
Nomont: Designing the Nomont Battlesuit Mk3

May 4th, 2021
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  1. Nidaz asks, "Also, what would you need for your project, Asura?"
  3. Asura Nomont says, "Protection. Time. Tyrium... Lots of Tyrium... and a few volunteers..."
  5. Nidaz says, "Oh? Very well."
  7. Nidaz has taken Tyrium (x67) from the chest.
  9. From one side to the other the man was walking with the non-magi, together with a group of undead! Collecting things in various locations.
  11. Then arriving at his home, he would stop and the undead would drop numerous resourceful bags around Asura, "Here it is."
  12. (Nidaz)
  14. Nidaz drops Tyrium x77.
  16. So much Tyrium!
  17. It was surely something worthy of note! … but... There lied a hefty problem. The ore was heavy... And he lacked supernatural strength.
  19. Usually, he would've hired many under his employ, but being so new to Achyon -- such was seemingly out of the question. The man's sole emerald hue did shimmer at the sight of such abundance that would easily have killed him, had he lacked care in his temperance.
  21. "I- … I don't know what to say... This is... So much... So..." He was flabberghasted, to put it lightly.
  23. "Though, I, I'm unsure if I'll be able to transport it on my own. Will I be able to recruit a few under my liege? Or at least, have volunteers to carry it for me? Ill usage around himself, or overexposure to the overabundance and..."
  25. The man rose a finger at the quantities from his right... Tyrium? Hand... "--and I could very well end up like your friends here."
  26. (Asura Nomont)
  28. Ah yes, he almost forgot that one of the properties of Tyrium could be very harmful to the health of a non-magi, if he had thrown it at the man? He would probably be dead by now!
  30. Apparently age was catching up with Nidaz, since he didn't notice these little details..
  32. What a thing.
  34. "Oh, sure.." He would reply, snapping his fingers. The group of undead that followed the necromancer would then begin to collect the bags and wait for more commands, "Then, I will be leaving these under your command, to help you.
  36. Yes, yes.
  38. They are able to obey simple commands and follow you wherever you go. You must have already seen a simple example of this, following Eury and taking care of her child." He would begin to explain, while his gaze fell on the undead creatures.
  40. This should be more than enough at the moment, to help the man. Now that was strange, why was Nidaz so willing to help like him with such things..?
  42. Probably, because he was interested in seeing the final result of this project.
  44. Maybe.
  45. (Nidaz)
  47. You have stopped following Nidaz.
  49. You pick up Tyrium x77.
  51. You are now following Nidaz
  53. The concept of the dead bending to the whim of a magi felt like an affront to all that the Nomont had come to know. The dead did not know rest... Or... Was it simply their flesh? Truly, the man did not know. All the same, it didn't seem as though he was entirely inclined to pry either.
  55. What mattered, was that these grotesque abominations were collaborating with him -- which meant he had a second chance. Their numbers lumbered with lumps of tyrium far too heavy and mana-hungry for the lone nonmagi to dare carry on his own... --and now, they followed simple commands at Asura's volition? Surely, this life, was one to be lived.
  57. The man nodded, a tad bit perplexed on the true lengths he could go with his commands. "I suppose, that handles two predicaments... Though, there is a final ingredient I find myself in need of." The Nomont stirred, turning his head slightly to mull on the subject -- likely on the wording.
  59. "Volunteers... Unless these... things are to be assumed as subjects for the matter? The mana of magus circuitry in abundance is required... I lack the capability to enchant things, but I know of the general applications of runic writing. With some inscriptions from myself, and siphoning of another's circuit with the material -- Perhaps, I can induce a transmutation of material." The nonmagi theorized.
  61. ...It was what he had to rely on, in absence of a competent circuit.
  62. (Asura Nomont)
  64. Something notable about the creatures that would now follow Asura, is that they were extremely different from each other. Some had pieces made of magitech replacing parts of the bodies, others had parts of the animals around their bodies and some were just skeletons!
  66. Each was different, demonstrating that nothing was really the same, but all went through a process of reconstruction to become what they are.
  68. As expected.
  70. Listening to the man's theory, the necromancer would jointly ponder, "Uhu, I think the undead can work, but I think that someone else's help would be appropriate. Someone in the army would be the best choice.
  72. Yes, yes.
  74. Talk to the new Commander, say that I am interested in the project and ask him to choose someone to help you. That should be enough to proceed with your projects.
  76. Good enough for you?" He would make the offer, one that would contribute even more to Asura.
  78. If he wanted.
  80. However, while he waited for an answer, he would begin to return to the square! Being followed by the undead and probably the non-magi.
  81. (Nidaz)
  83. Asura Nomont says, "Of course. I thank you for this privilege."
  85. Nidaz says, "Mhm, now talk to him."
  87. Nidaz says, "He is right over there."
  89. Nidaz points towards Augustus.
  90. (Nidaz)
  92. You have stopped following Nidaz.
  94. Augustus Vorenii says, "Hello, yes."
  96. Asura Nomont says, "Sir. I have briefly convened with..."
  98. Asura glances over to Nidaz, likely for a name.
  99. (Asura Nomont)
  101. Asura Nomont says, "...uuuuh..."
  103. Augustus Vorenii asks, ".... Who..?"
  105. Nidaz says, "Councilman Nidaz."
  107. Nidaz sighs.
  108. (Nidaz)
  110. The nonmagi juts his thumb back for the undead servants following him, carrying sacks of tyrium. "I've been offered the resources from --Councilman Nidaz-- " He spoke with extra emphasis on the name, thankful for the assist when it came.
  112. "-- to engage in my endeavor in what I've dubbed 'Project: Mage Buster'." He claimed. "It is, in reverence to what I've learned from my time here." A nod.
  114. "I merely need one volunteer, for their mana to both trigger the transmutation of material... Tyrium, I need to work with, as well as feeding it."
  116. There was a pause, likely mulling over other necessary requirements.
  118. "I suppose I was hoping to use such efforts to likely collaborate with the operations here... Even if, myself being... A mere nonmagi."
  119. A bold declaration, from a man without a single magic to his name.
  120. (Asura Nomont)
  122. Reigns Uchi says, "Yo, yo."
  124. Well, Augustus was dealing with Asura previously, so this wasn't too much of a change. Though, he was definitely appreciative of them seeming more lively than the last time.
  126. "Good to see you are no longer moping about-" He'd say with a small smile, "-And already inspired by our culture, hm?"
  128. Vindication...
  130. "I see." Project Mage Buster, the name will almost certainly drive away any sane volunteer, "Tyrium is quite draining on Magi, no?" Possibly the reasoning for the words 'feeding it.'
  132. "Will it be safe for one of our people, or do you intend to use it on a prisoner?"
  133. (Augustus Vorenii)
  135. There didn't need to be a comment on the former bit -- his mind was already made and focused.
  136. "It is draining on anything and everything." He claimed, bringing rise to his own sheathed prosthetic -- Tyrium tainted it lavender.
  138. "It drains me even now, yet I live because my Will refuses to die... Even now." The man claimed, "The siphon it has depends on one's... Dependency on the mana, and while all depend on it - I, having never expending it on magic? Only require the bare minimum to survive." He explained.
  140. "I'm certain the same could be said for a magi... Though, if you are concerned as to the welfare of your troops... Then, so be it. A prisoner, will do."
  141. (Asura Nomont)
  143. His will refuses to die?
  145. It certainly did not seem that way just a few days ago, it seemed releasing Asura from their bonds and encouraging them to learn about the Empire of their own volition was the correct way to go about it.
  147. "The Empire empowers our will, Asura Nomont." Even those who are old and weak find strength in Barsburg. "Well.. We have no Magi Prisoners as of right now, you were the last, but, you are free to seek out a volunteer.. Just make sure nothing happens to them, if one of our troops ends up wounded before the battle you'll be responsible for it."
  148. (Augustus Vorenii)
  150. That he does.
  152. A single nod was given to that- though, now that he was on break, he could dedicate more time to his hobbies - or simply enjoying his retirement.
  154. "Mhm."
  156. "My home needed me before, so.." A reason as to why he still remained for so long.
  158. "But it's in good hands now. I can rest."
  159. (Marcel Delisle)
  161. Asura Nomont says, "Understood."
  163. Asura 's head fluidly swivels to note Reigns' flared aura.
  164. (Asura Nomont)
  166. Augustus Vorenii says, "Good luck with it then, I look forward to seeing the results."
  168. Reigns Uchi says, "-"
  170. Reigns titled his head lightly after seeing Asura's reaction? "Sup."
  171. (Reigns Uchi)
  173. To the sight of Reigns, showcasing their aura for all to see? Asura brought rise to his tyrium arm, pointing a finger in nigh wagging fashion at the magi.
  175. "You, there... Magi. The miasma that cloaks you... Is that... What I think it is?" The man wandered up close in a slow, albeit cautious fashion. The subtle vibrations in his tyrium appendage communicating to him as it always had, gnawing and clawing at the nonmagi's psyche as it often tended to -- constantly deprived in its endeavor to finally vanquish what little Willpower he dared to cling to, to perpetuate.
  177. This time, it acted like a sensor: A homing beacon to displays such as this.
  178. "Is that... Raw mana?" He queried, single eye dilating in reverence as proximity closed in. The material was hungering, insinuating by the involuntary twitch of his digits.
  180. "How does that... Work?"
  182. It was growing clear that the nonmagi had... Never seen such before outside of text books.
  183. (Asura Nomont)
  185. Reigns did have a bad habit of flaring his mana. Though in this case? He literally had bested an Ogre which was near the city. He was kind of 'excited' to have grant them his curse- The mark of the blue diamond.
  187. As they approached him, he was still rather confused. Seeing them step in closer, examining their aura quite thoroughly.
  189. "Uh.. How does it work? Well let's say.. Energy is the manifestation of mana. As you had said prior.. Raw Mana.. It could basically enhance your physical attributes, despite the lack of working out.. And uh, I do believe you could enhance you other magics with it too..
  191. For example my flames and explosions are more- destructive while gathering my mana and concentrating it within any part of my body. More so, my hands.."
  193. He paused, folding his arms. "There is also other things you could do with it.. Could condense your mana into a certain object too. Like a table, a hammer.. Something like that.. Though you'd have to be reaaally skilled with it.. And learn how to have full control over it. Just like any other magic. It still takes a lot of hard work and dedication in order to pull things off like shooting out mana and increasing your power."
  194. (Reigns Uchi)
  198. The nonmagi listened, but as the individual droned on -- Asura's mind had been made. He nodded in reverence, but judging from the glance over to the undead servants lugging massive sacks of tyrium behind him? It was clear, that he only cared to confirm his assumption.
  200. "No need to re-explain the concept of it to me." He claimed, "I only needed to assure that what you are harbinging is... More than theoretically possible." He claimed.
  202. "I have an endeavor I intend to enact... You can have the luxury of having your name etched in history from henceforth." He assured, "All I require is your voluntary participation in an endeavor... I can't promise that it won't strain you, but it surely, will bring about a product anew."
  203. The man crossed his arms, feeling the brush of the vampiric material against his chest.
  205. "What say you, magi? Surely, the merit of such a historic accomplishment is motivation, yes?"
  206. (Asura Nomont)
  208. His arms remained folded, tilting his head slightly. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, not really knowing what he should say. A deep sigh left his grasp, was this the feeling of being 'old'? He was only twenty and such was on his plate. Well.. Only monster hunting.
  210. Guess it couldn't hurt to help this man out, could spend my time doing something else while letting these injury heal.. This vampire bite is still in effect.
  212. A firm nod was given, with a light shrug. "Eh, I suppose... Not like I have anything better to do."
  213. (Reigns Uchi)
  215. Lotan salutes with respect to Marcel Delisle as he passes by
  216. (Lotan)
  218. "I figured this would be up your alley." He claimed, curling his tyrium digits to beckon the energy magi as he took departure.
  219. He paused briefly after taking his first few steps, as though... Noticing a lack of --
  221. He sighed, turning around to note the undead servants allotted to him.
  223. "Come."
  225. The command, stirred the golems of flesh harboring his material, following suit -- Just as Nidaz had claimed. The notion, didn't feel the same as working with living people... Far too absolute, without leeway nor independent thought. The thought wrought shivers down his own spine, alas, he intended to follow through in his efforts.
  227. The Nomont continued, heading down the steps from the square for the underbelly of the city -- The laboratories below beckoned of him.
  229. "What is your name, anyhow?"
  230. (Asura Nomont)
  232. "-Oh the name's Reigns.. Reigns Uchi." He says, pushing off the bench and followed behind Asura. So many undead were around lately or so... He seen. All he would do is just watch as they carried whatever and walked behind them.
  234. Huh, taking quite the interest in these things now.. I see.
  236. He follows wherever they tend to go.
  237. (Reigns Uchi)
  239. Reigns Uchi is now following you.
  241. Down into the depths...
  242. The underbelly of Achyon -- The residential sect within an castle below the street level.
  244. Within one of these residences, a workshop still in its infancy was to be established -- The Nomont looked upon the vacant scene, his organic arm cast out for the length of the room.
  246. "Place it down here." He ordered.
  248. The undead lumbered forth to the nonmagi's volition, lugging sacks of unrevealed material forth until it'd be dumped out on the cobblestone floor for all to see.
  250. Tyrium -- A dark purple material renown for its mana vampiric properties. It was what Asura's arm was made out of. It was what enabled the effectiveness of anti-mana collars, and here it was, in raw abundance! A dangerous material that constantly risked draining Asura dry, and leaving him as naught but a crippled husk... Just lying before the lot.
  252. "Now... Here is where we begin."
  254. Unfortunately, Asura didn't have cognitive recruits as he did before. However, he did have his own mind... --and that, was what was going to turn this vision into a reality.
  256. "Reigns Uchi. Today, you are going to take the role, of a battery." He claimed, pointing his tyrium finger at one of the undead.
  258. "You. To the furnace." He ordered, "Wait there."
  259. A glance towards another idling undead servant. "You."
  260. "Grab four units of tyrium." Another finger towards yet another undead individual. "Grab the mold..." He directed his attention towards one of the chests in the back of the room. "There." There was a pause. Was the command to complex?
  262. "Open the chest." He re-affirmed, to which the creature started its lumber on over to complete such basic task, before: "Now grab the tool."
  263. Thankfully, there was only the mold within said chest. The nonmagi was starting with only the basics.
  265. There was a breakfrom the micro-managing, a painful process spurred by his inability to hire living workers, to clarify to Reigns of his exact purpose in all of this.
  267. "Don't worry about the actual smithing in all of this. I am well knowledgeable in the field, and know how to operate the construction of my design. All I need of you, is to feed the material with your mana." He explained.
  269. "Tyrium, if you don't already know..." Asura started, "Is a material th-- Hold on." He broke from his explanation to address what appeared to be a glaring issue.
  271. "HEY! No! The material... Hold it. Wait there. You! Use that... No. GRAB! That... Yes... Now, slide that against... No!" The aggravated instructions ensued until finally... The furnace was alit.
  272. A stressed sigh from the Nomont implied that such, was going to be an arduous process. "Tyrium, hungers for mana. In its raw state, it is imperfect. It absorbs mana, and dissipates it, but it does not neutralize it. Instead, it merely displaces it and feeds itself. Think of it, as an imperfect neutralizer... Despite projecting a jet of mana at it, whether it is transmuted into something like... Flame?" He claimed, "--or water, the majority of it may be dispelled back to its base form: raw mana, however, the excess overwhelms its absorption quality and acts as a recoil."
  274. There was some pause in mulling over his words, "Not to say that in its refined form, it can't still be overwhelmed with raw quantity? But rather... The threshold for such is rather low in its current state."
  276. The man turned his glance over to Reigns, "--but that, is where you come in... My knowledge of the runic language is present, but I lack a competent circuitry to empower instructions of the matter. Your job in this, is to feed your mana into the material... And the leylines that are the runic instructions. That way? You can induce rune magic... Is that understood?"
  277. (Asura Nomont)
  279. Reigns stepped into the room and observed the undead, seeing as they were quite dim witted. Seems that was the downside of having them by your side, tend to mess up quite a bit.
  281. Matter of fact.. He remembered seeing Asura around with many soldiers follow suit by his side. This old man seemed to have gone through a lot over the years and as a non-magi at that? It was quite the inspiration itself.
  283. As everything was settled down? He would listen in to what Asura would mention about the item at hand and the objective. A few nods were giving, somewhat understanding what his purpose is in all of this.
  285. Something that could be that powerful that could actually grant someone magical capabilities? Well for someone that was a non-magi for a great amount of years, they were bound to have dreams like this. And with such? It would most likely change the way of the future and non-magi's alike.
  287. "Ah I see.. I.. Honestly have to take all of that in though, that's actually amazing." He says with a blank stare before blinking rapidly." Glad to help out with this.." He says with a nod.
  290. (Reigns Uchi)
  292. The matter had begun...
  293. Asura micro-managing over the undead to lift and function enough to gather tyrium under his instruction, slowly melting it down under the furnace's heat. As it gleamed, the nonmagi's eye widened...
  294. This was it... The newest iteration of his endeavors, at long last.
  296. It would be a marvel unlike any other...
  297. It'd come in pieces, still hot off the furnace, he'd order the undead to carry the hot plates of smelted tyrium towards a provided barrel of fluid: An oil tempered for the smithing process.
  299. A dip wrought a bout of mist, hissing away as it rapidly cooled. Soon afterwards, it'd be passed off to the next workstation: A stone anvil -- nothing grandiose, but enough to get the job done.
  301. The slow rise of a hammer at the hand of the undead... Before a sturdy slam. Followed by another... and another...
  302. Each strike sparking embers that engulfed the delighted nonmagi and magi accomplice with flashes of light.
  303. Asura started a pace through the numbers, all working their parts as he instructed, weaving through their efforts until he'd make it to one of the chests, fishing through it for another tool: A chisel.
  305. It was all he was going to need... It was the only part he needed to do himself.
  307. Under the nonmagi's direction, the first portions of his design were coming swiftly underway. This, was something like a suit of armor.
  309. … -- but tyrium? The material was hardly conducive to magus influence. In fact, it did the exact opposite! Surely, it was a foolish endeavor, given the material was more likely to kill its wearer than protect them. Yet, Asura seemed absolutely determined.
  311. Thus, it was with his right, tyrium arm that he'd take to the chisel -- Like a scribe in desperate need of penning their latest work, in the runic tongue.
  312. The first available plate? The chestplate -- incomplete with anamolies in its design.
  313. For starters, there was a gaping hole in the chest region -- how was it supposed to protect the wearer's heart? It didn't seem as though Asura cared... In fact, it seemed entirely intentional!
  315. Thus, he placed the chisel at the forefront: Centered on the chestplate, above the gaping hole before reaching a hand out for one of the undead servants.
  317. "You." He ordered, before pointing towards a spare hammer lying by the chest. A tool he neglected to take upon prior.
  318. "Give me that."
  319. The armor chestplate frame was laden upon a table: The resting place for the 'finished' products, before seeing their detailing at the hand of the Nomont.
  321. Handed a hammer, and armed with a chisel? Asura got to work...
  323. Small shavings gave away, etched to reveal markings of an ancient language, deprived of the essence required to enact them outright. The scribe worked steadily, slowly but with precision. This was a work he had studied and practiced, however, due to the nature of his person? Never once managed to accomplish outside of mere theory.
  325. Now, it was time to put his vision to the test.
  326. (Asura Nomont)
  328. Ding.
  330. Ding.
  332. Ding.
  334. More shavings would fall to the ground, and with minutes turning to hours? The design was beginning to take shape! The gaping hole had a divet scribed around it, likely insinuating that it was to be filled with something. Around and over said divet in the material? Letterings, likely intent to enchant the material laden all the way around, encompassed by another circle.
  336. The man was sweating, dropping the hammer and chisel to the ground with an audible ding of metal to stone. By now? The rest of the pieces of the armor were finished... Meaning, it was time to get started on the leylines.
  338. ...and chip away he did...
  339. For hours further, as his body beaded with sweat, and muscles ached... The labor typically reserved for his employees? Forced upon his aged soul. Yet, it was his drive to see it to completion -- to follow through with his plans... To finally, achieve something for a real opportunity towards change! It'd be made attainable... With this.
  341. How many more hours would it take?
  342. He didn't know... In fact, he almost had forgotten about the magi in the room, stepping away to reveal the material fully worked through, etched through, connected and readied.
  344. Through his pants, he explained it:
  346. "The hole? Is where I'll put the battery... A Nomont Battery, of mana... Attuned to the electric element, to fuel the battlesuit." He explained. "The leylines will funnel the energy to the rest of the suit." He took a break from talking for a breather.
  348. "If you funnel your essence into the core... Or... Rather, the empty hole, where the core -would- be? You should be able to theoretically activate the runes." He explained. "The leylines... Will carry the influence of those instructions, through the rest of the suit... Transmuting it all at once."
  350. A heavy breath, "Through your energy... You can transmute this... Tyrium… Into Cold Iron."
  352. That, was the end goal: An ore, to a metal -- Known to neutralize mana... and it would only be the first of many constructs. An energy magi, insinuated many possibilities...
  353. (Asura Nomont)
  355. His gaze shifted upon the undead whom were now working pretty hard. Reigns could tell this would've been quite the long day on his hands. But he wouldn't of mind such. He was quite interested and moved to see this plan follow through.
  357. Though it was quite worrying, trying to obtain too much power could be overwhelming to the body, something that could possibly explode someone or.. Burn them to a crisp. Well the first one sounded about right.
  359. The many sounds of clinking and banging would actually sound soothing to him surprisingly, despite how extremely noisy it was. Now seeing as the old man moved on, skimming through a chest to find something- a piece, he would tilt his head, looking at it with a brow up.
  361. One undead that was working in another area, caught his attention, hearing the bang again. Materials that were being firmly chopped off, carved and what not. He was observing it all.
  363. Now seeing as Asura was getting in on the work himself. More and more sounds of labor filled the room. Reigns would walk over towards the wall, folding his arms while closing his eyes for a moment.
  365. With all the time that was going on by, Reigns would've carried out deep thoughts. A good moment to think and relax.
  367. Wonder if that Ogre would ever think about coming back around that area.. Preaching about eating humans, trying to change their minds somehow.. Man what has this world come of? So many odd monsters lately, so many things happening at once. Strange mutations.. Spirits that lurks within the skies and now this... A new era that'll possibly come into existence. Hope he knows what he's getting himself into.. How the way he's trying to get it is quite dangerous. But I do understand why he wants this to succeed. They're someone that has hope in terms to become a magi.. Giving the others a shot in the ring..
  369. His eyes head turned towards Asura's direction, seeing as they were enjoying themselves. Felt like they even forgot that he wasn't the only living being within the room.
  371. A faint snicker and a smile occurred, looking down towards his shoes.. How long has he gotten new ones? So many battles and adventures they went through. Been a lot with these pairs of shoes.. Lots of memories filled his brain in just a second. Merlin.. The Vanir.. The school.. But now he put all of that behind him.. Why? That was something he still wouldn't have known himself. "Mm.."
  373. "Mm?" He made his way back to Asura, hearing them explain much more and what he should do in order to make this successful. Question is. "How much energy would I have to give in order for this to work? I want to be accurate and go in without any mistakes." He says with a firm nod, ready to do whatever.
  374. (Reigns Uchi)
  376. How did one quantify mana? There wasn't exactly a system in place to calculate it. In fact, different magi were able to exude much different outputs -- sometimes, proving to be entirely different. Though, there was one factor that helped lull his mind into a state of ease: The fact of the matter that the magi still very much surged his outer visage with the azure resonance of his circuit.
  378. Surely, he couldn't know for certain... But how could he fail? The instructions -had- to be right. He had spent years passively studying magus mannerisms from their circuitry, their means of casting and different styles -- Runewriting fell right within those fields, thus the trouble of the matter returned.
  380. Just how did one explain the fashion of application of mana, without invoking a magi to force upon destructive might upon the armor? How could he know what it felt like? How could he know the intensity?
  381. Then again, was the material not resilientenough?
  383. Surely, it was time to put it to the test.
  385. "Use your resonance... Your aura, as a pacer." The nonmagi claimed, "Use that constant funneling necessary to give it a distinct and constant flow, and direct -that- into the center, feeding it from the vacant cavity... Direct it through the funneling spaces and void within the inscriptions. The inscriptions themselves, will do the rest... All you need to do, is fill in the space, and evenly coat the suit." He believed the instructions were clear enough, though it was up for time and effort to reveal whether or not the fruits of his labor would see results.
  386. (Asura Nomont)
  388. Reigns gave a quick nod. A deep breath then followed, inhaling through the nostrils then exhaling through the move once. His hand reached out towards the center of the hole, concentrating the flow of energy within his right hand.
  390. "Alright, her it goes.." He says, letting his energy flow fluidly, multitasking on both the flow of energy that he poured out and the pacing he was going. He made sure to keep it at a medium pace.. That seemed about right.. His aura was swaying, the mana was processing more as some was leaving out of his body. More so trying to adapt.
  392. And as he continues for the man to flow through, he would wait for an reaction or a notice from Asura.
  393. (Reigns Uchi)
  395. --and Asura would watch in silence... Watch as that sapphire glow would take to the runic writings he had so painstakingly scribed for hours.
  396. Watched, as he'd bear witness to the filling... The flooding of mana, soon fed through the circuitry to emulate a magi's own. It was taking upon a depth with time, but just as it was being filled? The tyrium material would take to its feeding...
  398. This, was the subsistence of this metal -- previously seeing no endgame with its hunger. Alas, the runic incursion upon its surface would invoke otherwise. It was complete, all while constantly losing out to the hunger that the ore had, festering its voracious appetite through the siphoning of Reigns' circuit.
  400. Perhaps, he'd feel it in time... The armor, acting upon its vampirism to attempt draining him dry the longer he remained in contact. Though, this wasn't simply a raw abundance of tyrium being afforded to the magi -- something, was kicking off. Theignition of the writings soon transcended for an absolute alabaster sheen, taken whole until a sweeping veil of light had come to engulf the armor whole.
  402. It was not heat that permitted this glow.
  403. It was a threshold being surpassed... and alas, the nonmagi would hold an arm out to suggest Reigns' withdrawal.
  405. "Stop!" He ordered, observing the result with his own two eyes.
  407. It, was magnificent...
  409. The light took the room by storm, turning for a deep mauve that'd resemble the original metal's hue. Ebonic static danced along the white silhouette where the armor once lied, with three eyes to behold the creation of their efforts between the Nomont and Uchi.
  411. Akin to flower petals, the light would flake off to reveal a metal finish, darker than the blackest night: Obsidian-black with subtle hues of blue were revealed in the peeled away product. The flakes of light disintegrated, vanquished to oblivion.
  413. This, was the framework, for what the Nomont was striving for... And the revealing had only wrought a grin from cheek to cheek, revealing pearlescent teeth behind his lips.
  414. "I didn't think I'd ever have the luck of accommodating this... To think, it is all available to me. Here... And now..."
  416. Cold Iron -- forged from a tyrium battlesuit frame.
  417. The soon-to-become latest interation in the Nomont line of battlesuits.
  419. "The Nomont Battlesuit, MK3 -- Mage-Buster Armor."
  420. (Asura Nomont)
  422. And with a bit of a startled expression while still having his eyes closed, jotting his head back, he would instantly would pause. "A-alright.."
  424. A bit of sweat dripped from his temple. Not a single wipe was given as he just looked at the results. It seems that it was a success. Reigns would smile, snickering a bit. Glad things turned out as they had hoped.
  426. Turning to look up towards Asura, feeling as they were clearly happy themselves of course. It was there own project after all.
  428. "Feels great, right?"
  430. He asked, folding his arms. That same smile still displayed on his face. The energy that he manifested would slowly seep into the depths of his skin again, recharging itself within his core. Only a thick layering of its essence would be shown, as if it was a armor of his own.
  431. (Reigns Uchi)
  433. "Yes, Reigns..."
  435. The Nomont stood back to gawk at their works, truly impressed by his endeavors. Though, the question of the matter was:
  437. What would he use to power it?
  438. How exactly could he assure that it wouldn't just kill him?
  439. What would the leylines be filled with?
  441. Copper batteries? Surely, there were better options, yes? No. He couldn't fathom anything else would be capable by nonmagus hand. A removable battery compartment to enable replacements? It was an absolute must, to assure self-destruction was never imminent.
  443. Though, the leylines would have to be something more conductive than copper for certain. The answer to his wonder was what lied within his very own tyrium appendage: Orichalcum.
  445. It was the most conductive material that could both power and redirect essence not entirely neutralized by the battlesuit. All he needed to do was get ahold of it, and the matter would be of relative ease.
  447. Of course, there were other augmentations to be taken into account. To differentiate it from a simple suit of armor, he needed to assure that it could connect to the wearer on a deeper level. He knew the magus anatomy well, but to assure this was utilized to its best potential? It had to go beyond the role of a shell... But tether to the vessel within: The circuitry:
  449. Both, to repel...
  450. --And exude...
  452. Nothing foreign would find its way in...
  453. Nothing natural would be pried on its way out...
  455. A magus faraday cage.
  457. "Yes, it does..."
  459. This marked, the opening of a new chapter.
  461. (Asura Nomont)
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