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- stack@dbox:~/devstack$ cat local.conf
- [[local|localrc]]
- DEST=${DEST:-"/opt/stack"}
- DATA_DIR=${DATA_DIR:-"${DEST}/data"}
- stack@dbox:~/devstack$ ./
- + unset GREP_OPTIONS
- + unset LANG
- + unset LANGUAGE
- + LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
- + export LC_ALL
- ++ env
- ++ grep -E '^OS_'
- ++ cut -d = -f 1
- + unset
- + umask 022
- + PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
- +++ dirname ./
- ++ cd .
- ++ pwd
- + TOP_DIR=/opt/stack/devstack
- + [[ -n '' ]]
- ++ date +%s
- + DEVSTACK_START_TIME=1582638766
- + [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/.stackenv ]]
- + rm /opt/stack/devstack/.stackenv
- + FILES=/opt/stack/devstack/files
- + '[' '!' -d /opt/stack/devstack/files ']'
- + '[' '!' -d /opt/stack/devstack/inc ']'
- + '[' '!' -d /opt/stack/devstack/lib ']'
- + [[ '' == \y ]]
- + [[ 1001 -eq 0 ]]
- + [[ -n '' ]]
- + [[ -e /opt/stack/.no-devstack ]]
- + source /opt/stack/devstack/functions
- ++ [[ -z '' ]]
- ++ declare -r -g _DEVSTACK_FUNCTIONS=1
- ++++ dirname /opt/stack/devstack/functions
- +++ cd /opt/stack/devstack
- +++ pwd
- ++ FUNC_DIR=/opt/stack/devstack
- ++ source /opt/stack/devstack/functions-common
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ _XTRACE_FUNCTIONS_COMMON='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ source /opt/stack/devstack/inc/ini-config
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ INC_CONF_TRACE='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ source /opt/stack/devstack/inc/meta-config
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ _XTRACE_INC_META='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ source /opt/stack/devstack/inc/python
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ INC_PY_TRACE='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ source /opt/stack/devstack/inc/rootwrap
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ INC_ROOT_TRACE='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- +++ set +o
- +++ grep xtrace
- ++ _XTRACE_FUNCTIONS='set -o xtrace'
- ++ set +o xtrace
- + source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/stack
- + GetDistro
- + GetOSVersion
- + _ensure_lsb_release
- ++ command -v lsb_release
- + [[ -x /usr/bin/lsb_release ]]
- + return
- ++ lsb_release -r -s
- + os_RELEASE=18.04
- ++ lsb_release -c -s
- + os_CODENAME=bionic
- ++ lsb_release -i -s
- + os_VENDOR=Ubuntu
- + [[ Ubuntu =~ (Debian|Ubuntu|LinuxMint) ]]
- + os_PACKAGE=deb
- + typeset -xr os_VENDOR
- + typeset -xr os_RELEASE
- + typeset -xr os_PACKAGE
- + typeset -xr os_CODENAME
- + [[ Ubuntu =~ (Ubuntu) ]]
- + DISTRO=bionic
- + typeset -xr DISTRO
- + rm -f /opt/stack/devstack/
- + extract_localrc_section /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf /opt/stack/devstack/localrc /opt/stack/devstack/
- + local configfile=/opt/stack/devstack/local.conf
- + local localrcfile=/opt/stack/devstack/localrc
- + local localautofile=/opt/stack/devstack/
- + [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf ]]
- ++ get_meta_section_files /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf local
- ++ local file=/opt/stack/devstack/local.conf
- ++ local matchgroup=local
- ++ [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf ]]
- ++ awk -v matchgroup=local '
- /^\[\[.+\|.*\]\]/ {
- gsub("[][]", "", $1);
- split($1, a, "|");
- if (a[1] == matchgroup)
- print a[2]
- }
- ' /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf
- + LRC=localrc
- + for lfile in $LRC
- + [[ localrc == \l\o\c\a\l\r\c ]]
- + [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/localrc ]]
- + echo '# Generated file, do not edit'
- + get_meta_section /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf local localrc
- + local file=/opt/stack/devstack/local.conf
- + local matchgroup=local
- + local configfile=localrc
- + [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf ]]
- + [[ -z localrc ]]
- + awk -v matchgroup=local -v configfile=localrc '
- BEGIN { group = "" }
- /^\[\[.+\|.*\]\]/ {
- gsub("[][]", "", $1);
- split($1, a, "|");
- if (a[1] == matchgroup && a[2] == configfile) {
- group=a[1]
- } else {
- group=""
- }
- next
- }
- {
- if (group != "")
- print $0
- }
- ' /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf
- + [[ ! -r /opt/stack/devstack/stackrc ]]
- + source /opt/stack/devstack/stackrc
- ++ [[ -z '' ]]
- ++ declare -r -g _DEVSTACK_STACKRC=1
- ++++ dirname /opt/stack/devstack/stackrc
- +++ cd /opt/stack/devstack
- +++ pwd
- ++ RC_DIR=/opt/stack/devstack
- ++ source /opt/stack/devstack/functions
- +++ [[ -z 1 ]]
- +++ return 0
- ++ TARGET_BRANCH=master
- ++ DEST=/opt/stack
- ++ DATA_DIR=/opt/stack/data
- ++ SERVICE_DIR=/opt/stack/status
- ++ SUBUNIT_OUTPUT=/opt/stack/devstack.subunit
- ++ [[ 1001 -eq 0 ]]
- +++ whoami
- ++ STACK_USER=stack
- ++ REGION_NAME=RegionOne
- ++ [[ -v ENABLED_SERVICES ]]
- ++ ENABLED_SERVICES+=,n-api,n-cpu,n-cond,n-sch,n-novnc,n-api-meta
- ++ ENABLED_SERVICES+=,placement-api,placement-client
- ++ ENABLED_SERVICES+=,c-sch,c-api,c-vol
- ++ ENABLED_SERVICES+=,q-svc,q-dhcp,q-meta,q-agt,q-l3
- ++ ENABLED_SERVICES+=,horizon
- ++ ENABLED_SERVICES+=,rabbit,tempest,mysql,etcd3,dstat
- ++ NOVA_ENABLED_APIS=osapi_compute,metadata
- ++ [[ -f /opt/stack/devstack/localrc ]]
- ++ [[ -f /opt/stack/devstack/ ]]
- ++ source /opt/stack/devstack/
- +++ ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret
- +++ RABBIT_PASSWORD=secret
- +++ DEST=/opt/stack
- +++ DATA_DIR=/opt/stack/data
- ++ CELLSV2_SETUP=superconductor
- ++ HORIZON_APACHE_ROOT=/dashboard
- +++ trueorfalse False USER_UNITS
- +++ local xtrace
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ USER_UNITS=False
- ++ [[ False == \T\r\u\e ]]
- ++ SYSTEMD_DIR=/etc/systemd/system
- ++ SYSTEMCTL='sudo systemctl'
- +++ trueorfalse True ENABLE_KSM
- +++ local xtrace
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ ENABLE_KSM=True
- ++ [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/.localrc.password ]]
- +++ trueorfalse True USE_PYTHON3
- +++ local xtrace
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ export USE_PYTHON3=True
- ++ USE_PYTHON3=True
- +++ _get_python_version python3
- +++ local interp=python3
- +++ local version
- ++++ which python3
- +++ [[ -x /usr/bin/python3 ]]
- ++++ python3 -c 'import sys; print("%s.%s" % sys.version_info[0:2])'
- +++ version=3.6
- +++ echo 3.6
- ++ export PYTHON3_VERSION=3.6
- +++ _get_python_version python2
- +++ local interp=python2
- +++ local version
- ++++ which python2
- +++ [[ -x /usr/bin/python2 ]]
- ++++ python2 -c 'import sys; print("%s.%s" % sys.version_info[0:2])'
- +++ version=2.7
- +++ echo 2.7
- ++ export PYTHON2_VERSION=2.7
- ++ [[ True == True ]]
- ++ export 'VIRTUALENV_CMD=virtualenv -p python3'
- ++ VIRTUALENV_CMD='virtualenv -p python3'
- ++ '[' -t 1 ']'
- +++ trueorfalse True LOG_COLOR
- +++ local xtrace
- ++++ set +o
- ++++ grep xtrace
- +++ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++ set +o xtrace
- ++ LOG_COLOR=True
- ++ [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- ++ TPUT_T=
- ++ '[' xterm-256color ']'
- ++ export 'PS4=+\[$(tput setaf 242)\]$(short_source)\[$(tput sgr0)\] '
- ++ PS4='+\[$(tput setaf 242)\]$(short_source)\[$(tput sgr0)\] '
- ++stackrc:source:186 IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
- +++stackrc:source:196 trueorfalse False ENABLE_IDENTITY_V2
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:196 ENABLE_IDENTITY_V2=False
- ++stackrc:source:197 '[' False == False ']'
- ++stackrc:source:198 IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
- +++stackrc:source:205 trueorfalse False USE_VENV
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:205 USE_VENV=False
- ++stackrc:source:209 ADDITIONAL_VENV_PACKAGES=
- +++stackrc:source:213 trueorfalse False DATABASE_QUERY_LOGGING
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:213 DATABASE_QUERY_LOGGING=False
- ++stackrc:source:224 GIT_TIMEOUT=0
- ++stackrc:source:230 WSGI_MODE=uwsgi
- ++stackrc:source:236 GIT_BASE=
- ++stackrc:source:239 REQUIREMENTS_DIR=/opt/stack/requirements
- ++stackrc:source:257 DEVSTACK_SERIES=ussuri
- ++stackrc:source:266 CINDER_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:267 CINDER_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:270 GLANCE_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:271 GLANCE_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:274 HORIZON_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:275 HORIZON_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:278 KEYSTONE_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:279 KEYSTONE_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:282 NEUTRON_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:283 NEUTRON_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:286 NEUTRON_FWAAS_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:287 NEUTRON_FWAAS_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:290 NOVA_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:291 NOVA_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:294 SWIFT_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:295 SWIFT_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:298 PLACEMENT_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:299 PLACEMENT_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:308 REQUIREMENTS_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:309 REQUIREMENTS_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:312 TEMPEST_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:313 TEMPEST_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:324 GITREPO["python-cinderclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:325 GITBRANCH["python-cinderclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:328 GITREPO["python-brick-cinderclient-ext"]=
- ++stackrc:source:329 GITBRANCH["python-brick-cinderclient-ext"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:332 GITREPO["python-barbicanclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:333 GITBRANCH["python-barbicanclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:334 GITDIR["python-barbicanclient"]=/opt/stack/python-barbicanclient
- ++stackrc:source:337 GITREPO["python-glanceclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:338 GITBRANCH["python-glanceclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:341 GITREPO["python-ironicclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:342 GITBRANCH["python-ironicclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:344 GITDIR["python-ironicclient"]=/opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- ++stackrc:source:347 GITREPO["keystoneauth"]=
- ++stackrc:source:348 GITBRANCH["keystoneauth"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:351 GITREPO["python-keystoneclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:352 GITBRANCH["python-keystoneclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:355 GITREPO["python-neutronclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:356 GITBRANCH["python-neutronclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:359 GITREPO["python-novaclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:360 GITBRANCH["python-novaclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:363 GITREPO["python-swiftclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:364 GITBRANCH["python-swiftclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:367 GITREPO["python-openstackclient"]=
- ++stackrc:source:368 GITBRANCH["python-openstackclient"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:370 GITDIR["python-openstackclient"]=/opt/stack/python-openstackclient
- ++stackrc:source:373 GITREPO["osc-placement"]=
- ++stackrc:source:374 GITBRANCH["osc-placement"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:385 GITREPO["castellan"]=
- ++stackrc:source:386 GITBRANCH["castellan"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:389 GITREPO["cliff"]=
- ++stackrc:source:390 GITBRANCH["cliff"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:393 GITREPO["futurist"]=
- ++stackrc:source:394 GITBRANCH["futurist"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:397 GITREPO["debtcollector"]=
- ++stackrc:source:398 GITBRANCH["debtcollector"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:401 GITREPO["automaton"]=
- ++stackrc:source:402 GITBRANCH["automaton"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:405 GITREPO["oslo.cache"]=
- ++stackrc:source:406 GITBRANCH["oslo.cache"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:409 GITREPO["oslo.concurrency"]=
- ++stackrc:source:410 GITBRANCH["oslo.concurrency"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:413 GITREPO["oslo.config"]=
- ++stackrc:source:414 GITBRANCH["oslo.config"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:417 GITREPO["oslo.context"]=
- ++stackrc:source:418 GITBRANCH["oslo.context"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:421 GITREPO["oslo.db"]=
- ++stackrc:source:422 GITBRANCH["oslo.db"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:425 GITREPO["oslo.i18n"]=
- ++stackrc:source:426 GITBRANCH["oslo.i18n"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:429 GITREPO["oslo.log"]=
- ++stackrc:source:430 GITBRANCH["oslo.log"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:433 GITREPO["oslo.messaging"]=
- ++stackrc:source:434 GITBRANCH["oslo.messaging"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:437 GITREPO["oslo.middleware"]=
- ++stackrc:source:438 GITBRANCH["oslo.middleware"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:441 GITREPO["oslo.policy"]=
- ++stackrc:source:442 GITBRANCH["oslo.policy"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:445 GITREPO["oslo.privsep"]=
- ++stackrc:source:446 GITBRANCH["oslo.privsep"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:449 GITREPO["oslo.reports"]=
- ++stackrc:source:450 GITBRANCH["oslo.reports"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:453 GITREPO["oslo.rootwrap"]=
- ++stackrc:source:454 GITBRANCH["oslo.rootwrap"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:457 GITREPO["oslo.serialization"]=
- ++stackrc:source:458 GITBRANCH["oslo.serialization"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:461 GITREPO["oslo.service"]=
- ++stackrc:source:462 GITBRANCH["oslo.service"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:465 GITREPO["oslo.utils"]=
- ++stackrc:source:466 GITBRANCH["oslo.utils"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:469 GITREPO["oslo.versionedobjects"]=
- ++stackrc:source:470 GITBRANCH["oslo.versionedobjects"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:473 GITREPO["oslo.vmware"]=
- ++stackrc:source:474 GITBRANCH["oslo.vmware"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:477 GITREPO["osprofiler"]=
- ++stackrc:source:478 GITBRANCH["osprofiler"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:481 GITREPO["pycadf"]=
- ++stackrc:source:482 GITBRANCH["pycadf"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:485 GITREPO["stevedore"]=
- ++stackrc:source:486 GITBRANCH["stevedore"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:489 GITREPO["taskflow"]=
- ++stackrc:source:490 GITBRANCH["taskflow"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:493 GITREPO["tooz"]=
- ++stackrc:source:494 GITBRANCH["tooz"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:497 GITREPO["pbr"]=
- ++stackrc:source:498 GITBRANCH["pbr"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:508 GITREPO["cursive"]=
- ++stackrc:source:509 GITBRANCH["cursive"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:512 GITREPO["glance_store"]=
- ++stackrc:source:513 GITBRANCH["glance_store"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:516 GITREPO["keystonemiddleware"]=
- ++stackrc:source:517 GITBRANCH["keystonemiddleware"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:520 GITREPO["ceilometermiddleware"]=
- ++stackrc:source:521 GITBRANCH["ceilometermiddleware"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:522 GITDIR["ceilometermiddleware"]=/opt/stack/ceilometermiddleware
- ++stackrc:source:525 GITREPO["openstacksdk"]=
- ++stackrc:source:526 GITBRANCH["openstacksdk"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:529 GITREPO["os-brick"]=
- ++stackrc:source:530 GITBRANCH["os-brick"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:533 GITREPO["os-client-config"]=
- ++stackrc:source:534 GITBRANCH["os-client-config"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:535 GITDIR["os-client-config"]=/opt/stack/os-client-config
- ++stackrc:source:538 GITREPO["os-vif"]=
- ++stackrc:source:539 GITBRANCH["os-vif"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:542 GITREPO["osc-lib"]=
- ++stackrc:source:543 GITBRANCH["osc-lib"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:546 GITREPO["ironic-lib"]=
- ++stackrc:source:547 GITBRANCH["ironic-lib"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:549 GITDIR["ironic-lib"]=/opt/stack/ironic-lib
- ++stackrc:source:552 GITREPO["diskimage-builder"]=
- ++stackrc:source:553 GITBRANCH["diskimage-builder"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:554 GITDIR["diskimage-builder"]=/opt/stack/diskimage-builder
- ++stackrc:source:557 GITREPO["neutron-lib"]=
- ++stackrc:source:558 GITBRANCH["neutron-lib"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:559 GITDIR["neutron-lib"]=/opt/stack/neutron-lib
- ++stackrc:source:562 GITREPO["os-traits"]=
- ++stackrc:source:563 GITBRANCH["os-traits"]=master
- ++stackrc:source:572 DIB_UTILS_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:573 DIB_UTILS_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:576 OAC_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:577 OAC_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:580 OCC_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:581 OCC_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:584 ORC_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:585 ORC_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:597 IRONIC_PYTHON_AGENT_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:598 IRONIC_PYTHON_AGENT_BRANCH=master
- ++stackrc:source:601 NOVNC_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:602 NOVNC_BRANCH=v1.0.0
- ++stackrc:source:605 SPICE_REPO=
- ++stackrc:source:606 SPICE_BRANCH=master
- +++stackrc:source:612 trueorfalse False ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:612 ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH=False
- ++stackrc:source:618 DEFAULT_VIRT_DRIVER=libvirt
- ++stackrc:source:619 is_package_installed xenserver-core
- ++functions-common:is_package_installed:1341 [[ -z xenserver-core ]]
- ++functions-common:is_package_installed:1345 [[ -z deb ]]
- ++functions-common:is_package_installed:1349 [[ deb = \d\e\b ]]
- ++functions-common:is_package_installed:1350 dpkg -s xenserver-core
- ++stackrc:source:620 VIRT_DRIVER=libvirt
- ++stackrc:source:621 case "$VIRT_DRIVER" in
- ++stackrc:source:623 LIBVIRT_TYPE=kvm
- ++stackrc:source:624 LIBVIRT_CPU_MODE=none
- ++stackrc:source:625 [[ Ubuntu =~ (Debian|Ubuntu) ]]
- +++stackrc:source:629 cut -d : -f 1 /etc/group
- +++stackrc:source:629 grep 'libvirtd$'
- +++stackrc:source:629 true
- ++stackrc:source:629 LIBVIRT_GROUP=
- ++stackrc:source:630 LIBVIRT_GROUP=libvirt
- ++stackrc:source:678 CIRROS_VERSION=0.4.0
- ++stackrc:source:679 CIRROS_ARCH=x86_64
- +++stackrc:source:684 trueorfalse True DOWNLOAD_DEFAULT_IMAGES
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:684 DOWNLOAD_DEFAULT_IMAGES=True
- ++stackrc:source:685 [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- ++stackrc:source:686 [[ -n '' ]]
- ++stackrc:source:689 case "$VIRT_DRIVER" in
- ++stackrc:source:691 case "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" in
- ++stackrc:source:697 DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME=cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk
- ++stackrc:source:698 DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILE_NAME=cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
- ++stackrc:source:699 IMAGE_URLS+=
- ++stackrc:source:717 DOWNLOAD_DEFAULT_IMAGES=False
- ++stackrc:source:726 EXTRA_CACHE_URLS=
- ++stackrc:source:729 ETCD_VERSION=v3.3.12
- ++stackrc:source:730 ETCD_SHA256_AMD64=dc5d82df095dae0a2970e4d870b6929590689dd707ae3d33e7b86da0f7f211b6
- ++stackrc:source:731 ETCD_SHA256_ARM64=170b848ac1a071fe7d495d404a868a2c0090750b2944f8a260ef1c6125b2b4f4
- ++stackrc:source:732 ETCD_SHA256_PPC64=77f807b1b51abbf51e020bb05bdb8ce088cb58260fcd22749ea32eee710463d3
- ++stackrc:source:734 ETCD_SHA256_S390X=
- ++stackrc:source:736 is_arch x86_64
- +++functions-common:is_arch:428 uname -m
- ++functions-common:is_arch:428 [[ x86_64 == \x\8\6\_\6\4 ]]
- ++stackrc:source:737 ETCD_ARCH=amd64
- ++stackrc:source:738 ETCD_SHA256=dc5d82df095dae0a2970e4d870b6929590689dd707ae3d33e7b86da0f7f211b6
- ++stackrc:source:758 ETCD_PORT=2379
- ++stackrc:source:759 ETCD_PEER_PORT=2380
- ++stackrc:source:760 ETCD_DOWNLOAD_URL=
- ++stackrc:source:761 ETCD_NAME=etcd-v3.3.12-linux-amd64
- ++stackrc:source:762 ETCD_DOWNLOAD_FILE=etcd-v3.3.12-linux-amd64.tar.gz
- ++stackrc:source:763 ETCD_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION=
- ++stackrc:source:765 EXTRA_CACHE_URLS+=,
- ++stackrc:source:768 CACHE_BACKEND=dogpile.cache.memcached
- ++stackrc:source:769 MEMCACHE_SERVERS=localhost:11211
- ++stackrc:source:772 for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }
- +++stackrc:source:773 echo
- +++stackrc:source:773 grep -o -F
- +++stackrc:source:773 wc -l
- ++stackrc:source:773 '[' 1 -gt 1 ']'
- ++stackrc:source:779 VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE=24G
- ++stackrc:source:782 VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX=volume-
- ++stackrc:source:783 INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX=instance-
- ++stackrc:source:786 S3_SERVICE_PORT=3333
- ++stackrc:source:789 PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME=private
- ++stackrc:source:790 PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME=public
- ++stackrc:source:792 PUBLIC_INTERFACE=
- ++stackrc:source:795 SERVICE_PROTOCOL=http
- +++stackrc:source:801 nproc
- +++stackrc:source:801 nproc
- ++stackrc:source:801 API_WORKERS=2
- ++stackrc:source:804 SERVICE_TIMEOUT=60
- ++stackrc:source:807 NOVA_READY_TIMEOUT=60
- ++stackrc:source:813 WORKER_TIMEOUT=90
- ++stackrc:source:818 [[ -e /usr/bin/dnf ]]
- ++stackrc:source:821 YUM=yum
- +++stackrc:source:830 trueorfalse False OFFLINE
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:830 OFFLINE=False
- +++stackrc:source:835 trueorfalse False ERROR_ON_CLONE
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:835 ERROR_ON_CLONE=False
- +++stackrc:source:838 trueorfalse True ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:838 ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL=True
- ++stackrc:source:844 FLOATING_RANGE=
- ++stackrc:source:845 IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE=
- ++stackrc:source:846 FIXED_RANGE=
- ++stackrc:source:847 HOST_IP_IFACE=
- ++stackrc:source:848 HOST_IP=
- ++stackrc:source:849 HOST_IPV6=
- +++stackrc:source:851 get_default_host_ip '' '' inet
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:679 local fixed_range=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:680 local floating_range=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:681 local host_ip_iface=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:682 local host_ip=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:683 local af=inet
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:686 '[' -z '' -o '' == dhcp ']'
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:687 host_ip=
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 ip -f inet route
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 head -1
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 awk '/default/ {print $5}'
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 host_ip_iface=enp1s0
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:690 local host_ips
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 sed /temporary/d
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 LC_ALL=C
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 awk '/inet/ {split($2,parts,"/"); print parts[1]}'
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 ip -f inet addr show enp1s0
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 host_ips=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:692 local ip
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:693 for ip in $host_ips
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:700 [[ inet == \i\n\e\t\6 ]]
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:704 address_in_net
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2086 local ip=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2087 local range=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2088 local masklen=22
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2089 local network
- +++++functions-common:address_in_net:2090 cidr2netmask 22
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2108 local 'maskpat=255 255 255 255'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2109 local 'maskdgt=254 252 248 240 224 192 128'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2110 set -- 255 255 252
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2111 echo
- ++++functions-common:address_in_net:2090 maskip
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2170 local ip=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2171 local mask=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local l=10.0.0
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local r=0.0.0
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local n=255.255.252
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local m=255.252.0
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2173 local subnet
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2174 subnet=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2175 echo
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2090 network=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2091 local subnet
- +++++functions-common:address_in_net:2092 cidr2netmask 22
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2108 local 'maskpat=255 255 255 255'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2109 local 'maskdgt=254 252 248 240 224 192 128'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2110 set -- 255 255 252
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2111 echo
- ++++functions-common:address_in_net:2092 maskip
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2170 local ip=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2171 local mask=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local l=192.168.122
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local r=168.122.22
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local n=255.255.252
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local m=255.252.0
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2173 local subnet
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2174 subnet=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2175 echo
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2092 subnet=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2093 [[ == ]]
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:704 address_in_net
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2086 local ip=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2087 local range=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2088 local masklen=24
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2089 local network
- +++++functions-common:address_in_net:2090 cidr2netmask 24
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2108 local 'maskpat=255 255 255 255'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2109 local 'maskdgt=254 252 248 240 224 192 128'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2110 set -- 255 255 255
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2111 echo
- ++++functions-common:address_in_net:2090 maskip
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2170 local ip=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2171 local mask=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local l=172.24.4
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local r=24.4.0
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local n=255.255.255
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local m=255.255.0
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2173 local subnet
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2174 subnet=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2175 echo
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2090 network=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2091 local subnet
- +++++functions-common:address_in_net:2092 cidr2netmask 24
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2108 local 'maskpat=255 255 255 255'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2109 local 'maskdgt=254 252 248 240 224 192 128'
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2110 set -- 255 255 255
- +++++functions-common:cidr2netmask:2111 echo
- ++++functions-common:address_in_net:2092 maskip
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2170 local ip=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2171 local mask=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local l=192.168.122
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local r=168.122.22
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local n=255.255.255
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2172 local m=255.255.0
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2173 local subnet
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2174 subnet=
- ++++functions-common:maskip:2175 echo
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2092 subnet=
- +++functions-common:address_in_net:2093 [[ == ]]
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:705 host_ip=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:706 break
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:710 echo
- ++stackrc:source:851 HOST_IP=
- ++stackrc:source:852 '[' == '' ']'
- +++stackrc:source:856 get_default_host_ip '' '' '' '' inet6
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:679 local fixed_range=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:680 local floating_range=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:681 local host_ip_iface=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:682 local host_ip=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:683 local af=inet6
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:686 '[' -z '' -o '' == dhcp ']'
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:687 host_ip=
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 ip -f inet6 route
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 awk '/default/ {print $5}'
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 head -1
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:689 host_ip_iface=
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:690 local host_ips
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 awk '/inet6/ {split($2,parts,"/"); print parts[1]}'
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 LC_ALL=C
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 sed /temporary/d
- ++++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 ip -f inet6 addr show
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:691 host_ips='::1
- fe80::13f3:20e0:8c05:8e39'
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:692 local ip
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:693 for ip in $host_ips
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:700 [[ inet6 == \i\n\e\t\6 ]]
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:701 host_ip=::1
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:702 break
- +++functions-common:get_default_host_ip:710 echo ::1
- ++stackrc:source:856 HOST_IPV6=::1
- +++stackrc:source:859 trueorfalse True NEUTRON_PORT_SECURITY
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:859 NEUTRON_PORT_SECURITY=True
- ++stackrc:source:864 SERVICE_IP_VERSION=4
- ++stackrc:source:870 [[ 4 != \4 ]]
- ++stackrc:source:874 [[ 4 == 4 ]]
- ++stackrc:source:875 DEF_SERVICE_HOST=
- ++stackrc:source:876 DEF_SERVICE_LOCAL_HOST=
- ++stackrc:source:877 DEF_SERVICE_LISTEN_ADDRESS=
- ++stackrc:source:880 [[ 4 == 6 ]]
- ++stackrc:source:891 SERVICE_LISTEN_ADDRESS=
- ++stackrc:source:895 SERVICE_HOST=
- ++stackrc:source:897 SERVICE_LOCAL_HOST=
- ++stackrc:source:899 REGION_NAME=RegionOne
- +++stackrc:source:902 trueorfalse False SYSLOG
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:902 SYSLOG=False
- ++stackrc:source:903 SYSLOG_HOST=
- ++stackrc:source:904 SYSLOG_PORT=516
- ++stackrc:source:908 GIT_DEPTH=0
- +++stackrc:source:912 trueorfalse True RECREATE_KEYSTONE_DB
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- ++stackrc:source:912 RECREATE_KEYSTONE_DB=True
- ++stackrc:source:924 [[ -z '' ]]
- ++stackrc:source:925 default_logdir=/opt/stack/logs
- ++stackrc:source:926 [[ -z '' ]]
- ++stackrc:source:928 LOGDIR=/opt/stack/logs
- ++stackrc:source:938 unset default_logdir logfile
- ++stackrc:source:944 ULIMIT_NOFILE=2048
- +./ write_devstack_version
- +functions:write_devstack_version:815 sudo tee /etc/devstack-version
- +functions:write_devstack_version:815 cat -
- ++functions:write_devstack_version:815 git log '--format=%H %s %ci' -1
- +./ [[ ! bionic =~ (bionic|stretch|jessie|f29|opensuse-15.0|opensuse-15.1|opensuse-tumbleweed|rhel7) ]]
- +./ export_proxy_variables
- +functions-common:export_proxy_variables:2148 isset http_proxy
- +functions-common:isset:169 [[ -v http_proxy ]]
- +functions-common:export_proxy_variables:2151 isset https_proxy
- +functions-common:isset:169 [[ -v https_proxy ]]
- +functions-common:export_proxy_variables:2154 isset no_proxy
- +functions-common:isset:169 [[ -v no_proxy ]]
- +./ disable_negated_services
- +functions-common:disable_negated_services:1853 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:disable_negated_services:1854 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:disable_negated_services:1854 set +o
- +functions-common:disable_negated_services:1854 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:disable_negated_services:1855 set +o xtrace
- +./ is_package_installed sudo
- +functions-common:is_package_installed:1341 [[ -z sudo ]]
- +functions-common:is_package_installed:1345 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_package_installed:1349 [[ deb = \d\e\b ]]
- +functions-common:is_package_installed:1350 dpkg -s sudo
- +./ sudo grep -q '^#includedir.*/etc/sudoers.d' /etc/sudoers
- +./ [[ -n '' ]]
- ++./ mktemp
- +./ TEMPFILE=/tmp/tmp.8JzCmhovgB
- +./ echo 'stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL'
- +./ echo 'Defaults:stack secure_path=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin'
- +./ echo 'Defaults:stack !requiretty'
- +./ chmod 0440 /tmp/tmp.8JzCmhovgB
- +./ sudo chown root:root /tmp/tmp.8JzCmhovgB
- +./ sudo mv /tmp/tmp.8JzCmhovgB /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh
- +./ is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +./ echo 'APT::Acquire::Retries "20";'
- +./ sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80retry
- +./ DEST=/opt/stack
- +./ [[ ! -d /opt/stack ]]
- +./ [[ -n /opt/stack/logs ]]
- +./ mkdir -p /opt/stack/logs
- +./ DATA_DIR=/opt/stack/data
- +./ [[ ! -d /opt/stack/data ]]
- ++./ hostname -s
- +./ fgrep -qwe dbox /etc/hosts
- ++./ trueorfalse False SKIP_EPEL_INSTALL
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- +./ [[ bionic == \r\h\e\l\7 ]]
- +./ install_python
- +inc/python:install_python:457 python3_enabled
- +inc/python:python3_enabled:446 [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- +inc/python:python3_enabled:447 return 0
- +inc/python:install_python:458 install_python3
- +inc/python:install_python3:480 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +inc/python:install_python3:481 apt_get install python3.6 python3.6-dev
- +functions-common:apt_get:1095 local xtrace result
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 set +o
- +functions-common:apt_get:1096 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:apt_get:1097 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1108 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install python3.6 python3.6-dev
- Reading package lists... Done
- Building dependency tree
- Reading state information... Done
- python3.6 is already the newest version (3.6.9-1~18.04).
- python3.6-dev is already the newest version (3.6.9-1~18.04).
- 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
- +functions-common:apt_get:1112 result=0
- +functions-common:apt_get:1115 time_stop apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638769834
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638769834 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638770672
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=838
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=0
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=838
- +functions-common:apt_get:1116 return 0
- ++inc/python:install_python:460 which python3.6
- +inc/python:install_python:460 export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6
- +inc/python:install_python:460 PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6
- +inc/python:install_python:461 [[ bionic =~ (rhel8) ]]
- +inc/python:install_python:469 install_package python
- +functions-common:install_package:1332 update_package_repo
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1304 NO_UPDATE_REPOS=False
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1305 REPOS_UPDATED=False
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1306 RETRY_UPDATE=False
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1308 [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1312 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1313 apt_get_update
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1067 [[ False == \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1072 [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1074 local sudo=sudo
- ++functions-common:apt_get_update:1075 id -u
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1075 [[ 1001 = \0 ]]
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1078 time_start apt-get-update
- +functions-common:time_start:2316 local name=apt-get-update
- +functions-common:time_start:2317 local start_time=
- +functions-common:time_start:2318 [[ -n '' ]]
- ++functions-common:time_start:2321 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_start:2321 _TIME_START[$name]=1582638770820
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1080 local 'proxies=http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= '
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1081 local 'update_cmd=sudo http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get update'
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1082 timeout 300 sh -c 'while ! sudo http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get update; do sleep 30; done'
- Hit:1 bionic InRelease
- Hit:2 bionic-updates InRelease
- Hit:3 bionic-backports InRelease
- Hit:4 bionic-security InRelease
- Reading package lists... Done
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1086 REPOS_UPDATED=True
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1088 time_stop apt-get-update
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get-update
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638770820
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638770820 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638775253
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=4433
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=0
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=4433
- +functions-common:install_package:1333 real_install_package python
- +functions-common:real_install_package:1318 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:real_install_package:1319 apt_get install python
- +functions-common:apt_get:1095 local xtrace result
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 set +o
- +functions-common:apt_get:1096 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:apt_get:1097 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1108 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install python
- Reading package lists... Done
- Building dependency tree
- Reading state information... Done
- python is already the newest version (2.7.15~rc1-1).
- 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
- +functions-common:apt_get:1112 result=0
- +functions-common:apt_get:1115 time_stop apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638775335
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638775335 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638776120
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=785
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=838
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=1623
- +functions-common:apt_get:1116 return 0
- ++./ trueorfalse True VERBOSE
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- +./ VERBOSE=True
- ++./ trueorfalse False VERBOSE
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- +./ LOGDAYS=7
- ++./ date +%F-%H%M%S
- +./ CURRENT_LOG_TIME=2020-02-25-145256
- +./ [[ -n '' ]]
- +./ exec
- +./ [[ True != \T\r\u\e ]]
- +./ exec
- +./ check_path_perm_sanity /opt/stack
- ++./ /usr/bin/python3.6 /opt/stack/devstack/tools/ -v
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:567 local real_path
- ++functions:check_path_perm_sanity:568 readlink -f /opt/stack
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:568 real_path=/opt/stack
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:569 local rebuilt_path=
- ++functions:check_path_perm_sanity:570 tr / ' '
- ++functions:check_path_perm_sanity:570 echo /opt/stack
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:570 for i in $(echo ${real_path} | tr "/" " ")
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:571 rebuilt_path=/opt
- ++functions:check_path_perm_sanity:573 stat -c %a /opt
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:573 [[ 755 = 700 ]]
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:570 for i in $(echo ${real_path} | tr "/" " ")
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:571 rebuilt_path=/opt/stack
- ++functions:check_path_perm_sanity:573 stat -c %a /opt/stack
- +functions:check_path_perm_sanity:573 [[ 755 = 700 ]]
- +./ trap exit_trap EXIT
- +./ trap err_trap ERR
- +./ set -o errexit
- +./ uname -a
- Linux dbox 5.3.0-40-generic #32~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 3 14:05:59 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
- +./ SSL_BUNDLE_FILE=/opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
- +./ rm -f /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/database
- +++lib/database:source:23 set +o
- +++lib/database:source:23 grep xtrace
- ++lib/database:source:23 _XTRACE_LIB_DB='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/database:source:24 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/rpc_backend
- +++lib/rpc_backend:source:24 grep xtrace
- +++lib/rpc_backend:source:24 set +o
- ++lib/rpc_backend:source:24 _XTRACE_RPC_BACKEND='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/rpc_backend:source:25 set +o xtrace
- +./ fetch_plugins
- +functions-common:fetch_plugins:1676 local plugins=
- +functions-common:fetch_plugins:1677 local plugin
- +functions-common:fetch_plugins:1680 [[ -z '' ]]
- +functions-common:fetch_plugins:1681 return
- +./ run_phase override_defaults
- +functions-common:run_phase:1758 local mode=override_defaults
- +functions-common:run_phase:1759 local phase=
- +functions-common:run_phase:1760 [[ -d /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1761 local extra_plugin_file_name
- +functions-common:run_phase:1762 for extra_plugin_file_name in $TOP_DIR/extras.d/*.sh
- +functions-common:run_phase:1767 local
- +functions-common:run_phase:1768 local extra
- ++functions-common:run_phase:1769 basename /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d/
- +functions-common:run_phase:1769
- +functions-common:run_phase:1770 [[ =~ 80-tempest\.sh ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1774 [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d/ ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1774 source /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d/ override_defaults
- ++extras.d/ is_service_enabled tempest
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- +++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- +++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 0
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \s\o\u\r\c\e ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \s\t\a\c\k ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \s\t\a\c\k ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \s\t\a\c\k ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \s\t\a\c\k ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \s\t\a\c\k ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \u\n\s\t\a\c\k ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ override_defaults == \c\l\e\a\n ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1779 [[ override_defaults == \s\o\u\r\c\e ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1782 [[ override_defaults == \o\v\e\r\r\i\d\e\_\d\e\f\a\u\l\t\s ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1783 plugin_override_defaults
- +functions-common:plugin_override_defaults:1717 local plugins=
- +functions-common:plugin_override_defaults:1718 local plugin
- +functions-common:plugin_override_defaults:1721 [[ -z '' ]]
- +functions-common:plugin_override_defaults:1722 return
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/apache
- +++lib/apache:source:22 grep xtrace
- +++lib/apache:source:22 set +o
- ++lib/apache:source:22 _XTRACE_LIB_APACHE='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/apache:source:23 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/tls
- ++lib/tls:source:38 is_service_enabled tls-proxy
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- +++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 1
- +++lib/tls:source:43 hostname -f
- ++lib/tls:source:43 DEVSTACK_HOSTNAME=dbox
- ++lib/tls:source:44 DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME=devstack-cert
- ++lib/tls:source:45 DEVSTACK_CERT=/opt/stack/data/devstack-cert.pem
- ++lib/tls:source:48 ROOT_CA_DIR=/opt/stack/data/CA/root-ca
- ++lib/tls:source:49 INT_CA_DIR=/opt/stack/data/CA/int-ca
- ++lib/tls:source:51 ORG_NAME=OpenStack
- ++lib/tls:source:52 ORG_UNIT_NAME=DevStack
- ++lib/tls:source:55 STUD_PROTO=--tls
- ++lib/tls:source:56 STUD_CIPHERS='TLSv1+HIGH:!DES:!aNULL:!eNULL:@STRENGTH'
- ++lib/tls:source:63 OPENSSL=/usr/bin/openssl
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/infra
- +++lib/infra:source:18 set +o
- +++lib/infra:source:18 grep xtrace
- ++lib/infra:source:18 _XTRACE_INFRA='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/infra:source:19 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/libraries
- +++lib/libraries:source:19 set +o
- +++lib/libraries:source:19 grep xtrace
- ++lib/libraries:source:19 _XTRACE_LIB_LIBRARIES='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/libraries:source:20 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/lvm
- +++lib/lvm:source:19 grep xtrace
- +++lib/lvm:source:19 set +o
- ++lib/lvm:source:19 _XTRACE_LVM='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/lvm:source:20 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/horizon
- +++lib/horizon:source:22 grep xtrace
- +++lib/horizon:source:22 set +o
- ++lib/horizon:source:22 _XTRACE_HORIZON='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/horizon:source:23 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/keystone
- +++lib/keystone:source:30 set +o
- +++lib/keystone:source:30 grep xtrace
- ++lib/keystone:source:30 _XTRACE_KEYSTONE='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/keystone:source:31 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/glance
- +++lib/glance:source:24 set +o
- +++lib/glance:source:24 grep xtrace
- ++lib/glance:source:24 _XTRACE_GLANCE='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/glance:source:25 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/nova
- +++lib/nova:source:27 set +o
- +++lib/nova:source:27 grep xtrace
- ++lib/nova:source:27 _XTRACE_LIB_NOVA='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/nova:source:28 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/placement
- +++lib/placement:source:23 grep xtrace
- +++lib/placement:source:23 set +o
- ++lib/placement:source:23 _XTRACE_LIB_PLACEMENT='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/placement:source:24 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/cinder
- +++lib/cinder:source:23 set +o
- +++lib/cinder:source:23 grep xtrace
- ++lib/cinder:source:23 _XTRACE_CINDER='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/cinder:source:24 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/swift
- +++lib/swift:source:27 set +o
- +++lib/swift:source:27 grep xtrace
- ++lib/swift:source:27 _XTRACE_LIB_SWIFT='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/swift:source:28 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/neutron
- +++lib/neutron:source:22 grep xtrace
- +++lib/neutron:source:22 set +o
- ++lib/neutron:source:22 XTRACE='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/neutron:source:23 set +o xtrace
- WARNING: Using lib/neutron-legacy is deprecated, and it will be removed in the future
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/ldap
- +++lib/ldap:source:11 grep xtrace
- +++lib/ldap:source:11 set +o
- ++lib/ldap:source:11 _XTRACE_LDAP='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/ldap:source:12 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/dstat
- +++lib/dstat:source:17 grep xtrace
- +++lib/dstat:source:17 set +o
- ++lib/dstat:source:17 _XTRACE_DSTAT='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/dstat:source:18 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/tcpdump
- +++lib/tcpdump:source:16 set +o
- +++lib/tcpdump:source:16 grep xtrace
- ++lib/tcpdump:source:16 _XTRACE_TCPDUMP='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/tcpdump:source:17 set +o xtrace
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/etcd3
- +++lib/etcd3:source:19 set +o
- +++lib/etcd3:source:19 grep xtrace
- ++lib/etcd3:source:19 _XTRACE_ETCD3='set -o xtrace'
- ++lib/etcd3:source:20 set +o xtrace
- +./ run_phase source
- +functions-common:run_phase:1758 local mode=source
- +functions-common:run_phase:1759 local phase=
- +functions-common:run_phase:1760 [[ -d /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1761 local extra_plugin_file_name
- +functions-common:run_phase:1762 for extra_plugin_file_name in $TOP_DIR/extras.d/*.sh
- +functions-common:run_phase:1767 local
- +functions-common:run_phase:1768 local extra
- ++functions-common:run_phase:1769 basename /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d/
- +functions-common:run_phase:1769
- +functions-common:run_phase:1770 [[ =~ 80-tempest\.sh ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1774 [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d/ ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1774 source /opt/stack/devstack/extras.d/ source
- ++extras.d/ is_service_enabled tempest
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- +++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- +++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 0
- ++extras.d/ [[ source == \s\o\u\r\c\e ]]
- ++extras.d/ source /opt/stack/devstack/lib/tempest
- ++++lib/tempest:source:39 grep xtrace
- ++++lib/tempest:source:39 set +o
- +++lib/tempest:source:39 _XTRACE_TEMPEST='set -o xtrace'
- +++lib/tempest:source:40 set +o xtrace
- ++extras.d/ [[ source == \u\n\s\t\a\c\k ]]
- ++extras.d/ [[ source == \c\l\e\a\n ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1779 [[ source == \s\o\u\r\c\e ]]
- +functions-common:run_phase:1780 load_plugin_settings
- +functions-common:load_plugin_settings:1694 local plugins=
- +functions-common:load_plugin_settings:1695 local plugin
- +functions-common:load_plugin_settings:1698 [[ -z '' ]]
- +functions-common:load_plugin_settings:1699 return
- +functions-common:run_phase:1781 verify_disabled_services
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2041 local service
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,key, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,n-api, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,n-cpu, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,n-cond, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,n-sch, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,n-novnc, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,n-api-meta, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,placement-api, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,placement-client, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,g-api, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,c-sch, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,c-api, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,c-vol, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,q-svc, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,q-dhcp, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,q-meta, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,q-agt, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,q-l3, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,horizon, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,rabbit, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,tempest, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,mysql, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,etcd3, ]]
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2042 for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }
- +functions-common:verify_disabled_services:2043 [[ ,, =~ ,dstat, ]]
- +./ initialize_database_backends
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:65 for backend in $DATABASE_BACKENDS
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:66 is_service_enabled mysql
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 0
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:66 DATABASE_TYPE=mysql
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:65 for backend in $DATABASE_BACKENDS
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:66 is_service_enabled postgresql
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 1
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:69 '[' -z mysql ']'
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:73 MYSQL_HOST=
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:74 MYSQL_USER=root
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:80 [[ 4 == 6 ]]
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:83 DATABASE_HOST=
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:86 DATABASE_USER=root
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:88 '[' -n '' ']'
- ++lib/database:initialize_database_backends:102 get_database_type_mysql
- ++lib/databases/mysql:get_database_type_mysql:35 [[ PyMySQL == \P\y\M\y\S\Q\L ]]
- ++lib/databases/mysql:get_database_type_mysql:36 echo mysql+pymysql
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:102 BASE_SQL_CONN=mysql+pymysql://root:secret@
- +lib/database:initialize_database_backends:104 return 0
- +./ echo 'Using mysql database backend'
- Using mysql database backend
- +./ local xtrace
- ++./ set +o
- ++./ grep xtrace
- +./ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +./ set +o xtrace
- +./ is_service_enabled rabbit
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 0
- +./ local xtrace
- ++./ set +o
- ++./ grep xtrace
- +./ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +./ set +o xtrace
- +./ is_service_enabled keystone
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 0
- +./ local xtrace
- ++./ grep xtrace
- ++./ set +o
- +./ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +./ set +o xtrace
- +./ local xtrace
- ++./ grep xtrace
- ++./ set +o
- +./ xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +./ set +o xtrace
- +./ is_service_enabled ldap
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 1
- +./ is_service_enabled nova
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 0
- +./ [[ libvirt == \x\e\n\s\e\r\v\e\r ]]
- +./ is_service_enabled s-proxy
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1957 local xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 set +o
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1958 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1959 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:is_service_enabled:1986 return 1
- +./ save_stackenv 776
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:60 local tag=776
- ++functions-common:save_stackenv:62 date +%F-%H%M%S
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:62 time_stamp=2020-02-25-145259
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:63 echo '# 2020-02-25-145259 776'
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo BASE_SQL_CONN=mysql+pymysql://root:secret@
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo DATA_DIR=/opt/stack/data
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo DEST=/opt/stack
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo ENABLED_SERVICES=key,n-api,n-cpu,n-cond,n-sch,n-novnc,n-api-meta,placement-api,placement-client,g-api,c-sch,c-api,c-vol,q-svc,q-dhcp,q-meta,q-agt,q-l3,horizon,rabbit,tempest,mysql,etcd3,dstat
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo HOST_IP=
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI=
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI=
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo LOGFILE=
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo OS_CACERT=
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo SERVICE_HOST=
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo STACK_USER=stack
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo TLS_IP=
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo HOST_IPV6=::1
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:64 for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS
- +functions-common:save_stackenv:65 echo SERVICE_IP_VERSION=4
- +./ git_clone /opt/stack/requirements master
- +functions-common:git_clone:522 local git_remote=
- +functions-common:git_clone:523 local git_dest=/opt/stack/requirements
- +functions-common:git_clone:524 local git_ref=master
- +functions-common:git_clone:525 local orig_dir
- ++functions-common:git_clone:526 pwd
- +functions-common:git_clone:526 orig_dir=/opt/stack/devstack
- +functions-common:git_clone:527 local git_clone_flags=
- ++functions-common:git_clone:529 trueorfalse False RECLONE
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:148 local xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 set +o
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:149 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:trueorfalse:150 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:git_clone:529 RECLONE=False
- +functions-common:git_clone:530 [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]
- +functions-common:git_clone:534 [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:git_clone:543 echo master
- +functions-common:git_clone:543 egrep -q '^refs'
- +functions-common:git_clone:557 [[ ! -d /opt/stack/requirements ]]
- +functions-common:git_clone:565 [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:git_clone:591 cd /opt/stack/requirements
- +functions-common:git_clone:592 head -1
- +functions-common:git_clone:592 git show --oneline
- cc376a43 Merge "update constraint for python-blazarclient to new release 3.0.0"
- +functions-common:git_clone:593 cd /opt/stack/devstack
- +./ echo_summary 'Installing package prerequisites'
- +./ [[ -t 3 ]]
- +./ [[ True != \T\r\u\e ]]
- +./ echo -e Installing package prerequisites
- 2020-02-25 13:53:00.238 | Installing package prerequisites
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/tools/
- ++tools/ FORCE_PREREQ=0
- ++tools/ getopts :f opt
- ++tools/ [[ -z /opt/stack/devstack ]]
- ++tools/ PREREQ_RERUN_MARKER=/opt/stack/devstack/.prereqs
- ++tools/ PREREQ_RERUN_SECONDS=7200
- +++tools/ date +%s
- ++tools/ NOW=1582638780
- +++tools/ head -1 /opt/stack/devstack/.prereqs
- ++tools/ LAST_RUN=1582637943
- ++tools/ DELTA=837
- ++tools/ [[ 837 -lt 7200 ]]
- ++tools/ [[ -z 0 ]]
- ++tools/ export_proxy_variables
- ++functions-common:export_proxy_variables:2148 isset http_proxy
- ++functions-common:isset:169 [[ -v http_proxy ]]
- ++functions-common:export_proxy_variables:2151 isset https_proxy
- ++functions-common:isset:169 [[ -v https_proxy ]]
- ++functions-common:export_proxy_variables:2154 isset no_proxy
- ++functions-common:isset:169 [[ -v no_proxy ]]
- +++tools/ get_packages general,key,n-api,n-cpu,n-cond,n-sch,n-novnc,n-api-meta,placement-api,placement-client,g-api,c-sch,c-api,c-vol,q-svc,q-dhcp,q-meta,q-agt,q-l3,horizon,rabbit,tempest,mysql,etcd3,dstat
- +++functions-common:get_packages:1189 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:get_packages:1190 grep xtrace
- ++++functions-common:get_packages:1190 set +o
- +++functions-common:get_packages:1190 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:get_packages:1191 set +o xtrace
- ++tools/ PACKAGES='apache2
- apache2-dev
- bc
- bridge-utils
- bsdmainutils
- curl
- g++
- gcc
- gettext
- git
- graphviz
- iputils-ping
- libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi
- libffi-dev
- libjpeg-dev
- libmysqlclient-dev
- libpcre3-dev
- libpq-dev
- libssl-dev
- libsystemd-dev
- libxml2-dev
- libxslt1-dev
- libyaml-dev
- lsof
- openssh-server
- openssl
- pkg-config
- psmisc
- python2.7
- python-dev
- python-gdbm
- tar
- tcpdump
- unzip
- uuid-runtime
- wget
- wget
- zlib1g-dev
- libkrb5-dev
- libldap2-dev
- libsasl2-dev
- memcached
- python-mysqldb
- sqlite3
- conntrack
- curl
- dnsmasq-base
- dnsmasq-utils
- ebtables
- gawk
- genisoimage
- iptables
- iputils-arping
- kpartx
- libjs-jquery-tablesorter
- libmysqlclient-dev
- parted
- pm-utils
- python-mysqldb
- socat
- sqlite3
- sudo
- vlan
- cryptsetup
- dosfstools
- genisoimage
- gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0
- netcat-openbsd
- open-iscsi
- qemu-utils
- sg3-utils
- sysfsutils
- lvm2
- open-iscsi
- qemu-utils
- thin-provisioning-tools
- acl
- dnsmasq-base
- dnsmasq-utils
- ebtables
- haproxy
- iptables
- iputils-arping
- iputils-ping
- libmysqlclient-dev
- postgresql-server-dev-all
- python-mysqldb
- sqlite3
- sudo
- vlan
- ipset
- conntrack
- conntrackd
- keepalived
- dstat'
- +++tools/ get_plugin_packages
- +++functions-common:get_plugin_packages:1263 local xtrace
- ++++functions-common:get_plugin_packages:1264 set +o
- ++++functions-common:get_plugin_packages:1264 grep xtrace
- +++functions-common:get_plugin_packages:1264 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +++functions-common:get_plugin_packages:1265 set +o xtrace
- ++tools/ PACKAGES='apache2
- apache2-dev
- bc
- bridge-utils
- bsdmainutils
- curl
- g++
- gcc
- gettext
- git
- graphviz
- iputils-ping
- libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi
- libffi-dev
- libjpeg-dev
- libmysqlclient-dev
- libpcre3-dev
- libpq-dev
- libssl-dev
- libsystemd-dev
- libxml2-dev
- libxslt1-dev
- libyaml-dev
- lsof
- openssh-server
- openssl
- pkg-config
- psmisc
- python2.7
- python-dev
- python-gdbm
- tar
- tcpdump
- unzip
- uuid-runtime
- wget
- wget
- zlib1g-dev
- libkrb5-dev
- libldap2-dev
- libsasl2-dev
- memcached
- python-mysqldb
- sqlite3
- conntrack
- curl
- dnsmasq-base
- dnsmasq-utils
- ebtables
- gawk
- genisoimage
- iptables
- iputils-arping
- kpartx
- libjs-jquery-tablesorter
- libmysqlclient-dev
- parted
- pm-utils
- python-mysqldb
- socat
- sqlite3
- sudo
- vlan
- cryptsetup
- dosfstools
- genisoimage
- gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0
- netcat-openbsd
- open-iscsi
- qemu-utils
- sg3-utils
- sysfsutils
- lvm2
- open-iscsi
- qemu-utils
- thin-provisioning-tools
- acl
- dnsmasq-base
- dnsmasq-utils
- ebtables
- haproxy
- iptables
- iputils-arping
- iputils-ping
- libmysqlclient-dev
- postgresql-server-dev-all
- python-mysqldb
- sqlite3
- sudo
- vlan
- ipset
- conntrack
- conntrackd
- keepalived
- dstat '
- ++tools/ is_ubuntu
- ++functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- ++functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- ++tools/ grep -q dkms
- ++tools/ echo apache2 apache2-dev bc bridge-utils bsdmainutils curl g++ gcc gettext git graphviz iputils-ping libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi libffi-dev libjpeg-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpcre3-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev libsystemd-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev lsof openssh-server openssl pkg-config psmisc python2.7 python-dev python-gdbm tar tcpdump unzip uuid-runtime wget wget zlib1g-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev memcached python-mysqldb sqlite3 conntrack curl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables gawk genisoimage iptables iputils-arping kpartx libjs-jquery-tablesorter libmysqlclient-dev parted pm-utils python-mysqldb socat sqlite3 sudo vlan cryptsetup dosfstools genisoimage gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 netcat-openbsd open-iscsi qemu-utils sg3-utils sysfsutils lvm2 open-iscsi qemu-utils thin-provisioning-tools acl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables haproxy iptables iputils-arping iputils-ping libmysqlclient-dev postgresql-server-dev-all python-mysqldb sqlite3 sudo vlan ipset conntrack conntrackd keepalived dstat
- ++tools/ install_package apache2 apache2-dev bc bridge-utils bsdmainutils curl g++ gcc gettext git graphviz iputils-ping libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi libffi-dev libjpeg-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpcre3-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev libsystemd-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev lsof openssh-server openssl pkg-config psmisc python2.7 python-dev python-gdbm tar tcpdump unzip uuid-runtime wget wget zlib1g-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev memcached python-mysqldb sqlite3 conntrack curl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables gawk genisoimage iptables iputils-arping kpartx libjs-jquery-tablesorter libmysqlclient-dev parted pm-utils python-mysqldb socat sqlite3 sudo vlan cryptsetup dosfstools genisoimage gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 netcat-openbsd open-iscsi qemu-utils sg3-utils sysfsutils lvm2 open-iscsi qemu-utils thin-provisioning-tools acl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables haproxy iptables iputils-arping iputils-ping libmysqlclient-dev postgresql-server-dev-all python-mysqldb sqlite3 sudo vlan ipset conntrack conntrackd keepalived dstat
- ++functions-common:install_package:1332 update_package_repo
- ++functions-common:update_package_repo:1304 NO_UPDATE_REPOS=False
- ++functions-common:update_package_repo:1305 REPOS_UPDATED=True
- ++functions-common:update_package_repo:1306 RETRY_UPDATE=False
- ++functions-common:update_package_repo:1308 [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
- ++functions-common:update_package_repo:1312 is_ubuntu
- ++functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- ++functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- ++functions-common:update_package_repo:1313 apt_get_update
- ++functions-common:apt_get_update:1067 [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- ++functions-common:apt_get_update:1067 [[ False != \T\r\u\e ]]
- ++functions-common:apt_get_update:1068 return
- ++functions-common:install_package:1333 real_install_package apache2 apache2-dev bc bridge-utils bsdmainutils curl g++ gcc gettext git graphviz iputils-ping libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi libffi-dev libjpeg-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpcre3-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev libsystemd-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev lsof openssh-server openssl pkg-config psmisc python2.7 python-dev python-gdbm tar tcpdump unzip uuid-runtime wget wget zlib1g-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev memcached python-mysqldb sqlite3 conntrack curl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables gawk genisoimage iptables iputils-arping kpartx libjs-jquery-tablesorter libmysqlclient-dev parted pm-utils python-mysqldb socat sqlite3 sudo vlan cryptsetup dosfstools genisoimage gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 netcat-openbsd open-iscsi qemu-utils sg3-utils sysfsutils lvm2 open-iscsi qemu-utils thin-provisioning-tools acl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables haproxy iptables iputils-arping iputils-ping libmysqlclient-dev postgresql-server-dev-all python-mysqldb sqlite3 sudo vlan ipset conntrack conntrackd keepalived dstat
- ++functions-common:real_install_package:1318 is_ubuntu
- ++functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- ++functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- ++functions-common:real_install_package:1319 apt_get install apache2 apache2-dev bc bridge-utils bsdmainutils curl g++ gcc gettext git graphviz iputils-ping libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi libffi-dev libjpeg-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpcre3-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev libsystemd-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev lsof openssh-server openssl pkg-config psmisc python2.7 python-dev python-gdbm tar tcpdump unzip uuid-runtime wget wget zlib1g-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev memcached python-mysqldb sqlite3 conntrack curl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables gawk genisoimage iptables iputils-arping kpartx libjs-jquery-tablesorter libmysqlclient-dev parted pm-utils python-mysqldb socat sqlite3 sudo vlan cryptsetup dosfstools genisoimage gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 netcat-openbsd open-iscsi qemu-utils sg3-utils sysfsutils lvm2 open-iscsi qemu-utils thin-provisioning-tools acl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables haproxy iptables iputils-arping iputils-ping libmysqlclient-dev postgresql-server-dev-all python-mysqldb sqlite3 sudo vlan ipset conntrack conntrackd keepalived dstat
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1095 local xtrace result
- +++functions-common:apt_get:1096 set +o
- +++functions-common:apt_get:1096 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1097 set +o xtrace
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1108 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install apache2 apache2-dev bc bridge-utils bsdmainutils curl g++ gcc gettext git graphviz iputils-ping libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi libffi-dev libjpeg-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpcre3-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev libsystemd-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-dev lsof openssh-server openssl pkg-config psmisc python2.7 python-dev python-gdbm tar tcpdump unzip uuid-runtime wget wget zlib1g-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev memcached python-mysqldb sqlite3 conntrack curl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables gawk genisoimage iptables iputils-arping kpartx libjs-jquery-tablesorter libmysqlclient-dev parted pm-utils python-mysqldb socat sqlite3 sudo vlan cryptsetup dosfstools genisoimage gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 netcat-openbsd open-iscsi qemu-utils sg3-utils sysfsutils lvm2 open-iscsi qemu-utils thin-provisioning-tools acl dnsmasq-base dnsmasq-utils ebtables haproxy iptables iputils-arping iputils-ping libmysqlclient-dev postgresql-server-dev-all python-mysqldb sqlite3 sudo vlan ipset conntrack conntrackd keepalived dstat
- Reading package lists... Done
- Building dependency tree
- Reading state information... Done
- acl is already the newest version (2.2.52-3build1).
- bc is already the newest version (1.07.1-2).
- bridge-utils is already the newest version (1.5-15ubuntu1).
- bsdmainutils is already the newest version (11.1.2ubuntu1).
- conntrack is already the newest version (1:1.4.4+snapshot20161117-6ubuntu2).
- dnsmasq-base is already the newest version (2.79-1).
- dnsmasq-utils is already the newest version (2.79-1).
- dosfstools is already the newest version (4.1-1).
- gawk is already the newest version (1:4.1.4+dfsg-1build1).
- genisoimage is already the newest version (9:1.1.11-3ubuntu2).
- ipset is already the newest version (6.34-1).
- iptables is already the newest version (1.6.1-2ubuntu2).
- kpartx is already the newest version (0.7.4-2ubuntu3).
- libffi-dev is already the newest version (3.2.1-8).
- libjpeg-dev is already the newest version (8c-2ubuntu8).
- libpcre3-dev is already the newest version (2:8.39-9).
- libyaml-dev is already the newest version (0.1.7-2ubuntu3).
- lsof is already the newest version (4.89+dfsg-0.1).
- pkg-config is already the newest version (0.29.1-0ubuntu2).
- python-dev is already the newest version (2.7.15~rc1-1).
- python-mysqldb is already the newest version (1.3.10-1build1).
- socat is already the newest version (
- unzip is already the newest version (6.0-21ubuntu1).
- zlib1g-dev is already the newest version (1:1.2.11.dfsg-0ubuntu2).
- conntrackd is already the newest version (1:1.4.4+snapshot20161117-6ubuntu2).
- dstat is already the newest version (0.7.3-1).
- gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 is already the newest version (1.1.0-1).
- graphviz is already the newest version (2.40.1-2).
- libjs-jquery-tablesorter is already the newest version (1:2.29.5+dfsg1-1).
- pm-utils is already the newest version (1.4.1-17).
- sysfsutils is already the newest version (2.1.0+repack-4build1).
- thin-provisioning-tools is already the newest version (0.7.4-2ubuntu3).
- apache2 is already the newest version (2.4.29-1ubuntu4.11).
- apache2-dev is already the newest version (2.4.29-1ubuntu4.11).
- cryptsetup is already the newest version (2:2.0.2-1ubuntu1.1).
- curl is already the newest version (7.58.0-2ubuntu3.8).
- ebtables is already the newest version (
- g++ is already the newest version (4:7.4.0-1ubuntu2.3).
- gcc is already the newest version (4:7.4.0-1ubuntu2.3).
- gettext is already the newest version (
- git is already the newest version (1:2.17.1-1ubuntu0.5).
- haproxy is already the newest version (1.8.8-1ubuntu0.9).
- iputils-arping is already the newest version (3:20161105-1ubuntu3).
- iputils-ping is already the newest version (3:20161105-1ubuntu3).
- keepalived is already the newest version (1:1.3.9-1ubuntu0.18.04.2).
- libkrb5-dev is already the newest version (1.16-2ubuntu0.1).
- libldap2-dev is already the newest version (2.4.45+dfsg-1ubuntu1.4).
- libmysqlclient-dev is already the newest version (5.7.29-0ubuntu0.18.04.1).
- libpq-dev is already the newest version (10.12-0ubuntu0.18.04.1).
- libsasl2-dev is already the newest version (2.1.27~101-g0780600+dfsg-3ubuntu2.1).
- libssl-dev is already the newest version (1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.5).
- libsystemd-dev is already the newest version (237-3ubuntu10.39).
- libxml2-dev is already the newest version (2.9.4+dfsg1-6.1ubuntu1.3).
- libxslt1-dev is already the newest version (1.1.29-5ubuntu0.2).
- lvm2 is already the newest version (2.02.176-4.1ubuntu3.18.04.2).
- memcached is already the newest version (1.5.6-0ubuntu1.2).
- netcat-openbsd is already the newest version (1.187-1ubuntu0.1).
- open-iscsi is already the newest version (2.0.874-5ubuntu2.7).
- openssh-server is already the newest version (1:7.6p1-4ubuntu0.3).
- openssl is already the newest version (1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.5).
- parted is already the newest version (3.2-20ubuntu0.2).
- psmisc is already the newest version (23.1-1ubuntu0.1).
- python-gdbm is already the newest version (2.7.17-1~18.04).
- python2.7 is already the newest version (2.7.17-1~18.04).
- qemu-utils is already the newest version (1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.23).
- sg3-utils is already the newest version (1.42-2ubuntu1.18.04.1).
- sqlite3 is already the newest version (3.22.0-1ubuntu0.2).
- sudo is already the newest version (1.8.21p2-3ubuntu1.2).
- tar is already the newest version (1.29b-2ubuntu0.1).
- tcpdump is already the newest version (4.9.3-0ubuntu0.18.04.1).
- uuid-runtime is already the newest version (2.31.1-0.4ubuntu3.5).
- vlan is already the newest version (1.9-3.2ubuntu6).
- wget is already the newest version (1.19.4-1ubuntu2.2).
- libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi is already the newest version (2.0.15-10.2ubuntu2.1).
- postgresql-server-dev-all is already the newest version (190ubuntu0.1).
- 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1112 result=0
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1115 time_stop apt-get
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638780892
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638780892 ]]
- +++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638781820
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=928
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=1623
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=2551
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1116 return 0
- ++tools/ [[ -n False ]]
- ++tools/ [[ False != \F\a\l\s\e ]]
- ++tools/ date +%s
- ++tools/ date
- +./ [[ False != \T\r\u\e ]]
- +./ /opt/stack/devstack/tools/
- +tools/ FILES=/opt/stack/devstack/files
- +tools/ PIP_GET_PIP_URL=
- ++tools/ basename
- +tools/ LOCAL_PIP=/opt/stack/devstack/files/
- +tools/ GetDistro
- +functions-common:GetDistro:371 GetOSVersion
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:348 _ensure_lsb_release
- ++functions-common:_ensure_lsb_release:322 command -v lsb_release
- +functions-common:_ensure_lsb_release:322 [[ -x /usr/bin/lsb_release ]]
- +functions-common:_ensure_lsb_release:323 return
- ++functions-common:GetOSVersion:350 lsb_release -r -s
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:350 os_RELEASE=18.04
- ++functions-common:GetOSVersion:351 lsb_release -c -s
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:351 os_CODENAME=bionic
- ++functions-common:GetOSVersion:352 lsb_release -i -s
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:352 os_VENDOR=Ubuntu
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:354 [[ Ubuntu =~ (Debian|Ubuntu|LinuxMint) ]]
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:355 os_PACKAGE=deb
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:360 typeset -xr os_VENDOR
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:361 typeset -xr os_RELEASE
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:362 typeset -xr os_PACKAGE
- +functions-common:GetOSVersion:363 typeset -xr os_CODENAME
- +functions-common:GetDistro:373 [[ Ubuntu =~ (Ubuntu) ]]
- +functions-common:GetDistro:376 DISTRO=bionic
- +functions-common:GetDistro:422 typeset -xr DISTRO
- +tools/ echo 'Distro: bionic'
- Distro: bionic
- +tools/ get_versions
- ++tools/ which pip
- +tools/ PIP=/usr/local/bin/pip
- +tools/ [[ -n /usr/local/bin/pip ]]
- ++tools/ /usr/local/bin/pip --version
- ++tools/ awk '{ print $2}'
- +tools/ PIP_VERSION=20.0.2
- +tools/ echo 'pip: 20.0.2'
- pip: 20.0.2
- +tools/ is_fedora
- +functions-common:is_fedora:446 [[ -z Ubuntu ]]
- +functions-common:is_fedora:450 '[' Ubuntu = Fedora ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:450 '[' Ubuntu = 'Red Hat' ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:451 '[' Ubuntu = RedHatEnterpriseServer ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:452 '[' Ubuntu = CentOS ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:452 '[' Ubuntu = OracleServer ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:453 '[' Ubuntu = Virtuozzo ']'
- +tools/ is_suse
- +functions-common:is_suse:461 is_opensuse
- +functions-common:is_opensuse:468 [[ -z Ubuntu ]]
- +functions-common:is_opensuse:472 [[ Ubuntu =~ (openSUSE) ]]
- +functions-common:is_suse:461 is_suse_linux_enterprise
- +functions-common:is_suse_linux_enterprise:480 [[ -z Ubuntu ]]
- +functions-common:is_suse_linux_enterprise:484 [[ Ubuntu =~ (^SUSE) ]]
- +tools/ uninstall_package python-pip
- +functions-common:uninstall_package:1361 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:uninstall_package:1362 apt_get purge python-pip
- +functions-common:apt_get:1095 local xtrace result
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 set +o
- +functions-common:apt_get:1096 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:apt_get:1097 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1108 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes purge python-pip
- Reading package lists... Done
- Building dependency tree
- Reading state information... Done
- Package 'python-pip' is not installed, so not removed
- 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
- +functions-common:apt_get:1112 result=0
- +functions-common:apt_get:1115 time_stop apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638782765
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638782765 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638783579
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=814
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=0
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=814
- +functions-common:apt_get:1116 return 0
- +tools/ uninstall_package python3-pip
- +functions-common:uninstall_package:1361 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:uninstall_package:1362 apt_get purge python3-pip
- +functions-common:apt_get:1095 local xtrace result
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 set +o
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 grep xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1096 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:apt_get:1097 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1108 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes purge python3-pip
- Reading package lists... Done
- Building dependency tree
- Reading state information... Done
- Package 'python3-pip' is not installed, so not removed
- 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
- +functions-common:apt_get:1112 result=0
- +functions-common:apt_get:1115 time_stop apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638783681
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638783681 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638784457
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=776
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=814
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=1590
- +functions-common:apt_get:1116 return 0
- +tools/ install_get_pip
- +tools/ [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/files/ ]]
- +tools/ head -1 /opt/stack/devstack/files/
- +tools/ grep -q '#!/usr/bin/env python'
- +tools/ [[ ! -r /opt/stack/devstack/files/ ]]
- +tools/ [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/files/ ]]
- +tools/ local timecond=
- +tools/ [[ -r /opt/stack/devstack/files/ ]]
- +tools/ timecond='-z /opt/stack/devstack/files/'
- +tools/ curl -f --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -z /opt/stack/devstack/files/ -o /opt/stack/devstack/files/
- % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
- Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
- +tools/ touch /opt/stack/devstack/files/
- +tools/ sudo -H -E python3.6 /opt/stack/devstack/files/
- Collecting pip
- Using cached pip-20.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.4 MB)
- Installing collected packages: pip
- Attempting uninstall: pip
- Found existing installation: pip 20.0.2
- Uninstalling pip-20.0.2:
- Successfully uninstalled pip-20.0.2
- Successfully installed pip-20.0.2
- +tools/ python3_enabled
- +inc/python:python3_enabled:446 [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- +inc/python:python3_enabled:447 return 0
- +tools/ [[ -n '' ]]
- +tools/ set -x
- +tools/ pip_install_gr setuptools
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:68 local name=setuptools
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:69 local clean_name
- ++inc/python:pip_install_gr:70 get_from_global_requirements setuptools
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:231 local package=setuptools
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:232 local required_pkg
- +++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:233 cut -d# -f1
- +++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:233 grep -i -h '^setuptools' /opt/stack/requirements/global-requirements.txt
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:233 required_pkg='setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0;python_version>='\''3.5'\''
- setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='\''2.7'\'' '
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:234 [[ setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0;python_version>='3.5'
- setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='2.7' == '' ]]
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:237 echo 'setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0;python_version>='\''3.5'\''' 'setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='\''2.7'\'''
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:70 clean_name='setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0;python_version>='\''3.5'\'' setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='\''2.7'\'''
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:71 pip_install 'setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0;python_version>='\''3.5'\''' 'setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='\''2.7'\'''
- +inc/python:pip_install:120 local xtrace result
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 set +o
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 grep xtrace
- +inc/python:pip_install:121 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +inc/python:pip_install:122 set +o xtrace
- Using python 3.6 to install setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='2.7' because python3_enabled=True
- +inc/python:pip_install:183 local install_test_reqs=
- +inc/python:pip_install:184 local 'test_req=setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='\''2.7'\''/test-requirements.txt'
- +inc/python:pip_install:185 [[ -e setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='2.7'/test-requirements.txt ]]
- +inc/python:pip_install:193 sudo -H LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= PIP_FIND_LINKS= SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE=rewrite /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt 'setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0;python_version>='\''3.5'\''' 'setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,<45.0.0;python_version<='\''2.7'\'''
- Ignoring enum-compat: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-websupport: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring thriftpy2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ipaddress: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ifaddr: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring unicodecsv: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pathlib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.ssl-match-hostname: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring asyncio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-jsmath: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring M2Crypto: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring trollius: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring funcsigs: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring joblib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring jeepney: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring singledispatch: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring weakrefmethod: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring atomicwrites: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring subprocess32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dataclasses: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring functools32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.functools-lru-cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring entrypoints: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-qthelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring qpid-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring contextlib2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring configparser: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-devhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scandir: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futures: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring happybase: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typing-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-applehelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring setuptools: markers 'python_version <= "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Requirement already satisfied: setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (45.2.0)
- +inc/python:pip_install:200 result=0
- +inc/python:pip_install:202 time_stop pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638787373
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638787373 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638789131
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=1758
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=0
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=1758
- +inc/python:pip_install:203 return 0
- +tools/ get_versions
- ++tools/ which pip
- +tools/ PIP=/usr/local/bin/pip
- +tools/ [[ -n /usr/local/bin/pip ]]
- ++tools/ awk '{ print $2}'
- ++tools/ /usr/local/bin/pip --version
- +tools/ PIP_VERSION=20.0.2
- +tools/ echo 'pip: 20.0.2'
- pip: 20.0.2
- +./ source /opt/stack/devstack/tools/
- ++tools/ [[ -z /opt/stack/devstack ]]
- +./ fixup_all
- +tools/ fixup_keystone
- +tools/ keystone_ports=35357,35358
- +tools/ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports
- ++tools/ sed 's/^ //'
- ++tools/ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports
- ++tools/ awk -F= '{print $2;}'
- +tools/ reserved_ports=
- +tools/ [[ -z '' ]]
- +tools/ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports=35357,35358
- net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports = 35357,35358
- +tools/ fixup_ubuntu
- +tools/ [[ bionic != \b\i\o\n\i\c ]]
- +tools/ install_package software-properties-common
- +functions-common:install_package:1332 update_package_repo
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1304 NO_UPDATE_REPOS=False
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1305 REPOS_UPDATED=True
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1306 RETRY_UPDATE=False
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1308 [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1312 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1313 apt_get_update
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1067 [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1067 [[ False != \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1068 return
- +functions-common:install_package:1333 real_install_package software-properties-common
- +functions-common:real_install_package:1318 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:real_install_package:1319 apt_get install software-properties-common
- +functions-common:apt_get:1095 local xtrace result
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 set +o
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 grep xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1096 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:apt_get:1097 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1108 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install software-properties-common
- Reading package lists... Done
- Building dependency tree
- Reading state information... Done
- software-properties-common is already the newest version (
- 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
- +functions-common:apt_get:1112 result=0
- +functions-common:apt_get:1115 time_stop apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638789667
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638789667 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638790415
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=748
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=2551
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=3299
- +functions-common:apt_get:1116 return 0
- +tools/ sudo add-apt-repository -y universe
- 'universe' distribution component is already enabled for all sources.
- +tools/ sudo rm -rf '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/httplib2-*.egg-info'
- +tools/ sudo rm -rf '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyasn1_modules-*.egg-info'
- +tools/ sudo rm -rf '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyYAML-*.egg-info'
- +tools/ fixup_fedora
- +tools/ is_fedora
- +functions-common:is_fedora:446 [[ -z Ubuntu ]]
- +functions-common:is_fedora:450 '[' Ubuntu = Fedora ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:450 '[' Ubuntu = 'Red Hat' ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:451 '[' Ubuntu = RedHatEnterpriseServer ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:452 '[' Ubuntu = CentOS ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:452 '[' Ubuntu = OracleServer ']'
- +functions-common:is_fedora:453 '[' Ubuntu = Virtuozzo ']'
- +tools/ return
- +tools/ fixup_suse
- +tools/ is_suse
- +functions-common:is_suse:461 is_opensuse
- +functions-common:is_opensuse:468 [[ -z Ubuntu ]]
- +functions-common:is_opensuse:472 [[ Ubuntu =~ (openSUSE) ]]
- +functions-common:is_suse:461 is_suse_linux_enterprise
- +functions-common:is_suse_linux_enterprise:480 [[ -z Ubuntu ]]
- +functions-common:is_suse_linux_enterprise:484 [[ Ubuntu =~ (^SUSE) ]]
- +tools/ return
- +tools/ fixup_virtualenv
- +tools/ [[ ! -f /etc/ci/ ]]
- +tools/ install_package python-virtualenv
- +functions-common:install_package:1332 update_package_repo
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1304 NO_UPDATE_REPOS=False
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1305 REPOS_UPDATED=True
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1306 RETRY_UPDATE=False
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1308 [[ False = \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1312 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:update_package_repo:1313 apt_get_update
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1067 [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1067 [[ False != \T\r\u\e ]]
- +functions-common:apt_get_update:1068 return
- +functions-common:install_package:1333 real_install_package python-virtualenv
- +functions-common:real_install_package:1318 is_ubuntu
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:492 [[ -z deb ]]
- +functions-common:is_ubuntu:495 '[' deb = deb ']'
- +functions-common:real_install_package:1319 apt_get install python-virtualenv
- +functions-common:apt_get:1095 local xtrace result
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 grep xtrace
- ++functions-common:apt_get:1096 set +o
- +functions-common:apt_get:1096 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +functions-common:apt_get:1097 set +o xtrace
- +functions-common:apt_get:1108 sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install python-virtualenv
- Reading package lists... Done
- Building dependency tree
- Reading state information... Done
- python-virtualenv is already the newest version (15.1.0+ds-1.1).
- 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
- +functions-common:apt_get:1112 result=0
- +functions-common:apt_get:1115 time_stop apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=apt-get
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638791358
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638791358 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638792089
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=731
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=3299
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=4030
- +functions-common:apt_get:1116 return 0
- +tools/ pip_install -U --force-reinstall virtualenv
- +inc/python:pip_install:120 local xtrace result
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 grep xtrace
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 set +o
- +inc/python:pip_install:121 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +inc/python:pip_install:122 set +o xtrace
- Using python 3.6 to install virtualenv because python3_enabled=True
- +inc/python:pip_install:183 local install_test_reqs=
- +inc/python:pip_install:184 local test_req=virtualenv/test-requirements.txt
- +inc/python:pip_install:185 [[ -e virtualenv/test-requirements.txt ]]
- +inc/python:pip_install:193 sudo -H LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= PIP_FIND_LINKS= SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE=rewrite /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt -U --force-reinstall virtualenv
- Ignoring enum-compat: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-websupport: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring thriftpy2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ipaddress: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ifaddr: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring unicodecsv: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pathlib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.ssl-match-hostname: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring asyncio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-jsmath: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring M2Crypto: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring trollius: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring funcsigs: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring joblib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring jeepney: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring singledispatch: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring weakrefmethod: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring atomicwrites: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring subprocess32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dataclasses: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring functools32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.functools-lru-cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring entrypoints: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-qthelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring qpid-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring contextlib2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring configparser: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-devhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scandir: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futures: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring happybase: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typing-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-applehelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Collecting virtualenv===16.7.9
- Using cached virtualenv-16.7.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (3.4 MB)
- Installing collected packages: virtualenv
- Attempting uninstall: virtualenv
- Found existing installation: virtualenv 16.7.9
- Uninstalling virtualenv-16.7.9:
- Successfully uninstalled virtualenv-16.7.9
- Successfully installed virtualenv-16.7.9
- +inc/python:pip_install:200 result=0
- +inc/python:pip_install:202 time_stop pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638792245
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638792245 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638794191
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=1946
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=0
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=1946
- +inc/python:pip_install:203 return 0
- +./ pip_install -U os-testr
- +inc/python:pip_install:120 local xtrace result
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 grep xtrace
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 set +o
- +inc/python:pip_install:121 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +inc/python:pip_install:122 set +o xtrace
- Using python 3.6 to install os-testr because python3_enabled=True
- +inc/python:pip_install:183 local install_test_reqs=
- +inc/python:pip_install:184 local test_req=os-testr/test-requirements.txt
- +inc/python:pip_install:185 [[ -e os-testr/test-requirements.txt ]]
- +inc/python:pip_install:193 sudo -H LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= PIP_FIND_LINKS= SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE=rewrite /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt -U os-testr
- Ignoring enum-compat: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-websupport: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring thriftpy2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ipaddress: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ifaddr: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring unicodecsv: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pathlib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.ssl-match-hostname: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring asyncio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-jsmath: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring M2Crypto: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring trollius: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring funcsigs: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring joblib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring jeepney: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring singledispatch: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring weakrefmethod: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring atomicwrites: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring subprocess32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dataclasses: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring functools32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.functools-lru-cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring entrypoints: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-qthelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring qpid-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring contextlib2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring configparser: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-devhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scandir: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futures: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring happybase: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typing-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-applehelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Requirement already up-to-date: os-testr===1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 591)) (1.1.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: python-subunit===1.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 231)) (1.3.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: stestr===2.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 401)) (2.6.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: pbr===5.4.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 60)) (5.4.4)
- Requirement already up-to-date: testtools===2.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 456)) (2.3.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: extras===1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 213)) (1.0.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: six===1.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 600)) (1.14.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: future===0.18.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 653)) (0.18.2)
- Requirement already up-to-date: voluptuous===0.11.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 2)) (0.11.7)
- Requirement already up-to-date: PyYAML===5.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 237)) (5.3)
- Requirement already up-to-date: fixtures===3.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 90)) (3.0.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: cliff===2.18.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 312)) (2.18.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: traceback2===1.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 195)) (1.4.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: unittest2===1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 262)) (1.1.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: python-mimeparse===1.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 139)) (1.6.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: cmd2===0.8.9 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 579)) (0.8.9)
- Requirement already up-to-date: stevedore===1.32.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 568)) (1.32.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: pyparsing===2.4.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 553)) (2.4.6)
- Requirement already up-to-date: prettytable===0.7.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 190)) (0.7.2)
- Requirement already up-to-date: linecache2===1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 479)) (1.0.0)
- Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: argparse in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from unittest2===1.1.0->-c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 262)) (1.4.0)
- Requirement already up-to-date: wcwidth===0.1.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 187)) (0.1.8)
- Requirement already up-to-date: pyperclip===1.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 347)) (1.7.0)
- +inc/python:pip_install:200 result=0
- +inc/python:pip_install:202 time_stop pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638794269
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638794269 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638796790
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=2521
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=1946
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=4467
- +inc/python:pip_install:203 return 0
- +./ [[ True == \T\r\u\e ]]
- +./ pip_install_gr systemd-python
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:68 local name=systemd-python
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:69 local clean_name
- ++inc/python:pip_install_gr:70 get_from_global_requirements systemd-python
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:231 local package=systemd-python
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:232 local required_pkg
- +++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:233 grep -i -h '^systemd-python' /opt/stack/requirements/global-requirements.txt
- +++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:233 cut -d# -f1
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:233 required_pkg='systemd-python '
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:234 [[ systemd-python == '' ]]
- ++inc/python:get_from_global_requirements:237 echo systemd-python
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:70 clean_name=systemd-python
- +inc/python:pip_install_gr:71 pip_install systemd-python
- +inc/python:pip_install:120 local xtrace result
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 set +o
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 grep xtrace
- +inc/python:pip_install:121 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +inc/python:pip_install:122 set +o xtrace
- Using python 3.6 to install systemd-python because python3_enabled=True
- +inc/python:pip_install:183 local install_test_reqs=
- +inc/python:pip_install:184 local test_req=systemd-python/test-requirements.txt
- +inc/python:pip_install:185 [[ -e systemd-python/test-requirements.txt ]]
- +inc/python:pip_install:193 sudo -H LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= PIP_FIND_LINKS= SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE=rewrite /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt systemd-python
- Ignoring enum-compat: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-saharaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.concurrency: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring osprofiler: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pytest: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.service: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring microversion-parse: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pint: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.i18n: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-mistralclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.context: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-senlinclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pycadf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring neutron-lib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-websupport: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring thriftpy2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ipaddress: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-freezerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-vitrageclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring networkx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring bashate: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Pillow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zeroconf: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scipy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring debtcollector: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cloudkittyclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring taskflow: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.messaging: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ifaddr: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring reno: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring unicodecsv: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring pathlib: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.ssl-match-hostname: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mox3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring gunicorn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring libvirt-python: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring asyncio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-jsmath: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-manilaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring M2Crypto: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring influxdb: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring trollius: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring funcsigs: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring joblib: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring castellan: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.versionedobjects: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring autobahn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.log: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.middleware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-ken: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring mypy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-win: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring jeepney: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring singledispatch: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.serialization: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.vmware: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-monascaclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring automaton: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring keyring: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring txaio: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-qinlingclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring blockdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-cinderclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring SecretStorage: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tooz: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring weakrefmethod: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sushy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.cache: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.reports: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Faker: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring more-itertools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring seqdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring numpy: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Sphinx: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.config: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-solumclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring tricircleclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.upgradecheck: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.rootwrap: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring Django: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring atomicwrites: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring subprocess32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring GitPython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-ironicclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.db: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dataclasses: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.privsep: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-muranoclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring functools32: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring os-vif: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports.functools-lru-cache: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring entrypoints: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring cachetools: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-qthelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring qpid-python: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring contextlib2: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-congressclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring ovsdbapp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring configparser: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futurist: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-devhelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring dnspython: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scandir: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring zipp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring futures: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring happybase: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring python-tackerclient: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring oslo.utils: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring typing-extensions: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring actdiag: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring sphinxcontrib-applehelp: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "2.7"' don't match your environment
- Ignoring scikit-learn: markers 'python_version == "3.7"' don't match your environment
- Requirement already satisfied: systemd-python===234 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt (line 597)) (234)
- +inc/python:pip_install:200 result=0
- +inc/python:pip_install:202 time_stop pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2330 local name
- +functions-common:time_stop:2331 local end_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2332 local elapsed_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2333 local total
- +functions-common:time_stop:2334 local start_time
- +functions-common:time_stop:2336 name=pip_install
- +functions-common:time_stop:2337 start_time=1582638797033
- +functions-common:time_stop:2339 [[ -z 1582638797033 ]]
- ++functions-common:time_stop:2342 date +%s%3N
- +functions-common:time_stop:2342 end_time=1582638798679
- +functions-common:time_stop:2343 elapsed_time=1646
- +functions-common:time_stop:2344 total=4467
- +functions-common:time_stop:2346 _TIME_START[$name]=
- +functions-common:time_stop:2347 _TIME_TOTAL[$name]=6113
- +inc/python:pip_install:203 return 0
- +./ iniset -sudo /etc/systemd/journald.conf Journal RateLimitBurst 0
- +inc/ini-config:iniset:177 local xtrace
- ++inc/ini-config:iniset:178 grep xtrace
- ++inc/ini-config:iniset:178 set +o
- +inc/ini-config:iniset:178 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +inc/ini-config:iniset:179 set +o xtrace
- +./ sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
- +./ install_infra
- +lib/infra:install_infra:31 local PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV=/opt/stack/requirements/.venv
- +lib/infra:install_infra:32 '[' '!' -d /opt/stack/requirements/.venv ']'
- +lib/infra:install_infra:34 PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV=/opt/stack/requirements/.venv
- +lib/infra:install_infra:34 pip_install -U pbr
- +inc/python:pip_install:120 local xtrace result
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 set +o
- ++inc/python:pip_install:121 grep xtrace
- +inc/python:pip_install:121 xtrace='set -o xtrace'
- +inc/python:pip_install:122 set +o xtrace
- +inc/python:pip_install:183 local install_test_reqs=
- +inc/python:pip_install:184 local test_req=pbr/test-requirements.txt
- +inc/python:pip_install:185 [[ -e pbr/test-requirements.txt ]]
- +inc/python:pip_install:193 env http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= PIP_FIND_LINKS= SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE=rewrite /opt/stack/requirements/.venv/bin/pip install -c /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt -U pbr
- env: ‘/opt/stack/requirements/.venv/bin/pip’: No such file or directory
- +inc/python:pip_install:1 exit_trap
- +./ local r=127
- ++./ jobs -p
- +./ jobs=
- +./ [[ -n '' ]]
- +./ '[' -f '' ']'
- +./ kill_spinner
- +./ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
- +./ [[ 127 -ne 0 ]]
- +./ echo 'Error on exit'
- Error on exit
- +./ type -p generate-subunit
- +./ generate-subunit 1582638766 33 fail
- +./ [[ -z /opt/stack/logs ]]
- +./ /usr/bin/python3.6 /opt/stack/devstack/tools/ -d /opt/stack/logs
- World dumping... see /opt/stack/logs/worlddump-2020-02-25-135319.txt for details
- +./ exit 127
- stack@dbox:~/devstack$
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