
New suicide thread: Mossberg Anon ch. 2

Jun 17th, 2014
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  1. >Good thing you brought a bandana.
  2. >You probably would have died of coal inhalation by now.
  3. >You took it upon yourself to keep the boiler running.
  4. >AJ and Fluttershy switched off helping you, hell twilight and Pinkie both took a shift or so.
  5. >It was amazing how helpful and congenial they had become. Pity was it?
  6. >Not that it really mattered. You know you’re reaching the final stretch, currently it’s you
  7. >and AJ, the fastest shovels of the group.
  8. >Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie are currently sat up front conversing about something or other.
  9. >You can’t really hear them. Fluttershy was sleeping up front with the others, the last shift
  10. >really wiped her out. Dash was performing some aerial stunts, you watched her
  11. >during what few breaks you took.
  12. >”Anon, can we talk?”
  13. >You glance over, it’s Twilight.
  14. >You notice that not nearly as much anger comes up now,
  15. >after all, you know she feels bad, and you know that she’s at least trying to make it right.
  16. >You rest the shovel against the boiler.
  17. “Yeah sure.”
  18. >You take off the bandana and douse it with your canteen.
  19. >You attempt to clean your face of soot as twilight talks.
  20. >”Look, we should be about twenty miles out from city limits.”
  21. “Oh, good.”
  22. >”We can’t just pull up in a stolen cart.”
  24. >She has a point. You actually didn’t consider that.
  25. “Alright what do you suggest we do then?”
  26. >”Overfill the boiler once we can see Canterlot, let it roll into the station”
  27. “Huh, alright. Give me a holler when we come up.”
  28. >That moment comes up in a few minutes.
  29. >You pull the brakes brining the cart to a full stop, Dismount.
  30. >Shovel in more coal than you should, release the brakes, and get of the cart yourself before
  31. >it picks up any real speed. Like the idiot you are, you land on your bad leg.
  32. >Ow.
  33. >You dust off your Mossberg, sling it onto your shoulder.
  34. >You take your position at the rear of the group again.
  35. >Flutters is hanging back with you, both of you are quiet.
  36. >There’s no tension in the air between the two of you, just companionship.
  37. >”So, Anon, what’s the first thing you’re going to do with your citizenship?”
  38. >You barely noticed Dash hovering next to you.
  39. “I think I might go to the dentist.”
  40. >”The dentist!? C’mon do something cool with it.”
  41. “Like taxes?”
  42. >”No, something like… like… huh, there’s not really anything cool you can do.”
  43. “Tell you what, once I get a place to stay, I’ll throw a nice big party.”
  44. >”If it’s anything like that last one… I might need to take a rain check.”
  45. “Yeah my liver only has so many of those left.”
  46. >Rainbow opened her mouth to say something, but Fluttershy cut her off.
  47. >”My livers perfectly fine.”
  48. >She had the biggest cheekiest grin on.
  49. “Of course it is, you healthy sonuvah!
  50. >You reach down and pick her up by the midsection pulling her into a tight hug.
  51. >She giggles and squeals, causing the other ponies to stop and look at you two.
  52. >You can literally feel the blush coming off your cheeks
  54. >The walk into, and through Canterlot is mostly uneventful.
  55. >You did pick up some food once you hit city limits.
  56. >The ponies here seem to be much more accepting of other species.
  57. >You even spot a couple a griffons and a minotaur.
  58. >Maybe Ponyville is just too tight knit of a community.
  59. >You only really begin to get nervous once you’re at the gates of the castle.
  60. >The gates open as you approach them, massive oaken things.
  61. >As all of you walk in, a squad of guards stops you.
  62. >and when a say you, I mean only you.
  63. >They ignore the rest of the ‘mane 6’ as you started calling them.
  64. >The leader, a big earth pony that could give Big Mac a run for his money, speaks to you
  65. >in a rough and dismissive tone, it’s almost enough to push you over the edge.
  66. >”Sir, your weapons.”
  67. >You look at your Mossberg hesitantly before handing it over, what more did you expect?
  68. >”Sir. I said weapons, multiple. Now hand them all over.”
  69. >You sigh and hand over your knife.
  70. >”Good.”
  71. >They proceed to escort you, and once again just you, to the throne room.
  72. >But seriously, what the hell, the guards seem on edge.
  73. >Yeah, you’re no slouch in a fight, but you’re not a trained soldier.
  75. >Once you reach the hall connecting to the throne room, the guards separate you.
  76. >”Follow me please.”
  77. >You take a step forward to join the rest of what you would now consider to be your
  78. >friends, only to be stopped at spear point.
  79. >You put your hands up and back down.
  80. >After that comes an agonizingly long wait.
  81. >Long enough that you lay back against the wall and close your eyes.
  82. >Your, light sleep is interrupted by the doors to the throne room opening.
  83. >The mane 6 exit, their expressions ranging from sad to angry.
  84. >They are quickly guided down the hall past you, not given any time to speak to you.
  85. >You make eye contact with Twilight who mouths ‘I’m sorry’ at you, now you’re
  86. >beginning to panic. This isn’t helped by the fact that a absolutely sobbing Fluttershy is >being carried out by Rainbow. The same guard leader as before comes up to you.
  87. >”The Princess will see you now.”
  88. >Well, time to go and tell a god why you deserve a home and work.
  90. >You couldn’t stop your hands from shaking even if you tried.
  91. >And you did try.
  92. >Even though you see a throne for Twilight, it was apparent that she was the low
  93. >ranking one of the group. You assume the white one sitting in the middle is Celestia,
  94. >and the one sitting to her right is Luna.
  95. >The guards stop you about half way to them and bow.
  96. >Not looking to wrong foot yourself you bow from the waist, as your
  97. >splint won’t let you kneel.
  98. >Celestia looks dead at you, you can feel it.
  99. >”Guards you may leave us.”
  100. >The guards stand and leave the room wordlessly.
  101. >The door closes with a heavy thud behind them.
  102. >You slowly bring yourself back upright.
  103. >Luna speaks up next, you note that she seems smaller, must be the younger one.
  104. >”So you must be Anonymous.”
  105. “Yes, are ther-“
  106. >Celestia stops you by raising her hoof.
  107. >”Originally this was supposed to be a simple visit, just one to formalize your papers,
  108. >however recent developments have tied my hooves.”
  109. >Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
  110. “If it’s about the maintenance cart I can-“
  111. >”I have no clue what you’re talking about, I need you to do something for me. For
  112. >Equestria”
  113. >Great, not only are you now not going to get your citizenship, but they’re going to look
  114. >into the maintenance cart. Good job dipshit.
  115. >Luna stands from her throne and begins to walk around you, inspecting you.
  116. >Needless to say, you are uncomfortable.
  117. >”He seems capable sister, we think he would be a good fit for the job.”
  119. >Celestia nods to her sister before resuming speaking.
  120. >”To be blunt, the changelings have started to rebuild in the San Palomino Desert.”
  121. >Okay, so what does that have to do with you.
  122. >Luna takes the reigns from her sister; you laugh internally at your joke.
  123. >”Twilight has also informed us of your magic resistance, you see the changelings have set
  124. >a powerful net of magic over much of the desert allowing them to track anypony.”
  125. >Oh, hell no. You aren’t a one man army. Hell your leg is still in a splint.
  126. >”we will grant you citizen ship if you can… execute Queen Chrysalis.”
  128. >Celestia walks up next to her sister before speaking.
  129. >”I’m very sorry that it has to be this way, but we cannot let this opportunity pass by.”
  130. “Excuse me for a moment, as I consider”
  131. >You power walk your way to the hall way doors and let yourself out without even
  132. >waiting for a response.
  133. >once in the hall you look around, not a single pony in sight.
  134. >With that you let out the loudest most profane scream you can physically muster.
  136. >At your last exclamation you punch the wall in front of you with all your might.
  137. >Apparently the castle’s interior is mostly drywall, as your fist goes all the way through up
  138. >to the elbow. You pull your hand back out, and slide down the wall until your sitting
  139. >against it. You reach for your cigarettes, open the pack. You only have one more
  140. >Saddle Arabian one. You light it and sit there for a moment.
  141. “FUCK!”
  142. >With that you begin to silently cry to yourself.
  144. >”Sir, if you want to smoke you’re going to have to move to a balcony.”
  145. >You look up; it’s some pegasus guard pony.
  146. >All you do is stare at him blankly, bloodshot eyes, wet cheeks, bloodied knuckles, and >bandages covering your shoulder and leg.
  147. >”I-I’m sure I can make an e-exception this time.”
  148. >Good, leave. You hear more hoof steps, who the fuck could it be now.
  149. >You hear six sets of hooves walking; you already know who it is
  150. >You swear to god if this shit keeps up you might just… just… try to kill yourself again.
  151. >Nopony says anything; they just join you sitting against the wall.
  152. >Take a drag, choke on tears, take another drag, and choke again.
  153. >Rinse and repeat.
  154. >The smoke from your cigarette is getting painful, and you can feel the cherry beginning
  155. >to burn your fingers, but you don’t care.
  156. >Finally your body reacts and tosses the cigarette away on a rather painful drag.
  157. >Hold the smoke in… and release.
  158. >Your eyes have run dry. You now just stare blankly at the floor, vaguely away
  159. >of someone trying to talk to you.
  161. >”…Anon?...Anon?”
  162. “…hm…”
  163. >The response was more reaction than conscious thought.
  164. >”Is-Is your hand okay?...Anon?”
  165. >You look up its Fluttershy, you’re slowly coming back to reality.
  166. “Ye-yeah… its fine… just sore is all.”
  167. >You look at the ground again.
  168. >You begin to talk out loud again, but to no one in particular.
  169. “I don’t think I can do this. I’m not a soldier. I want my citizenship so I can go back to living something resembling a normal life. So I can buy my own damn patchouli, so I can own my own home, so I can take a day off and not starve.”
  170. >You drain the last bit of your canteen, letting it clang against the floor.
  171. “But, this, this is too much. There’s only one of me. Probably tens of thousands of them. I know I only have to hit the one that counts, but c’mon.”
  172. >You sit quietly for a little bit more.
  173. “Do this for all of Equestria… heh, what the hell would I have to be patriotic about. Hell you guys just only went from vaguely distrusting to what I would call friendly.”
  174. >Fuck this.
  175. “Fuck this, I’m out. Bye.”
  176. >You stand up, ruffle Flutters mane since she’s right in front of you.
  177. >You accidentally used your bloodied plaster hand, but she doesn’t protest.
  178. >You hear the ponies begin to shift behind you.
  179. >”Lookey here Anon, we got lucky last time the changelings attacked. If ya’ll don’t do this
  180. >I don’t think well live to see the next winter.”
  181. >”Yeah dude! Stop being such a pansy about this and go kick some changeling ass! After how you handled the everfree I don’t think anything on equestrian could kill you!”
  182. >They won’t stop, they just won’t fucking stop.
  183. >You hear pinky and Rarity join in on the encouragements.
  184. >Two voices are conspicuously absent, Twilights and Fluttershys.
  186. >You spin around, crouch down and begin advancing on the four ponies
  187. >who tried to talk you into it. Both Twilight and Fluttershy are still sitting where
  188. >you left them. Your stance, and demeanor are enough to make them all back off.
  189. >You even made Rainbow crouch down low, her typical scared position.
  190. “See here you cockmonglers, You, AJ, denied my work, even after I proved myself competent during your asinine ‘training’ period. Then proceeded to refuse my bits, on account of suspected forgery.”
  191. >”Hey! Those bits seemed a might bit susp-“
  192. “Shut up, shut up, for the love of Christ and all that is holy shut up and let me finish you simpering yokel.”
  193. >Dash seems to have recovered her bravado enough to speak out.
  194. >”No one talks to my friends like that!”
  195. “And you! You knew that I was very exposed to the elements and yet it always seemed to rain the hardest on me. Even after I asked you to stop, even after I begged you. Oh, and how could I forget you Rarity!”
  196. >”Bu-but what did I ever do?”
  197. “Oh, you did nothing, nothing at all. How many times did I ask you make me some more clothes? I know the prices at your shop for custom work, I can read the sign you know. Even when I had the money and! And! Measured myself at your request, you still wouldn’t do it.
  198. >”I-I’m sorry dear, bu-but I didn’t know how to contact you wh-“
  199. “Bull! Shit! If the wall-eyed post pony can deliver me my hate mail, she sure as shit can deliver clothing.
  200. >You turn to Pinkie next, her mane has gone flat, and she’s teary in the eyes.
  201. >”I-I thought th-that, we-we were becoming frie-friends?”
  202. “You know what, I was willing to put the past in the past, and focus on integrating myself into your society. I was completely willing to forget all of the last two years if it just means that I could finally not have to fight every single day for food.”
  204. >”I think I can fix this, you sai-“
  205. “No one! Not a single person, pony, breezie, zebra, nothing! No one asked your opinion! You gonna fix this problem like you fixed my citizenship problem? Or my scent problem? Oh right, Flutters did that one. And thanks to you I’m running a one man PMC so would you kindly go fu-“
  206. >Twilights horn lights up, you feel you lips snap shut.
  207. >Magic resistant not magic immune, even now the alicorn is a bit unsteady on her feet,
  208. >needing to focus all her might on this simple action.
  209. >”Listen to me, I think I have an actual solution this time.”
  210. >Your eyes go wide with rage as your hands go to your mouth in an attempt to speak again.
  212. >You’ve been hearing this lecture for the past 30 minutes.
  213. >All the yelling brought the attention of the guards and the royalty.
  214. >Once they showed up, you went full kill mode. Not that that went on for long.
  215. >You did manage to disarm a guard before you simply got mobbed.
  216. >So here you were once again in the throne room, this time with your hands behind
  217. >Your head, and several guards stood around you.
  218. >”So we can solve the problem of there being only one of you by using the mirror pond that
  219. >Pinkie discovered.”
  220. >Twilight finishes her synopsis of how the mirror pond works. She went into detail.
  221. >You remain silent.
  222. >Celestia lets out a small sight.
  223. >”Anonymous, we need you to do this. Our guard is completely under staffed, and the
  224. >Crystal Empire can’t mobilize for another five months due to blizzards.”
  225. >You let out a long loud groan.
  226. “One. If it’s so important why didn’t you offer me more? Two. I’m just one guy, I might be able to scramble the net, but I’m sure the changelings still run patrols. Three. You can’t convince me to do shit.”
  227. >The royal sisters seemed a little taken aback; apparently no one talked to them like equals.
  228. >Luna speaks up first.
  229. >”Wasn’t citizenship what you wanted?”
  230. “Yeah, it was, but this is just down right stupid. I’m a human not a fucking bonobo, I know what’s fair, and this situation hasn’t been fair from the beginning.”
  231. >You spit at their feet. Years of smoking has honed in your spitting accuracy.
  232. >A guard jabs his spear at you, intent on reminding you of your position.
  233. “Get fucked commie”
  234. >You raise your middle finger from the top of your head.
  236. >”Look Anon, The pool should be able to clone you. Your second complaint is invalid.”
  237. >Celestia is getting irritated, rubbing her temples while talking.
  238. >Good, be mad.
  239. >Luna seems to take the wheel again.
  240. >”Look what we need to give you for you to do this!?”
  241. “Number three! You can’t convince me to do shit!”
  242. >The same guard as last time shakes his spear.
  243. “I said get fucked!”
  244. >Luna looks at the floor for a couple moments
  245. >”Citizenship, all of your possessions, 20 million bits, access to the pool and the armory.”
  246. >You raise an eyebrow at this.
  247. “assuming the pool works, what makes you think that I would even want to stay here?”
  248. >Lunas eyes narrow.
  249. >”Plus a ticket to the griffon kingdom, and another 10 million.”
  250. “Give me two months to heal my leg and you got it.”
  251. >Celestia and Luna both let out a sigh of relief.
  253. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. Next segment may be removed
  255. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. >Wow. Okay, so maybe you’re not the first human to come here.
  257. >The area underneath the castle was a gigantic storage area for all things foreign or
  258. >scientifically interesting. You can see your house in the far corner, but your more
  259. >Preoccupied with the B17 wreckage in front of you.
  260. >And equally impressed with the RX-7 next to it.
  261. “So if I’m not the first human then why did you run so many tests?”
  262. >Luna looks back, a confused expression on her face.
  263. >”You are the first human. What makes you think otherwise?”
  264. “These are all human things. B17 flying fortress, RX-7, a toaster… made in east Germany… huh, wow that’s old.”
  265. >Both Celestia and Luna exchange glances
  266. >”You mean to say that thing.”
  267. >Celestia points to the B17.
  268. >”flies?”
  269. “Yep, put some fuel in it and let er rip. Though these have all been sitting so long they probably need major engine work.”
  270. >You continue to look around. Wow they have everything. Every dropped lighter,
  271. >every lost sock, every piece of missing history.
  272. >You’re broken out of your reverie by Celestia.
  273. >”Well Anon, you seem to know more about this than we do, whatever you point to the lab >overseer will mark for transport to wherever you need it.”
  274. >They turn to leave but Luna stops and turns back to you.
  275. >”Here, we heard about the train problem, consider yourself absolved, and this should clear >up further complications.”
  276. >Luna magics a badge over to you, you pocket it, not even looking at the insignia.
  277. >You turn back to the open playground of human items in front of you.
  278. >”Oh, also Twilight and her friends will oversee you to ensure you stay in line. This is
  279. >non-negotiable.”
  280. --------------------------------------------------------------
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