
Final piece

Mar 16th, 2014
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  1. None of this mattered though, as Sunflower and Richard exchanged soft smiles as the scrapping of metal upon the blue willow pattern plates filled the air. Each tender piece of meat was savored and enjoyed, and through the course of the meal, the two young ones exchanged glances and smiles. Sometimes Sunflower would find herself giggling for a unknown reason, other times Richard would find himself smiling softy toward the girl sitting across from him. It was a wonderful feeling.
  3. Finally the last piece of meat had been consumed and the last drop of port had been drank and a feeling of warmth and contend spread over the two. It seemed the time for the two to part ways was quickly approaching, but then a brass band came onto the stage, once the members where settled a slow waltz filled the air.
  5. Richard sensing the time was right, walked up to Sunflower and offered her his hand, and with a smile upon the bow of his lip said. “May I have this dance?” He said trying to project the air of refined gentleman, he failed though and his tongue caused his words to trip. Never before had he found himself waiting with baited breath as he held out his hand, praying to the blessed mother that the lass he spent the few hours talking to would find it fitting to take him up on his offer.
  7. Taking a deep breath, Sunflower placed her hand in his hand, and then slowly rising from her chair with as much social grace a girl who’s taken a few glass’s of wine could muster she joined her new found friend on the dance floor. The lights then dimmed around them and a soft melody filled the air as the other couples around them started to move softy, swing there hips and swaying gently with the softy melody.
  12. Midway through there dance, Richard took a deep breath and reached around Sunflowers waist, the young girl, still enchanted by the sound of the music, the feeling of being held tight and now feeling the effects of her two glass’s of wine she had along with the beef, did not seem to notice the boys her round bottom, till through the satin fabric she felt a sudden squeeze and then with the furry of hell breaking lose its chains, her eyes shut open.
  14. For a long minute she peered toward the boy, her eyes had narrowed and in the faint light one could clearly see a faint blush glowing from one cheek, across the bridge of her nose till it finally reached the other one. Richard sensing he might have acted a little too quick, only stood there, smiling like a naughty child who had been caught with his hand down in the cookie jar.
  16. “A nice hand full.” He said smiling softy, trying to break the sudden tension that had flooded over them. The look on Sunflowers face worried him a little, the girls he knew would groan and press there chest to his once he reached over and squeezed there nice, plump bottoms. From there they would kiss and one thing would lead to another.
  18. Sunflower blinked and blinked again, Then without warning she lifted her hand and quickly brought it across the young mans face, a loud slapping sound filled the grounds. She felt offend, enraged and oddly enough pleased that he had done the deed.
  20. Richard hissed as he felt the glove hand striking his cheeks, quickly he stepped back and raised his hand to the offended cheek bone. He was stunned and a little shocked. For a minute he just stood there, the hair upon his back stood up as he felt there eyes being cast upon him. Quickly the boy took a deep breath and gathering the last of his courage, his calm and social grace he fled into the shadows of the night. Shame and shock had put the young man to flight.
  22. Sunflower could only smirk as she watched the young boy take flight, the sting in her bottom had now mellowed out a bit and the young women could not help but poke out her chest, straighten her back and put on a proud display. Quickly she turned around and then much to her horror she found her mother, standing before her, holding what appeared to be a large wooden hairbrush. The kind she had used upon her behind only a fortnight ago.
  24. “Meow..” Sunflower said softy as she peered toward her mother, her blood ran cold and her knees started to knock gently together as she peered upward at imposing women. Action on her second nature her hands reached behind her back and cupped her bottom and slowly she started to back away, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck seemed to stand up as she felt the eyes of a dozen or so villagers peering in her general direction. Her ears flushed with color as she picked up faint tail ends of conversations.
  26. “Meow indeed my daughter.” She said taking a deep breath as she reached over and took Sunflower by her wrist. Without a word being spoken she reached into her purse, pulled out a safety pen and lifted the helm of her daughters dress, soon the helm was pinned to the small of her back, exposing her pair of white lacy white panties that she had chosen to wear today. The pair of adult panties made her feel grown up.
  28. Once the dress had been lifted up, Sunflowers mother guided her daughter toward a unfolded garden chair, her mother quickly seats herself upon the chair and her daughter soon finds herself being hauled over her mothers lap.
  30. “We’ll young lady,” Her mother said taking a deep breath as she bent down and fished out a large wooden hairbrush from her purse. “I hope your happy, you wanted to be the center of attention it seemed, and now it seems your wish is going to be granted.” She mused as she hoisted the wooden brush high into the nights air.
  32. “Honesty, slapping a young man, who was kind enough to dance with you, how to expected to become a proper lady if you go around slapping all the boys of the village.” Scolded her mother as she brought the brush down upon her bottom, sending a sudden wave of sting rolling into her bottom.
  33. “The boy touched my bottom!” Bellowed Sunflower as she peered toward her mother, who was now sitting like a queen upon her throne, her back leaning totally back upon the high back of the chair.
  35. “A lady should know, how to deal with that, without having to result to slapping somebody across the face with her open palm.” She said smacking her bottom again, sending another wave of sting rolling into her bottom and adding a splash of color to her pale backside. Another stroke of the wooden brush came sailing down, smacking her bottom again, and again and again, each well timed, well placed stroke caused tiny hairs on the back of Sunflowers neck stand on there ends.
  37. Each second after that little statement brought a rain of hot, peppering, stinging brush smacks upon her bottom, with each pass of the wooden the round bottom cheeks, wiggled and turned a deeper shade of red, soon they had changed from a light pink color to a crisp, almost pastel pink color. The amount of crying, sniffing and begging coming from the one seated upon the lap, that she spanking was indeed doing its job.
  39. “Mommy!” Screamed Sunflower as she tried to reach over and shield her bottom from the falling wooden brush that was now blistering her bottom, her thighs where now coming under the rule of the wooden brush, the flat wooden surface smacked and smacked them over and over again, causing a deep red blush to spread from her thighs and to finally connected with the blush that had settled into her upper bottom.
  41. “I’m sorry Sunflower, but you have to learn, you have to learn how to be a proper lady.” Scolded her mother as she kept the brush in motion, striking her bottom again and again and again. The crowds around her where now blushing, some of the ladies had even raised there hands up to there mouths in a vane hope of hiding there giggles.
  43. “Sorry is not good enough my daughter.” Commented her mother adding a few more strokes of the brush to the already raging inferno of her bottom. The once soft cream colored bottom was now glowing bright, with a few splash’s of dark red starting to form around the tops. The will of her mother was waving now, deep within her heart she knew part of the spanking was unjust and her daughter ad acted within her rights, but still such a display could no go unpunished.
  45. Sunflowers face was now dripping with tears, her once neat ponytail was quickly becoming ragged and the heat in her bottom was causing her to wiggle like a worm hooked to the fishermen’s hook. Her mother words cut her like a knife too and caused her to feel so little she wished the earth would open up under so she might hide deep within it.
  47. Her mother for her credit though, thought it would be best to bring the spanking to a end now, and sot he final dozen smacks where delivered in quick succession. Bringing the spanking to a stinging end.. Her mother took a deep breath and without saying another scolding word she started to rub her bottom, softy at first, a minute passed in this manner before she picked up her daughter and snuggled her.
  49. “Now,” her mother said shaking her head as she placed her daughter on the ground, “I want you go and sit down and think about what you have done.” She said signing as she stood up and patted her daughter once more on the head. “Seems you’ve suffered a fete worst than death. And you need time to recover.” She said smiling at her own pun.
  51. The End~
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