

Mar 16th, 2020
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  1. --and that made me wonder--Why was my face so red with shock when I saw my own reflection?"
  2. think "Shit!"
  3. "I stood there in my now-shifting body, frozen in time with Kyoko's voice. I had never felt so happy to be in my own body."
  4. "Kyoko walked back towards me, ending our uneasy truce. I felt horrible about it, but I was glad I didn't let it get out of hand."
  5. kyoko "Well you should have seen it already. I promise it'll not happen again!"
  6. "Kyoko looked at me for a few seconds, as if trying to decide if I was serious about my plan or interested in magic."
  7. kyoko "So... How do you like it?"
  8. john "It's... a bit of a romantic kinda game, in that you both have to decide how you want to approach the subject."
  9. kyoko "Well I'm sure it's fun!"
  10. "That hurt a little, but it was true. As long as I could remember it, I'd be able to talk to you about it."
  11. john "Thanks, Kyoko."
  12. kyoko "Well I guess I'll have to ask the rest of the class then."
  13. think "What are they waiting for, a distraction or a fight?"
  14. "They had been waiting {i}forever{/i} for me, they were waiting to take it out on me."
  15. think "What {i}what?{/i}"
  16. think "What do I do? Stand in my place, I want to see this."
  17. "But Kyoko and Kiyoshi had already started."
  18. john "Listen, what we really need to do is--"
  19. kyoko "What do you mean {q}change?"
  20. john "Kyoko."
  21. kyoko "You said that what you are here for!?"
  22. john "I'm not Kyoko!"
  23. kyoko "I said what we really need to do!"
  24. kyoko "Is use your magic {q}on someone{/q} to stop them from getting what they want."
  25. john "Y--You mean like--"
  26. kyoko "{size=+size+}Of course!{/size}"
  27. john "Please don't bother me, I'm not Kyoko, and Kyoko shouldn't have to deal with this! It's your fault!"
  28. kyoko "It's your fault {i}everything goes wrong!{/i}"
  29. kyoko "You have to understand with how I treated you, we were literally falling out of the sky trying to board a plane! The landing wasn't that bad!"
  30. kyoko "..."
  31. kyoko "You see..."
  32. kyoko "Well, see, I was going to tell you that it was a teacher's night, so..."
  33. kyoko "Well, see, I really did do a good job getting to you. Was it?"
  34. john "Not at all, but you were right, it was."
  35. kyoko "Thank you, John!"
  36. john "...Now, what do I do?"
  37. "You can't say anything like that right now, as you're not going to get something you want."
  38. "After everything that happened, I was left with a strange, yet deeply felt sense of guilt."
  39. "I wasn't sorry. I wasn't apologizing for anything, but I was angry at Kyoko for not listening to me."
  40. "I was thinking about going to do something about that with how we were friends, but I was worried that if I told anyone else at school, they'd go and ask about it or just not listen."
  41. john "So... what do you want us to do?"
  42. "Kyoko looked surprised. I could hear the sarcasm in her voice, but I didn't know if she'd heard me."
  43. john "What you need me for..."
  44. "She ignored me as I looked away, no matter what happened. She was clearly regretting bringing him along because of this."
  45. john "So what are you waiting for?"
  46. "Kyoko gave me a quick thumbs up, and we started walking over to the lockers."
  47. "They were a chaotic walk from the school to the gym, with no obvious route taken."
  48. john "Yeah, I guess I just want something good."
  49. kyoko "John, what do you think you're doing?"
  50. john "I can't believe you're saying that!"
  51. think "You know how angry I am, Kyoko."
  52. kyoko "I have nothing to say."
  53. john "I think you were going to attack me anyway. I'm not Kyoko."
  54. john "You're right, but that was way, way too frank."
  55. kyoko "You want to follow after my lead and take the blame for that?"
  56. john "I didn't have a choice, so I'll make my point on what to do."
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