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Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. Valkyrie put her boot to the door and it burst open and in she went, shock sticks swinging, catching the first guy in the jaw and the second guy in the knee, the back, and then the face. They both fell and she moved out of the kitchen, down the short corridor. There were a lot of crashes coming from the front of the house. Lot of cries of pain.
  2. A woman came hurtling out of the doorway, not even looking where she was going. Valkyrie jabbed her in her chest with both sticks and there was a flash and she went flying back.
  3. "Clear," she heard Skulduggery say.
  4. "Clear," she responded.
  5. She put her sticks away, forming a cross on her back, and stepped into the living room. Five unconscious people in here - one still conscious, bleeding from a busted nose and sitting on a chair.
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