
Session 04: ...And the other hoof falls?

Dec 28th, 2013
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  1. [2013-12-27 16:29:26] * DontAskForCookies >> Establishing connection to Bronco Network
  2. [2013-12-27 16:29:39] * DontAskForCookies >> Network Found
  3. [2013-12-27 16:29:55] * DontAskForCookies >> Accessing Network
  4. [2013-12-27 16:30:17] * DontAskForCookies >> Login: _Set> Admin
  5. [2013-12-27 16:30:36] * DontAskForCookies ...
  6. [2013-12-27 16:32:42] * DontAskForCookies Captain Fathom continues finishes signing his name on the incident report, his (false) testimony spelled out in fresh ink. There was enough chaos and irregularties from the dock hooves and passerbys that he doubted his ship would be called into question so long as he left portt before to many more questions were asked.
  7. [2013-12-27 16:33:53] * DontAskForCookies Fathoms glances back down the dock at his poor ship, still slightly off kilter with that polite pegasus perched up in the nest. He had gotten some answer but not enough. Now that he was done with the red tape he could go back and start asking some serious questions about who wanted a hole in his ship and for what reason.
  8. [2013-12-27 16:34:11] * DontAskForCookies grumbles as he excuses himsel and trots down the docs towards his ship.
  9. [2013-12-27 16:34:27] * DontAskForCookies >> ....
  10. [2013-12-27 16:34:34] * DontAskForCookies >> Game Start
  11. [2013-12-27 16:35:25] * Midnight_Bliss Eyes the captain from her perch as he approached, flying from her post down to meet him at the gangplank and salutes "Sir, Permission to interrogate prisoners?"
  12. [2013-12-27 16:36:12] * DontAskForCookies the shot mare from the deck of the "bob" groans as she lies down below deck, a fever rising on her brow, her compainon next to her still not awake after the underwater brawl with Gerlinde.
  13. [2013-12-27 16:36:12] * Cap_Rat finds his way back to the ship, with a smile from his nice walk. His ear twitches at Midnight's voice and he trots below deck.
  14. [2013-12-27 16:36:50] * Thomas_OMalley finishes up with his check in the deck area. This poor ship really needs a dry dock.
  15. [2013-12-27 16:37:38] * DontAskForCookies the captain walks up the gangplank calling out, "Gently, from what I saw they aint in much shape for anything to creative. Also I be wanting to be there fer it myself to hear what they have tah say"
  16. [2013-12-27 16:38:45] * Cap_Rat makes his way to the medbay, waving at Heartmend. "How's our friends?"
  17. [2013-12-27 16:38:49] * Heartmend looks over the two prisoners
  18. [2013-12-27 16:38:52] * Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes thinking of any "Gentle" interogation tactics she knows and nods "Yes sir"
  19. [2013-12-27 16:39:12] * DontAskForCookies workers are still clearing debry from the remains of the partialy destroyed dock not to far away where the bob once floated before its sudden and spectacular detonation.
  20. [2013-12-27 16:39:23] * Heartmend look up to Cap_Rat "Their alive if thats what you mean."
  21. [2013-12-27 16:39:55] <Cap_Rat> "It's something." He smiles.
  22. [2013-12-27 16:40:32] * Gerlinde sighs, sitting off to the side. Now that the fight and action is over, she's... kinda bored, and boredom only makes her think of what she did to Flora; making her feel worse. Gerlinde huffs, frowning.
  23. [2013-12-27 16:40:55] <Thomas_OMalley> Now that Thomas
  24. [2013-12-27 16:41:20] * DontAskForCookies Fathom marches down into the med room below deck and looks over the two mares.
  25. [2013-12-27 16:42:02] * Midnight_Bliss follows the captain with a stern expression looking over the prisoners
  26. [2013-12-27 16:42:07] <Thomas_OMalley> Now that Thomas's coat and mane have dried out, he changes into his nice suit for the inevitable questions the Fathom will have for him. Should always look your best... but seeing Fathom heading toward Medical, the batpony drifts over to listen in.
  27. [2013-12-27 16:44:29] * DontAskForCookies the feverish mare looks up at the crowd with a worried look.
  28. [2013-12-27 16:44:48] * Heartmend looks to Midnight_Bliss with some missgivings
  29. [2013-12-27 16:44:53] * Cap_Rat check on the mare's fever
  30. [2013-12-27 16:45:38] * Midnight_Bliss trots forward towards the mare "Who are you working for. What do they seek from our vessel?"
  31. [2013-12-27 16:45:48] * Cap_Rat checks on the other pony then turns to Heartmend. "Gee, are you sure they head is working right? They seem sick"
  32. [2013-12-27 16:46:31] * DontAskForCookies the mare cowers down away from Midnigh and bites her lip
  33. [2013-12-27 16:47:46] * Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes "This is the last time I will ask politely, Who are you working for, what do they want" draws her recharger rifle out to show the mare she was serious
  34. [2013-12-27 16:47:59] * Flora_Bloom was currently in her map room, not paying much attention to the prisoners down under deck, more interesed in the maps of the area and her growth projects.
  35. [2013-12-27 16:49:01] * Cap_Rat trots his way out, letting Midnight do her work
  36. [2013-12-27 16:49:05] * Heartmend "Well the unoncious most likely has a concusion. And the other one may not last long, on a count of the infection she has. So no ther not alright."
  37. [2013-12-27 16:50:17] <DontAskForCookies> The mare shakes a bit as she turns and winces. "Alright, alright! geeze we didnt try to hurt any of you. we were just suppose to lay hooves on your cargo for some pony, were mercinaries ok?"
  38. [2013-12-27 16:50:18] * Thomas_OMalley steps into the room, walking forward and putting a hoof gently on Bliss's gun. "Now dat be no way to talk to de poor mare. She be in a bad way, and she be scared enough. We be kind to her, and she be answering our questions cherie." The batpony smiles down to the mare and nods to her.
  39. [2013-12-27 16:51:07] * Heartmend looks to the captain "Is this really really necessary? Do you think some two bit hoods will know any thing."
  40. [2013-12-27 16:51:34] -->| LuckyChangeling (LuckyLeaf@Pony-54o.hc2.33.189.IP) has joined #CryMeARiver
  41. [2013-12-27 16:51:40] =-= LuckyChangeling is now known as Cap_Rat_
  42. [2013-12-27 16:52:21] <Heartmend> - really*
  43. [2013-12-27 16:52:28] * Midnight_Bliss looks at Thomas "She tried to sabotage our mission, she deserves no mercy" she looked to the mare "What of our cargo did they seek in particular?"
  44. [2013-12-27 16:52:57] <DontAskForCookies> ACTION Fathom shrugs, "Somepony wanted my ship at the bottom of an NCR dock and I would like to know why. If your worried about how far this will go let me reasure you that I am in controle over my ship. If you have any more misgivings why dont you accompany me up to my room. I belive I have some basic chems that may help keep the lass here from meeting her maker just yet.... so long as she speaks up". Fathom steps outside and
  45. [2013-12-27 16:54:26] |<-- Cap_Rat has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  46. [2013-12-27 16:54:30] * Heartmend gets up and trots out "I can't stand to watch this any more, if they die its on your hooves."
  47. [2013-12-27 16:54:31] * DontAskForCookies The mare opens one of her eyes, as she looks up at the pair. "All of it, the contractor just said he need something off your ship and to grab everything we could lay hooves on, I swear I dont know anythign ells about what he was after in paticular"
  48. [2013-12-27 16:54:32] =-= Cap_Rat_ is now known as Cap_Rat
  49. [2013-12-27 16:55:08] * DontAskForCookies Fathom nods and leads the way up to his room, passing by the map room. "Fair enough"
  50. [2013-12-27 16:55:22] * Thomas_OMalley smiles to Midnight_Bliss. "Everyone deserves mercy. It be what separates us from de raiders. Dat, and proper hygiene." The stallion looks to the mare again. "What was de contractor looking for?"
  51. [2013-12-27 16:55:55] * Cap_Rat rubs his muzzle. "The question here is 'who is the contractor?'"
  52. [2013-12-27 16:56:21] * Flora_Bloom gets up and moves from her plants, starting to head down, looking between everypony and the prisoners. She leans to Gerlinde. "How's it going?" She whispers.
  53. [2013-12-27 16:56:50] * Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes before looking to her companions then back at the mare "Yes who hired you"
  54. [2013-12-27 16:56:59] * DontAskForCookies the mare slowley opens both eyes as she tries to compose herself. "He only spoke to us over radio transmitions, dead pony drop payments. He has used us in the past a few times, real odd duck but I cant say nothing other than that"
  55. [2013-12-27 16:57:34] <Gerlinde> "Fine," Gerlinde answers, frown still clear on her beak. She hesitates for a moment before asking, "... and you?"
  56. [2013-12-27 16:58:29] * Cap_Rat grins. "Our friend is extra shady. Clever. How does he reach you exactly?"
  57. [2013-12-27 16:58:59] * Flora_Bloom gives a shrug. "A bit bored." She says softly.
  58. [2013-12-27 16:59:20] * Thomas_OMalley shrugs. "Den what he wanted tells us about who he be." He looks back to the mare. "So, what it be?"
  59. [2013-12-27 16:59:55] * Heartmend "Their just some two bit thieves, they where just stealing some cargo." she comments to Fathom as she follows
  60. [2013-12-27 17:00:33] * Gerlinde nods with a slight smirk. "Yeah, me too."
  61. [2013-12-27 17:00:53] <DontAskForCookies> Fathom Leads heartmend to his room and pulls out a rustic steamer chest from under his bunk. Pulling a key out from a chain around his neck he opens it and starts to rummage through, "I know I got some meds around here someplace. Personal stash just in case... what all you think they be needing tah fix em up?"
  62. [2013-12-27 17:00:53] * Midnight_Bliss presses forward, pressing the end of her rifle against her knee "You are lieing, holding something back. Spill it"
  63. [2013-12-27 17:01:21] * Flora_Bloom looks to her and chuckles. "Well, you wanna maybe take a walk? Ain't much we can do around here. I'm pretty sure on the roughing them up catagory they're fine."
  64. [2013-12-27 17:02:44] * Heartmend "Some antibiotics would help if you have some, but for the concusion. There is not much we can do for that."
  65. [2013-12-27 17:02:54] * Cap_Rat casts Amplify on Midnight_Bliss' voice.
  66. [2013-12-27 17:03:52] * DontAskForCookies the mare winces, "OK OK! Im already going to be lucky to limp after this, dont shoo! Its not much to go on but the radio transmisions were coded with Broco computing lingo. I wasnt the one to figure it out and I dont know how much it help but its all I got, besides his alliase he went by"
  67. [2013-12-27 17:04:46] * Gerlinde raises an eyebrow, looking to Flora_Bloom. "A walk...?" She thinks for a moment, then shrugs. "Sure."
  68. [2013-12-27 17:05:06] * Thomas_OMalley smiles down to the mare. "Now, don't worry... she be scary but if you help out, she won't shoot. What was dat alias... and what of de cargo did he want?"
  69. [2013-12-27 17:06:08] * Flora_Bloom nods as she starts to trot upstairs.
  70. [2013-12-27 17:06:24] * DontAskForCookies Fathom pulls out a old beat up lunchbox and gives it a shake and listening to its contents rattle about. Opening it and taking a peak he hooves it over. "Take one of thah red bottles. Got em off a potion dealer, just as good as old world medicince he says"
  71. [2013-12-27 17:07:01] * Gerlinde follows after Flora, wings carrying her only a few inches off of the ground.
  72. [2013-12-27 17:07:20] * Flora_Bloom starts off towards the docks, looking around for something interesting
  73. [2013-12-27 17:07:52] * DontAskForCookies the mare covers her face with her hooves. "Geeze everything ok? I already told you. we had a barge have submurged off the bank and were just going to float off with everything. All 'Z' said was that he wanted eveything from the hold. No specifics"
  74. [2013-12-27 17:09:04] * Midnight_Bliss nods and digs her gun barrel in for a moment before pulling back "Bronco teriminal code, Alias is 'Z'" she thought it over
  75. [2013-12-27 17:09:10] * DontAskForCookies Flora and Gerlinde dont walk to far before Flora notices something in a shop window, comic books
  76. [2013-12-27 17:09:23] * Gerlinde continues to follow Flora! After a moment, she lands next to Flora.
  77. [2013-12-27 17:10:01] <Cap_Rat> "That's a start." He smiles. "Hey, have you ever been contracted by another pony through the same code?"
  78. [2013-12-27 17:10:21] * Flora_Bloom blinks and her expression changes. She wears a face of a filly who has just gotten her cutiemark. "Comics!" She says as she rushes towards the store.
  79. [2013-12-27 17:11:17] * DontAskForCookies the mare nods in the affermitive. "We were taking the goods down to New Horseleans where we were suppose to get payment". Turning to Cap she shakes her head. "Not that I know of, but then I wasnt the one who figure this out. It was Nitro". The mares eyes open a bit wider as she closes her mouth qucikly with a snap.
  80. [2013-12-27 17:11:26] * Gerlinde blinkblinks. "Comics?" She raises an eyebrow, looking through the window. "Sure, why not." With a shrug, Gerlinde enters the store after Flora.
  81. [2013-12-27 17:11:32] * Heartmend takes the bottles in hoof looking them over, then nods "They may help, thnk you."
  82. [2013-12-27 17:11:36] <Heartmend> thank*
  83. [2013-12-27 17:11:40] * Thomas_OMalley nods to the mare with a smile. "Nitro? Now, who be dat?"
  84. [2013-12-27 17:12:48] * Midnight_Bliss turns back to the mare "Nitro?"
  85. [2013-12-27 17:12:56] * Cap_Rat trots close. "Don't worry." He glances at Midnight "We can handle trouble. If you help us, we could keep an eye on your back too."
  86. [2013-12-27 17:13:12] * DontAskForCookies Fathom nods, "They are theives but I dont like no pony dieing on mah ship. Gos fer crew as well ya here? Dont expect tah have you and that lot stay on fer to much longer after we make port next but I still expect ya to stay safe. Right now them two may have some clue about the trouble abrewing so im letting this questioning go on... fer now"
  87. [2013-12-27 17:13:36] * Flora_Bloom moves into the comic store and glances around at the various wares.
  88. [2013-12-27 17:14:40] * DontAskForCookies the shop seems to mainly deal with books, selling and trading those tombes to far gone or so common that the Academy is not interested. A small rack of comics awaits just behind the window, various heros in colorful outfits pose on the covers.
  89. [2013-12-27 17:15:07] * DontAskForCookies the mare looks flustered. "Ummm... heh, the one that blew up the boat?"
  90. [2013-12-27 17:15:47] * Gerlinde quirks her head, looking at the comics; spandex. Spandex everywhere. "This where you got the idea for your costume, Flora?"
  91. [2013-12-27 17:15:49] * Heartmend nods some more "Get them patched up and give them to the local authorities."
  92. [2013-12-27 17:15:53] * Thomas_OMalley grins. "Mhm. And where might dis Nitro be at?"
  93. [2013-12-27 17:16:24] * DontAskForCookies a radio inside the comic shop plays soft music from the NCR public broadcasting station. A grey haired old mare sits behind the counter, snoozing lightly with an open book before her.
  94. [2013-12-27 17:16:42] * Flora_Bloom smiles as she glances around the comics, looking them up and down, perhaps she is looking for a comic she has not read, or a rare issue of a comic she enjoys. She looks upt to Gerlinde and frowns lightly. "For that Nightmare night outfit? No no, my grandmother originally designed it, I only added the Orchid on it."
  95. [2013-12-27 17:17:06] * Cap_Rat glances away innocently. "Gee, I wouldn't want to be friends with a pony like that. Imagine what would happen if you were still on that boat..."
  96. [2013-12-27 17:17:43] * Gerlinde nods, picking up one of the comic books to examine it. "So, what's so special about these things?"
  97. [2013-12-27 17:18:01] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Cap_Rat "All groups have protocal when dealing with possible capture or compromised inteligence"
  98. [2013-12-27 17:18:03] * DontAskForCookies Fathom scratches his chin, "Fair enough". Pausing he nods to the tin in Heartmends hooves. "Ya know ye can keep hold of that if ya need, not much I know but ya seem a bit sparce in the way of doctorin tools. Want ya well stocked if something ells happens"
  99. [2013-12-27 17:19:01] <Flora_Bloom> "Escapism." Flora says, albit a touch dreary. "Somepeople just like to read them and escape from their world, much like the Prewar ponies did too."
  100. [2013-12-27 17:19:31] * Heartmend looks over her shoulder to Fathom "Threre all was need for more the way things go."
  101. [2013-12-27 17:20:17] * DontAskForCookies the mare shrugs lightly with a sigh,
  102. [2013-12-27 17:20:27] * Cap_Rat sighs. "What a way to live. Coats burned off, limbs torn apart and dripping guts. All because they didn't plan your job right." He glances back at the mare, the real target of his rambling.
  103. [2013-12-27 17:21:01] * Gerlinde nods. "So, what made you decide to... do what you do-- y'know, get up in that outfit and fight crime?"
  104. [2013-12-27 17:21:08] <DontAskForCookies> "Tartarus if I know, he always was a sneaky one. He was suppose to be riging the docs to blow in case you got the stuff moved off ship in time so we could still slavage em. Never thought he would be crazy enough to blow the ship though... guess he was serious about wrapping up loose ends"
  105. [2013-12-27 17:22:05] * Cap_Rat looks back at Midnight and chuckles. "You would get along well."
  106. [2013-12-27 17:23:14] * DontAskForCookies Fathom nods, "Allways need for a doctor. Gunnah miss having one about so close on hoof. But like I said, dont expect that ya will stick around this tub much longer. Not after the day ye had, dont take this tha wrong way but you didnt seem to much like the color of folks I seem ta attract"
  107. [2013-12-27 17:23:31] * Flora_Bloom rolls her eyes. "You really have no concept of a secret identity do you?" She says a touch annoyied. "Well I guess... It's just like, Flora Bloom is a kinda useless unicorn nerd who only knows one spell. The Blossom is a crime fighting superheroine who saves the day so many times. I guess I just don't want to be me, I wanted to be her." She says, picking up a comic and reading the title.
  108. [2013-12-27 17:23:32] * Midnight_Bliss glances at Cap_Rat "Similar maybe, Buy I would not jeapordize our ship"
  109. [2013-12-27 17:24:07] * Thomas_OMalley looks to Cap_Rat. "Well, dat crazy twat shouldn't be allowed to run around. I mean, if he be doing dat to his crew, imagine what he do to de ponies he don't care about." The batpony smiles down to the mare. "Of course, if a few good folk new where he be, den nopony would have to worry."
  110. [2013-12-27 17:25:05] * Cap_Rat smiles. "I'm glad for that." He turns back to the mare. "Soo, what about the bombs you were carrying. What kind they were? Howmuch?"
  111. [2013-12-27 17:26:18] * Midnight_Bliss The ship was remotely detonated, Likely some form of C4 rigged to the engine"
  112. [2013-12-27 17:26:59] * Gerlinde blinks, quirking her head; confused. "But... you're the same pony. You could be both; smart and kick-ass."
  113. [2013-12-27 17:27:24] * DontAskForCookies the comic is titled, "The Stupindous Spider Colt", Behind the counter the music on the radio gives way to a bit of news. "Local athoraties at Easy Passage yesterday made two arrests, hailed as a major breakthrough in an ongoing case for a highly lucrative drug ring between the small town and Batpone Rogue-"
  114. [2013-12-27 17:27:48] * Heartmend stops and turns around giving Fathom a hug "Your not that bad, I've known worse in my life." the trots off to help her patients
  115. [2013-12-27 17:27:55] <Heartmend> then*
  116. [2013-12-27 17:28:18] * Cap_Rat raises an eyebrow at Midnight, thoughtful. "Wouldn't that be the funniest thing."
  117. [2013-12-27 17:28:45] * DontAskForCookies the mare nods noncomitally, "Yes, C4 I think. ALso some home brew stuff from what he was always going on about. No cluew the specifics. I know he was using c4 he picked up in town for the docs".
  118. [2013-12-27 17:29:08] * DontAskForCookies Fathom smiles a bit before closing his chest.
  119. [2013-12-27 17:29:09] * Cap_Rat opens a wide grin.
  120. [2013-12-27 17:29:09] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head, her ears tilting to the radio to listen as she speaks and reads a bit of the comic. "I'm not her though." She motions to her bag. "That's her, and When I put it on, I stop being Flora." She says. "The Blossom is both, Smart and Kickass as you put it, Flora is just smart."
  121. [2013-12-27 17:29:45] * Gerlinde chuckles. "Whatever you say, but Flora can do both, with or without The Blossom."
  122. [2013-12-27 17:30:35] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head again. "You don't understand. I don't expect you to really." She sighs. "I'm helpless as myself."
  123. [2013-12-27 17:30:36] * Thomas_OMalley looks to the mare and shrugs. "Well, if you not be answerin' my questions, den I leave you to dese two." The stallion turns and walks out, flying up to the crow's nest to watch the shipyards and surrounding area.
  124. [2013-12-27 17:31:17] * Midnight_Bliss rubs her chin "A standard C4 detonator has a short range, So a good chance he's still in this town"
  125. [2013-12-27 17:31:58] * Gerlinde quirks her head. "I guess I don't understand... because it's just you with a mask. Can't you do all of the same things as Flora?"
  126. [2013-12-27 17:32:16] * DontAskForCookies the raido continues, "-Supprisingly the arrests were of two as of now unnamed NCR officials. Few details are avaiable to the public at this time but reports say this smuggling charge may roll over into conspiracy charges for the murder of one of teh arresties. A third culprite is still at large and being seeked by NCR officials-"
  127. [2013-12-27 17:33:56] <Cap_Rat> "Not only that." He nods to Midnight_Bliss, whispering. "I found a deal for you, but they were all out of C4. Funny, isn't it?"
  128. [2013-12-27 17:33:57] * DontAskForCookies the mare looks betwee the two remaining in the room. "I told you everhthing ah swear! just patch me up and drop me someplace dry and you will never see me again! oh and help for Daisy to? she is hurt even worse than me"
  129. [2013-12-27 17:34:38] * Flora_Bloom 's ears twitch as she stops reading, mumbling. "Third culprit?" She asks herself. She remembers back to NCR building. She was shown to that area by a guard... but he wasn't arrested. "Somepony got away." She says, then looking to Gerlinde. "I can't... I don't have the confidence to. The mask... is kinda like a drug I suppose, battle wise."
  130. [2013-12-27 17:35:59] * Midnight_Bliss looks at Cap_Rat and nods "Yes, funny thing that..." she holsters her gun "The doctor will look over you two, count yourself lucky, were it my decision you would both be ash now"
  131. [2013-12-27 17:37:02] * Gerlinde shrugs. "I'm sure you could, if you just tried." She moves closer, looking over Flora's shoulder. "That comic any good?"
  132. [2013-12-27 17:37:43] <Cap_Rat> "Good thing you are on our side." He smiles to the captives.
  133. [2013-12-27 17:38:04] <DontAskForCookies> ACTION The radio announcer starts to wind the news announcment down with the final details, "Locals are incuraged to be on the look out for the pony known as Bolder, a grey earth pony who is belived to have skiped town. On a final note witnesses also claim to have seen a caped individual in a mask fleeing the crime scene, while NCR is refusing any official statments yet many wonder to the mares identity and degree of involvment
  134. [2013-12-27 17:38:41] * Flora_Bloom gives a shrug, giving it to Gerlinde. "Not too sure, you read it." she says and then looks for another. "It's just... How do you do something that you couldn't do it without a needed thing. Like, it would be like crossing a large gap without a way across, you might be able to make the jump, but why risk it when you have the bridge?"
  135. [2013-12-27 17:38:47] * DontAskForCookies the mare collapses with a deep sigh as she seems to be off the hook for now.
  136. [2013-12-27 17:39:44] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes, flicking through the pages. "I'm not sure a mask is a bridge. I'd understand it if it were armored, but it doesn't look very protective."
  137. [2013-12-27 17:39:58] * Heartmend stops at the hatch to the impromptu med bay "Are you two done, or should I come back later?"
  138. [2013-12-27 17:40:39] <Thomas_OMalley> Upon seeing Heartmend leave the captain's quarters, the batpony floats down and knocks on the door. "Capitan?"
  139. [2013-12-27 17:40:50] * Midnight_Bliss waves her wing at the prisoners "They are all your's, not a hoof was laid on them, go about your task" she trots past Heartmend as she again embraces the outside world
  140. [2013-12-27 17:40:56] <Flora_Bloom> "It isn't about protection." She states. "It's about the feel." She says.
  141. [2013-12-27 17:41:25] * DontAskForCookies the captain pushes his steamer trunk under his bed, calling back over his sholder. "yes?"
  142. [2013-12-27 17:42:23] * Heartmend gives a quik look to Cap_Rat then starts on the task at hand/hoof
  143. [2013-12-27 17:43:21] * DontAskForCookies Flora Lays hooves on a rare near mint condition copy of "The Masked Mare #3", from the original print run of one of the most iconic comic series of its time.
  144. [2013-12-27 17:44:03] * Cap_Rat smiles to Heartmend . "They should be fine." He trots off to put his cloak and merchant outfit, trotting out to find Midnight.
  145. [2013-12-27 17:44:11] * Thomas_OMalley pokes his head through the door. "I came to collect de caps you gave out at de cafe, since I was watching de ship. I also tink you be wanting to talk about de damage to de ship?"
  146. [2013-12-27 17:44:54] * Flora_Bloom gave a small gasp as she holds it, reading through the comic carefully as she makes sure it really is The Masked Mare.
  147. [2013-12-27 17:45:00] * Midnight_Bliss floats back to the crows nest, peering through her scope to look the docs over for anypony who might be eyeing the ship oddly
  148. [2013-12-27 17:45:18] * Cap_Rat climbs after her.
  149. [2013-12-27 17:45:29] * Gerlinde frowns. "I'm... not sure." She shakes her head, putting away her comic and looking to Flora's. "Something good?"
  150. [2013-12-27 17:46:23] <Flora_Bloom> "Hopefully! It might be a near mint The Masked Mare issue 3! These comics are hard to find, let alone mint!"
  151. [2013-12-27 17:46:27] * DontAskForCookies the captain turns and opens up his long naval coat, revealing padded leather inserts inside as well as a vicious looking little number that appears to be a hunting rifle cut down to pistol size hidden on his hip. Pulling out the bag of caps he hooves over Thomas's share. "Pardon me, sort of had me head twisted about by this whole business, nearly fogot. You know if anypony ells is watiting for payment?"
  152. [2013-12-27 17:47:55] * Gerlinde chuckles. "I guess that's good. That your favorite?"
  153. [2013-12-27 17:48:17] * DontAskForCookies the comic seems to be all in once peice
  154. [2013-12-27 17:48:52] * Flora_Bloom chuckles and shakes her head. "Not at all. I'm not much for Noire." She says, moving to pay for the comic. "My favorite comic series is The Blossom."
  155. [2013-12-27 17:49:44] * DontAskForCookies the grey haired mare behind the counter awakens and checks the price tag on the comic, 7 caps.
  156. [2013-12-27 17:49:49] * Thomas_OMalley takes the caps and puts them into his saddle bags. "Bliss I tink is de other one. She stayed back to watch de ship."
  157. [2013-12-27 17:50:39] * DontAskForCookies nods and hooves over more caps, "here, pass it over will ye? I got some thinking tah do"
  158. [2013-12-27 17:50:40] * Flora_Bloom smiles softly and sets the caps down, looking the mare over for a moment. "Have you received any, interesting titles recently?"
  159. [2013-12-27 17:51:44] * Gerlinde blinks. "...why are you buying it if you don't like it?"
  160. [2013-12-27 17:51:49] * DontAskForCookies the mare shakes her head, "Fraid not, least not if its any comics you are looking for sweetie. I dot get quite a few books in but the academy buys those up right quick they do dont'cha know"
  161. [2013-12-27 17:52:09] * Thomas_OMalley takes the caps and nods. "I done all I kin wit de hull when she be in de water. She be needing a dry dock badly, capitan." The batpony salutes the captain. "Wit your leave?"
  162. [2013-12-27 17:53:01] * Flora_Bloom smiles and nods. "Have you managed to keep anything interesting from the academy's hooves?" She asks the mare, looking to Gerlinde after buying the comic, putting it away. "It's rare."
  163. [2013-12-27 17:53:20] * DontAskForCookies Fathom nods and dismisses Thomas with a hoof wave
  164. [2013-12-27 17:55:04] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes. "Whatever."
  165. [2013-12-27 17:55:31] * DontAskForCookies The Mare thinks for a moment, "Well... I dont usually try and hold on to much, not good business really, and the academy has always been good to this store. I do carey some published materials that are more recent they dont seem to interested in. Most of them are just short stories, little more than a common penny dreadful. Pirate stories most of them, high adventures and what have you"
  166. [2013-12-27 17:56:05] * Midnight_Bliss grumbles as she cannot seem to spot any pony on the dock with any suspicious activity
  167. [2013-12-27 17:56:33] * DontAskForCookies the doc now much more heavily patrolled by NCR keeping an eye out for further trouble.
  168. [2013-12-27 17:57:47] * Thomas_OMalley takes the bag of caps and flies out, looking for Midnight_Bliss. Thankfully, she isn't hiding. He hovers near her and holds out the bag in an outstretched hoof. "Bliss, dis be de pay we missed."
  169. [2013-12-27 17:58:31] * Cap_Rat climbs down, trotting to the docs
  170. [2013-12-27 17:58:37] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Thomas and nods "Thank you" she takes the caps offered
  171. [2013-12-27 17:58:55] * Flora_Bloom gives a nod, losing interest in the stories already. "Well I can see why the acadamy didn't take them." She chuckles softly, thinking for a moment. "Miss, if you meet a pretty mare by the name of Sapphire Spectical, tell her that Flora is sorry not to meet up with her again, but she has to leave suddenly." She says politely, looking to Gerlinde
  172. [2013-12-27 17:59:00] * Cap_Rat looks back
  173. [2013-12-27 17:59:01] <Flora_Bloom> "Let's go if you're ready."
  174. [2013-12-27 17:59:45] * Gerlinde nods, ruffling her feathers. "Ready if you are."
  175. [2013-12-27 18:00:38] * Flora_Bloom nods, moving out of the store after hearing the store ponies response.
  176. [2013-12-27 18:01:02] * Gerlinde follows, bringing herself to a low flight.
  177. [2013-12-27 18:01:05] * Midnight_Bliss flies down from her perch to land before Cap_Rat
  178. [2013-12-27 18:01:37] <Cap_Rat> "Hey there, Midnight." He smiles.
  179. [2013-12-27 18:02:07] * Cap_Rat nods and trots off
  180. [2013-12-27 18:02:22] * Flora_Bloom trots back towards the ship, smiling at the others. "Hello all."
  181. [2013-12-27 18:02:42] * Gerlinde waves a talon before flying back up to her perch.
  182. [2013-12-27 18:02:46] * Midnight_Bliss nods and flies back to her perch after their talk
  183. [2013-12-27 18:03:09] * Flora_Bloom moves to a pleasent spot and reads her comic more throughly.
  184. [2013-12-27 18:03:20] * Thomas_OMalley flies down near Flora, landing nearby. "Flora, you got a moment?"
  185. [2013-12-27 18:03:24] * Gerlinde has already made herself comfortable in the perch; spread out and taking up as much room as possible.
  186. [2013-12-27 18:03:52] * Flora_Bloom looks up from her comic and smiles. "Yeah I do."
  187. [2013-12-27 18:04:29] * Midnight_Bliss looks at Gerlinde as she lands, seeing the griffon take up as much space as possible she shrugs and just flops onto the cat bird "It's daylight, your watch"
  188. [2013-12-27 18:05:20] * Gerlinde lets out a squawk at being landed on so roughly. She huffs, sitting up so that she can be on watch and be used as a pillow.
  189. [2013-12-27 18:06:38] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Well, den how would you like another chance wit Bliss?"
  190. [2013-12-27 18:07:09] * Flora_Bloom blinks a few times and raises an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure that ship sailed Thomas. After I invaded her privacy."
  191. [2013-12-27 18:07:44] * Midnight_Bliss closes her eyes and tries to get as much sleep as she can for the moment, resting against soft kitty bird feathers
  192. [2013-12-27 18:09:05] * DontAskForCookies Fathom moves from his room down below deck to where Heartmend continues to doctor the captives.
  193. [2013-12-27 18:09:08] * Heartmend finishes her work on the two prisoners then trots out to the top deck
  194. [2013-12-27 18:09:19] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Maybe dat be true. But... well, I got her to agree to go dancing. And everyone deserves a second chance...." Thomas's eyes twinkle as he smiles, his fangs peeking out.
  195. [2013-12-27 18:10:02] * Flora_Bloom looks over him, instantly figuring out what he wants her to do. "Sorry can't dance, four left hooves and no dress." She says as she reads her comic again.
  196. [2013-12-27 18:10:16] * Heartmend stops "Oh captian they should be ready to moved if need be."
  197. [2013-12-27 18:11:00] <Heartmend> be*
  198. [2013-12-27 18:11:11] * DontAskForCookies Fathom nods, "That be good to hear. Ill watch them fer now."
  199. [2013-12-27 18:11:58] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Neither does she. Be a shame if she was de only pony out on de floor who couldn't dance... be a great way to bond..."
  200. [2013-12-27 18:12:53] * Flora_Bloom waves a hoof. "The idea of me dancing is ridiculous, and besides if two ponies who couldn't dance were on a dance floor, its not like they would suddenly be attracted to each other."
  201. [2013-12-27 18:12:57] * Heartmend nods to Fathom then continues her wya to the deck
  202. [2013-12-27 18:13:32] <Heartmend> way*
  203. [2013-12-27 18:14:49] * Midnight_Bliss rolls over, snuggling into the griffin feathers
  204. [2013-12-27 18:15:24] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Remember what I said about de cold ones... dis is another chance for you to get to know her. Unless you want to give up?"
  205. [2013-12-27 18:16:24] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head. "I don't want to give up it's just..." She looks away. "Dancing? Really?"
  206. [2013-12-27 18:16:40] * Gerlinde leans into Midnight_Bliss for maximum feather application. Who is she to deny feather-snuggles?
  207. [2013-12-27 18:19:31] * Midnight_Bliss relaxes in her sleep, curling up against the feathers
  208. [2013-12-27 18:20:45] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "All are equal on de dance floor, Flora. All dat matters is de fun dat dose dancing have."
  209. [2013-12-27 18:24:16] * Flora_Bloom sighs and flops back a bit. "Fine, but you're buying me drinks. Or a dress."
  210. [2013-12-27 18:25:39] * Thomas_OMalley laughs and nods. "Well den, come on. Let's go shopping Flora, and see how pretty you can be."
  211. [2013-12-27 18:27:22] * Flora_Bloom nods as she gets up, putting the comic away. "Alright Thomas, you show me the way."
  212. [2013-12-27 18:29:12] * Thomas_OMalley smiles as he takes her into town. "So den, did you want to go and get really pouponer, or keep it simple wit de dress?"
  213. [2013-12-27 18:29:46] * Flora_Bloom thinks for a moment and smiles. "Dress me up. It's about time I looked pretty for once."
  214. [2013-12-27 18:31:08] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Dat might be a bit pricy, but let's see what we can do for you, ma cherie." Thomas pauses as he looks around for a bit, first looking for a good tailor for a fine dress.
  215. [2013-12-27 18:31:39] * Flora_Bloom assists in looking around
  216. [2013-12-27 18:33:15] * DontAskForCookies the pair eventually find an interesting looking shop... "Madame Misty's Magnificent Market of Mystical Marvels" the shop advertises amongest its mystical apparel a wide range of interesting and unique clothing, perfumes, and potions
  217. [2013-12-27 18:34:45] * Flora_Bloom snickers as she looks at the shop. "Alright theres no way we can't go in here."
  218. [2013-12-27 18:36:07] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora. "Oh, we must! If only for de stories!" The stallion heads to the door, holding it open for Flora_Bloom.
  219. [2013-12-27 18:36:12] * Cap_Rat canters back through the market.
  220. [2013-12-27 18:36:29] * Flora_Bloom trots happily through the door.
  221. [2013-12-27 18:36:57] * Heartmend seeing the two head to town and the feathered duo up in their roost just sits there and stairs over the bay "I need a drink." she mumbles to her self
  222. [2013-12-27 18:37:27] * Cap_Rat seems to be in a rush
  223. [2013-12-27 18:39:30] * Thomas_OMalley follows Flora into the shop.
  224. [2013-12-27 18:40:11] * DontAskForCookies a rich voice calls out from behind the counter as the pair spot a Bat Pony wearing a elaborately decorated and gawdey shaw along with a turban of some sort, large hoop eariges dangling from her tuffed ears. "Greetings and welcome to Madame Misties shop, do tell me if there is anything at all that I may assist you with today, or tomorrow even. The future is half my buisness after all~"
  225. [2013-12-27 18:41:07] * Flora_Bloom smiles and thinks about a few things. "Well, we're interested in finding a nice dress, as well as personally if you have any interesting books."
  226. [2013-12-27 18:42:13] * Thomas_OMalley smiles as he looks about the shop. "Always interesting to see what de future has, and what interesting tings a fine stallion like yourself has in stock."
  227. [2013-12-27 18:43:12] * DontAskForCookies the batpony steps from behind the counter and motions with a leathery wing at the many dresses on the walls of her shop, they range from interesting to silly and everywhere inbtween. Jewelry also lines the sales counter, some real but most costume at best. "Well then feel free to loock about, as for the future I do offer many servaces to those who seek supream councile in what is to come"
  228. [2013-12-27 18:43:27] * Cap_Rat makes his way back to the boat, looking up at Gerlinde with a tense face. "Hey, where is everypony?"
  229. [2013-12-27 18:44:40] * Gerlinde looks down, shrugging as she notices Cap_rat. "Midnight's sleeping. Flora and Tom left a little bit ago."
  230. [2013-12-27 18:44:54] <Gerlinde> "Not sure where to," she adds."
  231. [2013-12-27 18:45:36] * Thomas_OMalley smiles as he looks about the shop. First find out how much a dress and a makeover would cost, THEN see if he has enough caps to ask for the future.
  232. [2013-12-27 18:47:13] * Cap_Rat frowns. "We need to find them. The bomberpony was just at the explosives store, he was trying to load up for an attack and doesn't want to wait a day. It's a fit pony with a messy curled up mane."
  233. [2013-12-27 18:48:20] * Heartmend looks over to Cap_Rat "And what have you been up too?"
  234. [2013-12-27 18:48:27] * Gerlinde frowns. "Great." She shakes her head. "If we need to find him soon, then we should go without them; you, me, and Midnight can take care of it." The griffon nudges the pegasus sleeping on her wing.
  235. [2013-12-27 18:48:48] * Gerlinde blinks, nodding to Heartmend. "You come too."
  236. [2013-12-27 18:49:50] * Heartmend nods "Cap you should go tell the Fathom as well."
  237. [2013-12-27 18:50:18] <Cap_Rat> "Trying to find the pony after us." He says simply to Heartmend.
  238. [2013-12-27 18:50:30] * Cap_Rat nods, trotting to the captain's room
  239. [2013-12-27 18:50:42] * Midnight_Bliss grumbles before sitting up "I'm awake...whats going on?"
  240. [2013-12-27 18:51:32] * Gerlinde explains, "There's a bomber buying explosives and up to trouble. Figured you'd want to come along." She nods. "Free explosives if we catch him."
  241. [2013-12-27 18:51:54] * Heartmend runs off to gather up her stuff
  242. [2013-12-27 18:52:06] * Midnight_Bliss her ear perks at the mention of free explosives "Understood"
  243. [2013-12-27 18:52:20] * Cap_Rat tries to enter the Captain's room.
  244. [2013-12-27 18:52:50] * DontAskForCookies captains room is empty
  245. [2013-12-27 18:56:52] * Cap_Rat raises an eyebrow and trots out. "The captain is not here." He says back to the others
  246. [2013-12-27 18:57:18] |<-- DontAskForCookies has left (Quit: Page closed)
  247. [2013-12-27 18:59:25] |<-- Midnight_Bliss has left (Connection closed)
  248. [2013-12-27 19:15:18] * Thomas_OMalley looks around at the different suits and dresses. "So padron... you really tink dat Bliss was out of your reach?"
  249. [2013-12-27 19:16:06] * Flora_Bloom gives a sigh and a small nod. "Yes, I did." She says. "While she is beautiful, she is rather cold, and I had a feeling I crossed a line I shouldn't have before."
  250. [2013-12-27 19:19:36] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Dat be true... to me, I see a beautiful mare dat trusts only a few. Someting hurt her, I tink. Someting bad."
  251. [2013-12-27 19:20:32] * Flora_Bloom tilts her head. "I'm not so sure about that." She says. "I think she was near brainwashed by the enclave." She says simply, examining wares. "It's rather obvious if you look hard enough."
  252. [2013-12-27 19:24:37] * Thomas_OMalley shrugs. "Maybe. But de mare just needs time to get used to you, like you get used to a new shoe." The stallion moves spies a top hat and smiles at it. Hrm... if they only had a tux... "Ask her what she'd like to talk about. Dat be de best way wit her."
  253. [2013-12-27 19:27:41] <Flora_Bloom> "I suppose so." She says, looking down, trying to keep her mind off things. "I just... she seems so distant."
  254. [2013-12-27 19:33:12] <Thomas_OMalley> "Dat be true... she said dat be because she be leaving after de mission. Dat dose attachments just get in de way." Thomas sighs. "Dat be one of de saddest tings I have ever heard."
  255. [2013-12-27 19:34:57] * Flora_Bloom nods slowly. "Well then, perhaps we can try and have her become attached to someone or something."
  256. [2013-12-27 19:37:54] * Thomas_OMalley smiles over to Flora_Bloom, raising an eyebrow. "Oh? And who might dat be?"
  257. [2013-12-27 19:38:27] * Flora_Bloom blinkes. "I don't know, anyone or anything really."
  258. [2013-12-27 19:40:43] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Well den, maybe we can get dat mare to warm up to you."
  259. [2013-12-27 19:42:07] * Flora_Bloom blushes a bit. "I don't know abotu that."
  260. [2013-12-27 19:43:50] * Thomas_OMalley smiles at the blush. "Oh come on, dat not be true. You know you want to."
  261. [2013-12-27 19:44:18] * Flora_Bloom frowns at him. "Not fair."
  262. [2013-12-27 19:45:43] <Thomas_OMalley> "Oh? How dat be not fair? Ain't de saying dat all is fair in love and war?"
  263. [2013-12-27 19:46:17] * Flora_Bloom frowns at him once more. "It's not love and you know it." She says. "It's companionship, or at worst, a case of my dirty mind."
  264. [2013-12-27 19:47:21] * Thomas_OMalley cocks his head at Flora. "What do you tink love is, Flora?"
  265. [2013-12-27 19:48:01] <Flora_Bloom> "Love is a generation of emotions and chemicals that allows two people to bond with each other in a way unlike any other way, and should NOT BE USED LIGHTLY." She stresses
  266. [2013-12-27 19:51:34] <Thomas_OMalley> "Love is patience, kindness, and forgiveness. It always be a choice, but one dat you make and you stay to it." Thomas pauses for a moment, looking down at the ground. He shakes his head after a moment and smiles weakly. "Now, lust on de other hoof..."
  267. [2013-12-27 19:53:35] * Flora_Bloom looks to him. "Thomas, I swear to the Goddesses that if you speak to me about lust, I will make sure to tie you up in mistletoe, your tail left high and drop you off at the nearest gay bar with a whip and a note that says 'Spank me I've been naughty.' " She says in the most serious tone she could.
  268. [2013-12-27 19:54:51] * Thomas_OMalley nods once. "Den I shall never speak of it again." The stallion goes back to looking at the racks. "Never forget about what I said about love, though. Its a choice... always is. One dat you will never forget."
  269. [2013-12-27 19:55:22] <Flora_Bloom> "I know Thomas. All too well."
  270. [2013-12-27 19:57:37] * Thomas_OMalley continues looking through the racks of clothes. "Den... bonding in dat way, dat be someting dat might not happen... but it be someting dat you chase time and time again. So, never give up on dat pony of your eye. At least, not wit out very, very good reason."
  271. [2013-12-27 19:58:49] <Flora_Bloom> "I know Thomas." She says again, her tone growing in annoyance.
  272. [2013-12-27 19:59:43] * Thomas_OMalley hrms to himself and starts looking over the shelves.
  273. [2013-12-27 20:02:27] * Flora_Bloom sighs a bit and resigns to looking over her comic.
  274. [2013-12-27 20:05:41] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. Should really stop learning to give unwanted advice, Thomas...
  275. [2013-12-27 20:09:34] * Flora_Bloom looks over the comic, seeming to copy some of the moves in mini moves
  276. [2013-12-27 20:10:51] * Thomas_OMalley pokes around the shop for a little while longer. Lots of interesting stuff in here... he notices Flora making the mini-oves, but decides not to say anything.
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