

Jul 13th, 2017
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  1. Ape does this
  3. 1. Would you let in all whites? Are all whites good enough?
  5. No
  7. 2. Then why not let in based minorities? Culture matters!
  9. 2 Ways:
  11. The whites we don't want will largely stay away anyway (leftists). The poor whites who are simply bad, well, it's not so clear there. We need SES diversity. Especially for an army of any kind. And there is a genuine desire to help the working class in the altright
  13. 2nd: unlike whites, conservative nonwhites vote Democrat. So this isn't just a partisan divide. It IS racial. Moreover, some non-whites arent a threat to a good ethnostate
  15. Compare to sources on women. And civnat fails. It just doesnt work. Culturally-enforced Eugenics won't change that. It won't alleviate racial tension, in fact, it could make it worse since you're screwing with the lives of blacks directly. The Chinese are smarter than whites and still cartelize against whites when they're large enough. Maybe the right cultural breeding program would erase this, but we don't fully know what that would be or if it can be implemented.
  17. White Identity has legs. People do organically think of themselves in these big dumb groups. Social Darwinism has the same problem as libertarianism: nobody will fight very hard for the privilege of competing in the free market, the only time libertarianism of some stripe had any popular support was in contradistinction to the landed gentry and there is no parallel for that with this eugenic culture idea. You have to offer them something. White Identity offers a place in a collective from which one can find grounding and meaning. Not in conflict with individual achievement.
  19. Moreover, it's an answer to the problem of our time: white dispossession and anti-white sentiment. It's not an answer to the issue of what is best in life at all times and does not claim to be.
  21. he really, REALLY wants behavior to be separated entirely from race and genetics
  22. Purely for the sake of not having to openly be racist. Even though he is.
  24. Which leads him down a path which is genuinely too complex to build a political movement around, and would be more challenging to implement than Spencer's New Roman Empire. The Gene-Culture feedback loop is simply not well understood to base a movement around, and like libertarians it's best to settle for a movement which does understand it but doesn't use it as the central point to rally around. Again like libertarianism, most of the policies and regimes they like were not created by avowed libertarians.
  26. Curtailing liberties and rights for the sake of society as a whole in respect to racial issues, which is almost exactly the same thing we argue for. But this is more circuitous
  28. also the transcendent good. Dunno what it is but ya'll lack it!
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