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a guest
Sep 28th, 2017
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  1. BucketProtection = true
  2. MessageJailReason = §cYou have been jailed! Reason: <Reason>
  3. PlayerMoveProtection = true
  4. CanPrisonerOpenHisChest = false
  5. PlayerMovePenalty = 30
  6. PreventInteractionBlocks = 69,72,70,46,64,96
  7. GuardHealth = 20
  8. MessageMute = Stop chatting and quietly wait for the end of your sentence!
  9. FireProtection = true
  10. JailStickParameters = 38,20,10,,Griefer!
  11. MessageFirePenalty = §cDo not try to burn the jail! You have just earned additional 15 minutes in jail!
  12. SignText = <Player>[NEWLINE]<Time> Minuten[NEWLINE]wegen[NEWLINE]<Reason>
  13. ExplosionProtection = true
  14. PriceForInfiniteJail = 9999
  15. MessageMovePenalty = §cDo not try to escape out of Jail! You have just earned additional 30 minutes in jail!!
  16. MessageCommandPenalty = §cDo not try to escape with commands! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
  17. SelectionTool = 268
  18. MessageFireNoPenalty = §cDo not try to burn the jail!
  19. BlockProtectionExceptions = 59
  20. Guardinvincibility = false
  21. MessageCommandNoPenalty = §cDo not try to escape with commands!
  22. BucketPenalty = 10
  23. MessageTransfer = §9You have been transferred to another jail!
  24. InteractionPenalty = 10
  25. DeleteInventoryOnJail = false
  26. GuardTeleportDistance = 10
  27. MessageJail = §cYou have been jailed!
  28. NumberOfGuards = 3
  29. CommandPenalty = 10
  30. MySQLUsername = root
  31. PlayerMoveProtectionAction = guards
  32. BlockPlaceProtection = true
  33. MessagePlaceNoPenalty = §cDo not place blocks inside Jail!
  34. MessageUnJail = §2You have been released! Please respect server rules.
  35. MessageInteractionNoPenalty = Don't do that in Jail!
  36. MessagePlacePenalty = §cDo not place blocks inside Jail! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
  37. MessageBucketNoPenalty = §cDo not try to flood the jail!
  38. PreventInteractionItems =
  39. MySQLPassword = password
  40. MessageDestroyPenalty = §cDo not destroy The Jail! You have just earned additional 15 minutes in jail!
  41. ExecutedCommandsOnRelease =
  42. AlwaysTeleportIntoJailCenter = false
  43. BlockDestroyPenalty = 15
  44. EnableJailStick = true
  45. BlockPlacePenalty = 10
  46. GuardAttackSpeedPercent = 100
  47. EnablePaying = false
  48. MessageDestroyNoPenalty = §cDo not destroy The Jail!
  49. PreventPvPInJail = true
  50. ExecutedCommandsOnJail =
  51. AutomaticMute = false
  52. GuardDamage = 2
  53. PreventCommands = /spawn,/kill,/warp
  54. MySQLConn = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
  55. BlockDestroyProtection = true
  56. MessageMoveNoPenalty = §cDo not try to escape out of Jail!
  57. RespawnGuards = true
  58. PricePerMinute = 10
  59. MessageBucketPenalty = §cDo not try to flood the jail! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
  60. NearestJailCode = nearest
  61. UseMySQL = false
  62. StoreInventory = true
  63. FirePenalty = 10
  64. MessageInteractionPenalty = Don't do that in Jail! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
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