does feel free to tell me what config problems need fixing.
  215. <+hyc> that PR has a ton of other commits in it.
  216. <+hyc> no way to trim that down?
  217. <+moneromooo> Yes, because it doesn't apply to master until the previous ones are merged.
  218. <+hyc> ok
  219. <@ArticMine> I have to leave now.
  220. <+moneromooo> But luigi's working on that (thanks)
  221. <selsta> I got a suggestion: changing the db-sync-mode once a node is fully synced up so people don’t corrupt their db when they do something bad
  222. <endogenic> ttyl ArticMine
  223. <+moneromooo> It is done.
  224. <+hyc> selsta: current code already does that
  225. <selsta> oh okay lol seen people still complaining about this, maybe they are talking about past experiences
  226. * TheoStorm ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  227. <+moneromooo> It was buggy till recently. And not yet merged either I think.
  228. <endogenic> does anyone ever think about how cool it would be if we had library builds of monero that we could link to?
  229. <endogenic> or that we could transpile or bind to from other languages?
  230. <endogenic> anyone else..
  231. <+hyc> if everything were in C, you could already bind to it from any other language
  232. <+hyc> ... my usual anti-C++ rant ...
  233. <endogenic> yeah well for that we need an actual C dev to do some work on it
  234. * rbrunner ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  235. <endogenic> i'm just trying to figure out if anyone actually thinks it's important
  236. * rbrunner ( has joined #monero-dev
  237. <oneiric_> think it's important, not enough C experience to do it right
  238. <endogenic> well we don't need C++
  239. <endogenic> we can just start with what we have now if it's teased apart
  240. <endogenic> people don't build it in a teased-apart way right now
  241. <endogenic> so they must not think it's important
  242. <endogenic> GUI dev shouldn't require another API layer on top of wallet2 for ex
  243. <+hyc> GUI should have just been built on top of wallet-rpc
  244. <endogenic> lots of things go into making GUI dev complicated
  245. <endogenic> it's not that complicated for me though
  246. <+hyc> but that's already a lost cause
  247. <+hyc> are we wrapping up?
  248. <rehrarthebrearar> alright, winding down now
  249. <rehrarthebrearar> yes
  250. <rehrarthebrearar> 6. Confirm next meeting date/time
  251. <rehrarthebrearar> July 1st, 17:00 UTC
  252. <endogenic> phew that hurts
  253. <rehrarthebrearar> And I think we done here if there are no objections. Please feel free to continue conversations that have been brought up in the meeting in the appropriate channels
  254. <rehrarthebrearar> thanks everyone!
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