

Aug 23rd, 2015
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  1. You weren't sure why you were going down that ally, at that exact time, but you do know you did not expect to run, well more or so bump into such a..... Beautiful Aryan woman. Surely she must be lost , going down such a terribly dark and grim ally at such a time. She look's far too sophisticated to even be near such a terrible area like this.
  3. You stand in front of her, having stood back from bumping into her, you have your large winter coat on from the war, of course having strip of most of the tell-tail signs of it being from Nazi Germany. You keep those in a bag in one of your desks locked away in your basement along with most of your other war items. Your unsure if you should say anything really, she seems in a rush, and you feel even apologizing would waste her precious time. But not apologizing would be rude and un-thoughtful, and very un-American of you. Especially as in America the people tend to very kind towards the end of the year.
  5. "Oh my dear, I am terribly sorry for that." You say this in a rather thick German accent, shortly after coughing into your elbow, you always get a cold around this time of the year. The American Winter isn't as cold and bad as the German winter, but neither of them even cut to how bad it gets near the eastern front, where you spent a few months back in the early months of the war. You will never forget how cold it was then, and the feeling of preferring to die than have to spend even another day in the seemingly eternal winter.
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  9. You walk down the quite empty street, wearing a lovely yet short suit skirt combo, in your family colour, blue. It not only brings out your wondrous curves, but also your deep blue eyes. Sure a longer skirt or even some stockings would make your outfit more.... professional and better suited for the harsh winter. But you don't mind, you'd rather feel fashionable and attractive than ugly and prude. Plus it's the 60s for gods sakes, you've got to embrace the wondrous fashion coming up, going out with the horrible trends of the 40s and 50s and in with the modern era of fashion.
  11. You strut down the street as a reasonable pass, passing a few alleys as you go, you know this street alone has a lot, but you are never sure which one just might have someone down it, waiting to try to talk to you or maybe even mug you. Sure talking to you doesn't seem that bad, but it does waste your time, and at this time of night, there's only creepers waiting in the darkness. You told yourself you would start getting taxis home, but you even break promises to yourself, plus you have a handgun in your purse, why should you feel afraid?
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  16. You stare down the woman, she's obviously terrified, you ponder why for a moment, what could of happened to this poor lady to make her fear the darkness of the city in such a way? That would bring her to shivers and shaking over meeting a simple friendly stranger? You almost feel disgusted at the idea of someone possible doing such acts of terror to a seemingly innocent person, even by your standards.
  18. "It's is okay my dear, I was the one who bumped into you, I should be more focused on where I am going." You give her a gentle smile, trying to ease up the mood, it so tense you could cut through the moment with a knife. Standing there waiting for her to respond you look around, the surroundings are... dark and cold, and you can feel the cold in your toes and on your face, the alleyway itself smells awful and of fresh urine, it's almost gag inducing. You want to leave , but you very much prefer to stay and talk to this lady, plus you feel obligated now to make sure she makes it home safe. She's too pretty to be alone in such a dodgy area.
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