

Aug 10th, 2012
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  1. enchant Enchants the item the user is holding.
  2. exp Give, set or look at a players exp.
  3. feed Satisfy the hunger.
  4. give Give another player an item
  5. heal Heal a player.
  6. kit Spawn a predefined kit.
  7. repair Repairs the durability of all or one item.
  8. unlimited Allows the unlimited placing of items.
  9. workbench Opens up a workbench
  10. afk Sets your status as AFK.
  11. helpop Requests help from online staff.
  12. info This allows you to see information about the server.
  13. list Lists the players online and how many slots are left.
  14. mail Allows you to send & receive mail.
  15. me Allows you to emote.
  16. motd Displays the motd (Message of the Day).
  17. nick Change your display name.
  18. powertool Assigns a command to the item in hand.
  19. powertooltoggle Enables or disables all current powertools
  20. rules Displays the rules.
  21. seen Check when a player was last online.
  22. spawner Change the mob type of a spawner
  23. suicide Commit suicide.
  24. burn Sets a player on fire.
  25. clearinventory Clear a players inventory.
  26. gc Displays server usage information.
  27. invsee See the inventory of other players.
  28. setjail Create a new jail location.
  29. socialspy See other players private messages
  30. spawnmob Allows you to spawn a specified mob with an optional mount.
  31. togglejail Sends/Removes a player to a jail.
  32. weather Manipulates the weather.
  33. setspawn Sets the spawn location.
  34. top Teleports you to the highest block at your current location.
  35. tpaall Requests all players online to teleport to you.
  36. tppos Teleports you directly to a location.
  37. world Allows you to teleport to different world.
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