
Halloween Campaign (1)

Oct 14th, 2016
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  1. Abe: “So a mobster, a nurse, a priest, and a cat burglar walk into a bar...”
  2. Tanya: “This sounds like the start of a lame joke.”
  3. It's not a joke, this is the start of our Halloween campaign! And this time, you're all getting involved in some way.
  4. Hector: “Alright kid, just tell us how we're starting.”
  5. Of course...
  7. Legend warned of a dark mage who learned to control the dead. Life was a toy to him, and with his undead army, the madman quickly took control of the land. But several brave heroes united, and slayed the mage. But before their passing, the mage swore that they would return.
  8. Centuries past, and the legend had fallen into simple folklore. But one Halloween night, a group of teenagers stumble upon the mage's tomb. Being the idiots that they are, the group lit fire to the tomb. With the flame, the mage's spirit was able to open a gateway from Hell and return to our world.
  9. Now the mage seeks to conquer the world once more with their army of undead.
  11. Our campaign begins in Ace's Bar, a local dive where the first group of our heroes pass the time.
  12. Our first hero is not a hero at all, but a violent thug: The Mafioso.
  13. Mafioso (Abraham): “Ciao.”
  14. The handsome man pee—
  16. Tanya: “Did you just call him handsome? This isn't the time for flattery, Dwight.”
  17. Well, Abe got the “Handsome Looks” trait listed on his character sheet. So I have to state it.
  18. Abe: 'No harm stating facts, Dwight.”
  19. Abigail: “I never knew he had an ego...”
  20. Anyways...
  22. The handsome man peeked over to the table across from his, where out next hero sat. She was a lifesaver, though at times she did things that made people question how she has a medical license: The Nurse.
  23. Nurse (Tanya): “Medic! Oh wait, I'm the medic.”
  24. The nurse was talking to her friend, the 3rd of our heroes, or, well, anti-hero. She was a spinster to those in the town, but the truth was that she was a renown thief who had stolen many valuable things and sought the heist of a century. She was The Burglar.
  25. Burglar (Abigail): “I promise not to misplace your purse.”
  26. And sitting in a far corner of this sinful place was a man without sin. One who gave both body and soul to God, and who was our 4th hero: The Priest.
  27. Priest (Hector): “God be with you all.”
  29. Abe: I never took you for the religious kind.
  30. Hector: I peeked at Dwight's plans. Since we're fighting undead, I imagine holy light would work.
  31. That's good game sense.
  33. Ok, as our heroes dawdled, a commotion was heard outside. Curious as to the noise, the bartender approached the door. Suddenly, a swarm of possessed villagers burst through the door! As the possessed entered, our four heroes stood up.
  34. Now, what'll you guys do?
  35. Mafioso: “There's only one thing to do at a time like this...”
  36. ...Abe, why did you roll just now?
  37. Mafioso: “Run for your lives!”
  38. Tanya: “That's our hero. By the way, do we have any equipment?”
  39. Nope. You only have the clothes on your back and whatever cash you had to drink.
  40. Nurse: “Excuse me, ladies first!”
  41. Burglar: “Yes, do hold on for us!”
  43. You know you guys....
  45. Priest: “Allow me to join you!”
  47. You guys, you know you all have to roll perfect 20's to get through the mob at the front door, right?
  48. Abe: “...shit.”
  49. Abigail: “What if we want to run into another room?”
  50. Much more manageable.
  51. Abe: “What rooms are there?”
  52. There's a storage room, the basement, and the kitchen.
  53. Abigail: “The Storage Room might give us some cover and maybe some equipment.”
  54. Tanya: 'Let's shoot for that.”
  55. Roll for it.
  57. Tanya: “... … ...”
  58. Abe: “Wow, 20 on the first roll. You should have tried for the door.”
  60. Ok, our four heroes decide to bolt into the storage room. But the mob took notice and chased after you.
  61. Mafioso: “Hey, Father, help me barricade the door!”
  62. Priest: “Of course.”
  63. Roll again you two. Strength and speed check time. And don't forget your strength punishment, Hector.
  65. Hector: “Shit!”
  67. The Priest is quick on his feet, but his weak arms keep him from doing much to help reinforce the door. However, the Mafioso's work is enough to hold the door for a bit.
  68. Mafioso: “You should lift more instead of keeping your head in that book.”
  69. Priest: “Oh sure, like I'm going to listen to the advice of a common thug.”
  70. Nurse: “Behave, you two. This isn't the time to bicker.”
  72. Hector: 'Ok, how does this room look like?”
  73. There are kegs and cases of beer everywhere. There are also lockers which are obviously locked, as well as a safe. There are small windows up above and there's a garage door. However, it's locked from the outside.
  74. Abigail: “I'd like to inspect the room. I'm sure as the Burglar I can turn up something useful.”
  75. If you do that, you risk letting your identity known. Are you willing to risk it?
  76. Abigail “I think the mob outside is a more pressing matter.”
  77. Alright, roll for it.
  79. While the three heroes bicker, our dear Burglar began to use their knack of finding things locked away. Eventually, she turns up with $100, a shotgun, ammo for said shotgun, a key for the garage door, and a pornographic magazine.
  81. Abigail: “Can I equip the shotgun.”
  82. Your class can't equip it.
  83. Abe: “I'll take it then.”
  85. The Mafioso swipes the gun and ammo from the Burglar
  86. Mafioso: “You got through those lockers easily. Sure you're just a spinster?”
  87. Priest: “She's a thief.”
  88. Burglar: “Be thankful this thief is on your side.”
  89. Suddenly, the doors begin to quake as the mob tries to burst in.
  90. Nurse: “Ok, revelations aside: We need to get out of here.”
  92. Tanya: “I'd like to try and escape through the window.”
  93. You can't, your Buxom trait means you'll get stuck.
  94. Tanya: “I had to keep something accurate.”
  95. Well now your gargantuan chest won't let you fit through the window.”
  96. Tanya: “Fine, I get Abe's character to help me force Hector's character through the window.”
  97. Hector: “Wait, what?!”
  99. The Nurse and the Mafioso grab the poor frail Priest and shove him through an open window along with they key.
  100. Nurse: “Good luck with the mob!”
  101. Priest: “You're all going to hell for this!”
  102. The Priest dusted himself off before heading towards the door, But upon turning the corner, he spots two possessed villagers waiting at the door, armed with pitchforks. The two haven't seen the priest.
  104. Hector: “Let me use...uhh. Fist of God?”
  105. You know, that skill only if you get 15 or above, right?
  106. Hector: “May as well test my luck.”
  107. … … …
  108. Hector: “Wow, all 20's.”
  109. Did you roll out all the ones before we played?!
  111. The Priest begins to pray. Just then, the heavens open up as a giant fist comes down and smashes the two villagers into the ground.
  112. Priest: “And they called me a fool for believing.”
  113. The priest opens the door and frees his companions. And not a moment too soon. Once the group is out, the mob breaks through the door.
  114. Burglar: “Close it!”
  115. The garage closes, and the mob is stopped once again.
  116. Mafioso: “Now where do we go?”
  117. Nurse: “Let' try and head towards the town square. Everyone knows that things happen at the town square.”
  118. Burglar: “Lead the way!”
  119. And so, our ragtag bunch of misfits run to the city square, where greater challenges await....
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