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Feb 7th, 2016
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  1. BigB0ss: I had to laeve my computer I was so angry
  2. BigB0ss: sorry
  3. Leoneri: npnp
  4. BigB0ss: there isn't much to the story
  5. BigB0ss: richard and celintz through a little cat fight of literally telling each other to "stfu" over and over again and name calling
  6. BigB0ss: then zach flipped out and they both told him to leave
  7. BigB0ss: and celintz said hes not leaving just because he cant take a joke
  8. BigB0ss: and then zach cried to steven and steven banned celintz
  9. Leoneri: So how I even found out about all of this
  10. Leoneri: is because Zach posted this to the fb group
  11. Leoneri: Apparently it's a message from Celintz
  12. Leoneri:
  13. Leoneri: So I was like "wtf? is that celintz? what happened?"
  14. Leoneri: then I saw you weren't in the fb group any more
  15. Leoneri: This was Zach's side: "TLDR: Tara jokingly asked Celitnz for money, Celintz told her to shut the fuck up. Celintz kept on being annoying. I asked Celintz to stop being annoying, eventually told him to shut the fuck up because he was getting more toxic. Celintz calls Tara a fucking faggot. I tell Celintz that no one wants him here and that the only reason he is here is becasue of Brad. Celintz blows up on me telling me to suck his dick calling me a fucking faggot. Calls me a bitch, etc."
  16. BigB0ss: it was literally a stupid fight that started out of nothing
  17. BigB0ss: only the wildes got heated up over nothing
  18. BigB0ss: and started fighting celintz
  19. BigB0ss: and celintz was just defending himself
  20. BigB0ss: because they were attacking him
  21. Leoneri: yeah it's easier to get rustled when there's already a bad history between people though. idk. I think probably both zach and celintz are at fault.
  22. BigB0ss: it was a STUPID FIGHT OUT OF NOTHING
  23. BigB0ss: someone got their feelings hurt over nothing
  24. BigB0ss: remember how zach got offended by your tone?
  25. BigB0ss: and left mumble forever
  26. BigB0ss: over that stupid binding of isac question
  27. BigB0ss: it was literally that
  28. BigB0ss: celintz is being celints. dick messing around with his colorful language
  29. BigB0ss: and richard got his feelings hurt and IF you tell celintz hey that isn't cool
  30. BigB0ss: he will level with you and say sorry
  31. BigB0ss: he said sorry to taylor for calling him a faggot INDIRECTLY and taylor was ok and everything was ok
  32. BigB0ss: celintz was in no way trying to be mean on purpose. richard took it the wrong way and flipped. zach wanted to defend his brother over a stupid fight of nothing
  33. Leoneri: Yeah probably none of them were innocent here. And I'm not trying to argue with you, just trying to explain what probably went on in their heads/point of view. Celintz is toxic, I don't think even you will deny that. So is Zach. I don't think Tara is so much, lately, but yeah sometimes. So, toxic people, who already have bad blood between them because of the past. Nobody was going to act like an adult in that situation. You're probably right, it was over absolutely nothing, but that happens all the time. Some people just won't ever get along with eachother, and that's just how life is. Some people don't mesh together. I'm on edge whenever Zach is in a call, and I'm on edge whenever i'm in a call with Celintz, because I know they're both toxic and I'm wary of any more bad experiences. Both parties could've decided to handle it better, at any point.
  34. Leoneri: I'm not really interested in assigning guilt to any body.
  35. Leoneri: What I wanted to say was, I understand if you need some time to cool off, but this doesn't have to mean another spirit quest or something. It's okay to have friends who don't get along with eachother, and it doesn't need to be all or nothing. I just don't want the group to be fragmented forever, again.
  36. BigB0ss: sorry just finished reading what you said
  37. Leoneri: npnp
  38. Leoneri: Not asking you to forgive right now or anything, just something to think about.
  39. BigB0ss: i already layed in bed and flew to space
  40. BigB0ss: im just really mad at zach
  41. BigB0ss: because after everything was fine
  42. BigB0ss: then he got banned
  43. BigB0ss: literally everyone was cool
  44. BigB0ss: ricahrd was in the call
  45. BigB0ss: even talking to celintz again
  46. Leoneri: Well maybe talk to Steven about it once things have cooled down again then? Idk. But Eli says he probably won't be able to join DnD again until March because he's moving, so if DnD would feel awkward for you because of Zach, I could hold off on DnD until March to give everyone some cool down time.
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