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Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  2. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  3. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  4. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.12.2 loading
  5. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_51, running on Windows 10:amd64:10.0, installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft Launcher\runtime\jre-x64
  6. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod FMLCorePlugin (net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin) is not signed!
  7. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod FMLForgePlugin (net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin) is not signed!
  8. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\Owens\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods for mods
  9. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Better-Foliage-Mod-1.12.1.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  10. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  11. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod BetterFoliageLoader (mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageLoader) is not signed!
  12. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Forgelin-1.8.3.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  13. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  14. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod ForgelinPlugin (net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin) is not signed!
  15. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  16. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod MicdoodlePlugin (micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin) is not signed!
  17. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker from OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_F5.jar
  18. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Quark-r1.6-177.jar. This is not recommended, @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod.
  19. [21:22:59] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod Quark Plugin (vazkii.quark.base.asm.LoadingPlugin) is not signed!
  20. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  21. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker
  22. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  23. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  24. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  25. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker
  26. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker:dbg:56]: OptiFineForgeTweaker: acceptOptions
  27. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker:dbg:56]: OptiFineForgeTweaker: injectIntoClassLoader
  28. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [optifine.OptiFineClassTransformer:dbg:242]: OptiFine ClassTransformer
  29. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [optifine.OptiFineClassTransformer:dbg:242]: OptiFine ZIP file: C:\Users\Owens\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_F5.jar
  30. [21:22:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  31. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc
  32. [21:23:01] [main/ERROR] [FML]: FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing
  33. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  34. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  35. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  36. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin:getASMTransformerClass:99]: Successfully Registered Transformer
  37. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin:injectData:292]: [Micdoodle8Core]: Patching game...
  38. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodlePlugin:injectData:292]: [Micdoodle8Core]: Patching game...
  39. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  40. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  41. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  42. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  43. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  44. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [optifine.OptiFineForgeTweaker:dbg:56]: OptiFineForgeTweaker: getLaunchArguments
  45. [21:23:01] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
  46. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_184153_a (IIIILjava/util/Random;ZLnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos$MutableBlockPos;)V (matching showBarrierParticles)
  47. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying random display tick call hook
  48. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.Entity
  49. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [move, func_70091_d] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/MoverType;DDD)V)
  50. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  51. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  52. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  53. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/Entity.func_145775_I ()V
  54. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  55. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [onEntityUpdate, func_70030_z] Descriptor ()V)
  56. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  57. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  58. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer
  59. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [drawScreen, func_73863_a] Descriptor (IIF)V)
  60. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  61. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer.func_146979_b (II)V
  62. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  63. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming
  64. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [areAllPlayersAsleep, func_73056_e] Descriptor ()Z)
  65. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  66. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  67. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [wakeAllPlayers, func_73053_d] Descriptor ()V)
  68. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  69. [21:23:02] [main/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  70. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft]: Setting user: Owenski08
  71. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment
  72. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [canApply, func_92089_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z)
  73. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  74. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
  75. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  76. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem
  77. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [onUpdate, func_70071_h_] Descriptor ()V)
  78. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  79. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  80. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer$StateImplementation.func_185892_j ()F (matching getAmbientOcclusionLightValue)
  81. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying getAmbientOcclusionLightValue() override
  82. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer$StateImplementation.func_185916_f ()Z (matching useNeighborBrightness)
  83. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying useNeighborBrightness() override
  84. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer$StateImplementation.doesSideBlockRendering (Lnet/minecraft/world/IBlockAccess;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;)Z
  85. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying doesSideBlockRendering() override
  86. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer$StateImplementation.func_185914_p ()Z (matching isOpaqueCube)
  87. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying isOpaqueCube() override
  88. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
  89. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [getTextComponent, func_151000_E] Descriptor ()Lnet/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent;)
  90. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  91. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node ARETURN
  92. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  93. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.block.BlockDynamicLiquid
  94. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [isBlocked, func_176372_g] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Z)
  95. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  96. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
  97. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
  98. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  99. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase
  100. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [canPush, func_185646_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;ZLnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;)Z)
  101. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  102. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/block/Block.hasTileEntity (Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)Z
  103. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  104. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [doMove, func_176319_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)Z)
  105. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  106. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/block/state/BlockPistonStructureHelper.func_177254_c ()Ljava/util/List;
  107. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  108. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [doMove, func_176319_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)Z)
  109. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  110. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKESPECIAL net/minecraft/block/state/BlockPistonStructureHelper.<init> (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)V
  111. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  112. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [checkForMove, func_176316_e] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;)V)
  113. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  114. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKESPECIAL net/minecraft/block/state/BlockPistonStructureHelper.<init> (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/util/EnumFacing;Z)V
  115. [21:23:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  116. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityPiston
  117. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [update, func_73660_a] Descriptor ()V)
  118. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  119. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  120. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [clearPistonTileEntity, func_145866_f] Descriptor ()V)
  121. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  122. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/world/World.func_180501_a (Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;I)Z
  123. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  124. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [update, func_73660_a] Descriptor ()V)
  125. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  126. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/world/World.func_180501_a (Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;I)Z
  127. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  128. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentDamage
  129. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [canApply, func_92089_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z)
  130. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  131. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
  132. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node IRETURN
  133. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  134. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart
  135. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [killMinecart, func_94095_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;)V)
  136. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  137. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityMinecart.func_70099_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;F)Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;
  138. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  139. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityBoat
  140. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [attackEntityFrom, func_70097_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;F)Z)
  141. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  142. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/entity/item/EntityBoat.func_145778_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/Item;IF)Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;
  143. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  144. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.ItemBanner
  145. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [appendHoverTextFromTileEntityTag, func_185054_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Ljava/util/List;)V)
  146. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  147. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node BIPUSH 6
  148. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  149. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming
  150. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [isSuitableTarget, func_179445_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLiving;Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLivingBase;ZZ)Z)
  151. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  152. [21:23:03] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  153. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.crafting.RecipesBanners$RecipeAddPattern
  154. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [matches, func_77569_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/inventory/InventoryCrafting;Lnet/minecraft/world/World;)Z)
  155. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  156. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKESTATIC net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityBanner.func_175113_c (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)I
  157. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  158. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerMerchant
  159. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [transferStackInSlot, func_82846_b] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;I)Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)
  160. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  161. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  162. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  163. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  164. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerMerchant.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  165. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  166. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] *** Reflector Forge ***
  167. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] (Reflector) Class not present: mods.betterfoliage.client.BetterFoliageClient
  168. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer
  169. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderWorldPass, func_175068_a] Descriptor (IFJ)V)
  170. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  171. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/client/renderer/EntityRenderer.func_78479_a (FI)V
  172. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  173. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.util.DamageSource
  174. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [causePlayerDamage, func_76365_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;)Lnet/minecraft/util/DamageSource;)
  175. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  176. [21:23:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  177. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped
  178. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [setRotationAngles, func_78087_a] Descriptor (FFFFFFLnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;)V)
  179. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  180. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node RETURN
  181. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  182. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader.func_177570_a ()Lnet/minecraft/util/registry/IRegistry; (matching setupModelRegistry)
  183. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying ModelLoader lifecycle callback
  184. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderItem
  185. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderItem, func_180454_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/block/model/IBakedModel;)V)
  186. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  187. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  188. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderEffect, func_191966_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/block/model/IBakedModel;)V)
  189. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  190. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node LDC -8372020
  191. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node LDC -8372020
  192. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  193. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.LightUtil
  194. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderQuadColor, ] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/BufferBuilder;Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/block/model/BakedQuad;I)V)
  195. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  196. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  197. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager
  198. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderEntity, func_188391_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;DDDFFZ)V)
  199. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  200. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/Render.func_76986_a (Lnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;DDDFF)V
  201. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  202. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.Render
  203. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderEntityOnFire, func_76977_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;DDDF)V)
  204. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  205. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  206. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] *** Reflector Vanilla ***
  207. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderBoat
  208. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [doRender, func_188300_b] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityBoat;DDDFF)V)
  209. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  210. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEINTERFACE net/minecraft/client/model/IMultipassModel.func_187054_b (Lnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;FFFFFF)V
  211. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  212. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
  213. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine]
  214. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_F5
  215. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Build: 20191204-141934
  216. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] OS: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
  217. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Java: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation
  218. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  219. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] LWJGL: 2.9.4
  220. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] OpenGL: GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2, version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.66, NVIDIA Corporation
  221. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] OpenGL Version: 4.6.0
  222. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Maximum texture size: 32768x32768
  223. [21:23:05] [VersionCheck/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Checking for new version
  224. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.66
  225. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  226. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Renderer: GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2
  227. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Capabilities: 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.2 4.0
  228. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: 8
  229. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT: 8
  230. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32
  231. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Load shaders configuration.
  232. [21:23:05] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Loaded shaderpack: SEUS PTGI E12
  233. [21:23:06] [VersionCheck/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Version found: D3
  234. [21:23:06] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Delayed loading of block mappings after resources are loaded
  235. [21:23:06] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Delayed loading of item mappings after resources are loaded
  236. [21:23:06] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Delayed loading of entity mappings after resources are loaded
  237. [21:23:06] [Client thread/WARN] [Config]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Option profile can not be used, no profiles defined: <profile>, key: screen
  238. [21:23:06] [Client thread/WARN] [Config]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Invalid option: CLOUDS_IN_REFLECTIONS, key: screen.ATMOSPHERICS
  239. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Custom texture: texture.gbuffers.gaux2 = textures/RippleAnimation2.png
  240. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Custom texture: texture.composite.colortex0 = minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png
  241. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Custom texture: texture.composite.colortex4 = textures/Caustics.png
  242. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] Custom texture: texture.deferred.colortex0 = textures/Caustics.png
  243. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has detected optifine OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_F5, enabling compatibility features
  244. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: -- System Details --
  245. Details:
  246. Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  247. Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
  248. Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation
  249. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  250. Memory: 642656440 bytes (612 MB) / 1073741824 bytes (1024 MB) up to 5368709120 bytes (5120 MB)
  251. JVM Flags: 8 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx5G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=128M
  252. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
  253. FML:
  254. Loaded coremods (and transformers):
  255. ForgelinPlugin (Forgelin-1.8.3.jar)
  257. Quark Plugin (Quark-r1.6-177.jar)
  258. vazkii.quark.base.asm.ClassTransformer
  259. MicdoodlePlugin (MicdoodleCore-1.12.2-
  260. micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodleTransformer
  261. BetterFoliageLoader (Better-Foliage-Mod-1.12.1.jar)
  262. mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer
  263. GL info: ' Vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' Version: '4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.66' Renderer: 'GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2'
  264. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: MinecraftForge v14.23.5.2847 Initialized
  265. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Starts to replace vanilla recipe ingredients with ore ingredients.
  266. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Invalid recipe found with multiple oredict ingredients in the same ingredient...
  267. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Replaced 1227 ore ingredients
  268. [21:23:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\Owens\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods for mods
  269. [21:23:08] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Mod betterfoliage is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2.1.10
  270. [21:23:09] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 17 mods to load
  271. [21:23:09] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, FML, forge, micdoodlecore, autoreglib, betterfoliage, forgelin, galacticraftplanets, galacticraftcore, jei, mcjtylib_ng, quark, reborncore, rftools, stevescarts, vc] at CLIENT
  272. [21:23:09] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, FML, forge, micdoodlecore, autoreglib, betterfoliage, forgelin, galacticraftplanets, galacticraftcore, jei, mcjtylib_ng, quark, reborncore, rftools, stevescarts, vc] at SERVER
  273. [21:23:09] [Thread-3/INFO] [FML]: Using sync timing. 200 frames of Display.update took 173179400 nanos
  274. [21:23:10] [Client thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:AutoRegLib, FMLFileResourcePack:Better Foliage, FMLFileResourcePack:Shadowfacts' Forgelin, FMLFileResourcePack:Galacticraft Planets, FMLFileResourcePack:Galacticraft Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Just Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:McJtyLib, FMLFileResourcePack:Quark, FMLFileResourcePack:Reborn Core, FMLFileResourcePack:RFTools, FMLFileResourcePack:Steve's Carts 2, FMLFileResourcePack:ViesCraft, Better Foliage generated, My Pack
  275. [21:23:10] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
  276. [21:23:10] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 1191 ObjectHolder annotations
  277. [21:23:10] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations
  278. [21:23:10] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 0 ItemStackHolder annotations
  279. [21:23:10] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
  280. [21:23:10] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [forge.VersionCheck]: [forge] Starting version check at
  281. [21:23:10] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [forge.VersionCheck]: [forge] Found status: AHEAD Target: null
  282. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module tweaks is enabled
  283. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module misc is enabled
  284. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module client is enabled
  285. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module vanity is enabled
  286. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module building is enabled
  287. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module automation is enabled
  288. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module management is enabled
  289. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module experimental is enabled
  290. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module world is enabled
  291. [21:23:11] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark]: Module decoration is enabled
  292. [21:23:12] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityPistonRenderer
  293. [21:23:12] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [render, func_192841_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityPiston;DDDFIF)V)
  294. [21:23:12] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  295. [21:23:12] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  296. [21:23:12] [Client thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:AutoRegLib, FMLFileResourcePack:Better Foliage, FMLFileResourcePack:Shadowfacts' Forgelin, FMLFileResourcePack:Galacticraft Planets, FMLFileResourcePack:Galacticraft Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Just Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:McJtyLib, FMLFileResourcePack:Quark, FMLFileResourcePack:Reborn Core, FMLFileResourcePack:RFTools, FMLFileResourcePack:Steve's Carts 2, FMLFileResourcePack:ViesCraft, Better Foliage generated, quark-texture-proxy, quark-emote-pack, My Pack
  297. [21:23:13] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Optifine CTM support is disabled
  298. [21:23:13] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Optifine custom color support is disabled
  299. [21:23:13] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] BetterFoliage initialized
  300. [21:23:14] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Pre loaded registries in 25ms
  301. [21:23:14] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for reborncore.common.registration.RegistryConstructionEvent in 49ms
  302. [21:23:14] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded power manager from: ForgePowerManager
  303. [21:23:14] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent in 7ms
  304. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]:
  305. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  306. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  307. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  308. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  309. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  310. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  311. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  312. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  313. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  314. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at<init>(
  315. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  316. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  317. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  318. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at$
  319. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at$
  320. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at Method)
  321. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  322. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  323. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  324. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  325. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at$200(
  326. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at$
  327. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at$
  328. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at Method)
  329. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  330. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  331. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  332. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader.lambda$load$0(
  333. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader$$Lambda$400/ Source)
  334. [21:23:15] [Thread-5/INFO] [STDERR]: [reborncore.shields.json.ShieldJsonLoader:lambda$load$0:115]: at
  335. [21:23:15] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjtylib_ng]: Could not read 'userbuilder.json', this is not an error!
  336. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: OBJLoader: Domain rftools has been added.
  337. [21:23:16] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `assembler`, expected `stevescarts`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  338. [21:23:16] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `cargo`, expected `stevescarts`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  339. [21:23:16] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `liquid`, expected `stevescarts`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  340. [21:23:16] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `distributor`, expected `stevescarts`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  341. [21:23:16] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `activator`, expected `stevescarts`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  342. [21:23:16] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `detector`, expected `stevescarts`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  343. [21:23:16] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `upgrade`, expected `stevescarts`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  344. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Loading plugins
  345. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.techreborn.CompatTR
  346. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin (vswe.stevescarts.compat.techreborn.CompatTR) was NOT loaded due to mod 'techreborn' missing, this isn't an error
  347. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.ic2.CompatIC2
  348. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin (vswe.stevescarts.compat.ic2.CompatIC2) was NOT loaded due to mod 'ic2' missing, this isn't an error
  349. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.forestry.CompatForestry
  350. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin ([21:24:50] [Log4j2-TF-1-AsyncLogger[AsyncContext@5c647e05]-1/WARN]: [DiscordSRV] [JDA] Got disconnected from WebSocket. Attempting to resume session
  351. [21:24:53] [Log4j2-TF-1-AsyncLogger[AsyncContext@5c647e05]-1/INFO]: [DiscordSRV] [JDA] Successfully resumed Session!
  352. Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: <<==============================>>
  353. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: Pre Init Complete.
  354. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: <<==============================>>
  355. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  356. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  357. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  358. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  359. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  360. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  361. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  362. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  363. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks
  364. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete
  365. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] *** Reloading textures ***
  366. [21:23:16] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Resource packs: My Pack
  367. [21:23:17] [Sound Library Loader/INFO] []: Starting up SoundSystem...
  368. [21:23:17] [Thread-6/INFO] []: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
  369. [21:23:17] [Thread-6/INFO] []: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
  370. [21:23:18] [Thread-6/INFO] []: OpenAL initialized.
  371. [21:23:18] [Sound Library Loader/INFO] []: Sound engine started
  372. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 5 grass textures
  373. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 2 snowed grass textures
  374. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 4 mycelium textures
  375. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 2 cactus arm textures
  376. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 3 lilypad root textures
  377. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 2 lilypad flower textures
  378. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 4 reed textures
  379. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 4 algae textures
  380. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 6 coral textures
  381. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 4 coral crust textures
  382. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 3 netherrack textures
  383. [21:23:21] [Client thread/INFO] [betterfoliage]: [BetterFoliage] Registered 2 soul particle textures
  384. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Mipmap levels: 4
  385. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Multitexture: false
  386. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Multipass connected textures: false
  387. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/0_glass_white/
  388. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/0_glass_white/
  389. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/10_glass_purple/
  390. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/10_glass_purple/
  391. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/11_glass_blue/
  392. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/11_glass_blue/
  393. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/12_glass_brown/
  394. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/12_glass_brown/
  395. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/13_glass_green/
  396. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/13_glass_green/
  397. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/14_glass_red/
  398. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/14_glass_red/
  399. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/15_glass_black/
  400. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/15_glass_black/
  401. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/1_glass_orange/
  402. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/1_glass_orange/
  403. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/2_glass_magenta/
  404. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/2_glass_magenta/
  405. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/3_glass_light_blue/
  406. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/3_glass_light_blue/
  407. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/4_glass_yellow/
  408. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/4_glass_yellow/
  409. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/5_glass_lime/
  410. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/5_glass_lime/
  411. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/6_glass_pink/
  412. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/6_glass_pink/
  413. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/7_glass_gray/
  414. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/7_glass_gray/
  415. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/8_glass_silver/
  416. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/8_glass_silver/
  417. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/9_glass_cyan/
  418. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/9_glass_cyan/
  419. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/
  420. [21:23:22] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/
  421. [21:23:23] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/
  422. [21:23:23] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] ConnectedTextures: mcpatcher/ctm/default/
  423. [21:23:23] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Multipass connected textures: false
  424. [21:23:23] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] BetterGrass: Parsing default configuration optifine/
  425. [21:23:24] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: bettergrassandleaves:blocks/soul_track, 8 -> 16
  426. [21:23:24] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_default_2, 8 -> 16
  427. [21:23:24] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_default_1, 8 -> 16
  428. [21:23:24] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_default_0, 8 -> 16
  429. [21:23:24] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_default_3, 8 -> 16
  430. [21:23:25] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_jungle_0, 8 -> 16
  431. [21:23:25] [Client thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap]: Using missing texture, unable to load minecraft:textures/block/obsidian.png,
  432. [21:23:25] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_jungle_3, 8 -> 16
  433. [21:23:25] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_jungle_2, 8 -> 16
  434. [21:23:25] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_jungle_1, 8 -> 16
  435. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_spruce_3, 8 -> 16
  436. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_spruce_2, 8 -> 16
  437. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_spruce_1, 8 -> 16
  438. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Scaled too small texture: betterfoliage:blocks/falling_leaf_spruce_0, 8 -> 16
  439. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Custom loader sprites: 3
  440. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Sprite dependencies: 5
  441. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap]: Created: 4096x2048 textures-atlas
  442. [21:23:26] [Client thread/INFO] [net.optifine.shaders.SMCLog]: [Shaders] allocateTextureMap 4 4096 2048
  443. [21:23:27] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] Animated sprites: 97
  444. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers.LayerArmorBase
  445. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderArmorLayer, func_188361_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLivingBase;FFFFFFFLnet/minecraft/inventory/EntityEquipmentSlot;)V)
  446. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  447. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  448. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Optifine Detected. Disabling Patch for Names [renderEnchantedGlint, func_188364_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderLivingBase;Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityLivingBase;Lnet/minecraft/client/model/ModelBase;FFFFFFF)V
  449. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers.LayerEntityOnShoulder
  450. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [renderEntityOnShoulder, func_192864_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;Ljava/util/UUID;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderLivingBase;Lnet/minecraft/client/model/ModelBase;Lnet/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation;Ljava/lang/Class;FFFFFFFZ)Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/layers/LayerEntityOnShoulder$DataHolder;)
  451. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  452. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RenderLivingBase.func_110776_a (Lnet/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation;)V
  453. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  454. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.client.renderer.BlockModelRenderer
  455. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Optifine Detected. Disabling Patch for Names [renderQuadsFlat, func_187496_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/world/IBlockAccess;Lnet/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;IZLnet/minecraft/client/renderer/BufferBuilder;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/BitSet;)V
  456. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraft.client.renderer.BlockModelRenderer$AmbientOcclusionFace.<init> (Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockModelRenderer;)V
  457. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Setting AmbientOcclusionFace constructor public
  458. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper
  459. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [getEnchantments, func_82781_a] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Ljava/util/Map;)
  460. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  461. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/item/ItemStack.func_77986_q ()Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagList;
  462. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  463. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  464. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  465. [21:23:29] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Created: 128x256 textures-atlas
  466. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc treasure chest`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  467. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc air distributor`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  468. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc air collector`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  469. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc oxygen pipe`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  470. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc air lock frame`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  471. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc refinery`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  472. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc nasa workbench`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  473. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc deconstructor`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  474. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc air compressor`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  475. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc fuel loader`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  476. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc landing pad`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  477. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc landing pad full`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  478. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc space station`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  479. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc dummy block`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  480. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc air sealer`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  481. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc dungeon boss spawner`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  482. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc oxygen detector`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  483. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc buggy fueler`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  484. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc buggy fueler single`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  485. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc cargo loader`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  486. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc cargo unloader`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  487. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc parachest tile`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  488. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc solar panel`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  489. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc radio telescope`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  490. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc magnetic crafting table`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  491. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc energy storage module`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  492. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc coal generator`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  493. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc electric furnace`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  494. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc aluminum wire`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  495. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc switchable aluminum wire`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  496. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc fallen meteor`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  497. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc ingot compressor`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  498. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc electric ingot compressor`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  499. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc circuit fabricator`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  500. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc air lock controller`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  501. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc oxygen storage module`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  502. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc oxygen decompressor`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  503. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc space station thruster`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  504. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc arc lamp`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  505. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc view screen`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  506. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc panel lighting`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  507. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc telemetry unit`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  508. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc painter`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  509. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc fluid tank`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  510. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc player detector`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  511. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc platform`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  512. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc emergency post`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  513. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc null tile`, expected `galacticraftcore`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  514. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc slimeling egg`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  515. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc tier 2 treasure chest`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  516. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc planet terraformer`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  517. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc cryogenic chamber`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  518. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc gas liquefier`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  519. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc methane synthesizer`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  520. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc water electrolyzer`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  521. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc mars dungeon spawner`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  522. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc launch controller`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  523. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc beam reflector`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  524. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc beam receiver`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  525. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc short range telepad`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  526. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc fake short range telepad`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  527. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc astro miner base builder`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  528. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc astro miner base`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  529. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc venus spout`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  530. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc venus dungeon spawner`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  531. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc tier 3 treasure chest`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  532. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc geothermal generator`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  533. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc crashed probe`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  534. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc solar array module`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  535. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc solar array controller`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  536. [21:23:34] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `gc laser turret`, expected `galacticraftplanets`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  537. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Found 63 ores
  538. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Created new network wrapper rc&reborncore.&64769
  539. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&64769 side: SERVER id:0
  540. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Created new network wrapper rc&reborncore.&39932
  541. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:0
  542. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:1
  543. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:2
  544. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:3
  545. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:4
  546. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:5
  547. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:6
  548. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: SERVER id:7
  549. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:8
  550. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:9
  551. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&reborncore.&39932 side: CLIENT id:10
  552. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Created new network wrapper rc&vswe.steves&10928
  553. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: CLIENT id:0
  554. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: SERVER id:2
  555. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: CLIENT id:3
  556. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Registed packet to rc&vswe.steves&10928 side: SERVER id:4
  557. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent in 0ms
  558. [21:23:34] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [mcjty.lib.font.TrueTypeFont:<init>:119]: TrueTypeFont loaded: java.awt.Font[family=Ubuntu,name=Ubuntu,style=plain,size=40] - AntiAlias = false
  559. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: <<==============================>>
  560. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: Init Complete.
  561. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: <<==============================>>
  562. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks
  563. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete
  564. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [reborncore]: Loaded registrys for net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent in 0ms
  565. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: <<==============================>>
  566. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: Enforcing Brannigan's Law...
  567. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ViesCraft]: <<==============================>>
  568. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Starting JEI...
  569. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Registering recipe categories...
  570. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Registering recipe categories took 38.68 ms
  571. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Registering mod plugins...
  572. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench
  573. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Applying Transformation to method (Names [transferStackInSlot, func_82846_b] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;I)Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)
  574. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located Method, patching...
  575. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  576. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  577. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  578. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Located patch target node INVOKEVIRTUAL net/minecraft/inventory/ContainerWorkbench.func_75135_a (Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;IIZ)Z
  579. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [Quark ASM]: Patch result: true
  580. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Registering mod plugins took 252.8 ms
  581. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building recipe registry...
  582. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building recipe registry took 81.26 ms
  583. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building ingredient list...
  584. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building ingredient list took 27.04 ms
  585. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building ingredient filter...
  586. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building ingredient filter took 189.7 ms
  587. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building bookmarks...
  588. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building bookmarks took 2.700 ms
  589. [21:23:35] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building runtime...
  590. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Building runtime took 98.79 ms
  591. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [jei]: Starting JEI took 847.2 ms
  592. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 17 mods
  593. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [com.mojang.text2speech.NarratorWindows]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
  594. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] *** Reloading custom textures ***
  595. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/armor_stand.jem
  596. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/cow.jem
  597. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/creeper.jem
  598. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/dragon.jem
  599. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/llama.jem
  600. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/pig.jem
  601. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/spider.jem
  602. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/wolf.jem
  603. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomEntityModel: optifine/cem/sheep_wool.jem
  604. [21:23:36] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Parsing block mappings: /shaders/
  605. [21:23:36] [Client thread/WARN] [Config]: [OptiFine] Shaders: Block not found for name: minecraft:light_gray_glazed_terracotta
  606. [21:23:36] [Client thread/WARN] [Config]: [OptiFine] [Shaders] Invalid block ID mapping: block.243=minecraft:light_gray_glazed_terracotta
  607. [21:23:37] [Client thread/INFO] [Config]: [OptiFine] CustomBlockLayers: shaders/
  608. [21:23:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: Found method net.minecraft.client.renderer.chunk.RenderChunk.func_178581_b (FFFLnet/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/ChunkCompileTaskGenerator;)V (matching rebuildChunk)
  609. [21:23:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying RenderChunk block render override
  610. [21:23:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer]: [BetterFoliageLoader] Applying RenderChunk block layer override
  611. [21:23:39] [Client thread/FATAL] [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft]: Unreported exception thrown!
  612. java.lang.VerifyError: Operand stack overflow
  613. Exception Details:
  614. Location:
  615. net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/RenderChunk.func_178581_b(FFFLnet/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/ChunkCompileTaskGenerator;)V @540: aload
  616. Reason:
  617. Exceeded max stack size.
  618. Current Frame:
  619. bci: @540
  620. flags: { }
  621. locals: { 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/RenderChunk', float, float, float, 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/ChunkCompileTaskGenerator', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/CompiledChunk', integer, 'net/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos', 'net/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/VisGraph', 'java/util/HashSet', 'net/optifine/override/ChunkCacheOF', '[Z', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockRendererDispatcher', integer, integer, 'java/util/Iterator', 'net/optifine/BlockPosM', 'net/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState', 'net/minecraft/block/Block', '[Lnet/minecraft/util/BlockRenderLayer;', integer, 'net/minecraft/util/BlockRenderLayer', integer, 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BufferBuilder', 'net/optifine/render/RenderEnv' }
  622. stack: { '[Z', integer, integer, 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockRendererDispatcher', 'net/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState', 'net/optifine/BlockPosM', 'net/optifine/override/ChunkCacheOF', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BufferBuilder' }
  623. Bytecode:
  624. 0x0000000: bb00 5759 b701 3f3a 0504 3606 bb00 0959
  625. 0x0000010: 2ab4 0086 b701 423a 0719 0710 0f10 0f10
  626. 0x0000020: 0fb6 0146 3a08 1904 b601 4ab6 014d 1904
  627. 0x0000030: b601 51b2 0155 a500 0c19 04b6 014a b601
  628. 0x0000040: 58b1 1904 1905 b601 5c19 04b6 014a b601
  629. 0x0000050: 58a7 0010 3a09 1904 b601 4ab6 0158 1909
  630. 0x0000060: bfbb 0160 59b7 0161 3a09 b800 693a 0a2a
  631. 0x0000070: 1907 b701 659a 027d b201 6704 60b3 0167
  632. 0x0000080: 2a19 07b7 016b 3a0b 190b b601 70b2 0172
  633. 0x0000090: bebc 043a 0cb8 0178 b601 7c3a 0db2 0180
  634. 0x00000a0: b601 8336 0eb2 0186 b601 8336 0f19 0719
  635. 0x00000b0: 08b8 018c b901 9201 003a 1019 10b9 019d
  636. 0x00000c0: 0100 9901 9d19 10b9 01a1 0100 c001 883a
  637. 0x00000d0: 1119 0b19 11b6 01a5 3a12 1912 b901 ab01
  638. 0x00000e0: 003a 1319 12b9 01ae 0100 9900 0a19 0919
  639. 0x00000f0: 11b6 01b2 1912 b801 ba99 003f 190b 1911
  640. 0x0000100: b201 beb6 01c2 3a14 1914 c600 2eb2 01c8
  641. 0x0000110: 1914 b601 cc3a 1519 15c6 001f 1915 1914
  642. 0x0000120: b601 d299 000e 190a 1914 b601 d657 a700
  643. 0x0000130: 0a19 0519 14b6 01dc 150e 9900 0bb2 0172
  644. 0x0000140: 3a14 a700 122a b400 8a3a 1419 1403 1913
  645. 0x0000150: b601 e053 0336 1515 1519 14be a200 ed19
  646. 0x0000160: 1415 1532 3a16 150e 9900 2e19 13b2 0180
  647. 0x0000170: 05bd 0004 5903 1912 5359 0419 1653 b801
  648. 0x0000180: e536 1719 1319 1219 16b8 01eb 3617 1517
  649. 0x0000190: 9a00 06a7 00b0 150f 9900 12b2 0186 04bd
  650. 0x00001a0: 0004 5903 1916 53b8 01ef 2a19 1219 16b7
  651. 0x00001b0: 01f2 3a16 1916 b601 f336 1719 13b6 01f7
  652. 0x00001c0: b901 fb01 00b2 0201 a500 7b19 04b6 0126
  653. 0x00001d0: 1517 b602 053a 1819 1819 16b6 0209 1918
  654. 0x00001e0: 1912 1911 b602 0d3a 1919 1919 04b6 0126
  655. 0x00001f0: b602 1319 0519 16b6 0216 9a00 1219 0519
  656. 0x0000200: 16b6 0219 2a19 1819 07b7 0130 190c 1517
  657. 0x0000210: 5c33 190d 1912 1911 190b 1918 1916 b802
  658. 0x0000220: 1d19 13b8 0223 8054 1919 b602 2699 0016
  659. 0x0000230: 2a19 04b6 0126 1905 190c b702 2a19 1903
  660. 0x0000240: b602 2e84 1501 a7ff 1115 0f99 0011 b201
  661. 0x0000250: 8604 bd00 0459 0301 53b8 01ef a7fe 5fb2
  662. 0x0000260: 0172 3a11 1911 be36 1203 3613 1513 1512
  663. 0x0000270: a200 7d19 1115 1332 3a14 190c 1914 b601
  664. 0x0000280: f333 9900 0a19 0519 14b6 0231 1905 1914
  665. 0x0000290: b602 1699 004c b802 3499 0010 1904 b601
  666. 0x00002a0: 2619 14b6 012c b802 3a19 04b6 0126 1914
  667. 0x00002b0: b601 2c3a 152a 1914 2324 2519 1519 05b7
  668. 0x00002c0: 0138 1915 b402 3ec6 0015 1905 1914 1915
  669. 0x00002d0: b402 3eb6 0243 c002 40b6 0247 a700 0b19
  670. 0x00002e0: 0519 1401 b602 4784 1301 a7ff 8219 0bb6
  671. 0x00002f0: 024a 1905 1909 b602 4eb6 0252 2ab4 0061
  672. 0x0000300: b601 4d19 0ab8 0255 3a0b 2ab4 006b b802
  673. 0x0000310: 553a 0c19 0b2a b400 6bb9 025b 0200 5719
  674. 0x0000320: 0c19 0ab9 025b 0200 572a b400 6bb9 025e
  675. 0x0000330: 0100 2ab4 006b 190a b902 6102 0057 2ab4
  676. 0x0000340: 00bc 190c 190b b602 652a b400 61b6 0158
  677. 0x0000350: a700 0f3a 1a2a b400 61b6 0158 191a bfb1
  678. 0x0000360:
  679. Exception Handler Table:
  680. bci [46, 57] => handler: 84
  681. bci [66, 73] => handler: 84
  682. bci [84, 86] => handler: 84
  683. bci [771, 841] => handler: 851
  684. bci [851, 853] => handler: 851
  685. Stackmap Table:
  686. full_frame(@66,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9]},{})
  687. same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@84,Object[#350])
  688. same_frame(@97)
  689. full_frame(@187,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404],Object[#365],Object[#406],Object[#408],Integer,Integer,Object[#410]},{})
  690. append_frame(@244,Object[#392],Object[#423],Object[#436])
  691. append_frame(@305,Object[#472],Object[#462])
  692. chop_frame(@312,2)
  693. same_frame(@325)
  694. append_frame(@340,Object[#481])
  695. append_frame(@343,Integer)
  696. append_frame(@406,Object[#117])
  697. same_frame(@426)
  698. append_frame(@524,Integer,Object[#18],Object[#527])
  699. full_frame(@579,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404],Object[#365],Object[#406],Object[#408],Integer,Integer,Object[#410],Object[#392],Object[#423],Object[#436],Object[#481],Integer},{})
  700. chop_frame(@585,1)
  701. full_frame(@604,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404],Object[#365],Object[#406],Object[#408],Integer,Integer,Object[#410]},{})
  702. same_frame(@607)
  703. append_frame(@620,Object[#481],Integer,Integer)
  704. append_frame(@652,Object[#117])
  705. same_frame(@681)
  706. same_frame(@732)
  707. same_frame(@735)
  708. chop_frame(@743,1)
  709. chop_frame(@749,3)
  710. full_frame(@754,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404]},{})
  711. same_locals_1_stack_item_extended(@851,Object[#350])
  712. same_frame(@863)
  714. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J( ~[bib.class:?]
  715. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( [bib.class:?]
  716. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) [Main.class:?]
  717. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  718. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  719. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  720. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  721. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
  722. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
  723. [21:23:39] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.init.Bootstrap:func_179870_a:553]: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  725. WARNING: coremods are present:
  726. ForgelinPlugin (Forgelin-1.8.3.jar)
  727. Quark Plugin (Quark-r1.6-177.jar)
  728. MicdoodlePlugin (MicdoodleCore-1.12.2-
  729. BetterFoliageLoader (Better-Foliage-Mod-1.12.1.jar)
  730. Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge
  732. // Daisy, daisy...
  734. Time: 2/23/20 9:23 PM
  735. Description: Unexpected error
  737. java.lang.VerifyError: Operand stack overflow
  738. Exception Details:
  739. Location:
  740. net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/RenderChunk.func_178581_b(FFFLnet/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/ChunkCompileTaskGenerator;)V @540: aload
  741. Reason:
  742. Exceeded max stack size.
  743. Current Frame:
  744. bci: @540
  745. flags: { }
  746. locals: { 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/RenderChunk', float, float, float, 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/ChunkCompileTaskGenerator', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/CompiledChunk', integer, 'net/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos', 'net/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/VisGraph', 'java/util/HashSet', 'net/optifine/override/ChunkCacheOF', '[Z', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockRendererDispatcher', integer, integer, 'java/util/Iterator', 'net/optifine/BlockPosM', 'net/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState', 'net/minecraft/block/Block', '[Lnet/minecraft/util/BlockRenderLayer;', integer, 'net/minecraft/util/BlockRenderLayer', integer, 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BufferBuilder', 'net/optifine/render/RenderEnv' }
  747. stack: { '[Z', integer, integer, 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockRendererDispatcher', 'net/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState', 'net/optifine/BlockPosM', 'net/optifine/override/ChunkCacheOF', 'net/minecraft/client/renderer/BufferBuilder' }
  748. Bytecode:
  749. 0x0000000: bb00 5759 b701 3f3a 0504 3606 bb00 0959
  750. 0x0000010: 2ab4 0086 b701 423a 0719 0710 0f10 0f10
  751. 0x0000020: 0fb6 0146 3a08 1904 b601 4ab6 014d 1904
  752. 0x0000030: b601 51b2 0155 a500 0c19 04b6 014a b601
  753. 0x0000040: 58b1 1904 1905 b601 5c19 04b6 014a b601
  754. 0x0000050: 58a7 0010 3a09 1904 b601 4ab6 0158 1909
  755. 0x0000060: bfbb 0160 59b7 0161 3a09 b800 693a 0a2a
  756. 0x0000070: 1907 b701 659a 027d b201 6704 60b3 0167
  757. 0x0000080: 2a19 07b7 016b 3a0b 190b b601 70b2 0172
  758. 0x0000090: bebc 043a 0cb8 0178 b601 7c3a 0db2 0180
  759. 0x00000a0: b601 8336 0eb2 0186 b601 8336 0f19 0719
  760. 0x00000b0: 08b8 018c b901 9201 003a 1019 10b9 019d
  761. 0x00000c0: 0100 9901 9d19 10b9 01a1 0100 c001 883a
  762. 0x00000d0: 1119 0b19 11b6 01a5 3a12 1912 b901 ab01
  763. 0x00000e0: 003a 1319 12b9 01ae 0100 9900 0a19 0919
  764. 0x00000f0: 11b6 01b2 1912 b801 ba99 003f 190b 1911
  765. 0x0000100: b201 beb6 01c2 3a14 1914 c600 2eb2 01c8
  766. 0x0000110: 1914 b601 cc3a 1519 15c6 001f 1915 1914
  767. 0x0000120: b601 d299 000e 190a 1914 b601 d657 a700
  768. 0x0000130: 0a19 0519 14b6 01dc 150e 9900 0bb2 0172
  769. 0x0000140: 3a14 a700 122a b400 8a3a 1419 1403 1913
  770. 0x0000150: b601 e053 0336 1515 1519 14be a200 ed19
  771. 0x0000160: 1415 1532 3a16 150e 9900 2e19 13b2 0180
  772. 0x0000170: 05bd 0004 5903 1912 5359 0419 1653 b801
  773. 0x0000180: e536 1719 1319 1219 16b8 01eb 3617 1517
  774. 0x0000190: 9a00 06a7 00b0 150f 9900 12b2 0186 04bd
  775. 0x00001a0: 0004 5903 1916 53b8 01ef 2a19 1219 16b7
  776. 0x00001b0: 01f2 3a16 1916 b601 f336 1719 13b6 01f7
  777. 0x00001c0: b901 fb01 00b2 0201 a500 7b19 04b6 0126
  778. 0x00001d0: 1517 b602 053a 1819 1819 16b6 0209 1918
  779. 0x00001e0: 1912 1911 b602 0d3a 1919 1919 04b6 0126
  780. 0x00001f0: b602 1319 0519 16b6 0216 9a00 1219 0519
  781. 0x0000200: 16b6 0219 2a19 1819 07b7 0130 190c 1517
  782. 0x0000210: 5c33 190d 1912 1911 190b 1918 1916 b802
  783. 0x0000220: 1d19 13b8 0223 8054 1919 b602 2699 0016
  784. 0x0000230: 2a19 04b6 0126 1905 190c b702 2a19 1903
  785. 0x0000240: b602 2e84 1501 a7ff 1115 0f99 0011 b201
  786. 0x0000250: 8604 bd00 0459 0301 53b8 01ef a7fe 5fb2
  787. 0x0000260: 0172 3a11 1911 be36 1203 3613 1513 1512
  788. 0x0000270: a200 7d19 1115 1332 3a14 190c 1914 b601
  789. 0x0000280: f333 9900 0a19 0519 14b6 0231 1905 1914
  790. 0x0000290: b602 1699 004c b802 3499 0010 1904 b601
  791. 0x00002a0: 2619 14b6 012c b802 3a19 04b6 0126 1914
  792. 0x00002b0: b601 2c3a 152a 1914 2324 2519 1519 05b7
  793. 0x00002c0: 0138 1915 b402 3ec6 0015 1905 1914 1915
  794. 0x00002d0: b402 3eb6 0243 c002 40b6 0247 a700 0b19
  795. 0x00002e0: 0519 1401 b602 4784 1301 a7ff 8219 0bb6
  796. 0x00002f0: 024a 1905 1909 b602 4eb6 0252 2ab4 0061
  797. 0x0000300: b601 4d19 0ab8 0255 3a0b 2ab4 006b b802
  798. 0x0000310: 553a 0c19 0b2a b400 6bb9 025b 0200 5719
  799. 0x0000320: 0c19 0ab9 025b 0200 572a b400 6bb9 025e
  800. 0x0000330: 0100 2ab4 006b 190a b902 6102 0057 2ab4
  801. 0x0000340: 00bc 190c 190b b602 652a b400 61b6 0158
  802. 0x0000350: a700 0f3a 1a2a b400 61b6 0158 191a bfb1
  803. 0x0000360:
  804. Exception Handler Table:
  805. bci [46, 57] => handler: 84
  806. bci [66, 73] => handler: 84
  807. bci [84, 86] => handler: 84
  808. bci [771, 841] => handler: 851
  809. bci [851, 853] => handler: 851
  810. Stackmap Table:
  811. full_frame(@66,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9]},{})
  812. same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@84,Object[#350])
  813. same_frame(@97)
  814. full_frame(@187,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404],Object[#365],Object[#406],Object[#408],Integer,Integer,Object[#410]},{})
  815. append_frame(@244,Object[#392],Object[#423],Object[#436])
  816. append_frame(@305,Object[#472],Object[#462])
  817. chop_frame(@312,2)
  818. same_frame(@325)
  819. append_frame(@340,Object[#481])
  820. append_frame(@343,Integer)
  821. append_frame(@406,Object[#117])
  822. same_frame(@426)
  823. append_frame(@524,Integer,Object[#18],Object[#527])
  824. full_frame(@579,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404],Object[#365],Object[#406],Object[#408],Integer,Integer,Object[#410],Object[#392],Object[#423],Object[#436],Object[#481],Integer},{})
  825. chop_frame(@585,1)
  826. full_frame(@604,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404],Object[#365],Object[#406],Object[#408],Integer,Integer,Object[#410]},{})
  827. same_frame(@607)
  828. append_frame(@620,Object[#481],Integer,Integer)
  829. append_frame(@652,Object[#117])
  830. same_frame(@681)
  831. same_frame(@732)
  832. same_frame(@735)
  833. chop_frame(@743,1)
  834. chop_frame(@749,3)
  835. full_frame(@754,{Object[#2],Float,Float,Float,Object[#22],Object[#87],Integer,Object[#9],Object[#9],Object[#352],Object[#404]},{})
  836. same_locals_1_stack_item_extended(@851,Object[#350])
  837. same_frame(@863)
  839. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
  840. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
  841. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123)
  842. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  843. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  844. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  845. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  846. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
  847. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
  850. A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
  851. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  853. -- System Details --
  854. Details:
  855. Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  856. Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
  857. Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation
  858. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  859. Memory: 200232232 bytes (190 MB) / 1241513984 bytes (1184 MB) up to 5368709120 bytes (5120 MB)
  860. JVM Flags: 8 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx5G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=128M
  861. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
  862. FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_F5 17 mods loaded, 17 mods active
  863. States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  865. | State | ID | Version | Source | Signature |
  866. |:------ |:------------------- |:------------ |:------------------------------------------ |:---------------------------------------- |
  867. | LCHIJA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None |
  868. | LCHIJA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None |
  869. | LCHIJA | FML | | forge-1.12.2- | None |
  870. | LCHIJA | forge | | forge-1.12.2- | None |
  871. | LCHIJA | micdoodlecore | | minecraft.jar | None |
  872. | LCHIJA | jei | | jei_1.12.2- | None |
  873. | LCHIJA | quark | r1.6-177 | Quark-r1.6-177.jar | None |
  874. | LCHIJA | autoreglib | 1.3-32 | AutoRegLib-1.3-32.jar | None |
  875. | LCHIJA | betterfoliage | 2.1.10 | Better-Foliage-Mod-1.12.1.jar | None |
  876. | LCHIJA | forgelin | 1.8.3 | Forgelin-1.8.3.jar | None |
  877. | LCHIJA | galacticraftcore | | GalacticraftCore-1.12.2- | None |
  878. | LCHIJA | galacticraftplanets | | Galacticraft-Planets-1.12.2- | None |
  879. | LCHIJA | mcjtylib_ng | 3.5.4 | mcjtylib-1.12-3.5.4.jar | None |
  880. | LCHIJA | reborncore | 3.18.0 | RebornCore-1.12.2- | 8727a3141c8ec7f173b87aa78b9b9807867c4e6b |
  881. | LCHIJA | rftools | 7.73 | rftools-1.12-7.73.jar | None |
  882. | LCHIJA | stevescarts | | StevesCarts-1.12.2- | None |
  883. | LCHIJA | vc | 5.9.13 | ViesCraft-1.12.2-5.9.13.jar | None |
  885. Loaded coremods (and transformers):
  886. ForgelinPlugin (Forgelin-1.8.3.jar)
  888. Quark Plugin (Quark-r1.6-177.jar)
  889. vazkii.quark.base.asm.ClassTransformer
  890. MicdoodlePlugin (MicdoodleCore-1.12.2-
  891. micdoodle8.mods.miccore.MicdoodleTransformer
  892. BetterFoliageLoader (Better-Foliage-Mod-1.12.1.jar)
  893. mods.betterfoliage.loader.BetterFoliageTransformer
  894. GL info: ' Vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' Version: '4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.66' Renderer: 'GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2'
  895. RebornCore:
  896. Plugin Engine: 0
  897. RebornCore Version: 3.18.0
  898. Runtime Debofucsation 1
  899. RenderEngine: 1
  900. Launched Version: 1.12.2-forge1.12.2-
  901. LWJGL: 2.9.4
  902. OpenGL: GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.66, NVIDIA Corporation
  903. GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
  904. Using GL 1.3 texture combiners.
  905. Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported.
  906. Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported.
  907. VBOs are available because OpenGL 1.5 is supported.
  909. Using VBOs: Yes
  910. Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
  911. Type: Client (map_client.txt)
  912. Resource Packs: My Pack (incompatible)
  913. Current Language: English (US)
  914. Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
  915. CPU: 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700F CPU @ 3.00GHz
  916. OptiFine Version: OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_F5
  917. OptiFine Build: 20191204-141934
  918. Render Distance Chunks: 17
  919. Mipmaps: 4
  920. Anisotropic Filtering: 1
  921. Antialiasing: 0
  922. Multitexture: false
  923. Shaders: SEUS PTGI E12
  924. OpenGlVersion: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.66
  925. OpenGlRenderer: GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2
  926. OpenGlVendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  927. CpuCount: 8
  928. [21:23:39] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.init.Bootstrap:func_179870_a:553]: #@!@# Game crashed! Crash report saved to: #@!@# C:\Users\Owens\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2020-02-23_21.23.39-client.txt
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