

May 15th, 2018
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  1. 23:27:43 [Brandstone-WyrmrestAccord]: Evenin'.
  2. 23:28:09 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: I could use a drink as well after all this
  3. 23:28:09 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Of course Eli, we should've just sparred instead.
  4. 23:28:14 Selintha pets you.
  5. 23:28:36 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: You can pick any drink you want Eli
  6. 23:28:37 Diannestone looks at Brandstone.
  7. 23:28:39 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord reached into his bag and retrieved a pair of forceps, pulling the entry wound open enough to retrieve the shards of wood and stitch the stomach shut. "Miss silvertome could you begin cleaning the exit wound?"
  8. 23:28:43 Brandstone-WyrmrestAccord peeks his head in a bit.
  9. 23:28:45 Shellene says: Now children stop that! I mean it!
  10. 23:28:48 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: May I help you>
  11. 23:29:16 [Brandstone-WyrmrestAccord]: Was just droppin' by to say hi to Sel but she seems busy at the moment.
  12. 23:29:22 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Seyja, do you want her sedated?
  13. 23:29:29 [Brandstone-WyrmrestAccord]: Maybe I'll come back later.
  14. 23:29:30 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord pales a bit at the sight of the awoken Kaldorei being OPENED UP MORE.
  15. 23:29:32 Brandstone smiles at Diannestone.
  16. 23:29:40 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: It is quite even, don't think just because she is small she can't fight. She gives me a run for my money.
  17. 23:29:44 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord waves politely across the way, hand full of syringe.
  18. 23:29:51 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: I can feel them digging around in my stomach Val.. it doesn't hurt... but I can't... I'm going to panic...
  19. 23:30:04 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: You don't want to slow her heart too much yet, Miss Silvertome.
  20. 23:30:12 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord eyes widen
  21. 23:30:23 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: (back sorry)
  22. 23:30:26 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord grinds his teeth
  23. 23:30:28 [Brandstone-WyrmrestAccord]: (Np)
  24. 23:30:29 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord shifts to stand infront of Val.
  25. 23:30:32 Diannestone nods at Brandstone.
  26. 23:30:38 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Get out of my way
  27. 23:30:39 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Stay with me, Mr. Wildscroll.
  28. 23:30:39 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: If you wish.
  29. 23:30:45 Brandstone nods at Diannestone.
  30. 23:30:45 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: I cannot do that, sir.
  31. 23:30:52 Diannestone smiles at Brandstone.
  32. 23:30:52 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: If you're certain, though I'll atleast offer something to keep her settled.
  33. 23:30:56 [Brandstone-WyrmrestAccord]: Have a good evenin'.
  34. 23:31:07 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: You too.
  35. 23:31:15 Taylu waves at Diannestone.
  36. 23:31:21 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: Val.. for the first time in a long time I am very scared.
  37. 23:31:22 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: She is going to panic! She can feel them digging around in her stomach!
  38. 23:31:33 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: Perhaps a mild sedative, nothing that puts her to sleep just yet.
  39. 23:31:34 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: And what will you be doing to help, sir?
  40. 23:31:38 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Its handled, just a moment.
  41. 23:31:44 Shellene says: All will be well children. The Light shall see to that!
  42. 23:31:56 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord stomps on the floor leaving a small indent
  43. 23:32:03 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord nods lightly, fetching that will hopefully numb most things and keep her going mostly.
  44. 23:32:08 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Sir, if you rile up further I will have to have you leave the clinic.
  45. 23:32:21 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I would like to see you try.
  46. 23:32:37 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Please think of her first, Sir. Causing a fight in here won't make things any easier on her.
  47. 23:32:49 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord gets everything added to the IV, soon starting on cleaning her up. "We understand your worry, but shouting at us isn't helping."
  48. 23:33:24 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord growls as he stares at Elirrara
  49. 23:33:27 Shiirõ raises his eyebrow inquisitively at Valumaar.
  50. 23:34:08 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: I know, it's upsetting. I know it's terrifying, you're doing amazing so far with how well you've been handling this. Don't risk her life by causing a scene and doing things that might distract the medics that are trying to save her life, please.
  51. 23:34:17 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord retrieves his tweezers from his bag, carefully applying a topical sedative to the area before pulling small shards of wood from the lining of the stomach.
  52. 23:34:23 [Rÿdér-WyrmrestAccord]: Gonna be great!
  53. 23:34:26 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord 's eyes flutter shut about halfway as the sedative makes her more and more unaware of her surroundings or the fact that the man was digging around in her stomach. It was almost blissful as the mild sedative kicked in, though she wished for sleep she could
  54. 23:34:26 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord no longer protest.
  55. 23:34:36 [Rÿdér-WyrmrestAccord]: I want to keep it a secret.
  56. 23:34:41 Selintha pets you.
  57. 23:34:43 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: We
  58. 23:35:06 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: 're just worried about your heart rate, keep your eyes on me?
  59. 23:35:18 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: And your noisy friend over there.
  60. 23:35:29 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord crosses his arms
  61. 23:36:03 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (You said there were tears in the lining of the stomach correct?)
  62. 23:36:08 Shellene says: I believe you children are our future...
  63. 23:36:09 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord grins slightly keeping her eyes swtching between Val and the Ren'dorei before her attempting to mumble something but unable to speak common in her half dazed state.
  64. 23:36:16 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: See, he's angry.
  65. 23:36:17 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Thank you, Mr. Wildscroll.
  66. 23:36:24 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: I like this female Ren'dorei... she's very nice...
  67. 23:36:41 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Yes a minor tear in the side of the stomach where the branch punctured her body.)
  68. 23:36:51 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (KK.)
  69. 23:37:07 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I am glad she is taking care of you.
  70. 23:37:13 Gil says: Why do we always go the same way?
  71. 23:37:18 Gil says: Why are we goin' this way?
  72. 23:37:19 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Thoughts on trolls blood? Kosher not kosher?)
  73. 23:37:20 Selintha pets you.
  74. 23:37:26 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  75. 23:37:32 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: Tell her I like her. Behave for me Val.. I do not want to stop seeing you for support.
  76. 23:37:34 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (It's an alchemy potion.)
  77. 23:37:44 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: If she is ok in your book then I will be nice to her.
  78. 23:38:04 Valumaar nods at you.
  79. 23:38:12 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I-i'll behave...
  80. 23:38:17 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I am just worried.
  81. 23:38:27 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (It's bruiseweed and briarthorn.)
  82. 23:38:45 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord blinks in confusion at Valumaar.
  83. 23:39:06 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord scoots just a bit so not to be in their line of sight,.
  84. 23:39:12 Selintha pets you.
  85. 23:39:36 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Trolls blood in itself is a slightly magical element is it not with it'\s purpose of regeneration? Also how would she injest a potion with a tear in her stomach?)
  86. 23:39:38 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Female Ren'dorei, Eli told me to tell you she likes you...."
  87. 23:39:56 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: That's nice of her.
  88. 23:39:58 Selintha smiles at you.
  89. 23:40:01 Shellene says: I believe you children are our future...
  90. 23:40:06 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (She wouldn't, he'd use it topically while stitching)
  91. 23:40:36 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: And that I should calm down...I will sit down and wait. She better be fine.
  92. 23:40:43 Loranor nods at Valumaar.
  93. 23:40:47 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: She will be.
  94. 23:41:00 Loranor lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
  95. 23:41:12 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Loranor, we should have some peacebloom tea left.
  96. 23:41:27 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (Trolls blood is slightly magical though, right Seyja?)
  97. 23:42:14 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (It's briarthorn and bruiseweed, it's to speed up recovery. if that's not fine, just let me know, it's to help the stitches keep.)
  98. 23:42:29 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (What.. I thought Trolls blood was.. Blood from a Troll?)
  99. 23:42:36 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (It is not.)
  100. 23:42:43 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (oooooh lol the name is confusing lmao)
  101. 23:42:50 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Hold on, I have atlas loot))
  102. 23:42:50 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (It's called as such because it helps the healing process)
  103. 23:43:10 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Would you like some tea, Mr. Wildscroll?
  104. 23:43:37 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord sighs "Sure, maybe it'll take my mind off."
  105. 23:44:24 Shellene says: All will be well children. The Light shall see to that!
  106. 23:44:55 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: [Weak Troll's Blood Elixir])))
  107. 23:46:11 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (
  108. 23:46:25 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: (be right back, dog needs let out)
  109. 23:46:49 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (If my character lived in the age of liquid stitches he'd be doing that.)
  110. 23:47:30 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Alright. I'll allow it.)
  111. 23:48:15 Shellene says: Now children stop that! I mean it!
  112. 23:48:35 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord walks over to the '''''kitchen''''' in the ERU, going towards the kettle and making sure if the water was boiled. She pulls out a mug that has 'Tea is Love' on it, and looks around in the cupboards for some of the peacebloom tea that was mentioned. She
  113. 23:48:35 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord pulls out a filter bag, and places the tea leafs into it and pours the water on it. She walks back over to the male dreanei and places the cup by him, "Here you go."
  114. 23:48:49 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord stiches the tears in the stomach lining carefully, ocassionally dabbing a small mixture of briarthorn and bruiseweed onto the stitching with a small cotton swab.
  115. 23:49:10 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Still managing?
  116. 23:49:12 Selintha pets you.
  117. 23:49:45 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord begins to extract the shards of wood from the surrounding area, following a similar process using the small set of tweezers.
  118. 23:50:22 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord grunts quietly moving her eyes back to Sel lips moving, but unable to form the words. Uncomfortable but no longer panicked. The coagulant working to keep the surface bleeding in place, but internally the bleeding would still be a mess in itself.
  119. 23:50:35 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: (back)
  120. 23:50:52 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord closes the forceps, and begins to stitch the wound shut. "Miss Silver tome, has the exit wound been cleaned?"
  121. 23:51:02 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Oh, thank you.
  122. 23:51:24 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  123. 23:51:26 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  124. 23:51:28 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: That's right, will she need put on a wound drain after the bleedings all stopped?
  125. 23:51:33 Shellene says: It's so sad for you poor children.
  126. 23:51:38 Gil says: Are we there yet?
  127. 23:51:38 Gil says: Is it true? Are there really crocolisks in the canals?
  128. 23:51:43 Seyja nods at Selintha.
  129. 23:51:44 Loranor nods at Valumaar.
  130. 23:52:08 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: I
  131. 23:52:21 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord pulls his mask down enough to uncover his mouth as he sips on the tea
  132. 23:52:24 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: 'll get things ready while you handle that.
  133. 23:52:35 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Anytime, Mr. Wildscroll.
  134. 23:52:45 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: We'll need some antiseptic, We should be able to remove the smaller shards but who knows what's been on those branches.
  135. 23:53:22 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord pulls a small device from his satchel akin to a large magnifying glass and attaches it to one side of his glasses.
  136. 23:53:49 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Woudn't antibiotics be best for internal wounds?
  137. 23:54:13 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: This is for the upper levels of the dermis, dear.
  138. 23:54:22 Shellene says: Now children stop that! I mean it!
  139. 23:54:46 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord examined the womans spine for signs of permanent injury.
  140. 23:55:12 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Is there a meaning behind your name?
  141. 23:55:30 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord nods lightly, gathering up the tubing along with a small blade for later, along with everthing else.
  142. 23:55:42 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: There we are.
  143. 23:55:50 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (How's the spine look Elirrara?)
  144. 23:56:01 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: It was a name that was given to me from the pandaren that trained me.
  145. 23:56:02 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Anything serious?)
  146. 23:56:22 Loranor nods at Valumaar.
  147. 23:56:26 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: What were you trained in?
  148. 23:57:18 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Hand to hand combat, I specialize in using my chi as a weapon. As you saw with the tree and cause cuts and shockwaves.
  149. 23:57:44 Shellene says: All will be well children. The Light shall see to that!
  150. 23:57:50 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: I actually did not see with the tree, I was focused on helping your friend at the moment heh.
  151. 23:57:57 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Typing.)
  152. 23:58:05 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord gives a blank face
  153. 23:58:06 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (no worries.)
  154. 23:58:19 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord hasn't seen him give any other type of face.
  155. 23:58:25 Loranor smiles at Valumaar.
  156. 23:59:13 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: So were you wild in your fighting then?
  157. 23:59:32 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Her spine is obviously pushed out of alignment putting an immense amount of pressure on her spinal cord. If one were to check she wouldn't be able to wiggle her toes but a simple realignment will restore full movement once healed completely as long as
  158. 23:59:32 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: the pessure is allieviated.)
  159. 23:59:41 Taylu-WyrmrestAccord watches from her seat at the Nightelf declining state with worried eyes
  160. 00:00:08 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (thanks.)
  161. 00:00:31 Shellene says: All will be well children. The Light shall see to that!
  162. 00:00:37 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord sighs "It is rather silly name but it stuck around. Yes, I would get to caught up in the spars with the others and go a little to far."
  163. 00:00:42 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: My apologies miss, but it seems as though we're going to need a brace as well.
  164. 00:01:05 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord nods lightly, going to fetch one of the right size.
  165. 00:01:09 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord would begin to pull the various shards of wood from the back then clean the area.
  166. 00:01:26 Loranor nods at Valumaar.
  167. 00:01:37 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord patted the woman gently, "Almost done, my friend."
  168. 00:01:48 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Can I ask you a question?)
  169. 00:01:56 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Me?)
  170. 00:02:00 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (yes.)
  171. 00:02:03 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Sure.)
  172. 00:02:15 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: I don't think any of my compatriots have asked, but what is your friend's name?
  173. 00:02:20 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Did you stitch up her actual wound yet, not the stomach the flesh of the abdomen itself.)
  174. 00:02:35 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Yeah.)
  175. 00:02:49 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: Who are you looking for?
  176. 00:02:53 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Elirrara
  177. 00:02:56 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Ahh.. You do realize I stated repeatedly she was internally bleeding right?)
  178. 00:03:13 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Yeah. I also stated I checked those.)
  179. 00:03:58 Shellene says: It's so sad for you poor children.
  180. 00:04:06 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Thank you, Mr. Wildscroll.
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