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a guest
Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. menus:
  2. Tier: #Menu Name
  3. prefix: '&7[&cSelect Tier&7]' #Each menu can have it's own prefix so that you can camouflage the GUICommand as a different plugin
  4. permission: 'guicommands.menus.punish' #permission to be able to access menu. These are custom permissions.
  5. usage: 'punish $arg1' #used to determine the order of the arguments
  6. rows: 1 #number of rows in GUI. Maximum is 6
  7. arguments:
  8. arg1:
  9. name: '[player]' #this field is used for users memory. The plugin doesn't really care what value is put in here
  10. Items: #items in menu
  11. Tier1:
  12. material: PAPER #material of item
  13. data: 0 #data for material
  14. amount: 1 #number of material to show
  15. slot: 0 #numbered slot to add item to. 0 being the first slot on the first row
  16. display_name: '§9Tier 1' #What the display name of the item is in the GUI
  17. lore:
  18. - ''
  19. - '&8» &7&oSpam / Chat Flood'
  20. - '&8» &7&oBad Sportsmanship'
  21. - '&8» &7&oDisrespect / Harassment'
  22. commands: #commands run by players. Use {player} as a placeholder for the player that is in the GUI. If you are using a command to BAN a player.... you probably should not use {player} in the command
  23. - '[player]offence $arg1'
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