
[f-list] radst x laas

Mar 4th, 2018
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  1. [2018/03/03]Laas: He was certainly a sight, trawling through the sparsely lit streets at dusk. Unable to use glamours or other means of invisibility and unwilling to be arrested on indecent exposure charges, Laas had opted to cover his body in a pair of denim skinny jeans that his lithe figure filled out uncharacteristically well, his chest concealed by a muscle shirt (the only type sans "none" that allowed all four of his arms the blessing of freedom). A smug expression seemed permanently plastered on his face, causing the corners of his lips to turn up and the very tips of his canines to jut over his lips. He was asking to be punched. He didn't care. It had been over a month since he'd been able to slip past the gate and he was fiending for a fix. No amount of self-stimulation could sate such severe cravings, and he was too weak to overcome his neighbors; he needed a mortal, and he needed one now. This desperation caused his caution to be thrown to the wind when he called out to the first humanoid figure he saw: Radst. "Hey! Come here!" A neutral tone, but laced with arrogance. The "kid" looked small from a distance, small enough to ignore his horns and wings. That bridge would be burned when gotten to.
  2. [2018/03/03]Laas: ( I should be considerably faster... and briefer... after the starter, I just tend to overthink 'em// )
  3. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh: (You're fine cutie <3)
  4. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh was standing on the sidewalk outside a convenience store, a small plastic shopping bag sitting next to him. At the moment he was flipping through his phone, but at the sound of Laas' voice he looked up to glare at the uninvited interruption. It was slightly cold out, and he was dressed in a hoodie and jeans, still warm enough that he could keep the hood down at the moment so that it didn't get caught on his horns. The look on his face was one of irritation. He had been in a bad mood all week, terrible customers at work and frustration building up, and this jackass looked like he was looking for a fight. So he had four arms, big deal. He looked like he was a demon as well, but that didn't mean anything to Radst, If anything it just made him want to kick the guy's ass even more, considering that he looked to be an actual demon like Radst's father, who he was not particularly fond of. Sliding the phone back into his pocket along with his hands he left the bag where it was and went over to give Laas a looking over, standing right in front of him in a posture that made it clear he wasn't going to just roll over and die. "Can I help you?" he asked in a sarcastic tone. "Hell portal is over on the left, you can go fuck yourself and then go right back home, or I can do it for you."
  5. [2018/03/03]Laas: He should have adopted a frown, but he couldn't help but widen that shit-eating grin and crossing his upper arms over his chest, standing up straight as to make that one inch count "Is that how you treat a guest? I know how to get back, I'm just a little lost on the surface is all." One lower hand was raised slowly to grasp the other's chin. "Looks like I don't need them anymore. You're a fresh face and half human is human enough for me," he cooed softly, those bright yellow eyes half-lidded. His entire being oozed smugness. Provocation of such a nature probably wasn't the best solution with such a volatile mark, but Laas' head was far too big to forsee the consequences or know any other way. "Now, come on. Being like that isn't going to help either of us." Being so close in height, when he stepped forward to close the pittance of a gap the two were practically nose to nose. Close enough for that spaded tale to slither forward like a viper, making to coil itself gingerly around Radst's leg, its fleshy shaft hot against the breeze-chilled denim. "Six limbs against four. This won't end well for one of us." Oh, how ironic.
  6. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh just rolled his eyes. He wasn't even going to feel bad about punching out a few of this guy's teeth afterwards. He was almost literally begging for it at this point. Radst didn't back down even the slightest as Laas stepped in, and if anything he just leaned in closer, his lips parting a little to show off his bared teeth in a snarl. "Extra pair of arms isn't going to help you any, pretty boy," he said in a low growl, staring Laas down. "When was the last time you hit the gym? Do they even have gyms in hell? You look like you just got your lunch money stolen by a butterfly." He glanced down briefly as Laas' tail curled around his leg. Fine, if he wanted to play it that way... There was absolutely no warning as Radst reared back, winding up a haymaker and sending it straight into Laas' face. He was already starting to grin as the adrenaline rushed through his blood, and unlike the pastel princess demon standing in front of him, or more likely no longer standing, Radst's muscles were nothing to be trifled with in a fight.
  7. [2018/03/03]Laas: So busy sneering and trying to look tough to actually react to the wind-up, the hit struck. Hard. His head was the first thing to snap to the side, followed quickly by the rest of his negligible body mass. As he collapsed onto the ground with none of his hands managing to save him, that unblemished tan skin got rather scraped up. The stinging didn't register until quite a few moments afterward when he forced himself to sit up, spitting out a coppery tasting mixture of saliva and blood followed by a "you..." The growling reflected the malice burning in his eyes, pupils slitted like that of a cat. Also feline was the agitated lashing of his tail. Both were empty, more theatrics to cover the throbbing of his already-bruising cheek and the absolute decimation of his pride. His "magic" was just as worthless as his body type, no better than an illusionist pulling a card from his sleeve, and he was aware of it. Unfortunately, he wasn't aware that the adrenaline and anger surging through his own body would only serve to make him more reckless. And more reckless he was, scrambling to his feet and unthinkingly seizing the collar of Radst's hoodie with two hands while the others pushed grabbed at his waist, blind and misguided with fury. "I'm going to... gh..." he was heaving too hard to finish his sentence.
  8. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh glared at him with an almost indifferent expression as Laas grabbed his collar. He knew the pansy was going to go down easy, but this was too easy for it to even be any fun. "Tell your mommy on me?" he said finishing the demon's sentence for him. A hand came up to grab Laas' wrist, wrenching it away from his collar. His other hand grabbed at one of the demon's lower shoulders and he spun the boy around, twisting his held arm behind him and up against his back, pinning it there into a rather painful position. Laas felt a foot against his lower back shoving him down onto his knees on the pavement, and although he still had three hands left, none of them were going to help him at all at this point. "You should really apologize for being so terrible at this," Laas heard Radst's voice whisper in his ear. Radst pressed in against his back, kneeling behind him and using his weight to keep the demons' legs pinned in place while his free hand reached forward to grab at one of Laas' lower wrists. "I had all this energy to work out, now I'm going to have to find a different way to do that..." Laas couldn't see it of course, but Radst's lips were curled into a smirk. What he could feel on the other hand was a thick, stiff bulge throbbing against his ass, grinding slowly against the now helpless demon.
  9. [2018/03/03]Laas: "At least my mo--" he meant to make a derogatory remark about heritage (seeing as barking was all he could do), but was cut short by the sudden process of being forced down, rendered totally powerless, clenching and unclenching his free fists haplessly like a drowned animal floundering for air. A hiss of pain was sucked in through his clenched teeth but he offered no other reaction but the widening of his eyes, thin pupil and bright iris trembling and looking around frantically as if seeking an escape route that wasn't there. It wasn't until that pulsating sensation that they stopped and he restarted his struggle, but under all that pressure the match just wasn't able to relight. "Let me go, you bastard," Laas spat, exasperated. "I don't ffffucking... I can't..." I can't be a bottom, he wanted to say, but for once he knew to keep his mouth shut. Furthermore, he was all too aware of his own loins stirring, a hopeless feeling that would soon be afforded little privacy by the tight, cheaply made fabric of his thin pants. After a few seconds he closed his eyes, hypersensitive to the hammering of his chest in his ribcage and the blood pumping in his ears. It was all he could focus on besides that grinding at his rear.
  10. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh smirked. "Oh look, you're enjoying yourself already," Radst growled in his ear. "Is this why you really came here? You should have just said so in the first place, would have spared you a few broken teeth." He shoved Laas down from his knees onto all fours, face-first into the pavement, leaning in against his back to keep the demon held completely immobile now except for one upper and one lower arm. The demon felt that grip on his upper wrist twisting it into an even more painful position up behind his neck, before it was released freeing Radst's hand but keeping it pinned between his chest and Laas' back. "I guess I can do a pretty boy like you a little favor, seeing as that's all you're good for..." Radst's voice was low and lustful, and Laas felt his hips pull back for a second, dragging down the demon's pants in back to expose his lithe ass. When Radst pressed in against him again, this time it was bare flesh on flesh, the head of a thick, rock-hard cock pushing in between Laas' cheeks and right up against his entrance. "Bite the pillow, pretty boy," he growled in Laas' ear, and his sharp fangs sunk suddenly into the side of the demon's neck. He felt a rough thrust from behind him, and that thick cock slammed straight into his ass, getting nearly all the way in, and Radst's voice letting out a low sigh of pleasure as he made a second hard shove to get the rest of the way inside until his balls were pressed right up against Laas' from behind.
  11. [2018/03/03]Laas: Black. That's all he saw as his eyelids plummeted and forced out the tears brimming in his eyes from the manipulation of his trapped arm. That first plunging thrust invited a carnal noise not attributed to any existing language, a scream of pain that he forgot to stifle thanks to the swimming of his head. Hot and dry, the only two sensations he could think of at the uninvited penetration. Hot and dry, the two feelings that caused him to continue to scrabble away just before the final push with his available arms, sharp claws scraping fruitlessly against the unforgiving payment. Unable to bear the thought of somebody looking out and seeing him in such a position, even if none of the demons in Hell could give a rat's ass about lower caste scum and mortals wouldn't care, he relegated his audibility to a strained grunt this time, lips serenely sealed for once. At this point his cock was flaccid and he was more focused on ruing that breath of satisfaction behind him and the likely-bleeding pricks in his throat. "Pull out, you motherfucker. Pull out!" he managed to snap, though his words held no weight when they were muffled, directed at the pavement, and unsupported by any kind of meaningful movement... unless you counted the running of his lips, or the swishing of his tail, or his continued attempts to struggle with his few free appendages. "Or else... or else... damn it, I don't know. It just fucking hurts!"
  12. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh ignored him completely. There wasn't anything he could do at this point, and there was no reason to pay attention to him at all, other than to taunt him. But even the mood for that had passed, and Radst was now focused more on the tightness of Laas' ass around his cock. To be fair, he did pull out... mostly, but of course he then thrust right back in again, slamming into the demon's ass right up against his prostate. "Mmhf," Radst grunted, grabbing at the demon's other lower arm now and leaving him with only one hand free. The weight on Laas' back kept him held down against the pavement as he was taken hard and deep, and thankfully at least the precum drooling into his ass made it slightly less painful for him. Slightly. Of course that was made up for by the feeling of sharp fangs dragging against his neck, leaving red trails down along one side as the cock inside him started to pound him brutally. Every thrusts was aimed right up against his prostate, a heavy pair of balls slapping against his own from behind, each thrust hard enough to make the demon's body jerk forward. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?" Radst whispered in his ear. The hands on both of Laas' lower wrists pulled them back and up and into the air on either side of him, holding on to them like a pair of reins to drag Laas' body back into every thrust.
  13. [2018/03/03]Laas: Despite his continued swearing and attempts to insist otherwise, that constant, rhythmic prostate stimulation was sending the demon over the edge, and the tantalizing contact of their balls and the sheer size difference was making him a little heady. Even the deep bites weren't enough to stave off the inevitability of arousal. Anyone paying attention could see Laas' smaller, skinnier shaft beginning to swell as it swung like a pendulum beneath his concave stomach, between those awkwardly splayed legs and forcefully lifted hips. The feeling of hot breath on the sensitive skin of his ears certainly didn't help, either. It wasn't long before the concrete beneath was just as stained with translucent precum as his insides, dripping from Laas' semi-exposed, swollen cockhead in thick, glistening droplets. "If I wanted my ass torn in two I wouldn't have bothered with a runt like you," he responded dryly with a wince at the treatment of his arms. With no physical ability, talking extremely weak shit was all he had.
  14. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh grinned widely, showing off his blood-stained fangs. "How's it feel getting your ass handed to you in two different ways by a runt?" His tongue pressed flat against the base of one of Laas' horns and dragged slowly up along the side to the tip, where his lips closed around it to begin sucking on it very suggestively. He even went so far as to bob his head onto the back-swept protrusion, getting a few inches into his mouth and sliding his lips up and down along it. Of course, that was all the attention Laas would be getting. He certainly wouldn't be getting any of that treatment down below, not after what he'd tried to pull. Radst's cock was starting to throb powerfully inside him, making the prissy demon's ass a slick mess of precum as every thrust sunk into him deep enough for him to feel the impact in his belly. "Mmh fuck I'm gonna cum soon..." Radst said in a low voice around the tip of Laas' horn. He brought the demon's lower wrists back down to pin them to the pavement again, making a hard shove into the boy and only adding to all the scrapes he was going to walk away from this with.
  15. [2018/03/03]Laas: Just as he was opening his mouth to spit out an answer to the question, he felt that warm sensation on the hard black exterior of his horns and clamped his lips shut again as to smother the moan bubbling up from his throat, not wanting to give Radst the satisfaction of hearing him cry out in pleasure rather than pain. Through these ministrations he approached full mast, his glans becoming more and more red and painful-looking and tension building up in his stomach. His neglected cock continued to weep, pooling beneath him just as his drool did beneath his slightly ajar jaw. His ass throbbed, though that massive girth inside so consistently managed to assault his prostate and cause each thrust to go straight to his own pulsating dick. His entire being ached from pressure in all the wrong places and being jerked around so much, practically a ragdoll in the considerably stronger male's grip. He didn't dare look back, not risking the possibility of an errant bite that would cost him his life in addition to his already-gone dignity, but he was almost certain his insides were scrambled from that huge, cock-shaped bulge pressing against his stomach devoid of fat. Only the vibration around his horn and the words spoken jolted him into action, transitioning from barely-suppressed mewls and gasps and yelps to four scathing words. "Don't you fucking dare."
  16. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh let go of one of his wrists, and before he knew what was happening his face was stinging and red from a sharp slap that was powerful enough to make his head jerk. "You know what?" Radst grinned. "Maybe I won't." He pulled out almost all the way, then made a hard thrust into Laas again, getting in deep enough to bulge the demon's belly, but then stopped completely. "Maybe I think you're being a bit too much of a little bitch. Maybe I think you should have to work for it." His tongue dragged upward along the demon's horn again, circling around the tip and taking it between his teeth to bite down on the bone hard. "Just for that little outburst, I'm not going to cum inside you. Yet. I'm going to make you beg for it first." The cock inside him was grinding steadily against his prostate, hilted so deep it felt like Radst's balls were going to push inside him as well, throbbing against Laas' to warm them from behind. Another sharp slap stung the demon's cheek in the same spot, then another, and another. "Beg for it," he snarled. "Tell me how much you want me to fuck your ass and blow my load inside you. Thank me for being kind enough to fuck you, and maybe I'll let you jerk off as well."
  17. [2018/03/03]Laas: Dazed and only half-alert despite the searing pain in his head and the rawness of his already-injured cheek, Laas' first instinct was to growl a "fuck you," but it became increasingly clear the more contact there was that he wouldn't be able to keep this up. His legs trembled, and probably would have collapsed already if they weren't stuck in place, scraped and impressed upon by the rough concrete. His twitching cock was aching for release, tempted by the pulse of the much larger balls behind it and the prospect of contact. His face was peppered with welts just as his neck was peppered with fresh, open wounds that had scarcely been allowed to begin clotting. His hips were already unconsciously trying to move. His unhanded arms laid limp on the concrete, the fingers absently twitching. The overstimulation was getting to him, bad. That volatile cocktail of pain and pleasure building to a dull roar in his emaciated-looking abdomen. Enough was enough, but he couldn't abandon his standard principles. He still had to be snarky, no matter what it earned him. "What, do you need permission?" He coughed wetly first to try and remedy the hoarseness of his voice. "Why don't you just do it? Thrust that massive cock as deep as it can go, cram that engorged head up against my insides? Coat my ass white until I'm practically pregnant? I know you want to act superior, but even you can't hold back that long." Those last few words were accentuated with a weak squeeze. "Ju-... just fill me up already, you piece of shit." He faltered, and in the process of cursing himself for stuttering when he had maintained that sarcastic tone for so long forgot to say thanks.
  18. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh grazed his teeth down along the demon's ear. "Good start," he smirked, bringing his free hand down to press firmly against Laas' chest. His nails raked slowly down at an angle across his heart, not quite drawing blood but leaving faint red trails before Radst pressed his palm against the demon's chest again over them. "Oh I would loooooove to get you pregnant," he whispered in the male's ear. "You'd be so cute leaving here with a baby in your belly. I bet that would teach you to pick fights." His tongue trailed up along the edge of Laas ear again, this time continuing all the way back up along his horn as well, taking the tip between his lips to suckle on it slowly. His cock was still rock-hard inside Laas, stretching him out deep enough for the tip to press out against his stomach, but he still didn't start fucking the demon again no matter how much he knew he wanted it. He was going to really make him suffer for a while. His mouth slid down around Laas' other horn now, getting it deep into his throat until his lips were pressed right against the top of the demon's head. His tongue circled around the base while he sucked firmly on the entire thing, fellating Laas' horn as a reminder of what he wouldn't be getting, while deep inside him Laas could feel that thick cock continuing to grind steadily against his prostate.
  19. [2018/03/03]Laas: "Start? I poured my he-hhhnnnhh..." He was too sensitive to complete his snippy remark, instead finding it trailing off into a low moan. The tantalizing sensation running down his spine and erecting goosebumps along the surface of his skin didn't allow him any other noise. He was way too hard for that, on the cusp but unable to go over the edge. "What more do you want from me?" An inquiry muttered through teeth clenched so tightly it was painful, a pressure that paled in comparison to that of his sore, dangling cock. "Cut the shit already... just a couple thrusts... I need..." At this point he was less concerned with touching himself and more getting his assailant to hurry up already. He was breaking down from desperation. Everything hurt. He was leaking like a faucet. "F-fuck me like you did earlier. P-pull out your disgusting dick... and..." a whine resonated in his throat like a brat trying to force out the words for an apology. "And slam it back in, make my entire body lurch forward onto the pavement. Make my stomach swell up with all that hot, white inferi-... superior half-human seed. I don't care if I don't walk straight for a week, just rut me, you piece of shit!" He took a moment to contemplate, and swallowed hard taking a mouthful of saliva and his pride with it. Not like the mewls and pauses and gasps peppering his speech allowed him much to dispose of. "Please."
  20. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh gave his chest a squeeze, then slid his hand down over the demon's belly to curl around his cock, stroking it slowly. Radst's head lifted up off his horn, dragging his tongue against the underside the whole way just to make sure Laas was so hard it hurt. He was going to make sure he remembered this. "Good boy," he whispered with a smirk. The ultimate insult. That thick cock inside Laas pulled out and slammed back into him, and immediately Laas was right back to being fucked into the pavement. Only this time Radst wasn't holding back at all. He'd gotten what he wanted from the demon, now it was time to enjoy himself. He was already rock-hard and throbbing, and it didn't take long for him to reach his orgasm, gritting his teeth as he plunged deep into the bratty demon's belly and starting to unload inside him. "Fuck..." he growled, pumping Laas' cock hard and fast to force him to cum as well. Laas could feel ropes of thick seed splattering against the inside of his belly, more and more until his gaunt form started to show a little bit of a curve in front. Like he had said, his abused ass was being pumped full of so much cum that he was starting to look pregnant, and Radst continued to make slow, hard thrusts right into him as deep as he could reach, trailing kisses down along the edge of the demon's neck.
  21. [2018/03/03]Laas: "Oh, fuck you." Less than famous last words - after spitting them out in response to Radst's "praise," the demon was reduced to the feral noises he had emitted at the beginning, tears in his eyes as his (considerably looser) entrance contracted and expanded to accommodate those erratic thrusts, swallowing it up to the hilt so many times it would be folly to try and keep track. Moans, screams, et cetera tore through the crisp night air and ricocheted off of decrepit buildings, scarcely intelligible obscenities thrown in between unbridled moans. Even in the midst of the chaotic rut, though, his pitiful cock still refused to shoot until he himself was filled to the brim. With his stomach weighing him down and uncomfortably full of too-hot semen, irritating his already-churned insides, he couldn't take it anymore. Only when their balls had not a single centimeter of space between them did he cum, sobbing into the cold and unforgiving pavement moist with his breath and drool. It felt so good to cum, that pent-up fluid spilling almost endlessly onto the pavement into a puddle, the cock itself twitching and continuing to swing with the agonizing thrusts. But it also hurt to edge for so long, and it felt awful to only cum after being used to his fullest potential as a cumdumpster, all that sticky seed infiltrating every inch of his abdomen to the point where he felt sick. His still-thin chest was heaving. The swelling and cherry redness began to subside. Ache began to set in, and with it a spot of fatigue, but he refused to allow himself to drift off here, dripping with another man's--a half human's cum and being unable to do anything about it but mumble "bastard" under his breath.
  22. [2018/03/03]Radst Rovh made sure Laas' ass milked every last drop of cum out of his balls before pulling out, making one more firm thrust into him to let him feel their balls pressed together before letting out a satisfied sigh and pulling out roughly. He gave the demon's cock a few more strokes to force him to finish blowing his load, then finally he took his weight off the abused waifish male's back to let him move his undoubtedly cramped, aching, and sore arms again. "That felt pretty good," he said with a grin. "I needed to get off pretty bad. In fact, thanks for showing up. We should do this more often." He dragged Laas up to his knees again, sitting up and keeping one hand on his shoulder while the other continued to pump the demon's cock even after he finished cumming. Having just finished one orgasm of course, Laas probably wouldn't enjoy it much, but enjoyment wasn't really much on Radst's mind. He was going to make sure Laas stayed hard just to add insult to injury, and once he felt blood starting to swell his erection again he let go of it to let it slap against the underside of his now quite heavy belly. Laas looked heavily pregnant, the only real weight on him at all, and as if that wasn't enough to humiliate him, Radst took a moment to drag his shirt and pants off, leaving him naked. "Come by any time you want to get fucked again, cutie," he said with a smirk, shoving the now-naked Laas forward on the pavement again as he stood up. He stuffed the demon's clothes into the bag he had let behind, and reaching over to ruffle the demon's hair he left without another word.
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