
Indy gets a new job

Sep 27th, 2015
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  1. 21:56 Breard Far off within the depths of the PARSEC base could be found the office of one Commander Breard. It was an odd thing to see anybody personally invited to enter it besides the current Heads of Staff and the very rare UN Inspectors that might come by to check progress per dollar. Today however it would have a guest. The office itself was nothing much to look at.
  2. 21:56 Breard Two simple, yet comfortable seats on either end of the desk littered with paperwork and computing supplies. A standard of PARSEC's logo hung upon the wall, and several photos of various people lined the wall in out-of-frame pictures that stood out upon the grey steel. In this room sat Breard himself.
  3. 21:57 Breard With a push of the intercom's switch on the desk he opened the channel for audio around the base. "Squaddie Indy. You are requested in the Commander's office." he announced and waited.
  4. 22:02 Indy was right at the door within a rather short amount of time, the door opening before the Rhodesian woman. The pictures sure as hell didn't lie. The entire left side of her face- hell, body- was covered in intricate lightning scars that had set into the skin after several strikes, one of her eyes grayed over from the damage. Surviving that it was pretty...
  5. 22:02 Indy ...clear why she walked with a degree of confidence.
  6. 22:02 Indy "You called for me, Commander?"
  7. 22:06 Breard pulled up several manila folders and placed them upon his desk. "Yes. Have a seat, I've some things I'd like to discuss with you." he said. His lack of much facial experessings was made up for with his calm, yet commanding tone of voice.
  8. 22:08 *** Sylum is now known as Destinox
  9. 22:09 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  10. 22:09 Indy took to her seat, putting out her hands together on the desk while she kept her eyes focused on the Commander, hinting that she still had some semblance of sight in the left eye. Enough for depth perception at the least.
  11. 22:18 *** AnnaClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  12. 22:21 Breard "I've been through your files thoroughly. From what I've read, your injuries did not slow you in your work with Chimera, despite having such an intense injury repeated time after time." he spoke, staring with eyes that could not be seen under his brows before starting again. "Would you say that you are still capable of intense work to this day?"
  13. 22:24 --- Destinox is away (Anyone needs me say my name)
  14. 22:24 Indy "Yes. The injuries did little to deter me other than impairing my ability to drive, and recently thanks to some medical benefits that were leftover I've gotten some treatments to lessen the issues. In a year or so I might get my left eye all the way back."
  15. 22:26 Indy "I managed to reach the highest level of one of the commando squads back in Chimera even with the lightning strikes. I won't be a liability, Commander."
  16. 22:28 Indy spoke with what resembled an English or Australian accent, although it had its own inflection that set it apart just enough to be noticeable.
  17. 22:30 Breard slid one of the folders over to Indy. It was labeled as 'Past employment'. "I am aware. You're skilled in many fields if these reports are correct, but I'd like to know...Why did you accept a transfer with PARSEC?"
  18. 22:34 Indy "I was about on my way out of there as it was. Don't get me wrong, they make damn good soldiers from the buffers that get higher up, but there wasn't much left for me to do and dealing with metas isn't something I exactly cherish."
  19. 22:36 Indy "Figured I might get more done with this. If there's something coming out there I'd rather be ready to put my skills to use instead of meandering around Neon when shit goes down."
  20. 22:40 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  21. 22:42 *** Eridana quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  22. 22:44 Breard "I see. It sounds like you have your priorities in order, as I'd expect. Your training here will be different than what you were used to. Metahumans are not our concern, but you may well see things that you will not forget. You will fight things far beyond what you've ever seen. Does this worry you?" he asked, his tone flat.
  23. 22:49 Indy "Frankly, no. I've been surprised a lot in my life. Seen a lot of things most people don't see. I don't see any reason to stop now, especially if I can do some good with it."
  24. 22:54 Leagues barged into the office, "Then you better look forward to the next month, soldier." He slams all the recorded information from his previous interrogation on Breard's desk and salutes. "Sir!"
  25. 22:55 Breard "That's very good. After reviewing your skills, and hearing those words I've deci-" he suddenly stopped mid-sentence at the interruption. "CO. At ease. Tell me what all of this is and why it is on my desk before I even get the chance to read this file." he said, reaching for the file.
  26. 22:56 Leagues "Sir, the Dr. Pepper worked. And it yielded all kinds of results."
  27. 22:58 Indy "Oh dear."
  28. 22:58 Leagues was breathing rather hard, his helmet was fogging up.
  29. 22:59 Leagues "That....That slimy eel bastard."
  30. 23:00 Leagues "It was a pleasure cutting him open...."
  31. 23:00 Leagues still had the scalpels in his lab coat.
  32. 23:01 --- Destinox is back
  33. 23:02 Breard popped open the folder and began reading intently. Probably. You can't actually tell. "Hrm, as expected. I want a team of field agents on this Destinox undercover. Prepare another team to search for odd happenings within Neon City and have medical records of the past three months sent to me from every hospital in that area.
  34. 23:02 Breard Now. There had better be something more important in this report that warrents an interruption."
  35. 23:06 Leagues "Already ahead of you sir. He thought he'd walk out of this facility Scott free....But that' behind me! Us! T-There's something more...."
  36. 23:06 Leagues "That machine remains we picked up..."
  37. 23:06 Leagues "He had info on it. Very useful info"
  38. 23:06 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  39. 23:10 Leagues "There's more if it apparently."
  40. 23:11 Leagues "And they're all very well capable of decimating Neon City in groups if the power of that so called 'Scout' is anything to worry about."
  41. 23:11 Breard "I see that. A month before some probable activity.." he closed the folder. "Squaddie, you'll have to pardon that interruption. I've decided to reassign you. From this point on you'll be referred to as 'Specialist', you'll be the first member of a new task force. An incoming threat needs to be seen to."
  42. 23:13 Indy immediately got into the swing of things. "Whats the threat?"
  43. 23:13 Leagues settles down with his panicked breathing, talking to himself a bit, "Purifiers...."
  44. 23:17 Breard "An alien machine race known as the Purifiers apparently. The culprit of a recent attack in Neon City. You may have heard information regarding it...Do we know what they want? Any potential weaknesses to exploit? They don't look the diplomatic type judging by their 'Scout'."
  45. 23:22 Indy "Well, shit- Anything on that front?" Indy looked over to Leagues
  46. 23:23 Leagues loks at Indy, "This city was deemed impure. " He points a scalpel at Indy. "So we're gonna have you shoot them enough times to think otherwise."
  47. 23:23 Leagues "We have a month."
  48. 23:30 Breard cupped his hands on his desk and leaned forward. "That means we have the advantage of being able to prepare. Continue world surveillance for now, and double the PT schedule. See if the labs can reformat the shell from the Scout into anything useful." he said, directed at Leagues. "I want task-force Ghost re-established. Specialist Indy will take the first
  49. 23:30 Breard role. Inform me of any other potential candidates for this squad. We'll need full infantry might in the coming days, and I assume the Specialist has no problems with her new role."
  50. 23:30 Indy "I think that I have my work pretty clear ahead of me."
  51. 23:32 Leagues salutes one more time, "Sir! I'll get right on it." He turns to leave. "Get ready rookie. You came during the best time for this organization." He walks out of the office.
  52. 23:33 Breard "If you've no questions then you are dismissed, Specialist. I suggest you rest and prepare for new orders soon." his tone of voice never changed throughout the conversation.
  53. 23:37 Indy "I'll get to work, Commander" Indy replied before getting right up.
  54. 23:42 Breard shot a quick salute before returning to his paperwork.
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