

Oct 24th, 2016
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  2. eren - 10/03/2016
  3. so me and my friends like going around at night because we get bored on weekends
  4. There's this park called forest park, massive thing, just a train ride away(edited)
  5. so we hop on a train and go there
  6. I should mention, we chose this specific time because last year we went here and I found a dead body that'd been dead for around three weeks
  7. So it was an anniversary of sorts
  8. anyway, we go and check things out in the area again, reminisce
  9. and then after we get a fire going, someone tosses a paint can into the fire because they think it looks cool
  10. the thing gets real hot and explodes
  11. we all run because it sounded like a gunshot, and with the explosions/bombs going off in chelsea and around here. Yeah nah we're not getting busted for terrorism.
  12. anyway, so we run
  13. decide to get off the trail for a bit
  14. and eventually spot some yellow tape.
  15. It was old. There were only strips of it left.
  16. We looked around, and it piqued our interest because there was evidence of a recent fire there.
  17. The sort of rock ring you'd see people make.
  18. A friend noticed a hole of sorts, dug quickly and with some strips of cloth hanging from it.
  19. I told them not to fuck with it. They didn't.
  20. It was clear enough already that this was a crime scene of sorts. Messing around wouldn't do us any good.
  21. They didn't listen.
  22. So, they start pulling.
  23. They pull, until this sack is out of the ground.
  24. The first thing you'd notice was the stench.
  25. It reeked.
  26. Putrid, worse than any shit you could imagine.
  27. Death, it smelled like.
  28. Now, this bag. It wasn't any big than a grocery bag that was only half full.
  29. They pulled it out even more. Until it rolled onto the ground around us.
  30. We looked inside and made a very rushed declaration that it was a shit hole. You'd say anything like that to get rid of worse, scarier ideas.
  31. So, they prod the bag open with a stick.
  32. It's softer than expected.
  33. I step away, not wanting to be a part of this.
  34. Because I know, before we'd even come here. Last year there was talk of a rapist-murderer who had become a major problem around this exact forest.
  35. Me and another friend that had the same idea to get out before it got bad, start walking away.
  36. Now, we don't go too far.
  37. There's only three of them back there.
  38. I say only because fear can get the worst of us at times.
  39. We crouch and wait for them to stop messing around with things they shouldn't. They don't.
  40. As we're waiting, I hear a crack. That's a branch snapping. Not something an animal could have done.
  41. We shouted. We've got company. And we ran through the darkness.
  42. Believe you me, it's difficult to do that. You want to be quiet, but you can't.
  43. With our lights flaring around the woods, I at the very back, I was tempted to look around -- look behind, sometimes -- but I saw nothing.
  44. That's incorrect, I saw tell of cultists hanging around. Apparently Guyanese people did their rituals here, I'd later learn.
  45. It took us a while, but we reached a road. We were doubled over and heaving by then.
  46. After that we followed the path back the entrance of the forest.
  47. That was our night.
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