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king's field ancient city, slus-20318, v8 CheatEngineTable

a guest
Sep 2nd, 2017
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="26">
  3. <CheatEntries>
  4. <CheatEntry>
  5. <ID>229</ID>
  6. <Description>"input (last frame)"</Description>
  7. <LastState Value="0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" RealAddress="20413DA8"/>
  8. <VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
  9. <ByteLength>16</ByteLength>
  10. <Address>20413DA8</Address>
  11. </CheatEntry>
  12. <CheatEntry>
  13. <ID>230</ID>
  14. <Description>"input"</Description>
  15. <LastState Value="0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" RealAddress="20413DB8"/>
  16. <VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
  17. <ByteLength>16</ByteLength>
  18. <Address>20413DB8</Address>
  19. </CheatEntry>
  20. <CheatEntry>
  21. <ID>231</ID>
  22. <Description>"Joysticks"</Description>
  23. <LastState Value="127 127 127 127" RealAddress="21E0DC04"/>
  24. <VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
  25. <ByteLength>4</ByteLength>
  26. <Address>21E0DC04</Address>
  27. </CheatEntry>
  28. <CheatEntry>
  29. <ID>239</ID>
  30. <Description>"Testing Junk"</Description>
  31. <Options moManualExpandCollapse="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
  32. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  33. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  34. <CheatEntries>
  35. <CheatEntry>
  36. <ID>222</ID>
  37. <Description>"doubleword (shifted) Sprinting Flag included"</Description>
  38. <LastState Value="0000000000000000" RealAddress="20414148"/>
  39. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  40. <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
  41. <Address>20414148</Address>
  42. </CheatEntry>
  43. <CheatEntry>
  44. <ID>220</ID>
  45. <Description>"unknown conditional"</Description>
  46. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414088"/>
  47. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  48. <Address>20414088</Address>
  49. </CheatEntry>
  50. <CheatEntry>
  51. <ID>12</ID>
  52. <Description>"enemy rotation?"</Description>
  53. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="203BF1EC"/>
  54. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  55. <Address>203BF1EC</Address>
  56. </CheatEntry>
  57. <CheatEntry>
  58. <ID>11</ID>
  59. <Description>"enemy rotation?"</Description>
  60. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="203BF184"/>
  61. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  62. <Address>203BF184</Address>
  63. </CheatEntry>
  64. <CheatEntry>
  65. <ID>223</ID>
  66. <Description>"Knockback Magnitude"</Description>
  67. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="204141B0"/>
  68. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  69. <Address>204141B0</Address>
  70. </CheatEntry>
  71. <CheatEntry>
  72. <ID>224</ID>
  73. <Description>"Hit Disorientation"</Description>
  74. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="204141B4"/>
  75. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  76. <Address>204141B4</Address>
  77. </CheatEntry>
  78. <CheatEntry>
  79. <ID>221</ID>
  80. <Description>"Fall Damage Stumble"</Description>
  81. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414180"/>
  82. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  83. <Address>20414180</Address>
  84. </CheatEntry>
  85. <CheatEntry>
  86. <ID>226</ID>
  87. <Description>"Disorientation"</Description>
  88. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="204141BC"/>
  89. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  90. <Address>204141BC</Address>
  91. </CheatEntry>
  92. <CheatEntry>
  93. <ID>225</ID>
  94. <Description>"Disorientation"</Description>
  95. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="204141B8"/>
  96. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  97. <Address>204141B8</Address>
  98. </CheatEntry>
  99. </CheatEntries>
  100. </CheatEntry>
  101. <CheatEntry>
  102. <ID>271</ID>
  103. <Description>"Player Stats"</Description>
  104. <Options moManualExpandCollapse="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
  105. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  106. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  107. <CheatEntries>
  108. <CheatEntry>
  109. <ID>270</ID>
  110. <Description>"HP"</Description>
  111. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414034"/>
  112. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  113. <Address>20414034</Address>
  114. </CheatEntry>
  115. <CheatEntry>
  116. <ID>272</ID>
  117. <Description>"MP"</Description>
  118. <LastState Value="666" RealAddress="20414038"/>
  119. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  120. <Address>20414038</Address>
  121. </CheatEntry>
  122. <CheatEntry>
  123. <ID>372</ID>
  124. <Description>"Max HP"</Description>
  125. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FA0"/>
  126. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  127. <Address>20413FA0</Address>
  128. </CheatEntry>
  129. <CheatEntry>
  130. <ID>373</ID>
  131. <Description>"Max MP"</Description>
  132. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FA4"/>
  133. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  134. <Address>20413FA4</Address>
  135. </CheatEntry>
  136. <CheatEntry>
  137. <ID>273</ID>
  138. <Description>"Physical Meter"</Description>
  139. <LastState Value="5000" RealAddress="2041403C"/>
  140. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  141. <Address>2041403C</Address>
  142. </CheatEntry>
  143. <CheatEntry>
  144. <ID>274</ID>
  145. <Description>"Magical Meter"</Description>
  146. <LastState Value="5090" RealAddress="20414040"/>
  147. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  148. <Address>20414040</Address>
  149. </CheatEntry>
  150. <CheatEntry>
  151. <ID>370</ID>
  152. <Description>"Max Physical"</Description>
  153. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FA8"/>
  154. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  155. <Address>20413FA8</Address>
  156. </CheatEntry>
  157. <CheatEntry>
  158. <ID>371</ID>
  159. <Description>"Max Magical"</Description>
  160. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FAC"/>
  161. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  162. <Address>20413FAC</Address>
  163. </CheatEntry>
  164. <CheatEntry>
  165. <ID>350</ID>
  166. <Description>"Physical"</Description>
  167. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="2041402C"/>
  168. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  169. <Address>2041402C</Address>
  170. </CheatEntry>
  171. <CheatEntry>
  172. <ID>349</ID>
  173. <Description>"Magical"</Description>
  174. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414030"/>
  175. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  176. <Address>20414030</Address>
  177. </CheatEntry>
  178. <CheatEntry>
  179. <ID>360</ID>
  180. <Description>"Mag other?"</Description>
  181. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414330"/>
  182. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  183. <Address>20414330</Address>
  184. </CheatEntry>
  185. <CheatEntry>
  186. <ID>351</ID>
  187. <Description>"equipped magic"</Description>
  188. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FBD"/>
  189. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  190. <Address>20413FBD</Address>
  191. </CheatEntry>
  192. <CheatEntry>
  193. <ID>374</ID>
  194. <Description>"EXP"</Description>
  195. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FD0"/>
  196. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  197. <Address>20413FD0</Address>
  198. </CheatEntry>
  199. <CheatEntry>
  200. <ID>363</ID>
  201. <Description>"Gold"</Description>
  202. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FCC"/>
  203. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  204. <Address>20413FCC</Address>
  205. </CheatEntry>
  206. <CheatEntry>
  207. <ID>361</ID>
  208. <Description>"Physical Hit Counter"</Description>
  209. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414054"/>
  210. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  211. <Address>20414054</Address>
  212. </CheatEntry>
  213. <CheatEntry>
  214. <ID>362</ID>
  215. <Description>"Magical Hit Counter"</Description>
  216. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414058"/>
  217. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  218. <Address>20414058</Address>
  219. </CheatEntry>
  220. <CheatEntry>
  221. <ID>364</ID>
  222. <Description>"Poison Time"</Description>
  223. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FB0"/>
  224. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  225. <Address>20413FB0</Address>
  226. </CheatEntry>
  227. <CheatEntry>
  228. <ID>365</ID>
  229. <Description>"Paralyze Time"</Description>
  230. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FB2"/>
  231. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  232. <Address>20413FB2</Address>
  233. </CheatEntry>
  234. <CheatEntry>
  235. <ID>366</ID>
  236. <Description>"Dark Time"</Description>
  237. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FB4"/>
  238. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  239. <Address>20413FB4</Address>
  240. </CheatEntry>
  241. <CheatEntry>
  242. <ID>367</ID>
  243. <Description>"Curse Time"</Description>
  244. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FB6"/>
  245. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  246. <Address>20413FB6</Address>
  247. </CheatEntry>
  248. <CheatEntry>
  249. <ID>368</ID>
  250. <Description>"Slow Time"</Description>
  251. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FB8"/>
  252. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  253. <Address>20413FB8</Address>
  254. </CheatEntry>
  255. <CheatEntry>
  256. <ID>369</ID>
  257. <Description>"Silence Time"</Description>
  258. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413FBA"/>
  259. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  260. <Address>20413FBA</Address>
  261. </CheatEntry>
  262. <CheatEntry>
  263. <ID>375</ID>
  264. <Description>"Death Frame"</Description>
  265. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414128"/>
  266. <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
  267. <Address>20414128</Address>
  268. </CheatEntry>
  269. </CheatEntries>
  270. </CheatEntry>
  271. <CheatEntry>
  272. <ID>233</ID>
  273. <Description>"Player Position/Movement"</Description>
  274. <Options moManualExpandCollapse="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
  275. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  276. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  277. <CheatEntries>
  278. <CheatEntry>
  279. <ID>7</ID>
  280. <Description>"strafe"</Description>
  281. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414130"/>
  282. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  283. <Address>20414130</Address>
  284. </CheatEntry>
  285. <CheatEntry>
  286. <ID>8</ID>
  287. <Description>"forward"</Description>
  288. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414134"/>
  289. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  290. <Address>20414134</Address>
  291. </CheatEntry>
  292. <CheatEntry>
  293. <ID>237</ID>
  294. <Description>"fall rate"</Description>
  295. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="2041412C"/>
  296. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  297. <Address>2041412C</Address>
  298. </CheatEntry>
  299. <CheatEntry>
  300. <ID>227</ID>
  301. <Description>"turn rate up down"</Description>
  302. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414138"/>
  303. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  304. <Address>20414138</Address>
  305. </CheatEntry>
  306. <CheatEntry>
  307. <ID>0</ID>
  308. <Description>"turn rate left right"</Description>
  309. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="2041413C"/>
  310. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  311. <Address>2041413C</Address>
  312. </CheatEntry>
  313. <CheatEntry>
  314. <ID>235</ID>
  315. <Description>"X Prev Position"</Description>
  316. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414280"/>
  317. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  318. <Address>20414280</Address>
  319. </CheatEntry>
  320. <CheatEntry>
  321. <ID>228</ID>
  322. <Description>"Y Prev Position"</Description>
  323. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414284"/>
  324. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  325. <Address>20414284</Address>
  326. </CheatEntry>
  327. <CheatEntry>
  328. <ID>234</ID>
  329. <Description>"Z Prev Position"</Description>
  330. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20414288"/>
  331. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  332. <Address>20414288</Address>
  333. </CheatEntry>
  334. <CheatEntry>
  335. <ID>248</ID>
  336. <Description>"Horizontal Look Position"</Description>
  337. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413F94"/>
  338. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  339. <Address>20413F94</Address>
  340. </CheatEntry>
  341. <CheatEntry>
  342. <ID>249</ID>
  343. <Description>"Vertical Look Position"</Description>
  344. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413F90"/>
  345. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  346. <Address>20413F90</Address>
  347. </CheatEntry>
  348. <CheatEntry>
  349. <ID>250</ID>
  350. <Description>"X Current Position"</Description>
  351. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413F80"/>
  352. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  353. <Address>20413F80</Address>
  354. </CheatEntry>
  355. <CheatEntry>
  356. <ID>251</ID>
  357. <Description>"Y Current Position"</Description>
  358. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413F84"/>
  359. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  360. <Address>20413F84</Address>
  361. </CheatEntry>
  362. <CheatEntry>
  363. <ID>252</ID>
  364. <Description>"Z Current Position"</Description>
  365. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="20413F88"/>
  366. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  367. <Address>20413F88</Address>
  368. </CheatEntry>
  369. <CheatEntry>
  370. <ID>376</ID>
  371. <Description>"Arm X Position"</Description>
  372. <LastState Value="16" RealAddress="20414740"/>
  373. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  374. <Address>20414740</Address>
  375. </CheatEntry>
  376. <CheatEntry>
  377. <ID>377</ID>
  378. <Description>"Arm Y Position"</Description>
  379. <LastState Value="19" RealAddress="20414744"/>
  380. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  381. <Address>20414744</Address>
  382. </CheatEntry>
  383. <CheatEntry>
  384. <ID>378</ID>
  385. <Description>"Arm Z Position"</Description>
  386. <LastState Value="22" RealAddress="20414748"/>
  387. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  388. <Address>20414748</Address>
  389. </CheatEntry>
  390. </CheatEntries>
  391. </CheatEntry>
  392. <CheatEntry>
  393. <ID>238</ID>
  394. <Description>"Player Movement Constants"</Description>
  395. <Options moManualExpandCollapse="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
  396. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  397. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  398. <CheatEntries>
  399. <CheatEntry>
  400. <ID>2</ID>
  401. <Description>"up down look cap"</Description>
  402. <LastState Value="0.8999999762" RealAddress="20413E70"/>
  403. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  404. <Address>20413e70</Address>
  405. </CheatEntry>
  406. <CheatEntry>
  407. <ID>217</ID>
  408. <Description>"up down accel"</Description>
  409. <LastState Value="0.008999999613" RealAddress="20413E88"/>
  410. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  411. <Address>20413e88</Address>
  412. </CheatEntry>
  413. <CheatEntry>
  414. <ID>219</ID>
  415. <Description>"unknown????"</Description>
  416. <LastState Value="0.03374303132" RealAddress="20413EB8"/>
  417. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  418. <Address>20413eb8</Address>
  419. </CheatEntry>
  420. <CheatEntry>
  421. <ID>9</ID>
  422. <Description>"movement Deccel"</Description>
  423. <LastState Value="16" RealAddress="20413E10"/>
  424. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  425. <Address>20413E10</Address>
  426. </CheatEntry>
  427. <CheatEntry>
  428. <ID>10</ID>
  429. <Description>"movement Accel"</Description>
  430. <LastState Value="16" RealAddress="20413DF8"/>
  431. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  432. <Address>20413DF8</Address>
  433. </CheatEntry>
  434. <CheatEntry>
  435. <ID>1</ID>
  436. <Description>"left right turn cap"</Description>
  437. <LastState Value="0.1000000015" RealAddress="20413E28"/>
  438. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  439. <Address>20413e28</Address>
  440. </CheatEntry>
  441. <CheatEntry>
  442. <ID>218</ID>
  443. <Description>"gravity"</Description>
  444. <LastState Value="6.666666508" RealAddress="20413ED0"/>
  445. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  446. <Address>20413eD0</Address>
  447. </CheatEntry>
  448. <CheatEntry>
  449. <ID>6</ID>
  450. <Description>"Turn Deccel"</Description>
  451. <LastState Value="0.1000000015" RealAddress="20413EA0"/>
  452. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  453. <Address>20413eA0</Address>
  454. </CheatEntry>
  455. <CheatEntry>
  456. <ID>4</ID>
  457. <Description>"Turn Accel"</Description>
  458. <LastState Value="0.009999999776" RealAddress="20413E40"/>
  459. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  460. <Address>20413e40</Address>
  461. </CheatEntry>
  462. <CheatEntry>
  463. <ID>3</ID>
  464. <Description>"Move Speed Max"</Description>
  465. <LastState Value="16" RealAddress="20413DE0"/>
  466. <VariableType>Float</VariableType>
  467. <Address>20413de0</Address>
  468. </CheatEntry>
  469. </CheatEntries>
  470. </CheatEntry>
  471. <CheatEntry>
  472. <ID>244</ID>
  473. <Description>"Weapon Stats Testing"</Description>
  474. <Options moManualExpandCollapse="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
  475. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  476. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  477. <CheatEntries>
  478. <CheatEntry>
  479. <ID>245</ID>
  480. <Description>"Item Names (non-ascii)"</Description>
  481. <LastState RealAddress="204149B8"/>
  482. <ShowAsHex>1</ShowAsHex>
  483. <VariableType>String</VariableType>
  484. <Length>64</Length>
  485. <Unicode>0</Unicode>
  486. <CodePage>0</CodePage>
  487. <ZeroTerminate>1</ZeroTerminate>
  488. <Address>204149B8</Address>
  489. </CheatEntry>
  490. <CheatEntry>
  491. <ID>240</ID>
  492. <Description>"Weapon Damage Level 1 Bastard Sword"</Description>
  493. <LastState Value="75 0 55 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" RealAddress="2041C8E8"/>
  494. <VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
  495. <ByteLength>18</ByteLength>
  496. <Address>2041C8E8</Address>
  497. </CheatEntry>
  498. <CheatEntry>
  499. <ID>246</ID>
  500. <Description>"Weapon Damage Level 2 Bastard Sword"</Description>
  501. <LastState Value="89 0 55 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" RealAddress="2041C8FA"/>
  502. <VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
  503. <ByteLength>18</ByteLength>
  504. <Address>2041C8FA</Address>
  505. </CheatEntry>
  506. <CheatEntry>
  507. <ID>247</ID>
  508. <Description>"Weapon Damage Level 3 Bastard Sword"</Description>
  509. <LastState Value="95 0 68 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" RealAddress="2041C90C"/>
  510. <VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
  511. <ByteLength>18</ByteLength>
  512. <Address>2041C90C</Address>
  513. </CheatEntry>
  514. </CheatEntries>
  515. </CheatEntry>
  516. <CheatEntry>
  517. <ID>254</ID>
  518. <Description>"WeaponStuff: Unarmed Stats"</Description>
  519. <Options moManualExpandCollapse="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
  520. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  521. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  522. <CheatEntries>
  523. <CheatEntry>
  524. <ID>264</ID>
  525. <Description>"MeasuredRange"</Description>
  526. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="2041BA20"/>
  527. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  528. <Address>2041BA20</Address>
  529. </CheatEntry>
  530. <CheatEntry>
  531. <ID>263</ID>
  532. <Description>"UnknownHitColliderMeasure"</Description>
  533. <LastState Value="180" RealAddress="2041BA26"/>
  534. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  535. <Address>2041BA26</Address>
  536. </CheatEntry>
  537. <CheatEntry>
  538. <ID>262</ID>
  539. <Description>"Spread"</Description>
  540. <LastState Value="180" RealAddress="2041BA2A"/>
  541. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  542. <Address>2041BA2A</Address>
  543. </CheatEntry>
  544. <CheatEntry>
  545. <ID>260</ID>
  546. <Description>"Range"</Description>
  547. <LastState Value="240" RealAddress="2041BA2E"/>
  548. <VariableType>Byte</VariableType>
  549. <Address>2041BA2E</Address>
  550. </CheatEntry>
  551. <CheatEntry>
  552. <ID>266</ID>
  553. <Description>"UnknownSoundThing"</Description>
  554. <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="2041BA38"/>
  555. <VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
  556. <Address>2041BA38</Address>
  557. </CheatEntry>
  558. </CheatEntries>
  559. </CheatEntry>
  560. <CheatEntry>
  561. <ID>269</ID>
  562. <Description>"Show Unknown Bytes"</Description>
  563. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  564. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  565. </CheatEntry>
  566. <CheatEntry>
  567. <ID>232</ID>
  568. <Description>"Click To Expand"</Description>
  569. <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
  570. <GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader>
  571. </CheatEntry>
  572. </CheatEntries>
  573. <UserdefinedSymbols/>
  574. <LuaScript>local offsets =
  575. {base =
  576. {{ 0x2047EB90 , "Creatures" , 'creatures'}
  577. ,{ 0x2041B9B8 , "Weapons" , 'weapons'}
  578. ,{ 0x20402DA8 , "Spells" , 'spells'}
  579. }
  580. ,creatures =
  581. {{ 0x0 , "%s (%i, %X)" , 'creature', array = 256, name = 'creature' }
  582. }
  583. ,creature =
  584. {{ 0x00 , "Model ID" , vtWord }
  585. ,{ 0x02 , "Property ID" , vtWord }
  586. ,{ 0x0A , "HP" , vtWord }
  587. ,{ 0x0E , "XP" , vtWord }
  588. ,{ 0x58 , "Rotation Accel" , vtSingle }
  589. ,{ 0x5C , "Rotation Max" , vtSingle }
  591. ,{ 0x80 , "Animation Speeds" , 'animSpeeds' }
  593. ,{ 0xC0 , "Move Speed" , vtSingle }
  595. ,{ 0xD4 , "Slash Defense%" , vtWord }
  596. ,{ 0xD6 , "Hit Defense%" , vtWord }
  597. ,{ 0xD8 , "Stab Defense%" , vtWord }
  598. ,{ 0xDA , "Fire Defense%" , vtWord }
  599. ,{ 0xDC , "Earth Defense%" , vtWord }
  600. ,{ 0xDE , "Wind Defense%" , vtWord }
  601. ,{ 0xE0 , "Water Defense%" , vtWord }
  602. ,{ 0xE2 , "Light Defense%" , vtWord }
  603. ,{ 0xE4 , "Dark Defense%" , vtWord }
  604. ,{ 0xE6 , "Physical" , vtWord }
  605. ,{ 0xE8 , "Magical" , vtWord }
  607. ,{ 0xEE , "Collision Height" , vtWord }
  609. ,{ 0x230 , "Max Gold Drop" , vtWord }
  610. ,{ 0x232 , "Item Drop 0" , vtWord, dropdown = 'items' }
  611. ,{ 0x234 , "Item Drop 1" , vtWord, dropdown = 'items' }
  612. ,{ 0x236 , "Item Drop 0 chance%" , vtByte }
  613. ,{ 0x237 , "Item Drop 1 chance%" , vtByte }
  614. ,{ 0x240 , "Attack0" , 'meleeAttack' }
  615. ,{ 0x2C8 , "Attack1" , 'meleeAttack' }
  616. ,{ 0x350 , "Attack2" , 'meleeAttack' }
  617. ,{ 0x3D8 , "Projectile0" , 'rangeAttack' }
  618. ,{ 0x3F4 , "Projectile1" , 'rangeAttack' }
  619. ,{ 0x410 , "Projectile2" , 'rangeAttack' }
  620. ,size = 0x450}
  622. ,meleeAttack =
  623. {{ 0x0 , "Probability" , vtByte }
  624. ,{ 0x1 , "Turning Speed" , vtByte }
  625. ,{ 0x2 , "Start Frame" , vtWord }
  626. ,{ 0x4 , "Min Start Distance" , vtWord }
  627. ,{ 0x6 , "Max Start Distance" , vtWord }
  628. ,{ 0x8 , "Unknown" , vtWord }
  629. ,{ 0xA , "Start Direction" , vtWord }
  630. ,{ 0xC , "Unknown" , vtWord }
  631. ,{ 0xE , "Unknown" , vtWord }
  632. ,{ 0x10 , "Damage Variant0" , 'meleeDamage' }
  633. ,{ 0x38 , "Damage Variant1" , 'meleeDamage' }
  634. ,{ 0x60 , "Damage Variant2" , 'meleeDamage' }
  635. ,size = 0x88}
  637. ,meleeDamage =
  638. {{ 0x00 , "Slash Damage" , vtWord }
  639. ,{ 0x02 , "Hit Damage" , vtWord }
  640. ,{ 0x04 , "Stab Damage" , vtWord }
  641. ,{ 0x06 , "Fire Damage" , vtWord }
  642. ,{ 0x08 , "Earth Damage" , vtWord }
  643. ,{ 0x0A , "Wind Damage" , vtWord }
  644. ,{ 0x0C , "Water Damage" , vtWord }
  645. ,{ 0x0E , "Light Damage" , vtWord }
  646. ,{ 0x10 , "Dark Damage" , vtWord }
  647. ,{ 0x12 , "Poison Chance%" , vtWord }
  648. ,{ 0x14 , "Paralyze Chance%" , vtWord }
  649. ,{ 0x16 , "Dark Chance%" , vtWord }
  650. ,{ 0x18 , "Curse Chance%" , vtWord }
  651. ,{ 0x1A , "Slow Chance%" , vtWord }
  652. ,{ 0x1C , "Silence Chance%" , vtWord }
  653. ,{ 0x1E , "Knockback" , vtWord }
  654. ,{ 0x20 , "Range" , vtWord }
  655. ,{ 0x22 , "Spread" , vtWord }
  656. ,{ 0x24 , "HitScanStartFrame" , vtWord }
  657. ,{ 0x26 , "HitScanEndFrame" , vtWord }
  658. ,size = 0x28}
  660. ,rangeAttack =
  661. {{ 0x00 , "Probability" , vtByte }
  662. ,{ 0x01 , "Aim Turning Speed" , vtByte }
  663. ,{ 0x02 , "Start Frame" , vtByte }
  664. ,{ 0x03 , "Unknown" , vtByte }
  665. ,{ 0x04 , "Min Start Distance" , vtWord }
  666. ,{ 0x06 , "Max Start Distance" , vtWord }
  667. ,{ 0x0A , "Start Direction" , vtWord }
  668. ,{ 0x10 , "ProjectileA ID" , vtByte, dropdown = 'projectiles'}
  669. ,{ 0x11 , "ProjectileA FiringMode" , vtByte, dropdown = 'firingMode'}
  670. ,{ 0x12 , "ProjectileA Frame" , vtWord }
  671. ,{ 0x14 , "ProjectileB ID" , vtByte, dropdown = 'projectiles'}
  672. ,{ 0x15 , "ProjectileB FiringMode" , vtByte, dropdown = 'firingMode'}
  673. ,{ 0x16 , "ProjectileB Frame" , vtWord }
  674. ,{ 0x18 , "ProjectileC ID" , vtByte, dropdown = 'projectiles'}
  675. ,{ 0x19 , "ProjectileC FiringMode" , vtByte, dropdown = 'firingMode'}
  676. ,{ 0x1A , "ProjectileC Frame" , vtWord }
  677. ,size = 0x20}
  679. ,animSpeeds =
  680. {{ 0x0 , "Anim00" , vtWord }
  681. ,{ 0x2 , "Anim01" , vtWord }
  682. ,{ 0x4 , "Anim02" , vtWord }
  683. ,{ 0x6 , "Anim03" , vtWord }
  684. ,{ 0x8 , "Forward(04)" , vtWord }
  685. ,{ 0xA , "Anim05" , vtWord }
  686. ,{ 0xC , "Anim06" , vtWord }
  687. ,{ 0xE , "Anim07" , vtWord }
  688. ,{ 0x10 , "Anim08" , vtWord }
  689. ,{ 0x12 , "Anim09" , vtWord }
  690. ,{ 0x14 , "Anim10" , vtWord }
  691. ,{ 0x16 , "Anim11" , vtWord }
  692. ,{ 0x18 , "Anim12" , vtWord }
  693. ,{ 0x1A , "Anim13" , vtWord }
  694. ,{ 0x1C , "Anim14" , vtWord }
  695. ,{ 0x1E , "Anim15" , vtWord }
  696. ,{ 0x20 , "Anim16" , vtWord }
  697. ,{ 0x22 , "Anim17" , vtWord }
  698. ,{ 0x24 , "Anim18" , vtWord }
  699. ,{ 0x26 , "Anim19" , vtWord }
  700. ,{ 0x28 , "Attack1(20)" , vtWord }
  701. ,{ 0x2A , "Attack2(21)" , vtWord }
  702. ,{ 0x2C , "Anim22" , vtWord }
  703. ,{ 0x2E , "Anim23" , vtWord }
  704. ,{ 0x30 , "Anim24" , vtWord }
  705. ,{ 0x32 , "Anim25" , vtWord }
  706. ,{ 0x34 , "Anim26" , vtWord }
  707. ,{ 0x36 , "Anim27" , vtWord }
  708. ,{ 0x38 , "Anim28" , vtWord }
  709. ,{ 0x3A , "Anim29" , vtWord }
  710. ,{ 0x3C , "Anim30" , vtWord }
  711. ,{ 0x3E , "Anim31" , vtWord }
  712. ,size = 0x40}
  714. ,weapons =
  715. {{ 0x0 , "%s(%i)" , 'weapon', array = 70, name = 'weapon'}
  716. }
  718. ,weapon =
  719. {{ 0x00 , "Level1Damage" , 'weaponDamage' }
  720. ,{ 0x12 , "Level2Damage" , 'weaponDamage' }
  721. ,{ 0x24 , "Level3Damage" , 'weaponDamage' }
  722. ,{ 0x36 , "Poison Chance%" , vtWord }
  723. ,{ 0x38 , "Paralyze Chance%" , vtWord }
  724. ,{ 0x3A , "Dark Chance%" , vtWord }
  725. ,{ 0x3C , "Curse Chance%" , vtWord }
  726. ,{ 0x3E , "Slow Chance%" , vtWord }
  727. ,{ 0x40 , "Silence Chance%" , vtWord }
  728. ,{ 0x42 , "MagicLevel1Projectile" , vtWord , dropdown = 'projectiles' }
  729. ,{ 0x44 , "MagicLevel1Delay" , vtWord }
  730. ,{ 0x46 , "" , vtWord }
  731. ,{ 0x48 , "" , vtWord }
  732. ,{ 0x4A , "MagicLevel1StartFrame" , vtWord }
  733. ,{ 0x4C , "MagicLevel1EndFrame" , vtWord }
  734. ,{ 0x4E , "" , vtWord }
  735. ,{ 0x50 , "" , vtWord }
  736. ,{ 0x52 , "MagicLevel3Projectile" , vtWord , dropdown = 'projectiles' }
  737. ,{ 0x54 , "MagicLevel3Delay" , vtWord }
  738. ,{ 0x56 , "" , vtWord }
  739. ,{ 0x58 , "" , vtWord }
  740. ,{ 0x5A , "MagicLevel3StartFrame" , vtWord }
  741. ,{ 0x5C , "MagicLevel3EndFrame" , vtWord }
  742. ,{ 0x5E , "" , vtWord }
  743. ,{ 0x60 , "" , vtWord }
  744. ,{ 0x78 , "HitScanStartFrame" , vtWord }
  745. ,{ 0x7A , "HitScanEndFrame" , vtWord }
  746. ,{ 0x7E , "PhysicalMeterDelay" , vtWord }
  747. ,{ 0x82 , "SoundStartFrame" , vtWord }
  748. ,size = 0x90}
  750. ,weaponDamage =
  751. {{ 0x00 , "Slash Damage" , vtWord }
  752. ,{ 0x02 , "Hit Damage" , vtWord }
  753. ,{ 0x04 , "Stab Damage" , vtWord }
  754. ,{ 0x06 , "Fire Damage" , vtWord }
  755. ,{ 0x08 , "Earth Damage" , vtWord }
  756. ,{ 0x0A , "Wind Damage" , vtWord }
  757. ,{ 0x0C , "Water Damage" , vtWord }
  758. ,{ 0x0E , "Light Damage" , vtWord }
  759. ,{ 0x10 , "Dark Damage" , vtWord }
  760. ,{ 0x12 , "Poison Chance%" , vtWord }
  761. ,{ 0x14 , "Paralyze Chance%" , vtWord }
  762. ,{ 0x16 , "Dark Chance%" , vtWord }
  763. ,{ 0x18 , "Curse Chance%" , vtWord }
  764. ,{ 0x1A , "Slow Chance%" , vtWord }
  765. ,{ 0x1C , "Silence Chance%" , vtWord }
  766. ,size = 0x1E}
  768. ,spells =
  769. {{ 0x0 , "%s(%i)" , 'spell', array = 256, name = 'spell' }
  770. }
  772. ,spell =
  773. {{ 0x034 , "Damage" , 'weaponDamage' }
  774. ,{ 0x057 , "Property ID" , vtByte }
  775. --,{ 0x052 , "" , vtWord }
  776. --,{ 0x057 , "" , vtByte }
  777. --,{ 0x058 , "" , vtByte }
  778. ,{ 0x0F6 , "Healing" , vtWord }
  779. ,{ 0x0FC , "ManaCost" , vtWord }
  780. ,{ 0x0FE , "CastingRecharge" , vtWord }
  781. ,{ 0x100 , "EffectType" , vtWord }
  782. ,{ 0x104 , "RechargeDelay" , vtWord }
  783. ,size = 0x110}
  785. }
  787. local names =
  788. {creature =
  789. {'ManEater'
  790. ,'!RemovedReaper(1)'
  791. ,'GreenSlime'
  792. ,'PoisonSlime'
  793. ,'!RemovedManEater(4)'
  794. ,'Scorpion'
  795. ,'Spider'
  796. ,'GiantSpider'
  797. ,'AcidCrawlerMansionEdge'
  798. ,'DragonFly'
  799. ,'BloodBat'
  800. ,'Beetle'
  801. ,'Critter'
  802. ,'Snake'
  803. ,'LavaLizard'
  804. ,'FireLord'
  805. ,'Salamander'
  806. ,'Widdaconda'
  807. ,'!Phagos'
  808. ,'EarthBeetle'
  809. ,'GiantBeetle'
  810. ,'LivingStatue'
  811. ,'StoneGuardian'
  812. ,'Sentinel'
  813. ,'LivingArmor'
  814. ,'GoldenStatue'
  815. ,'Unknown(26)'
  816. ,'Sol'
  817. ,'!ArrowLauncher'
  818. ,'WindyFace'
  819. ,'Watcher'
  820. ,'Slasher'
  821. ,'GiantClub'
  822. ,'GiantArm'
  823. ,'EarthKing'
  824. ,'Genean'
  825. ,'Fadin'
  826. ,'MasterFadin'
  827. ,'LavaFace'
  828. ,'FrostBeetle'
  829. ,'Makara'
  830. ,'AquaLizard'
  831. ,'BeetleRed'
  832. ,'SeaFang'
  833. ,'Widda'
  834. ,'WiddaQueen'
  835. ,'WiddaArcher'
  836. ,'Skull'
  837. ,'Unknown(77)'
  838. ,'DarkFlower'
  839. ,'SkeletonSwordShield'
  840. ,'SkeletonVest'
  841. ,'SkeletonAxeShield'
  842. ,'SkeletonArcher'
  843. ,'Skeleton'
  844. ,'FortZombie'
  845. ,'LivingDeadMiner'
  846. ,'AncientKing'
  847. ,'HighSkeleton'
  848. ,'MinionHellHound'
  849. ,'!Bell'
  850. ,'Mummy'
  851. ,'AdeptMummy'
  852. ,'!RemovedSpinalKnight(63)'
  853. ,'GiantLeader'
  854. ,'Unknown(65)'
  855. ,'Malice'
  856. ,'FireElemental'
  857. ,'EarthElemental'
  858. ,'WindElemental'
  859. ,'WaterElemental'
  860. ,'DarkSuccubus'
  861. ,'DarkKnight'
  862. ,'DarkSoldier'
  863. ,'FireGenie'
  864. ,'GreaterDemon'
  865. ,'DarkArcher'
  866. ,'Unknown(77)'
  867. ,'DarkSorcerer'
  868. ,'Unknown(79)'
  869. ,'IceGolem'
  870. ,'Larva'
  871. ,'DarkPuppet'
  872. ,'DarkBird'
  873. ,'ParaStool'
  874. ,'ReaperTree'
  875. ,'Crow'
  876. ,'Stool'
  877. ,'!AtlasStatue'
  878. ,'!FigureHead'
  879. ,'!FishStatue'
  880. ,'!EyeSecurity'
  881. ,'ExpeditionArcher'
  882. ,'ExpeditionSoldier'
  883. ,'!RemovedJouster(94)'
  884. ,'!RemovedRedKnight(95)'
  885. ,'!RemovedLeatherMan(96)'
  886. ,'ZombieLeeMaynor'
  887. ,'!FatWidda'
  888. ,'Unknown(99)'
  889. ,'Unknown(100)'
  890. ,'!UnknownGirl'
  891. ,'!ShaneLloyd'
  892. ,'!DavidBunch'
  893. ,'!LynnGenne'
  894. ,'!SharylGenne'
  895. ,'!SharylGenneBed'
  896. ,'!DuhrinPathwarden'
  897. ,'!CecileYeala'
  898. ,'!HarmurahForgefistFreed'
  899. ,'Unknown(110)'
  900. ,'Unknown(111)'
  901. ,'!JemarcNeely'
  902. ,'!ChadBreshers'
  903. ,'!UnknownMan'
  904. ,'!MarcusZan'
  905. ,'!UnknownWoman'
  906. ,'!UnknownGuy'
  907. ,'!OaghBurleigh'
  908. ,'!HarmurahForgefistWorking'
  909. ,'!MistaFopa'
  910. ,'!BelrixPsytar'
  911. ,'!LeeMaynor'
  912. ,'!Dog'
  913. ,'!Akryal'
  914. ,'Unknown(125)'
  915. ,'!RamirezMartin'
  916. ,'Unknown(127)'
  917. ,'!PaulHutchinson'
  918. ,'Unknown(129)'
  919. ,'!AeineVigil'
  920. ,'Unknown(131)'
  921. ,'!JoshuaGriffin'
  922. ,'!JohnPark'
  923. ,'!LyleKagata'
  924. ,'!LyleKagataDark'
  925. ,'!KyleCampbell'
  926. ,'Unknown(137)'
  927. ,'Unknown(138)'
  928. ,'Unknown(139)'
  929. ,'Unknown(140)'
  930. ,'Unknown(141)'
  931. ,'Unknown(142)'
  932. ,'Unknown(143)'
  933. ,'Unknown(144)'
  934. ,'Unknown(145)'
  935. ,'Unknown(146)'
  936. ,'Unknown(147)'
  937. ,'Unknown(148)'
  938. ,'Unknown(149)'
  939. ,'Unknown(150)'
  940. ,'GiantSpiderFinal'
  941. ,'MiniBeetle'
  942. ,'Unknown(153)'
  943. ,'!SkeletonSmith'
  944. ,'MutantWall'
  945. ,'MutantFloor'
  946. ,'MutantCeiling'
  947. ,'LavaBird'
  948. ,'Onyx'
  949. ,'FirstWidda'
  950. ,'FirstWiddaArcher'
  951. ,'!LynnGenneMourn'
  952. ,'Unknown(163)'
  953. ,'HighSkeletonFinal'
  954. ,'AcidCrawler'
  955. ,'Unknown(166)'
  956. ,'Unknown(167)'
  957. ,'SkeletonArcherBell'
  958. ,'Unknown(169)'
  959. ,'Unknown(170)'
  960. ,'Unknown(171)'
  961. ,'Unknown(172)'
  962. ,'Unknown(173)'
  963. ,'Unknown(174)'
  964. ,'Unknown(175)'
  965. ,'Unknown(176)'
  966. ,'Unknown(177)'
  967. ,'Unknown(178)'
  968. ,'Unknown(179)'
  969. ,'Unknown(180)'
  970. ,'Unknown(181)'
  971. ,'Unknown(182)'
  972. ,'Unknown(183)'
  973. ,'Unknown(184)'
  974. ,'Unknown(185)'
  975. ,'Unknown(186)'
  976. ,'Unknown(187)'
  977. ,'Unknown(188)'
  978. ,'Unknown(189)'
  979. ,'Unknown(190)'
  980. ,'Unknown(191)'
  981. ,'Unknown(192)'
  982. ,'Unknown(193)'
  983. ,'Unknown(194)'
  984. ,'Unknown(195)'
  985. ,'Unknown(196)'
  986. ,'Unknown(197)'
  987. ,'Unknown(198)'
  988. ,'Unknown(199)'
  989. ,'Unknown(200)'
  990. ,'Unknown(201)'
  991. ,'Unknown(202)'
  992. ,'Unknown(203)'
  993. ,'Unknown(204)'
  994. ,'Unknown(205)'
  995. ,'Unknown(206)'
  996. ,'Unknown(207)'
  997. ,'Unknown(208)'
  998. ,'Unknown(209)'
  999. ,'Unknown(210)'
  1000. ,'Unknown(211)'
  1001. ,'Unknown(212)'
  1002. ,'Unknown(213)'
  1003. ,'Unknown(214)'
  1004. ,'Unknown(215)'
  1005. ,'Unknown(216)'
  1006. ,'Unknown(217)'
  1007. ,'Unknown(218)'
  1008. ,'Unknown(219)'
  1009. ,'Unknown(220)'
  1010. ,'Unknown(221)'
  1011. ,'Unknown(222)'
  1012. ,'Unknown(223)'
  1013. ,'Unknown(224)'
  1014. ,'Unknown(225)'
  1015. ,'Unknown(226)'
  1016. ,'Unknown(227)'
  1017. ,'Unknown(228)'
  1018. ,'Unknown(229)'
  1019. ,'Unknown(230)'
  1020. ,'Unknown(231)'
  1021. ,'Unknown(232)'
  1022. ,'Unknown(233)'
  1023. ,'Unknown(234)'
  1024. ,'Unknown(235)'
  1025. ,'Unknown(236)'
  1026. ,'Unknown(237)'
  1027. ,'Unknown(238)'
  1028. ,'Unknown(239)'
  1029. ,'Unknown(240)'
  1030. ,'Unknown(241)'
  1031. ,'Unknown(242)'
  1032. ,'Unknown(243)'
  1033. ,'Unknown(244)'
  1034. ,'Unknown(245)'
  1035. ,'Unknown(246)'
  1036. ,'Unknown(247)'
  1037. ,'Unknown(248)'
  1038. ,'Unknown(249)'
  1039. ,'Unknown(250)'
  1040. ,'Unknown(251)'
  1041. ,'Unknown(252)'
  1042. ,'Unknown(253)'
  1043. ,'Unknown(254)'
  1044. ,'Unknown(255)'
  1045. }
  1046. ,weapon=
  1047. {'None'
  1048. ,'WoodenClub'
  1049. ,'DarkwoodClub'
  1050. ,'Pickaxe'
  1051. ,'DwarvenPickaxe'
  1052. ,'ShortSword'
  1053. ,'ShortSword2'
  1054. ,'FierySword'
  1055. ,'Rapier'
  1056. ,'Rapier2'
  1057. ,'LethalRapier'
  1058. ,'LongSword'
  1059. ,'LongSword2'
  1060. ,'EarthBinder'
  1061. ,'KnightSword'
  1062. ,'KnightSword2'
  1063. ,'KnightSword3'
  1064. ,'Holycrest'
  1065. ,'Frostbite'
  1066. ,'ForestCarver'
  1067. ,'FireCarver'
  1068. ,'EarthCarver'
  1069. ,'WindCarver'
  1070. ,'WaterCarver'
  1071. ,'BroadSword'
  1072. ,'BroadSword2'
  1073. ,'Venomblade'
  1074. ,'BastardSword'
  1075. ,'BastardSword2'
  1076. ,'BattleSword'
  1077. ,'DwarvenSword'
  1078. ,'GreatSword'
  1079. ,'WarSword'
  1080. ,'BrokenKatana'
  1081. ,'Windslayer'
  1082. ,'Wavecrasher'
  1083. ,'Scorpion'
  1084. ,'BlackScar'
  1085. ,'Tsunami'
  1086. ,'CrystalineBlade'
  1087. ,'Earthquake'
  1088. ,'DarkDefiler'
  1089. ,'QueensStaff'
  1090. ,'AncientSword'
  1091. ,'TripleFang'
  1092. ,'LawfulBlade'
  1093. ,'MoonlightSword'
  1094. ,'HandAxe'
  1095. ,'HandAxe2'
  1096. ,'MorningStar'
  1097. ,'MorningStar2'
  1098. ,'MorningStar3'
  1099. ,'BattleHammer'
  1100. ,'WarHammer'
  1101. ,'HammerOfWoe'
  1102. ,'CrescentAxe'
  1103. ,'CrescentAxe2'
  1104. ,'Bow'
  1105. ,'LongBow'
  1106. ,'BlessedBow'
  1107. ,'Crossbow'
  1108. ,'Crossbow2'
  1109. ,'WiddasBow'
  1110. ,'Unknown'
  1111. ,'Unknown'
  1112. ,'Unknown'
  1113. ,'Unknown'
  1114. ,'Unknown'
  1115. ,'Unknown'
  1116. ,'Unknown'
  1117. }
  1118. ,spell=
  1119. {'None'
  1120. ,'Fireball 1'
  1121. ,'Fireball 2'
  1122. ,'Fireball 3'
  1123. ,'FireWall 1'
  1124. ,'FireWall 2'
  1125. ,'FireWall 3'
  1126. ,'FlameBreath 1'
  1127. ,'FlameBreath 2'
  1128. ,'FlameBreath 3'
  1129. ,'Immolate 1'
  1130. ,'Immolate 2'
  1131. ,'Immolate 3'
  1132. ,'FlameStrike 1'
  1133. ,'FlameStrike 2'
  1134. ,'FlameStrike 3'
  1135. ,'EarthHeal 1'
  1136. ,'EarthHeal 2'
  1137. ,'EarthHeal 3'
  1138. ,'Upheaval 1'
  1139. ,'Upheaval 2'
  1140. ,'Upheaval 3'
  1141. ,'EarthLeach 1'
  1142. ,'EarthLeach 2'
  1143. ,'EarthLeach 3'
  1144. ,'Volcannon 1'
  1145. ,'Volcannon 2'
  1146. ,'Volcannon 3'
  1147. ,'MeteorCascade 1'
  1148. ,'MeteorCascade 2'
  1149. ,'MeteorCascade 3'
  1150. ,'WindCutter 1'
  1151. ,'WindCutter 2'
  1152. ,'WindCutter 3'
  1153. ,'LifeShield 1'
  1154. ,'LifeShield 2'
  1155. ,'LifeShield 3'
  1156. ,'IceClad 1'
  1157. ,'IceClad 2'
  1158. ,'IceClad 3'
  1159. ,'Tornado 1'
  1160. ,'Tornado 2'
  1161. ,'Tornado 3'
  1162. ,'Freeze 1'
  1163. ,'Freeze 2'
  1164. ,'Freeze 3'
  1165. ,'Purity 1'
  1166. ,'Purity 2'
  1167. ,'Purity 3'
  1168. ,'EndureFire 1'
  1169. ,'EndureFire 2'
  1170. ,'EndureFire 3'
  1171. ,'Remedy 1'
  1172. ,'Remedy 2'
  1173. ,'Remedy 3'
  1174. ,'Vortex 1'
  1175. ,'Vortex 2'
  1176. ,'Vortex 3'
  1177. ,'Hydrosphere 1'
  1178. ,'Hydrosphere 2'
  1179. ,'Hydrosphere 3'
  1180. ,'DivineLight 1'
  1181. ,'DivineLight 2'
  1182. ,'DivineLight 3'
  1183. ,'Flash 1'
  1184. ,'Flash 2'
  1185. ,'Flash 3'
  1186. ,'Retribution 1'
  1187. ,'Retribution 2'
  1188. ,'Retribution 3'
  1189. ,'InvokeLightning 1'
  1190. ,'InvokeLightning 2'
  1191. ,'InvokeLightning 3'
  1192. ,'Judgement 1'
  1193. ,'Judgement 2'
  1194. ,'Judgement 3'
  1195. ,'ShadowSkin 1'
  1196. ,'ShadowSkin 2'
  1197. ,'ShadowSkin 3'
  1198. ,'Eclipse 1'
  1199. ,'Eclipse 2'
  1200. ,'Eclipse 3'
  1201. ,'RecklessStrength 1'
  1202. ,'RecklessStrength 2'
  1203. ,'RecklessStrength 3'
  1204. ,'DriftingDeath 1'
  1205. ,'DriftingDeath 2'
  1206. ,'DriftingDeath 3'
  1207. ,'DarkMatter 1'
  1208. ,'DarkMatter 2'
  1209. ,'DarkMatter 3'
  1210. ,'BlackScar'
  1211. ,'EarthQuake'
  1212. ,'Tsunami'
  1213. ,'CrystalineBlade'
  1214. ,'SingleJudgment'
  1215. ,'DarkDefiler'
  1216. ,'TripleFang'
  1217. ,'MoonLightSword'
  1218. ,'Sparks'
  1219. ,'GenericWeaponMagic1'
  1220. ,'GenericWeaponMagic2'
  1221. ,'GenericWeaponMagic3'
  1222. ,'GenericWeaponMagic4'
  1223. ,'GenericWeaponMagic5'
  1224. ,'GenericWeaponMagic6'
  1225. ,'GenericWeaponMagic7'
  1226. ,'GenericWeaponMagic8'
  1227. ,'GenericWeaponMagic9'
  1228. ,'GenericWeaponMagic10'
  1229. ,'GenericWeaponMagic11'
  1230. ,'Sparks'
  1231. ,'EarthHealVisual'
  1232. ,'-113'
  1233. ,'-114'
  1234. ,'-115'
  1235. ,'-116'
  1236. ,'-117'
  1237. ,'-118'
  1238. ,'-119'
  1239. ,'-120'
  1240. ,'-121'
  1241. ,'-122'
  1242. ,'-123'
  1243. ,'SacrificialMaskFire'
  1244. ,'PlayerArrow'
  1245. ,'PlayerBolt'
  1246. ,'PlayerWiddaArrow'
  1247. ,'DarkCloud'
  1248. ,'WebShot'
  1249. ,'StoolPoison'
  1250. ,'WebShotBoss'
  1251. ,'ArrowCloseShot'
  1252. ,'MinerVomit'
  1253. ,'ReaperUpheaval'
  1254. ,'AcidBreath'
  1255. ,'StatueIceClad'
  1256. ,'StatueUpheaval'
  1257. ,'FireBreath'
  1258. ,'SmallFireBall'
  1259. ,'Arrow'
  1260. ,'WiddaArrow'
  1261. ,'DarkArrow'
  1262. ,'LordImmolate'
  1263. ,'QueenPoison'
  1264. ,'SentinelSlice'
  1265. ,'LavaLizardBreath'
  1266. ,'FadinArrow'
  1267. ,'DarkFlowerJuice1'
  1268. ,'TrapWindCutter'
  1269. ,'GoldenStatueOrb'
  1270. ,'DarkerArrow'
  1271. ,'BeetleBreath'
  1272. ,'LivingArmorRepel'
  1273. ,'GiantClubSmash'
  1274. ,'GiantArmPoison'
  1275. ,'EarthKingFrost'
  1276. ,'EarthKingSmash'
  1277. ,'MakaraBreath'
  1278. ,'QueenOrb'
  1279. ,'AquaLizardSpit'
  1280. ,'KingLightning'
  1281. ,'KingLightningTrap'
  1282. ,'-163'
  1283. ,'MinionHellHoundFire'
  1284. ,'MummyLightningStorm'
  1285. ,'MummyTwirls'
  1286. ,'MummyFlashShot'
  1287. ,'MaliceDarkMark'
  1288. ,'MaliceFireball'
  1289. ,'-170'
  1290. ,'-171'
  1291. ,'FlameWave'
  1292. ,'LarvaSpawn'
  1293. ,'SorcererBurst'
  1294. ,'IceGolemShard'
  1295. ,'FireBall'
  1296. ,'DarkPuppetOrb'
  1297. ,'DarkBirdFireBall'
  1298. ,'DarkBirdWindCutter'
  1299. ,'SolCurseOrb'
  1300. ,'LargeFlame'
  1301. ,'DemonDarkMatter'
  1302. ,'DemonFrost'
  1303. ,'GiantShockwave'
  1304. ,'FireElementalShot'
  1305. ,'EarthElementalWave'
  1306. ,'WindElementalCutter'
  1307. ,'WindElementalTornado'
  1308. ,'WaterElementalShot'
  1309. ,'SuccubusSwipe'
  1310. ,'SuccubusLightning'
  1311. ,'SkullBreath'
  1312. ,'DarkKnightLightning'
  1313. ,'DarkKnightBeam'
  1314. ,'DarkKnightEclipse'
  1315. ,'MutantWallGas'
  1316. ,'MutantCeilingGas'
  1317. ,'LavaBirdDarkShot'
  1318. ,'OnyxDarkFire'
  1319. ,'BeetleCollapse'
  1320. ,'SorcererArrowRain'
  1321. ,'SpearTrap'
  1322. ,'FadinArrow2'
  1323. ,'ElementalDarkShot'
  1324. ,'FadinArrow3'
  1325. ,'SilenceBubbles'
  1326. ,'WindyFaceGust'
  1327. ,'DarkGas'
  1328. ,'DarkFlowerJuice2'
  1329. ,'-210'
  1330. ,'-211'
  1331. ,'-212'
  1332. ,'-213'
  1333. ,'-214'
  1334. ,'-215'
  1335. ,'-216'
  1336. ,'-217'
  1337. ,'-218'
  1338. ,'-219'
  1339. ,'-220'
  1340. ,'-221'
  1341. ,'PoisonGasVisual'
  1342. ,'-223'
  1343. ,'-224'
  1344. ,'-225'
  1345. ,'-226'
  1346. ,'-227'
  1347. ,'-228'
  1348. ,'-229'
  1349. ,'-230'
  1350. ,'-231'
  1351. ,'-232'
  1352. ,'-233'
  1353. ,'-234'
  1354. ,'-235'
  1355. ,'-236'
  1356. ,'-237'
  1357. ,'-238'
  1358. ,'-239'
  1359. ,'-240'
  1360. ,'-241'
  1361. ,'StrongSpearTrap'
  1362. ,'ArrowTrap'
  1363. ,'IceTrap'
  1364. ,'-245'
  1365. ,'-246'
  1366. ,'WiddaFlameTrap'
  1367. ,'BlueFlameLock'
  1368. ,'LargeFlameTrap'
  1369. ,'DarkTrap'
  1370. ,'WeakSpearTrap'
  1371. ,'Explosion'
  1372. ,'FlameTrap'
  1373. ,'PoisonTrap'
  1374. ,'WeakArrowTrap'
  1375. }
  1376. }
  1378. local dropdowns =
  1379. {projectiles = [[
  1380. -1:Invalid
  1381. 0:Null
  1382. 1:Fireball 1
  1383. 2:Fireball 2
  1384. 3:Fireball 3
  1385. 4:FireWall 1
  1386. 5:FireWall 2
  1387. 6:FireWall 3
  1388. 7:FlameBreath 1
  1389. 8:FlameBreath 2
  1390. 9:FlameBreath 3
  1391. 10:Immolate 1
  1392. 11:Immolate 2
  1393. 12:Immolate 3
  1394. 13:FlameStrike 1
  1395. 14:FlameStrike 2
  1396. 15:FlameStrike 3
  1397. 16:EarthHeal 1
  1398. 17:EarthHeal 2
  1399. 18:EarthHeal 3
  1400. 19:Upheaval 1
  1401. 20:Upheaval 2
  1402. 21:Upheaval 3
  1403. 22:EarthLeach 1
  1404. 23:EarthLeach 2
  1405. 24:EarthLeach 3
  1406. 25:Volcannon 1
  1407. 26:Volcannon 2
  1408. 27:Volcannon 3
  1409. 28:MeteorCascade 1
  1410. 29:MeteorCascade 2
  1411. 30:MeteorCascade 3
  1412. 31:WindCutter 1
  1413. 32:WindCutter 2
  1414. 33:WindCutter 3
  1415. 34:LifeShield 1
  1416. 35:LifeShield 2
  1417. 36:LifeShield 3
  1418. 37:IceClad 1
  1419. 38:IceClad 2
  1420. 39:IceClad 3
  1421. 40:Tornado 1
  1422. 41:Tornado 2
  1423. 42:Tornado 3
  1424. 43:Freeze 1
  1425. 44:Freeze 2
  1426. 45:Freeze 3
  1427. 46:Purity 1
  1428. 47:Purity 2
  1429. 48:Purity 3
  1430. 49:EndureFire 1
  1431. 50:EndureFire 2
  1432. 51:EndureFire 3
  1433. 52:Remedy 1
  1434. 53:Remedy 2
  1435. 54:Remedy 3
  1436. 55:Vortex 1
  1437. 56:Vortex 2
  1438. 57:Vortex 3
  1439. 58:Hydrosphere 1
  1440. 59:Hydrosphere 2
  1441. 60:Hydrosphere 3
  1442. 61:DivineLight 1
  1443. 62:DivineLight 2
  1444. 63:DivineLight 3
  1445. 64:Flash 1
  1446. 65:Flash 2
  1447. 66:Flash 3
  1448. 67:Retribution 1
  1449. 68:Retribution 2
  1450. 69:Retribution 3
  1451. 70:InvokeLightning 1
  1452. 71:InvokeLightning 2
  1453. 72:InvokeLightning 3
  1454. 73:Judgement 1
  1455. 74:Judgement 2
  1456. 75:Judgement 3
  1457. 76:ShadowSkin 1
  1458. 77:ShadowSkin 2
  1459. 78:ShadowSkin 3
  1460. 79:Eclipse 1
  1461. 80:Eclipse 2
  1462. 81:Eclipse 3
  1463. 82:RecklessStrength 1
  1464. 83:RecklessStrength 2
  1465. 84:RecklessStrength 3
  1466. 85:DriftingDeath 1
  1467. 86:DriftingDeath 2
  1468. 87:DriftingDeath 3
  1469. 88:DarkMatter 1
  1470. 89:DarkMatter 2
  1471. 90:DarkMatter 3
  1472. 91:BlackScar
  1473. 92:EarthQuake
  1474. 93:-Tsunami
  1475. 94:CrystalineBlade
  1476. 95:SingleJudgment
  1477. 96:DarkDefiler
  1478. 97:TripleFang
  1479. 98:MoonLightSword
  1480. 99:Sparks
  1481. 100:GenericWeaponMagic1
  1482. 101:GenericWeaponMagic2
  1483. 102:GenericWeaponMagic3
  1484. 103:GenericWeaponMagic4
  1485. 104:GenericWeaponMagic5
  1486. 105:GenericWeaponMagic6
  1487. 106:GenericWeaponMagic7
  1488. 107:GenericWeaponMagic8
  1489. 108:GenericWeaponMagic9
  1490. 109:GenericWeaponMagic10
  1491. 110:GenericWeaponMagic11
  1492. 111:Sparks
  1493. 112:EarthHealVisual
  1494. 113:-113
  1495. 114:-114
  1496. 115:-115
  1497. 116:-116
  1498. 117:-117
  1499. 118:-118
  1500. 119:-119
  1501. 120:-120
  1502. 121:-121
  1503. 122:-122
  1504. 123:-123
  1505. 124:SacrificialMaskFire
  1506. 125:PlayerArrow
  1507. 126:PlayerBolt
  1508. 127:PlayerWiddaArrow
  1509. 128:DarkCloud
  1510. 129:WebShot
  1511. 130:StoolPoison
  1512. 131:WebShotBoss
  1513. 132:ArrowCloseShot
  1514. 133:MinerVomit
  1515. 134:ReaperUpheaval
  1516. 135:AcidBreath
  1517. 136:StatueIceClad
  1518. 137:StatueUpheaval
  1519. 138:FireBreath
  1520. 139:SmallFireBall
  1521. 140:Arrow
  1522. 141:WiddaArrow
  1523. 142:DarkArrow
  1524. 143:LordImmolate
  1525. 144:QueenPoison
  1526. 145:SentinelSlice
  1527. 146:LavaLizardBreath
  1528. 147:FadinArrow
  1529. 148:DarkFlowerJuice1
  1530. 149:TrapWindCutter
  1531. 150:GoldenStatueOrb
  1532. 151:DarkerArrow
  1533. 152:BeetleBreath
  1534. 153:LivingArmorRepel
  1535. 154:GiantClubSmash
  1536. 155:GiantArmPoison
  1537. 156:EarthKingFrost
  1538. 157:EarthKingSmash
  1539. 158:MakaraBreath
  1540. 159:QueenOrb
  1541. 160:AquaLizardSpit
  1542. 161:KingLightning
  1543. 162:KingLightningTrap
  1544. 163:-163
  1545. 164:MinionHellHoundFire
  1546. 165:MummyLightningStorm
  1547. 166:MummyTwirls
  1548. 167:MummyFlashShot
  1549. 168:MaliceDarkMark
  1550. 169:MaliceFireball
  1551. 170:-170
  1552. 171:-171
  1553. 172:FlameWave
  1554. 173:LarvaSpawn
  1555. 174:SorcererBurst
  1556. 175:IceGolemShard
  1557. 176:FireBall
  1558. 177:DarkPuppetOrb
  1559. 178:DarkBirdFireBall
  1560. 179:DarkBirdWindCutter
  1561. 180:SolCurseOrb
  1562. 181:LargeFlame
  1563. 182:DemonDarkMatter
  1564. 183:DemonFrost
  1565. 184:GiantShockwave
  1566. 185:FireElementalShot
  1567. 186:EarthElementalWave
  1568. 187:WindElementalCutter
  1569. 188:WindElementalTornado
  1570. 189:WaterElementalShot
  1571. 190:SuccubusSwipe
  1572. 191:SuccubusLightning
  1573. 192:SkullBreath
  1574. 193:DarkKnightLightning
  1575. 194:DarkKnightBeam
  1576. 195:DarkKnightEclipse
  1577. 196:MutantWallGas
  1578. 197:MutantCeilingGas
  1579. 198:LavaBirdDarkShot
  1580. 199:OnyxDarkFire
  1581. 200:BeetleCollapse
  1582. 201:SorcererArrowRain
  1583. 202:SpearTrap
  1584. 203:FadinArrow2
  1585. 204:ElementalDarkShot
  1586. 205:FadinArrow3
  1587. 206:SilenceBubbles
  1588. 207:WindyFaceGust
  1589. 208:DarkGas
  1590. 209:DarkFlowerJuice2
  1591. 222:PoisonGasVisual
  1592. 242:StrongSpearTrap
  1593. 243:ArrowTrap
  1594. 244:IceTrap
  1595. 247:WiddaFlameTrap
  1596. 248:BlueFlameLock
  1597. 249:LargeFlameTrap
  1598. 250:DarkTrap
  1599. 251:WeakSpearTrap
  1600. 252:Explosion
  1601. 253:FlameTrap
  1602. 254:PoisonTrap
  1603. 255:WeakArrowTrap
  1604. ]]
  1605. ,items = [[
  1606. -1:Null
  1607. 6:Herb
  1608. 7:HerbalLiquid
  1609. ]]
  1610. ,firingMode = [[
  1611. 0:Head (Default)
  1612. 2:LeftHead
  1613. 4:WeaponHand
  1614. 8:OffHand
  1615. 16:LeftFootStomp
  1616. 255:Ground
  1617. ]]
  1618. }
  1620. local al = getAddressList()
  1621. local expandable = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('Click To Expand')
  1622. local showbytes = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('Show Unknown Bytes')
  1624. --Filter to prevent double activation of callbacks
  1625. function callIfBefore(func)
  1626. return function (record,before,state)
  1627. if before ~= true then return true end
  1628. func(record,before,state)
  1629. return true
  1630. end
  1631. end
  1633. function clearChildren(e)
  1634. while e.Child[0] ~= nil do
  1635. e.Child[0].destroy()
  1636. end
  1637. end
  1639. local clearCallback = callIfBefore(clearChildren)
  1642. function getDataSize(dtype)
  1643. local sizes = {[vtByte]=1,[vtWord]=2,[vtDword]=4,[vtQword]=8
  1644. ,[vtSingle]=4,[vtDouble]=8}
  1645. if type(dtype) == "number" then
  1646. return sizes[dtype]
  1647. end
  1648. local size = offsets[dtype].size
  1649. if size ~= nil then
  1650. return size
  1651. else
  1652. return 0
  1653. end
  1654. end
  1656. function makeMemoryRecord(parent, settings, array)
  1657. local rec = al.createMemoryRecord()
  1658. local offset, desc, atype = settings[1], settings[2], settings[3]
  1659. if array ~= nil then
  1660. offset = offset + array * getDataSize(atype)
  1661. if ~= nil then
  1662. desc = string.format(desc, names[][array+1], array, offset)
  1663. else
  1664. desc = string.format(desc, array, offset)
  1665. end
  1666. end
  1667. local addr = string.format("+%X", offset)
  1668. if desc == "" then desc = addr end
  1669. rec.setAddress(addr)
  1670. rec.setDescription(desc)
  1671. rec.DontSave = true
  1672. if type(atype) == "number" then
  1673. rec.Type = atype
  1674. if atype == vtWord then rec.ShowAsSigned = true end
  1675. else
  1676. rec.Type = vtGrouped
  1678. rec.OnActivate = callIfBefore(function ()
  1679. expandRecord(rec, offsets[atype])
  1680. end)
  1681. rec.OnDeactivate = clearCallback
  1682. end
  1684. if settings.dropdown ~= nil then
  1685. rec.DisplayAsDropDownListItem=true
  1686. rec.DropDownList.Text = dropdowns[settings.dropdown]
  1687. end
  1689. rec.appendToEntry(parent)
  1690. end
  1692. function unknownBytesEntry(base, offset, length)
  1693. if not showbytes.Active then return end
  1694. local rec = al.createMemoryRecord()
  1695. local addr = string.format("+%X", offset)
  1696. rec.setAddress(addr)
  1697. rec.setDescription(string.format("Unknown +%X length %X", offset, length))
  1698. rec.DontSave = true
  1699. rec.Type = vtByteArray
  1700. rec.Aob.Size = length
  1701. rec.appendToEntry(base)
  1702. end
  1704. --TODO: extend this code to make byte array sections for unidentified memory
  1705. function expandRecord(base, offsets)
  1706. local pos = 0
  1707. local size = offsets.size
  1708. if size == nil then size = 0 end
  1709. for _, offset in ipairs(offsets) do
  1710. local curOffset = offset[1]
  1711. local curSize = getDataSize(offset[3])
  1712. if (pos &lt; curOffset) and (pos &lt; size) then
  1713. unknownBytesEntry(base, pos, curOffset - pos)
  1714. end
  1716. local count = offset.array
  1717. if offset.array ~= nil then
  1718. for i=0, count-1 do
  1719. makeMemoryRecord(base, offset, i)
  1720. end
  1721. pos = curOffset + curSize * count
  1722. else
  1723. makeMemoryRecord(base, offset)
  1724. pos = curOffset + curSize
  1725. end
  1726. end
  1727. if (pos &lt; size) then
  1728. unknownBytesEntry(base, pos, size - pos)
  1729. end
  1730. end
  1733. expandable.OnActivate = callIfBefore(function ()
  1734. expandRecord(expandable, offsets.base)
  1735. end)
  1737. expandable.OnDeactivate = clearCallback
  1738. </LuaScript>
  1739. </CheatTable>
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