
Sunnybrook ic5, Jul 18-26

Jul 26th, 2015
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  1. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jul 19 06:06:35 2015
  3. * Now talking on #Sunnybrook-IC5
  4. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 is: Runs, Non-canon, Surplus, and training
  5. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 set by SirGoldFish (Mon Jul 13 14:40:29 2015)
  6. * Kioku has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  7. * Revlar has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  8. * TheTrueDice has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  9. * Uravlar ( has joined
  10. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  11. * Rose27 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  12. * UltimixRed has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  13. * LipstickThespian ( has joined
  14. * LipstickThespian ( has left
  15. * LipstickThespian ( has joined
  16. * You are now known as Kioku
  17. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Kioku
  18. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  19. * Kioku has changed the topic to: IC5 | Distant-Past Scenes, Overflow and Run Overflow
  20. <LipstickThespian> She took a breath and looked at the hallway in front of her. Lilith had made good progress that day, both in forgetting her circumstances and cleaning the halls. It wasn't much, but she was trying to do everything she could to help out. Anything besides sitting around and thinking about. Pull the broom down to put the handle into her shoulder and brace it against her brace covered
  21. <LipstickThespian> arm, she started to slowly sweep the next hallway.
  22. <Uravlar> A shouting match is happening in a room connected to this hall. It is quickly over, however, as one of the parties leaves the room and slams the door on their way out. The woman has a scowl on her face of late thirties, maybe early forties years. Her blond hair is gathered into a braided bun, and she's wearing some sort of anachronistic waistcoat that ends in a long skirt. She turns to walk down the hall, her arms crossed, but
  23. <Uravlar> stops at the sight of Lilith, and her expression brightens considerably. She swiftly approaches, in measured steps.
  24. <LipstickThespian> Lilith slows her sweeping as she hears the shouting. As the door opens she fully stops and looks at the woman with curious eyes. She hadn't seen her around, a new face for her to try and impress. Luckily she had gotten good at wrapping her scarfs around her head with one good arm. Her eyes track the woman coming closer.
  25. * UltimixRed has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  26. <Uravlar> "Oh! You must be Lilith!" She says, almost gushing. She reaches Lilith and cups her cheek with her hand, maybe holding herself back from pinching. "Let me see your face, darling, you are adorable. What are you doing out here?" She asks, turning Lilith's head to see it from an angle.
  27. <LipstickThespian> Lilith perks up as she hears her name. Pulling away gently at the touch on her cheek but resigning to it being there after the initial reaction. "I am," she starts to say as her head is turned to the side. There's a few seconds as she is inspected, "just sweeping the hallway."
  28. <Uravlar> "Oh my, you shouldn't be doing such work with your arm as it is! Who put you up to it? I'll give them a talking to." She pulls away, taking a step back to wait for an answer, her well-manicured nails tapping on the crook of her elbow, as she has crossed her arms once more.
  29. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  30. <LipstickThespian> Lilith turns her head back and reaches up to check on her hijab after the touch, just to make sure it's aligned right. "I volunteered to do it Miss," she says with as much formality as she can muster.
  31. <Uravlar> "I see. Would you like some tea, dear? We'll head over to put that thing away..." she points at the broom. "And we'll get some sweets. Would you like that?"
  32. <LipstickThespian> Lilith perks up a bit as she listens. "Okay! I would like that, yes." She adjusts so she can grab her broom and hold it up to carry.
  33. <Uravlar> The woman walks over to Lilith's side and places her hand on Lilith's shoulder, leading her to the janitor's closet. "My name is Frederike, Frederike Vogler. It is nice to meet you in person, darling. Tell me, what kind of sweet would you like?"
  34. * UltimixRed has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  35. <LipstickThespian> Lilith lets herself be lead and puts her broom up when they get there. "I am Lilith Al'Khoury," she says after getting Frederike's name. "I really like tarts Miss Fred-ar-eek," it's a bit of a butcher of the name but she gets the general concept. "What do you like?"
  36. <Uravlar> "Oh, I am not picky, but I am partial to cream puffs. It is irony that such light delicacies are fattening. I'd eat them everyday, I admit." Once they reach the janitor's closet, she opens it for Lilith. "Why do you cover your hair, dearie?"
  37. <LipstickThespian> Lilith listens to her and a small laugh comes out as she talks about the cream puffs. She slots the broom in it's rightful spot as she answers, "I wear it in observance of Allah, to be modest for him."
  38. <Uravlar> "Oh." She seems to freeze a little, but she plays it off by examining the closet's door. "I see. So you observe the teachings of Islam? How interesting," she adds, her expression now quite faked, hiding pity.
  39. <LipstickThespian> After she finishes hanging the broom up with her good arm, Lilith slips back out of the closet and into the hallway. "I do observe them, yes," she says with a smile on her face. She seems to glaze over the change of tone from Frederiek.
  40. <LipstickThespian> rike*
  41. * DrabberRogue (Tommy@38.89.i.js) has joined
  42. <Uravlar> "Oh, we should hurry," she says, pulling Lilith along. "We'll see if we can get some of those tarts you like, and you can tell me all about it." As you rush past the big set of windows at the back of headquarters, people running the training course fall into view, and Frederike pointedly ignores them.
  43. <LipstickThespian> Lilith is pulled along by Frederike down the hall. "Okay, I would like that." She watches the people in the training course, she had caught herself watching through those windows a few times. It looked so taxing, like a real challenge.
  44. <Uravlar> "Hmm, like what?" Frederike asks, looking forward as is proper while one walks. Her back is straight and her steps, as before, measured.
  45. <LipstickThespian> "To talk," Lilith says as she watches the windows dissapear behind them. "I have not had much chance since I came here. Why do they train so hard Miss Friedrerike? I see them back there often." She turns the conversation quickly from one thing to the next.
  46. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  47. <Uravlar> "They 'are' rescue workers, dear. Most of them ex-military too. They have to keep in shape if they want to do their job right," she explains with a smile. "If a child is trapped, it's their duty to set them free. If they're hurt, however, there's not much they can do other than first-aid. That's why we try to collaborate with hospitals, but it's difficult for people to accept us and our methods."
  48. * UltimixRed has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  49. <LipstickThespian> Lilith listens along as they glide down the hallway. "Why would people not accept aid workers? It is such good work, to help those in need."
  50. <Uravlar> "Well, you have heard of Marcell's power, I assume. His is a little easier to deal with, because it's so clearly meant for good, but mine, to transport people and things from one place to another, it raises eyebrows. How do you explain children from all races, most who cannot speak the language of the land, being brought to a hospital, most times without their parents. It's a difficult proposition for even the most even-handed of
  51. <Uravlar> physicians."
  52. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  53. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jul 19 12:44:55 2015
  55. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jul 19 12:45:33 2015
  57. * Now talking on #Sunnybrook-IC5
  58. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 is: IC5 | Distant-Past Scenes, Overflow and Run Overflow
  59. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 set by Kioku! (Sun Jul 19 11:28:58 2015)
  60. * Kioku has quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Muninn!
  61. * You are now known as Kioku
  62. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Kioku
  63. <Uravlar> "Money is not easy to come by, child. Not by legal means, in any case, and we have vowed to steel our moral character to our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. We cannot afford to hire enough physicians and to gather the supplies needed, our facilities here are only meant for the rescue workers."
  64. <LipstickThespian> Lilith seems to get held up at the decleration of allegience. She seems a bit unsettled by the sudden showing of moral background. "Oh," she says curtly as she tries to move past it, "maybe you could find volunteers?"
  65. <Uravlar> "We have tried in the past, but without facilities and equipment, we cannot house them or make use of them. That is why we have alligned ourselves with the GWU, even though we see their batlant disregard for the lives of children."
  66. <Uravlar> blatant*
  67. <Uravlar> "The Global Watch Unit has promised us much if we help them find children like you, and like I once was."
  68. <LipstickThespian> Lilith nods her head, "it is complicated then. Is it not?" She glances up to look at Frederike and try and read her thoughts on their conversation.
  69. <Uravlar> Frederike seems happy enough to discuss this. You can, however, see the topic's effect on her brow, as stress makes her furrow it.
  70. <LipstickThespian> "I am sorry for asking so many questions," Lilith says to her. "You can tell me if it is annoying."
  71. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  72. <Uravlar> "Not at all," she responds, directing a smile at the curious girl. Eventually the pair reach Frederike's quarters, where a table is set for one. The ceiling is criss-crossed by hanging fabrics of multiple colors, and light is filtered through them to form a strange, airy atmosphere. Frederike hurries along to prepare a set of utensils for Lilith, and puts water to boil on a particularly powerful electric heater. "Feel free to ask
  73. <Uravlar> any questions from me. There aren't any stupid ones, in this world of ours."
  74. * UltimixRed has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
  75. * Endtop ( has joined
  76. * You are now known as Kioku_no_Yume
  77. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  78. * UltimixRed has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  79. * Endtop is now known as Lunchorb
  80. * Lunchorb is now known as Endtop
  81. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  82. * UltimixRed has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  83. * SavanahHolland has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  86. * FakemixRed ( has joined
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  91. <Endtop> Malissa walks back into the courtyard. She had just helped an angel learn to seduce her boyfriend, and she felt good. She stops in the courtyard once again to feel the cold on her exposed skin, stretching her arms a little, her wings fluttering slightly.
  92. <FakemixRed> The cold air on Malissa's skin gets, more intense as a certain Eira was passing through the courtyard, her nose stuck in a textbook about geology. She has a backpack about twice her size and full of textbooks "Water beats rock...guess that explains my confusion on pokemon." shemutters
  93. <Endtop> Malissa rubs her arms at she sudden increase in chill, but when she see Eira, she decides that her soical priorities are more importants. Especially since she's never heard of one of her kind freezing before. She does her usual routine with the appropriate pauses "Hi, I'm Malissa. Nice to meet you. Which dorm do you live in?"
  94. <FakemixRed> Eira looks up from her textbook, grateful for the reprieve "I'm Eira, the Strongest, I live in that dorm." she points to the same dorm as Malissa's and conveniently everyone else's. The cold air increases as she gets near the small girl
  95. <Endtop> "You seem to be sending shivers down my spine; in the good way. And you say you're the strongest? Well, I hope that comes with great endurance. I guess we'll just had to find out" Malissa puts a hand on Eira's shoulder. Sees she's a bit riled up from teaching Nadia how to seduce
  96. <FakemixRed> Eira gives a wide grin "My endurance is top notch! So by finding out you mean like with fists? because that's my favorite way of bonding." she speaks enthusiastically and bounces while she talks. As her energy increases, the air around her lowers in temperature
  97. <Endtop> "Well, let's work our way up. How about we start with something above the shoulders?" Malissa leans in close, staring at her with those entrancing eyes
  98. <FakemixRed> Eira is not one to really focus on such things "Head shots? Those are pretty dangerous since bone tends to cut into knuckles quite deep. But if you're really confident in yourself I don't mind." she shrugs /This girl has a weird fighting style I guess/
  99. <Endtop> "I wasn't talking about fighting. I was thinking something more intimate" Malissa is a bit more relentless than she really should be
  100. * Endtop has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  101. * Endorb is now known as Chorb
  102. <FakemixRed> Eira looks at her with wide eyes "Do you're going to go to jail with me? That's a bit too intimate for me on the first meeting, I'm sorry." she shakes her head at Malissa
  103. * Chorb is now known as GoneOrb
  104. <GoneOrb> "No. I was thinking we could do something in the bedroom. Something /fun/."
  105. <FakemixRed> Eira was thinking about what was in her bedroom "We're gonna make popsicles? that sure is fun but not exactly intimate. "
  106. <GoneOrb> "Well, that does sound interesting, but I was thinking we could enjoy eachother's company /in/ the bed"
  107. <FakemixRed> Eira looks weirded out now "You want to play in a cryochamber? Are you some sort of moron? You'd freeze before you even got to eat one of the popsicles."
  108. <GoneOrb> "..." Malissa just needs a second to recover. "If you sleep in a cryochamber, maybe we should go to my bed instead. It'll be much more comfortable"
  109. * You are now known as Kioku
  110. <FakemixRed> Eira puts away her textbook in her backpack and folds her arms "I doubt it, all the other rooms are too damn warm for my taste."
  111. <GoneOrb> "Oh, you'll feel a /nice warmth/ wherever we are. I can assure you of that" Malissa puts a hand on Eira's shoulder
  112. <FakemixRed> Eira shakes off the hand with a scowl "I don't want to feel a nice warmth, all warmth is just annoying to me."
  113. <GoneOrb> Malissa is slowly losing her cool "D-do you really have no idea what I'm saying?" ~*nobody* can be this clueless about sex, can they?~
  114. <FakemixRed> "I do, you want to get me all warm in your room, which is really no fun at all for me." Eira shakes her head as she starts walking away
  115. * Rose27 ( has joined
  116. * SavanahHolland has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  117. * GoneOrb is now known as SupperOrb
  118. * You are now known as Kioku_no_Yume
  119. * SupperOrb is now known as Endorb
  120. * SavanahHolland ( has joined
  121. <LipstickThespian> As Lilith follows her in her eyes flow about the room and the quite unique decorations about it. Her smile grows as she notices the wonderful atmostphere in the room and how unique it is. She stands at the side of the room and watches her prepare things, not wanting to be forward in sitting down. "Does it make you sick too?" She asks, it had been on her tongue for a while, "when you
  122. <LipstickThespian> make people go places."
  123. <Uravlar> "How did you guess?" She stops what she's doing to look at Lilith with her hands on her hips. "Did Gesundheit tell you?"
  124. <LipstickThespian> Lilith shakes her head quickly, "no! No. It is just one time you did it for me and I got very sick from it. A horrible feeling in my stomach." She glances to the floor, "I do not mean disrespect. I just wondered."
  125. <Uravlar> She sighs. "It was much worse when I was a wee slip of girl, you know? It would leave me sick in bed for sometimes more than a day."
  126. <LipstickThespian> "So why do you still do it?" Lilith says, "surely something that hurts you in such a way should not be needed that much."
  127. <Uravlar> "Oh, swore off using my powers a long time ago, but Marcell found out about them and asked for my help. I realized God must have given this to me for a reason, and now I use it for good. I cannot think of anything more good than to help the innocent."
  128. <Uravlar> I swore*
  129. <LipstickThespian> "It is the most pure of endeavors for one to set themselves to. Inshallah, I will do it when I am older." Lilith says as she starts to fiddle with the loose clothes they had scrounged up for her. "It is selfless of you to put yourself in harm for the sake of others."
  130. <Uravlar> "I am glad you agree." Frederike fills their cups and sits, holding her own to her lips and drinking with a smile. "I hope you like green tea."
  131. <LipstickThespian> Lilith follows over and sits down across from her at the small table. "I love all tea," she says as she picks up her cup and takes a sip. Letting out a small breath of enjoyment she says, "thank you for this Miss Fred-are-eek"
  132. * Endorb is now known as SupperOrb
  133. <LipstickThespian> "May I ask," Lilith says as she holds her cup in her lap to try and use it as a shield. "Is it the whole orginization that, er, follows such teachings?" Her face is a little somber about the question and her toes tap the floor with an impatience.
  134. <Uravlar> "What teachings? Are you asking if the whole organization is christian? If so, yes, very much so. We do all go to the nearby chapel on sundays, as well. I hope it's no trouble for you."
  135. <LipstickThespian> "No, it is not," Lilith says back to her quickly. Though it shows very obviously on her face and the tension in her shoulders that yes it very much is some trouble for her. "Is it required?"
  136. <Uravlar> Frederike smiles very widely as she answers, quickly and concise. Any curiosity on the topic is good. Maybe a conversion will be possible after all.
  137. <Uravlar> She frowns, after hearing Lilith's response. "I am sorry, dearie, but we can't leave you here alone. It is not safe. For you or for us."
  138. <LipstickThespian> Lilith glances down as she hears this, "please do not be offended in this question Miss Fred-er-eek. Will I be made to participate?"
  139. <Uravlar> "Not if you don't want to, dear. I'm sure everyone will understand if you explain," she says, placing her hand on Lilith's knee under the table.
  140. <LipstickThespian> "Thank you for understanding," Lilith says with a bit of a smile as she feels the reassuring hand. "I do not mean to only talk to you about such sensitive subjects. I apologize for this."
  141. <Uravlar> "It is fine, dearie. I have no problem with it, I just wish you would give it a bit of a chance. You know what they say, don't knock it till you try it." She sips her tea after saying this, looking down at the liquid. "But I can understand your reasons, so don't take it too personally."
  142. <LipstickThespian> Lilith looks, well, a bit on edge as the girl talks. She turns her cup in her lap as she answers, "I do not think I need to give it a chance. Thank you for the offer, it is just not for me Miss Fred-er-eek."
  143. <Uravlar> Frederike pats her on the knee, a bit of a grimace on her face. "I see."
  144. <Uravlar> She withdraws her hand.
  145. <LipstickThespian> Lilith feels a sinking in her stomach as the hand retreats. "I am sorry, please do not be mad. Mister Gesundheit told me I should try and earn the approval of everyone, as I am a guest. Please do not take my mistrust of your Religion as a reason to harm our relationship!"
  146. * SupperOrb is now known as Endorb
  147. <Uravlar> "I am not mad, Lilith, just disappointed. It will pass, I hope. I do not see reason to mistrust the church. Please do not voice such sentiments to me. It has done much good for all of us here, and for children like you."
  148. <LipstickThespian> Lilith sets her cup down on the table and starts to fidget with the bottom of her shirt. "I would think such good would still happen," there's a bit of rising anger in her voice. She's too comfortable here.
  149. <Uravlar> "I was rescued by a man of the church, may he be in heaven, and Gesundheit is his son. Don't insult his legacy, dear, I beg of you."
  150. <LipstickThespian> Lilith just fiddles with her shirt. "I am sorry, I will not. Please forgive me for acting this way." It sounds like someone asking for forgiveness out of formality. She stands up from the table and pushes her chair in. "Thank you for the tea, I should be going back to my chores. It was nice to meet you Miss."
  151. <Uravlar> "Likewise, Lilith," she says in a single breath, her smile quite faked.
  152. <LipstickThespian> Lilith glances away quickly and heads out of her room. She almost runs down the hall towards the Janitor's closet. She feels sick.
  153. <LipstickThespian> -Scene Crossed-
  154. <Uravlar> It is a few days later, on sunday, that Lilith sees herself as part of the procession to church. She rides on a car driven by Marcell/Gesundheit, sitting on the backseat with Frederike, who fusses over Lilith's appearance. Her lack of clothes on arrival had Frederike scrambling to find some of her old clothes, and now sees Lilith in a light-colored dress covered in hot-air balloons.
  155. <LipstickThespian> Lilith sits looking out the window as much as she can, letting Frederike mess with her outfit as much as she desires. There were no words she could make to say what she felt about the dress, when she had seen it she was sure she was dead. At least she had her own chance at doing her thick brown hair in a nice wave before Frederike had 'fixed' it as well. For her, she is dressed in
  156. <LipstickThespian> almost nothing and feels exposed. "It is such nice country," she comments to the car as she watches the trees go by.
  157. <Uravlar> "Germany is quite beautiful, it's true. The preacher does his sermon in german, darling, so you won't understand much of it now. We'll begin your lessons next week, though, so you can look forward to it."
  158. <Uravlar> Frederike recounts, holding up Lilith's hair to see if maybe it'd look better in a ponytail, but choosing to leave it alone in the end.
  159. <LipstickThespian> "Oh," Lilith answers after listening to the answer. She glances over at Frederike as she messes with her hair, "will you please help me know when to do things? I do not want to be rude and miss a motion."
  160. * SirGoldFish is now known as SGF|glubglub
  161. <Uravlar> "For sure," she says with a big smile. "I'll hold your hand through it and I'll pull on it when we're meant to stand or sit. It will be fun, you'll see. Maybe you'll meet some friends your age! I know there are a few boys..." she adds with a sly grin.
  162. <LipstickThespian> Lilith nods along as it is explained, she put on a smile she was getting used to wearing around the place. Courteous and reserved. She lowers her head and fiddles with the skirt, running a finger on one of the balloons. "I hope I can meet some friends as well, I do not care if they are girl or boy though." Either she missed the intent or is doing it on purpose.
  163. <Uravlar> Their arrival at the church is swift, and Lilith sees herself lost in the throng of people rushing to fill in until Frederike leads her by the hand. They find a seat halfway to the preacher's stand, and Frederike pulls her down to sit next to her.
  164. <Uravlar> Next to Lilith is another girl, one with mousy hair in a long braid.
  165. <LipstickThespian> Lilith keeps her head down as much as she can. There are people seeing her hair loose and so much of her skin. She is feeling more than self concious, she is a little terrified. Her awe at the beauty of the chapel takes her mind off it for a second at least. Her olive skin and foreign features stick out against the sea of parishoners, and Frederike taking her by the hand to sit is
  166. <LipstickThespian> a welcome relief. After sitting down she glances around and settles on the girl next to her. She smiles and holds her hand up. "Hello there," she says in a warm greeting on a cold day.
  167. * EndPhone ( has joined
  168. <Uravlar> The girl turns, adjusting her frameless glasses. "Oh, hello. I haven't seen anyone quite like you here before. Are you new?" Her smile is warm, and you get the feeling she's actually interested in why you look different, in contrast with the strange looks you've been getting from some of the other attendees. Light filters through the chapel's stained glass windows and strikes the girl's glasses just so, making her eyes look a
  169. <Uravlar> different color from whichever angle she looks. The effect is quite beautiful.
  170. <LipstickThespian> Lilith can't help but feel a little bit of a jump in her heartbeat as she finally takes in the girl. She looks different than some of the girl's she had seen around the church. Attactive, stunning, just a little more than cute. She takes her hand and gives it a careful handshake. "It is my first time, yes. I have been invited, and taken here, by Miss Frederike." She motions a hand
  171. <LipstickThespian> to her side to indicate this. Her large smile is now genuine and beaming.
  172. * SGF|glubglub is now known as SirGoldFish
  173. <Uravlar> Frederike turns as her name is mentioned. "Oh, hello there Sarah. Is your mother here with you?" she asks, placing a hand on Lilith's shoulder.
  174. <Uravlar> Sarah shakes her head no. "She had an appointment today, miss."
  175. <LipstickThespian> Lilith glances between the two, she's grown used to Frederike's literal guiding hand at this point. It's hard for her to not try and steal a few glances at Sarah, the teenage body is drawn to it's own desires.
  176. <Uravlar> "Lilith, this is Sarah. You're lucky we ran into her, she'd probably one of the few people here that speaks english. Her family moved here a few years ago from the United Kingdom."
  177. <LipstickThespian> "It is nice to meet you Sarah," Lilith says. "I am glad we can speak a common language."
  178. <Uravlar> Frederike explains with a genuine smile. "I'm sure you can get together and talk after the service. Wouldn't that be nice?"
  179. <LipstickThespian> "I would enjoy that Miss Frederike," Lilith says glancing over at her. "If Sarah would not mind."
  180. <Uravlar> "Oh, you're staying for the Sunday School League, too?" Sarah asks, curious. "Are you joining?"
  181. <Uravlar> "And of course I wouldn't mind. You seem nice," she adds with a smile, closing her eyes to add to the expression.
  182. * UltimixRed has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  183. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  184. <LipstickThespian> Lilith looks a little taken back by the comment, she has some idea of the concept. Turning she looks at Frederike. "What is this Sunday School League Miss Frederike?"
  185. <Uravlar> "Oh, it is a sports team funded by the church. I'm afraid you can't join properly without being baptized first, but I'm sure they'll let you watch," the older woman explains.
  186. <Uravlar> "You haven't been baptized," asks Sarah.
  187. * UltimixRed has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  188. * UltimixRed ( has joined
  189. <LipstickThespian> Lilith nods her head to Frederike then turns back to Sarah, glancing away at the floor as she answers. "No, I have not, sorry." There's a little bit of regret in her voice, either because she's forgone eternal salvation or her chances with Sarah are shrinking.
  190. <Uravlar> "That's fine, I wasn't baptized when I was a baby either. I only joined the church two years ago when... when my mom did," she says, her voice a little strained near the end. "You can always ask the priest after service, and he'll do it next sunday. They don't baptize babies in this church, anyways. 'only believer's baptism is true baptism'," she adds with a giggle, mimicking someone's voice, probably the preacher.
  191. * You are now known as Kioku
  192. <LipstickThespian> Katlyn listens to her and nods along with her story. She joins into the small giggle, catching it from Sarah happily. "I will have to consider it then. We will talk before your league, if that is okay? Or will there be no time?"
  193. <Uravlar> "There will be, don't worry," she assures Lilith, patting her on the arm. At that moment, the preacher takes his stand and begins talking in german.
  194. <LipstickThespian> Lilith turns to hide her smile at the touch and watches the preacher. She slips her hand over to take Frederike's so she doesn't miss a cue.
  195. <Uravlar> It is only a few minutes later that she pulls on Lilith's hand to stand, the entire congregation following, and then to sit after a few more words are uttered in a language Lilith doesn't understand. The entirety of the service continues in much the same way, until the preacher asks if anyone if they want to receive the eucharist, at which point many people rise, including Sarah.
  196. <Uravlar> If anyone present wants*
  197. <LipstickThespian> Lilith follows along, only a half second slower than everyone else. She tries her best to keep her eyes and mind on the ceremony but finds herself slipping into day dreams every now and then. A few looks at Sarah as she gets up and down are only helping to fuel them. She watches the girl get up and just takes a moment to enjoy her figure, glancing at Frederike to see what this part
  198. <LipstickThespian> means.
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  200. <Uravlar> Frederike notices her interest and attempts to explain. "It is a sacrament in which the person receives the body and blood of Christ." Lilith sees as Sarah receives a piece of consecrated, unleavened bread in her mouth, and is given a sip of wine. "It is a symbol of the last supper and Jesus' sacrifice," Frederike finishes, patting Lilith on the hand. "It is optional except during a person's holy communion."
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  202. <LipstickThespian> Lilith watches the girl walk up to receive it. More at her legs than anything else. She might be taking a few too many cursory peeks at her. "Oh," Lilith says in answer to Frederike, "thank you for explaining this to me."
  203. <Uravlar> Frederike doesn't really notice Lilith's gaze. She doesn't even fathom the possibility that Lilith might be gay. She nods with a smile and continues to observe the proceedings. Eventually, Sarah return to her seat, a little subdued.
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  207. <LipstickThespian> Lilith watches her return and waits until she is sitting to lean over to talk to her in a quiet whisper. "Is this your holy communion?" She repeats what she's just heard to try and connect to Sarah on some level.
  208. <Uravlar> Sarah shakes her head. "No, that was last year. I try to take the offer whenever I can, though," she whispers back, pretending to still have her attention on the preacher.
  209. <LipstickThespian> "Oh," Lilith says as she tries to wrap her head around all these foreign concepts. "May I ask, why you take it then?" Her eyes glance to the preacher but the German drips over her and washes off.
  210. <Uravlar> "Well, it's the right thing to do, I guess..." she blushes as she says this, the blush extending to her neck. "There's... not much to it."
  211. <LipstickThespian> "I am sorry," Lilith says as she watches the blush. "I did not mean to cause you distress." It's instinctive for her hand to reach over and try and take Sarah's. To try and give her some calm.
  212. <Uravlar> Sarah shakes her head, smiling through the blush. "It's fine, don't worry about it." She takes Lilith's offer and wraps her small, dainty hand around Lilith's in a single movement. She doesn't seem to think much of it, but her blush does stay for a few minutes.
  213. <LipstickThespian> Lilith turns away from the girl and back to the preacher. She keeps her hand there, at least it's something to occupy her time and thoughts with. After some more sermon she starts to rub her thumb on the back of Sarah's hand, it's idle but enjoyable for her.
  214. <Uravlar> Sarah seems quite distracted by the persistant touch, wiggling her fingers a few times before she gives up and just deals with it. She keeps her eyes on the preacher, but looks at Lilith from the corner of them a few times that she manages to catch.
  215. <LipstickThespian> Lilith eventually gives up holding Frederike's hand, relying only on Sarah's to know the motions. It's a nice memory of a gentler time, and she quickly forgets the circumstances that lead here to this place. Far from any home she has known, living with strange people, in a church she doesn't follow. Maybe it shows where she really places her heart, that a friendly girl can make her
  216. <LipstickThespian> forget the troubles of the world.
  217. <Uravlar> Frederike worries a bit when Lilith lets go of her hand, but waves it off when she sees her being such good friends with Sarah already.
  218. <LipstickThespian> Lilith leans over to Sarah and comments during a particularly dull part, "please tell me if I am a nuisance."
  219. <Uravlar> Sarah freezes for a second at the wording, before shaking her head sharply. "Of course you're not," she whispers, quickly.
  220. <Uravlar> Some time later, service ends, and people stand. Some of them group together and begin talking, but most move outside, Sarah included.
  221. <LipstickThespian> Lilith checks with Frederike before she heads outside to see Sarah. She needs air from the stuffy service and maybe get some distance from that horrid droning on preacher. Stepping outside she crosses her arms and steps to the side, looking around for Sarah. At least it's something to occupy her time with.
  222. <Uravlar> Lilith sees a bunch of people she doesn't know before she finds Sarah standing alone, awkwardly rubbing at her arm. A group of teenagers stands just out of earshot, but Lilith can tell Sarah is looking in their direction.
  223. <LipstickThespian> Lilith walks over to Sarah and stands next to her, giving her a quick, "hello Sarah." She stops next to her and looks over at the other group of kids, before she turns to Sarah and asks. "Who are they?"
  224. <Uravlar> Sarah seems startled for a second, but manages a wry smile. "They're also in the league. We don't really hang out, though."
  225. <LipstickThespian> "Why is that?" Lilith says as she steps next to her for presumed warmth. Her eyes glance around at the mingling church-goers before they settle again on the other kids.
  226. <Uravlar> "Ah, well... I do have an accent," she mumbles, very clearly trying to get off without really explaining.
  227. <LipstickThespian> "Surely that can not be it," Lilith says as her smile grows. "It is such a nice thing, your accent. I would find it reason to talk more with you."
  228. <Uravlar> Sarah sighs, fighting down a blush. "I'm sure I sound stupid in german, though I do like compliments..." she smiles, a little smile. "What's your relationship to miss Vogler? Are you related?" she asks, very obviously trying to change the subject.
  229. <LipstickThespian> Lilith smiles as they talk, "at least you can speak the language. Miss Volger is just letting me stay with her, she is very kind to do such a thing. I am lucky to be here now, we have met by fate I would say."
  230. <Uravlar> "Oh, don't exaggerate," she waves off the idea with a giggle and an appropriate hand gesture. "My mom does like her. Mom says miss Vogler is a proper lady. I think she's a little stuck-up, personally."
  231. <LipstickThespian> "She is difficult," Lilith answers Sarah as she turns to fully face her and ignore the other patrons of the church. "Did your Mother and you move here for her work?" She's tried to pay attention to what she can learn about the girl, and wants to act like she's retained it.
  232. <Uravlar> "N-not really. Mum inherited a house here and a bit of money, and after dad... died... we needed both, so we moved." She rubs her arm again, clearly some sort tic.
  233. <LipstickThespian> "I am sorry to hear that," Lilith says as she watches the girl fidget. "Life can be difficult sometimes. I have not had something as difficult as that, so I can not know your pain. I just hope that, now that we have met, I can help you in your happiness in life." She glances to the side and back at her, putting on a smile that is a little more than friendly, "sorry for being so
  234. <LipstickThespian> forward."
  235. <Uravlar> Sarah shakes her head, giving that same smile with her eyes closed from earlier. "It's fine, I think. A bit more honest than I'm used to, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing." She extends her hand again. "My full name is Sarah Dawson."
  236. <LipstickThespian> Lilith reaches over and takes her hand, "I am Lilith Al'Khoury. It is nice to talk to you Sarah." She glances around, "do you have much time before your league? Perhaps we can find a place private to sit and talk. I will admit that some of the looks I have been getting make me uneasy."
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  239. <Uravlar> There are, in fact, quite a few groups of people eyeing Lilith up and whispering, some snippets of which sound most unkind. Sarah nods. "I have a tad over an hour. We could head to the back and hide in one of those confessionals," she adds with a bit of a smirk.
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  241. <LipstickThespian> Lilith nods her head and goes to head back into the church. After they're inside she leans over and whispers as she slows down, "what is a confessional?" She looks a little relieved to be away from the peering eyes, she felt awful with her exposed hair and skin on display for so many peering eyes.
  242. <Uravlar> "It's a big box or a tiny room, depending on your perspective. You sit in it and confess your sins to the priest so he can forgive them in the name of Christ." Sarah leads Lilith to one such confessional and heads in, waving Lilith in.
  243. <LipstickThespian> Lilith glances around and slips into the small room at the girl's motion. She looks around it and takes in all the glory of the teachings of Christ and his small boxes. Stepping as far in to give Sarah room as she can. "This is different," she says, "why do they not just confess to the priest by talking to him?"
  244. <Uravlar> It's a tight fit inside the confessional, but Sarah pats the bit of seat next to her as Lilith enters, and closes the door. "The priest sits on the other side. I guess it's meant to be private. I'm not sure why it's done this way, probably just tradition."
  245. <LipstickThespian> Lilith sits next to her on the small seat. She glances down and remembers exactly the uniqueness of her dress. "Oh," she answers again. "I am sorry for taking you away from everyone else. I have found it hard to find new friends here." There's a second of thought before she reaches over and takes Sarah's hand. No asking, only a gentle grip as she takes it the same way she did
  246. <LipstickThespian> earlier. Now in this small booth it means just a little bit more.
  247. <Uravlar> The way they're sitting almost knee to knee makes the gesture much more visible. "I have been here for longer, but I can relate. I... I haven't had much luck making friends here either."
  248. <LipstickThespian> Lilith nods her head as she starts to take a bit longer to actually look at the glasses wearing girl. Her frail hands and thin body. She wants to actually see her and not just glance at her. "It can be hard when you are," she tries to look for the right word before she says, "different."
  249. <Uravlar> Sarah shakes her head a tad. "I'm sure that's part of it, but here it's... it's more about my mum. She's a recovering alcoholic, and everybody here knows about it. They all pretend to understand, but all I get is pity," Sarah wipes a bit at her face, even though she's not actually crying. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be telling you this, but you'd hear about it eventually."
  250. <LipstickThespian> "We are in the place for confessions," Lilith says with a small giggle. She doesn't like seeing anyone down, especially now. Maybe she's projecting just a little bit. "It is odd they would treat you in such a way for such a thing. I think."
  251. <Uravlar> "It really isn't. She's... very blatant about it. 'Recovering' might be a bit of an overstatement," she laughs. "She doesn't know a lick of german, either. She just gets me to ask anyone for the passage number and reads along in her own bible. People don't like that."
  252. <LipstickThespian> Lilith shifts in her spot, "have you talked to her about these things?
  253. <LipstickThespian> She must know it makes you feel uncomfortable." Her hand has gone back to the idle rubbing on the back of Sarah's hand.
  254. <Uravlar> "I... Well... She does her best. I can't really blame her for not taking church seriously, since she was forced into it by her support group. I took to it much better than she did," Sarah also moves around a bit, the warm, enclosed room giving her a bit of a blush. "I'm not afraid of being alone, just a little sad."
  255. <LipstickThespian> "She is doing her best, then I am happy for her." Lilith watches the girl carefully as the same smile stays on her face. "You should not be sad," she says as she curses internally her cast covered arm stopping her from reaching over. Instead she slips her hand off of Sarah's and slips it up to brush against her cheek and push some hair behind the girl's ear. "You are not alone now."
  256. <Uravlar> Sarah blushes at the delicate touch and squeezes Lilith's hand. "Thanks for listening to me ramble. It's nice to have someone to talk to for a change."
  257. <LipstickThespian> "I am glad I can be there for you," Lilith says as she leans over. It's not a large move, they're already so close in the small confessional. "I am glad I met you Sarah," she says as she leans in and tries to place a kiss on the girl's lips. A natural and organic motion for her, and something she's been in want of for a while now.
  258. <Uravlar> Sarah tries to form a response but her words die in her throat. She freezes in place entirely as Lilith's lips make contact.
  259. <LipstickThespian> Lilith holds her lips against the soft petals of Sarah's for a few seconds. It's not aggressive, gentle and careful. After a moment she breaks off from her and leans back a few inches to look at her, a smile on her face as she lets the warmth wash over her.
  260. <Uravlar> Sarah pulls back almost immediately after Lilith does, hard. The back of her head presses against the thing separation between this side of the confessional and the other. Her frown softens as she sees Lilith's smile. "...I-Is that something normal where you come from, Lilith? Kissing another girl?" she asks, quite a bit hopeful.
  261. <Uravlar> the thin*
  262. <Uravlar> partition*
  263. <LipstickThespian> Lilith watches the quick motion to move away with a tinge of sadness in her throat. She watches Sarah as her mind starts to fret over the details but she can see a bit of hope. She tries to nurture it, "yes." Her words are quiet like she's sharing some big secret. "It is normal for us to share a kiss, did you not enjoy it?" Her hand continues to hold Sarah's and her smile stays for
  264. <LipstickThespian> now.
  265. <Uravlar> "I... I guess it was nice," she reponds with a sigh of relief. "I... I wasn't exactly focused on enjoying it, I'm sad to say. It's not something people will look at with tolerance here, Lilith. I... I guess you can do it in private, if you really need to, but people would definitely have a few words to say about it if they knew... and those wouldn't be nice ones, either."
  266. <LipstickThespian> Lilith listens to her talk and her face starts to sink. Her eyes dart around and settle on the ground as she takes a breath. "I am sorry for it," she says quickly, "I forget about these things some times. I was just caught by your beauty, and I have not spent time with anyone for some time. I guess I just really wanted it for me, and that is selfish." She glances up at her, "please
  267. <LipstickThespian> forgive me?"
  268. <Uravlar> "Oh! D-don't worry! It's part of your culture and I'd never judge for it! All I'm saying is you shouldn't do it in public, at least not here at church. Also, what was that bit about beauty? Can I hear that bit again?"
  269. <Uravlar> Sarah smiles, though it's obviously a bit forced. She's confused by this interaction and clearly trying her hardest to believe it's not what she thinks it is.
  270. <LipstickThespian> Lilith nods along with the instructions, but her smile starts to come back at the end. "Your beauty. When I first saw you in there, the light caught on you in such a way to make me want to talk to you. You have such a lovely face, I wanted to hold it in my hand, and kiss your lips." She's empassioned as she talks, caught up in her feelings.
  271. <Uravlar> Sarah nods along, blushing brightly. "I'm not that pretty, Lilith, you're exaggerating!" She giggles at the compliments, still assuming the kissing thing isn't romantic, though her grip on that is tenuous at best. "You are much prettier, even a bit exotic, maybe."
  272. <LipstickThespian> "Thank you," Lilith says with a nod as she starts to feel more comfortable about. After all they're in a small booth and no one can see them, so they're safe from prying eyes. "You will at least agree that I find you pretty," she says as she leans over again. "I would like to kiss you again," she says, "will you focus on enjoying it this time? Please Sarah?"
  273. <Uravlar> "I... I guess?" she manages, blushing down her neck as usual. "Just... nothing weird, alright?"
  274. <LipstickThespian> "It is not weird, I will make it very natural." Lilith leans over and takes the same gentle approach to a shared kiss this time. She's had practice, and she knows just the right angle and motion. Of course she's greedy, and goes for a second, and then a third, and so forth.
  275. <Uravlar> Sarah blushes, and doesn't really try to respond to the first few. She does build up some courage and go for it after thr fourth or fifth, and really seems to be getting into it, but she suddenly forces herself to stop and checks her watch, cursing under her breath.
  276. <Uravlar> "I have to go, Lils, I... They'll wonder where I went off to, and... and I'm missing practice," she manages, wholly out of breath.
  277. <LipstickThespian> Lilith dances the slow act with her, working with her energy to try and enjoy their time. She looks at her as she pulls away and looks at her watch. "Please," she asks as she reaches over to push her hand and the accursed watch down gently. "Just miss it once? Fate has brought us to this moment, do not treat it like a normal day. Please Sarah, please?"
  278. <Uravlar> "I... I'm not sure I follow, Lils. What do you mean fate? I..." she seems really torn, looking from the watch covered by Lilith's hand to the girl's eyes.
  279. <LipstickThespian> Lilith smiles at her as she catches her eyes. "Of all the places in the world for us to end up sitting next to each other. We are from such different places, but now." Her hand slowly strokes along Sarah's arm, "now we have each other. If only for a moment. Please do not take that from me."
  280. <Uravlar> "I... I wouldn't do that no, but..." she tries to come up with an argument, anything. This is so strange.
  281. <LipstickThespian> Lilith doesn't hear her arguement and instead leans in to continue where she left off. She wants this so very badly, after her failed relationships and everything she's been through.
  282. <Uravlar> The full weight of that need hits Sarah and she bends, responding to Lilith's forward momentum with her own attmept at a kiss, amateurish but heartfelt. She's confused, but this is simple, and it feels good, so why question it? "I guess skipping once is fine... They'll probably forget about me anyways..."
  283. <Uravlar> attempt*
  284. <LipstickThespian> Lilith enjoys the girl's enthusiasm and she's more than willing to help an amateur learn. "I will never forget you," she says with a giggle as she starts to try some new small things to keep it interesting. Her hand has started to wander and is finding it's way to Sarah's chest.
  285. <Uravlar> Sarah's much to entranced by the mechanical motions of kissing someone over and over to really notice anything else. Her hands are bunching up the fabric of her skirt, her fists tightening as a clear tell whenever Lilith does something particularly "right".
  286. <LipstickThespian> Lilith enjoys her small minstrations. Kissing the girl playfully and with depth. Her hand rests on the girl's chest and she gives it a soft squeeze. At the same time she tries to work at slipping her tongue into the other girl's mouth. It's taken a while to build up to it, at least for her.
  287. <Uravlar> Sarah's lips remain sealed, at least at first. Lilith's other ministrations eventually draw a sharp intake of breath from her, and in that gasp Lilith finds her goal easy to reach, Sarah practically incapable of fighting her right now.
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  289. <LipstickThespian> Lilith has shifted herself to start to overtake the girl in the small booth. Her tongue stays firm in it's sly assault into Sarah's mouth. She's playful, and quite gentle in wrapping it around through some escaped giggles. Her hand starts to playfully knead Sarah's chest.
  290. <Uravlar> Sarah tries a few times to brace herself on the floor and find some balance from which to assert herself, but in the small booth she's quickly overtaken, and her drawn knees eventually have to relax and let her legs stretch over Lilith's lap, giving her no way to push back.
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  293. <LipstickThespian> Lilith breaks off the kiss after some time, her hand going up the girl's leg to edge towards her skirt. "Tell me to keep going," she says to Sarah in a soft tone as she leans back in close. It's still a little hard with the cast, but she's managing just fine.
  294. <Uravlar> "I... I..." Sarah can't quite manage to say it, but she does put both her hands on Lilith's and pull it towards her skirt, making it quite obvious.
  295. <LipstickThespian> Lilith smiles and goes back to her explorative tongue in Sarah's mouth. Her hand does go up and slips under her skirt, heading up towards a very sensitive area but making the trip slow and exciting.
  296. <Uravlar> Sarah is for all intents and purposes putty in Lilith's hands. She bends this way and that as Lilith's tongue plays with her emotions and her lone hand plays with her preconceived notions. Her watch sits forgotten, somewhere on the floor of the confessional, having been loosened at some point and fallen off.
  297. <LipstickThespian> There in the small booth, Lilith forgot her past month of turmoil. It was like she was back home and had caught one of the underclassmen in the janitor's closet. Sarah is cute, she knows this, she loves the way she can play with her so easily. It's theraputic. She won't take her the whole way, but a hand teasing the top of her thigh and a tongue that will not be satisfied is well
  298. <LipstickThespian> enough. After a while she goes about kissing the nape of her neck and teasing her ear. All the little games she loves to play.
  299. <Uravlar> Sarah is practically a puddle of sweat and whimpers, interspeded with the occasional moan bit back so as to not be found out. When Lilith kisses the nape of her neck, Sarah squirms. When she teases her ear she gasps. If Lilith wasn't keeping the girl's legs in check, she'd be falling off the seat just trying to get the hand on her thigh closer. She is wholly possessed by lust.
  300. <LipstickThespian> -Scene Confessed-
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  513. <LipstickThespian> The woman shakes the girl's hand and steps over to the front of her desk. "Yes, you can call me Nicole if you like. Or Taylor. Or Nicky. Or Doctor. Whatever feels best. If you don't mind, would you take a seat and we'll get started? We only have an hour and I want to make it worthwhile." She motions over to two comfy leathy chairs over next to a wall, a small table in between.
  514. <SavanahHolland> "I will call you doctor." she says in a informing tone, moving to sit down in the leather chair closest to her, looking to the woman "Where do we start?"
  515. <LipstickThespian> Taylor heads over and slips into the other chair after grabbing a leather pad and a pencil. "Where would you like to start Nadia?"
  516. <SavanahHolland> Nadia moves to place her hands in her lap after straighting up her skirt again in her seat. She didn't really even want to be here, she was fine. "What should I tell you? I am not sure where to begin." she lets of a small laugh or sorts, maybe a chuckle more than anything else.
  517. <LipstickThespian> Taylor responds with her own soft laugh, writing something down. "Well. I'll help you out. You should know this is all confidential, just between us, and you can be completely honest. I'm here to guide you to your own answers and help you. Okay Nadia?" She nods her head and continues, "what I would like you to tell me for us to start with. Close your eyes, breath. And tell me what
  518. <LipstickThespian> you feel."
  519. <SavanahHolland> Nadia nods slowly "Okay." she somewhat knew that was a lie, sometimes a doctor would come visit her in the hospital to talk to her about how she was feeling, more so emotionally. Remembering the same doctor laughing to his friends not long later, she was surely a liar as well. Nadia's eyes were actually already closed, and she /couldn't/ close the second pair, ending up just focusing it on
  520. <SavanahHolland> the ceiling, as close as she can get to getting them to close is keeping them focused on something that doesn't move. Nadia takes a deep breath, her chest moving with it as she does, following intructions, and after a moment she says "I do not know.. uncontent..?" perhaps that would describe it, Nadia herself barely knew.
  521. <LipstickThespian> Taylor closes her own eyes and takes a breath as well. After a moment she exhales and says, "furious." She opens her eyes and looks over to Nadia, "now. I want you to tell me, and you can use broad terms here Nadia. What would you say was the worst part of your day yesterday?"
  522. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to SirGoldFish
  523. <SavanahHolland> "Being lied to." she says rather easily, moving her head down as she remembers the series of events, there were plenty of things, bad things, that happened yesterday, but that in the end felt like the worst.
  524. <LipstickThespian> "Why do you not like being lied to?" Taylor quickly asks her as she starts to write.
  525. <SavanahHolland> Nadia takes a deep breath, her second vision moving from the ceiling to then go to the woman's face "Because, I trusted him, more than anyone else, then he lies to me, he made it sound like he actually cared that much, but it was just to cover it up.."
  526. <LipstickThespian> Taylor nods her head, she still doesn't look at Nadia, she's too busy writing. "These things make you feel used, am I right in saying that Nadia? Trusting someone and having them betray that can make you feel worthless. It devalues you. Do you think of yourself as a genuine person Nadia?"
  527. <SavanahHolland> "Used.." Nadia murmurs under her breath "I do not know if I feel used.." her face lowers a little more, the woman not being able to see Nadia's face even if she bothered trying "Yes.. worthless is way to call it.." after a long pause, she finally answers the question "I try to be, perhaps I am, perhaps I do.."
  528. <LipstickThespian> Taylor nods her head along as she glances up to watch the girl for a second, before looking back down. "You say you try to be genuine. Why do you say it like that Nadia?"
  529. <SavanahHolland> "I do try, I try to be as real as I can without lying to myself or others, perhaps I just do not know. It is all strange."
  530. <LipstickThespian> "Why try Nadia? Why not just, well, be Nadia? Doesn't it come naturaly to you to be a genuine person."
  531. <SavanahHolland> Nadia looks down at herself, it wasn't even her body, it wasn't even her /name/, how can she be Nadia? "because, I am not Nadia, I have never been Nadia, and I never will be Nadia."
  532. <LipstickThespian> Taylor looks at her with a bit of concern. "Well if you're not Nadia. Then please tell me, so I am not calling you incorrectly, who are you?"
  533. <SavanahHolland> "Just.. call me Nadia doctor, that is what they call me, I have grown used to it."
  534. <LipstickThespian> "Is that what you want to be called?" Taylor looks up from her pad, "or are you just following what people tell you?"
  535. <SavanahHolland> "I do not mind what they call me, I do not think I liked it at first, but I have grown used to it. They had told me it is my name, so that is my name, I am not Nadia, but it is a name they have always called me." Nadia looks up for a moment "I surely hope this is not confusing."
  536. <LipstickThespian> "No, no. Not at all. Just please help me understand this. Is Nadia the name you want? If Nadia is not you, then why are you Nadia?" Taylor writes a few more lines.
  537. <SavanahHolland> "I do not know if I want it, I have kept it for long enough, it would perhaps feel strange." she then looks to the woman as if she had asked the stupidest question in the world. "Because it is my job?"
  538. <LipstickThespian> "It's your job to be Nadia?" Taylor says with a smile, "does it pay well?"
  539. <SavanahHolland> "Some would be jealous of my job." Nadia weakly half laughs, remembering the reaper woman. "It is my job to be Nadia, yes."
  540. <LipstickThespian> Taylor laughs with her, quietly. "Well Nadia. How do you think you're doing at your job?"
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  542. <SavanahHolland> Nadia moves one hand to the left side of her face, holding herself up while still looking down "Terrible." she says, followed by the same sad laugh. "I have already broken so many rules surely.."
  543. <LipstickThespian> Taylor nods along, "the rules? I didn't know Nadia came with rules. Are they hard to follow?"
  544. <SavanahHolland> "perhaps not rules exactly, more unsaid ones.. Nadia did not come with rules, me being here does.. they are hard to follow, I have probably broken all of them.."
  545. <LipstickThespian> "Well," Taylor says as she thinks about it. "Is that a bad thing for Nadia to break rules? Did she do it on purpose?"
  546. <SavanahHolland> "I am sure it is." she says rather somberly, facing back to the woman "I did not.. It has just happened.. most of it has been my own fault, I have let my guard down for far too long."
  547. <LipstickThespian> "Have you let your guard down, Nadia? Or were you just being human. A genuine, open, person. "
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  549. <SavanahHolland> "I am not human." she says rather quietly, if the woman could not tell by the wings, or the way Nadia carried herself, she was very much not human.
  550. <LipstickThespian> "Now who told you that?" Taylor says with a smile, "the same people who told you the rules and called you Nadia?"
  551. <SavanahHolland> "no." she takes another breath "the woman and the doctors called me Nadia, my friends before I was Nadia has told me the rules. I have not been needed to be told I am not human, I know I am not human for myself."
  552. <LipstickThespian> "I see," Taylor says as she writes. "I want to go back a bit, if that's okay. I want to talk about feelings. What you feel, what feelings you have when things happen. So tell me, what did you feel when you came to Sunnybrook?"
  553. <SavanahHolland> Nadia looks back down "Happy? I was happy." perhaps only because she could get away from the hospital, the dead bodies. "That did not last very long, I had met people and I..."
  554. <LipstickThespian> "Yes? Please continue, I want to know what happens." Taylor says to her.
  555. <SavanahHolland> Nadia looks very faintly nervous for a moment "I had a small problem, I do not know what you would call it, I had almost attacked this one girl while doing it, I did not think it would be that bad, she just would not let go.."
  556. <LipstickThespian> "Was it self defense?" Taylor asks her very pointedly, "did you get hurt?"
  557. <SavanahHolland> "It was, I had to do it, she would not let me go, I think she dislikes me now." she moves her gaze slightly to her wrist "I had hurt myself, they had took me to the infirmary, I do not think the doctors were very happy with me there."
  558. <LipstickThespian> "Well I'm glad you got out safe at least." Taylor comments to her. "Why do you think the doctors weren't happy?"
  559. <LipstickThespian> -PAUSE-
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  577. <EndPhone> FonyX is ready for his psych visit, and is waiting for the doctor to be available.
  578. <LipstickThespian> Eventually, around eleven am, the attending Nurse informs Fony that his attending doctor will be with him in a couple of minutes and to be ready in the common area. Doctor Taylor does come in after a while, carrying a stack of papers and a leather notepad and goes to sit down at one of the tables in the common area of the ward.
  579. <EndPhone> FonyX sits in a spot close to her, across the table if possible. He's very shaky, his skin is sickly pale, and his eyes are mildly bloodshot. He seems to be unaware of this, however. "Morning Doc Taylor. How was your sleep?"
  580. <LipstickThespian> "I slept well, I'm in the middle of a move so I was on the floor." Taylor answers as she flicks open a file folder and gets sorted. "How have you been holding up Requal? I would like to know how you've been since I last saw you."
  581. <EndPhone> "Bored. Nobody here is good at board games, and you can only play solitaire so many times. I wish I had my laptop, at least."
  582. <LipstickThespian> "Well, I'm sorry but I don't feel that's for the best." Taylor says as she recalls denying the request last night. "So I'm here to talk with you and try and, well, help you. I need you to tell me where we should start. Is that okay?"
  583. <EndPhone> "I don't know where we should start. But what exactly is the problem with having my laptop, if I may ask?@
  584. <EndPhone> "*
  585. <LipstickThespian> "I wrote a paper on the new generations dependencies on their electronics as a coping mechanism for social failings. I'll have to get you a copy." Taylor says as she leans back with her notepad in her lap. "Let's start with you, Requal."
  586. <EndPhone> "Of course you did. But it's not like I have anything else to do. I was just hoping I could continue reading up on microexpressions. And what exactly do you mean, start with me?"
  587. <LipstickThespian> "Microexpressions?" Taylor smiles as she hears this word. "Most kids your age are reading social sites, what an interesting choice of topic."
  588. <EndPhone> "Yeah, well I wanted an excuse to re watch Lie To Me. It's a great show,
  589. <EndPhone> and In case you can't tell, that's how they Lightman group doves crimes"
  590. <LipstickThespian> "Do you have an interest in social engineering, Requal? Or is just a hobby of yours?" Taylor asks as she writes.
  591. <EndPhone> "Not really, but you can't deny that knowing all the physical emotional cues and manipulators can't hinder you in the long term"
  592. <LipstickThespian> "I would argue that it does," Taylor says with a shrug. "I passively apply my knowledge from her schooling to my everyday interactions. Sometimes I overthink things, something I find things that aren't there. Then there are the times that I think I understand the complex thoughts of another person just by talking to them." There's a soft laugh at this.
  593. <EndPhone> "Well, that's not nearly as much of a fall with microexpressions, because you're far more liable to miss some than misread something. Besides, if it's really important I'll eliminate the middleman"
  594. <LipstickThespian> "Eliminate the middleman? What do you mean by that Requal?" Taylor says with an inquisitive look.
  595. <EndPhone> "I thought you'd have read up on me a bit. I can link minds with people, share emotions, thoughts, memories, sensory information. It's pretty interesting, especially since the minds are essentially on equal footing. Of course, I'd have far more experience, but..."
  596. <LipstickThespian> "I have read some things on you, yes." Taylor explains as she pulls over a small folder to look through it. "It's very interesting to me. They don't go over these things in most colleges you know." She laughs again at her small joke. "I would like you to elaborate for me, because I can only go off the files they have on you. When you say you share these emotions, these memories, and
  597. <LipstickThespian> thoughts. How do you know they're genuine? What makes you say that you're on 'equal footing'?"
  598. <EndPhone> "Well, If they aren't, I'm just a very elaborate crazy that isn't really in a school for the supernatural. God, if my mind weren't so busy with all those things that are completely logically what they'd be thinking, I'd be the best genius in history. And I say equal footing because they can block me off from their thoughts just as easily as I can theirs, once they have experience with it."
  599. <LipstickThespian> "I think I understand," Taylor says with a nod. "So if that's completely logically what they must be thinking, why the need to 'link minds' as you put it? You seem to understand people very well."
  600. <EndPhone> "Well, trying to predict the thoughts otherwise is like trying to measure exactly where things are and where they're going. You know about all that quantum stuff, right? It's like if there were 20-40 possibilities to Schrotinger's cat, and a couple thousand extra details to consider"
  601. <LipstickThespian> "An interesting use of that paradox," Taylor says as she writes. "Tell me Requal, do you think these things can be predicted then? Through your use of observations?"
  602. <EndPhone> "You can certainly get estimates, but again, no way to be completely certain until you open up that box. Not that I do so often, but when it counts at least, or when me and Nadia are cuddling"
  603. <LipstickThespian> "Would you say that 'linking minds' as you put it, is a real part of your relationship with this girl?"
  604. <EndPhone> "It certainly helps. We mostly use it to share sensory information and communicate non-verbally. I've never routed around without directly asking for consent. I'd never do that to her..."
  605. <LipstickThespian> "Do you find it hard to share your sensory information with her? To talk with her verbally?" Taylor says as she looks over to the nurse on call and motions her over.
  606. <EndPhone> "No. Non-verbally is the wrong word. I meant non-vocally. We still communicate verbally in our minds, mostly. Although I'm not sure what you mean about finding it hard to share the sensory information. Do you mean without the link? Is it a challenging aspect of the power? What?"
  607. <LipstickThespian> "I'm sorry let me be more clear," Taylor says as the nurse steps over. She asks for two cups of water, her throat is a little dry. "I mean to say, why do you feel the need to link minds with her to share these things? Can't you just tell her about these things?"
  608. <EndPhone> "Well, the thing is, it's not only faster, but it lets her feel it too, in a way. So if she's rubbing my back, for example, she'll be able to 'feel' it too, in a way. Of course, she can tell it's my senses and not her own, but it's pretty good. She can also see what I see, which is useful in any number of situations, especially on missions. Though we haven't went on any of those together yet..."
  609. <LipstickThespian> "You're very confident in the fact that she's completely sharing these things," Taylor says as she waits for the water. "I have to ask why you feel the need to share all of this with her, to break down that personal experience and make everything a shared one. Why not just enjoy the back rub, why share that sensation?"
  610. <EndPhone> "Why not? It makes her able to reap benefits directly from it, and it makes things much more intimate. And it takes no effort to do so"
  611. <LipstickThespian> "I think it makes them less intimate," Taylor says plainly. "It sounds artificial. Why not just rub her back? Why not just give her moments for her to experience without sharing? What drives your compulsion to use this 'mind link' instead of the old fashioned way?"
  612. <EndPhone> "Well, that's your opinion. It doesn't effect how she feels her own sensations, and I do rub her back as much as she rubs mind. And I wouldn't call it a compulsion. It's a choice, which I don't always decide to go with@
  613. <EndPhone> "*
  614. <LipstickThespian> "Are you sure it doesn't effect her?" Taylor says as she accepts the cups of water from the nurse and offers one to Raquel. "You seem very confident in knowing exactly what happens when you do your little magic trick."
  615. <EndPhone> "Remember, there is no real receiving end of the link. Both sides are effected in the same ways. And it's not magic. That's a terrible word" FonyX takes a sip of his water, and then holds it idly.
  616. <LipstickThespian> "I see," Taylor says as she digs out a white folder with a red label on the front. "I would really like to explore your relationship with this girl some more. You mentioned something about harming her yesterday. Can you tell me about that?"
  617. <EndPhone> "Which part?"
  618. <LipstickThespian> "The part, Raquel, where you caused harm to another student."
  619. <EndPhone> "Ah. Well, she threw herself down the stairs because she couldn't deal with her destiny, and since I was close enough I brought myself down with her and kept her safe from most of injuries associated with falling down the stairs." FonyX takes a shaky breath, which is clearly not that way from his normal shakiness "And I lost it. I demanded she either sacrifice me to hell or enslave me. And when she didn't choose, I promised that
  620. <EndPhone> that I'd make her suffer until she did, for both our goods... that was the furthest from sanity I've ever been, and it's painful to talk about. Please tell me we can change topic soon?"
  621. <LipstickThespian> Taylor stops every now and then from looking at him to write on her pad of paper in her lap. Eventually she turns to the next page to continue writing on it. "You kept her safe during the fall down the stairs?"
  622. <EndPhone> "Yeah. I think the blow to the head at the bottom can be considered a contributing factor to my mental state"
  623. <LipstickThespian> "You demanded that she sacrifice you, did I hear that right?" Taylor says as she flicks back in her papers to check if she wrote it down right.
  624. <EndPhone> "To hell, yes" FonyX is crying, and the grip on his glass is pretty loose...
  625. <LipstickThespian> "Is it her fault for making you feel this way?" Taylor asks him.
  626. <EndPhone> "No, it isn't. I've known I was a piece of trash for a while before I met her. She just gave me a potential to redeem myself." FonyX looks to the nearest garbage can "Didn't mean to offend you, garbage. Sorry."
  627. <LipstickThespian> "May I ask how her sending you to hell, or enslaving you, redeems you?" Taylor takes a drink from her water.
  628. <EndPhone> "Well, isn't hell the place where sinners pay their dues? And being the servant of an angel... See my point?" FonyX didn't really want to bring to attention that Nadia was going to cause the apocalypse
  629. <LipstickThespian> "So it's her job to redeem you for your actions? Do you feel you're using her as a crutch Raquel?"
  630. <EndPhone> "No. But the opportunity presented itself, and I felt that either way would help her, so it seemed perfect in my broken little mind. Of course, now I know that either option would hurt her more in the long run. Once again, always causing pain by trying to help" FonyX's grip loosens more. He looks like he's going to drop the cup soon
  631. <LipstickThespian> "You seem very aware of your self destructive nature, and how you affect others." Taylor watches him in between writing, "so what's stopping you from changing that?"
  632. <EndPhone> "It's not in my control. No matter what i try, it still ends up in pain. I just wished I'd realized that before meeting Nadia, so I'd never have let her date me. At least then I could take the safe route and starve myself to death in my room..." The glass is starting to slip down his hand
  633. <LipstickThespian> "So you see death as your only way out of this then? Well, that or the girl." Taylor comments.
  634. <EndPhone> "Neither is a way out. But the choices might help stop me from hurting anyone again, at least. I've become the source of my worst fear..." The glass falls into the floor, and he starts crying profusely
  635. <LipstickThespian> "There there," Taylor says to him as she watches the glass bounce on the carpet below. She glances over as the nurse comes over to clean it up. "We can continue when you're ready," she says as she writes, the nurse bringing over some tissues.
  636. <EndPhone> This time, FonyX does need to blow his nose, and after several minutes and half the box, he's at least ready to speak again, and stares at her expectantly through the tears and red eyes
  637. <LipstickThespian> "How are you feeling?" Taylor asks as she notices he's looking at her, looking up from her notes.
  638. <EndPhone> "How do you think I'm feeling? I'm ecstatic!" FonyX shakes his head as he tries to take up as little space in the corner of the chair as is possible
  639. <LipstickThespian> "There's no need to lash out like that," Taylor says as she taps her pen on the paper. "Can you control yourself from outbursts like that, please, Requal?"
  640. <EndPhone> FonyX looks physically hurt by those words, knowing he might go out of control again "I... I'll try"
  641. <LipstickThespian> "I need more than you trying," Taylor says firmly.
  642. <EndPhone> "That's all I have. I-I'll not do that again..." He tries to shrink even more. If only he were Malissa...
  643. <LipstickThespian> "Alright," Taylor says as she starts to write again. "Let's try again. How are you feeling?"
  644. <EndPhone> "Helpless... Vile... afraid... pained..."
  645. <LipstickThespian> "I'd like you tell me, before you came to this school, what was your happiest memory?"
  646. <EndPhone> "I... I don't know. There wasn't really any particular happy memory. Just a bunch of little things, like how the teachers gave up on giving me assignments, and how I was highly ranked in several games internationally
  647. <EndPhone> "
  648. <LipstickThespian> "Those are some very nice accomplishments," Taylor says, "and since you've come to Sunnybrook?"
  649. <EndPhone> "It'd have to be one of the times I woke up in Nadia's arms, and we just cuddled, maybe made out"
  650. <LipstickThespian> "Ah," Taylor nods in her head, "did you two come here together?"
  651. <LipstickThespian> Nods her head*
  652. <EndPhone> "No. I got here a little before Christmas, she got here not too long ago. Less than a week after my first attempt at suicide"
  653. <LipstickThespian> "So how long have you two been together?" Taylor asks him as she picks up another folder to read into it.
  654. <EndPhone> "I think it was the 29th, give or take a day."
  655. <LipstickThespian> "The twenty ninth of?" Taylor asks.
  656. <EndPhone> "Next month." FonyX takes a second "Sorry, last month. Insert time travel joke here"
  657. <LipstickThespian> "That's almost a month then," Taylor says as she writes some things down. "True love?"
  658. <EndPhone> "As far as I know. But I'd need another example if I want to hope to figure that out for certain"
  659. <EndPhone> FonyX seems to lose energy as she asks the question
  660. <LipstickThespian> "Is she your first girlfriend?" Taylor asks, "it's okay to talk about these things."
  661. <EndPhone> "Yeah. I suffered from a condition called Everyone-Hated-Me-itus. At least it wasn't very contagious"
  662. <LipstickThespian> "Well that sounds like it might be difficult." Taylor says, "do you still suffer from it?"
  663. <Endorb> "No. Now that I don't have somebody actively pushing for people to hate me, it's a lot better. I still pissed off Wendy, Akemi, Lilith, Sam, Aiko and Ju. I feel like I missed somebody, but anyways, It's because I got so used to acting with the knowledge I was unconditionally hated that I couldn't just instantly pull myself back from it, and did stupid things"
  664. * EndPhone has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  665. <LipstickThespian> "You see to understand your own motives and why you've done these things. Would you say that's accurant Raquel?"
  666. <Endorb> "Well, you know what they say. Hindsight is 20-20. And it's pretty important I know exactly what my motives and thought processes are."
  667. <LipstickThespian> "Why do you find importance in knowing your own motives and thought processes?"
  668. <Endorb> "I... Can't say unless I know this information won't leave us unless it's dealt with using appropriately severe percautions"
  669. <LipstickThespian> "I've told you Raquel, this is covered by HIPAA. Only myself and your acting physician know why you're even in this ward. You can talk to me."
  670. <Endorb> FonyX looks to make sure the coast is clear than leans in, whispering to her "Well, there's this kid in my hometown by the name of Milton... Milton something. He also has powers, except his focus on subtly manipulating people's minds. And he's not exactly using it for the greater good. I had to make sure what I was doing was not due to his influence. I don't
  671. <Endorb> "Want to risk him being sent here, however, and potentially using his power to pipeline his way to the top. He's also the reason everyone hated me. I recommend sending him to some sort of prison." FonyX goes back to sitting normally in the chair "That's why."
  672. <LipstickThespian> Taylor listens very intently to the boy and nods her head. "Well, I can't report this to the administration because you've told me it in confidence. I do think you should go to them yourself with these concerns Raquel. Children like him aren't safe in the world."
  673. <Endorb> "I'm just worried they might not do the right thing. Because if he gets access to the wrong people because of me... Pain, again."
  674. <LipstickThespian> "What's stopping him from getting access to the wrong people now?" Taylor asks.
  675. <Endorb> "It's a small town. The most influential person we have is the one guy who never talks to people and everyone believed was an ex-serial killer or a spy"
  676. <LipstickThespian> "What's stopping people from finding him?" Taylor asks, "there are people out there with a lot more resources than we have. Who seek out children like him."
  677. * DrabberRogue has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  678. <Endorb> "I don't know. Maybe it's because his power acts so subtly. That's not the point. Can we please stop talking about my biggest failure?"
  679. <LipstickThespian> "We can talk about something else," Taylor says as she flicks back to her first page. "What do you need from me, Raquel? What can I do to help?"
  680. <Endorb> "Well, the thing that is probably the easiest to get to is my lack of self esteem or my love of pain. Which do you think we should go after first?"
  681. <LipstickThespian> "Neither is a root problem," Taylor says as she crosses her legs. "There's got to be something deeper than that."
  682. <Endorb> "Well, I feel every problem I can think of boils down to one thing: No matter what I do, it ends up hurting people. But I'm not sure how you can help with that. I don't know if anyone can fix that..."
  683. <LipstickThespian> "So you're the center of all your problems?" Taylor asks him as she runs her pen down her page to find something she'd written.
  684. <Endorb> "Well, technically isn't everybody? But yeah, everything boils down to my actions..." FonyX begins curling up into the corner of the chair again, resisting his craving to hurt himself
  685. <LipstickThespian> "Well Raquel, you seem like you're mature enough to hear me tell you my thoughts and advice. Would you agree with that?" Taylor says as she straightens up.
  686. * You are now known as Kioku_no_Yume
  687. <Endorb> "Of course. I don't think there's a single person objective enough yet immature enough to say no to that"
  688. <LipstickThespian> "Well," Taylor says as she finds what she was looking for on her page. "You're very much suffering from a martyr complex."
  689. <Endorb> "Martyr complex? What led you to that conclusion? And could I get a more accurate description? Because I'm aware of what a martyr is, but not quite what martyr complex entails"
  690. <LipstickThespian> "You've heard of a victim complex I'm sure," Taylor says quickly. "You seek out suffering and persecution for yourself. You feel that this imaginary friend of yours was the basis for your entire misery at home. Somewhere in your mind you think that you deserve to be punished, and you use people like that girl to do it for you. To make you seem like some heroic saint for sacrificing
  691. <LipstickThespian> yourself to help others. All of this to avoid the responsibility that you, and you alone Requal, are what is causing this. You're going to tell me yes, I know it's my fault Doctor Taylor, that's why I deserve to be punished and deserve death. You and I both know that's not true Requal. If you put your mind to it and acted as smart as you seem to think you are then maybe you'd realize
  692. <LipstickThespian> that you can be the agent of change you want to see in the world. But you don't want that right now, no. You know what you want? An excuse to have your little self pity party." Taylor takes a breath, "so what do I think you need Requal? To use that brain of yours and stop being misreable."
  693. <Endorb> "Well, first off, Imaginary friend? You mean Milton? I resent that. And I /do/ try to be the change I want to see. But I nearly killed 2 people here in the school by *apologising to them* for an episode of insanity, which was actually a direct result of one of them. I /may/ have developed that recently, but I still have instances like that to account for. So,
  694. <Endorb> "I respectfully deny your conclusion for the moment, although I'm ready for you to prove me wrong. Bring up an example you want to use, and we can analyse that instance." FonyX is sending mixed messages. On the one hand, that would mean he /doesn't/ deserve punishment. On the other, it means he's mentally unsound from much deeper than other explanations.
  695. <LipstickThespian> Taylor smiles at him and starts to pack up her things. "Well then. I suppose I'm going to have to hand off this case to Doctor Raquel. He's much more qualified it seems than I am, and certainly knows more than I do." She slips some papers back into place and stands up. "If you feel Doctor Raquel isn't making any progress, have them contact me and we'll see about getting me back in
  696. <LipstickThespian> here. Okay?"
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  699. <Endorb> FonyX goes to grab her arm to stop her from leaving quite yet "You know that's not what I meant. I just feel that we don't have enough evidence to prove that yet, so I'm asking to examine a specific event so I can feel certain in whether or not I /do/ have this. After all, if you are correct, that means I can work on not burdening myself with all these
  700. <Endorb> "troubles that aren't there. But I don't see myself as heroic or a saint, so right now that's the biggest obstacle. So convince me."
  701. <LipstickThespian> Taylor pulls her arm away quickly. "Do not touch me," she says in a very commanding tone her soft nature doesn't seem to allow her. She glances over at the guard who is already standing up with her hand on his duty belt. "Saints are remembered post humously because they did virtuous things. You want to 'save' this girl and you also want to die for it. You're a self made martyr."
  702. <LipstickThespian> his hand on his duty belt*
  703. <Endorb> "Sorry! Okay, so what can be done to help fix me, then?"
  704. <LipstickThespian> "Ask yourself that question, you have time to think in here." Taylor says as she turns and starts to walk away.
  705. <Endorb> "Well, when can I see you again?" FonyX can't think of anything to say in response to that comment specifically, and just goes back to shrinking into the couch.
  706. <LipstickThespian> "When you can tell Requal," Taylor says as she heads to the exit. "Why a person who can't keep himself from hitting another, thinks he is so very smart." She slips one of the folders back to the nurse at the station by the door and slips her keycard, exiting the ward.
  707. <LipstickThespian> tell me*
  708. <Endorb> FonyX shrinks into the couch a little more at that, and starts losing himself in thought. When he thinks nobody is looking, he chews on is hand, savoring the bittersweet of the relief and the pain mixing together.
  709. <LipstickThespian> -Scene Shrinked-
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  738. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 is: IC5 | Distant-Past Scenes, Overflow and Run Overflow
  739. * Topic for #Sunnybrook-IC5 set by Kioku! (Sun Jul 19 11:28:58 2015)
  740. <SavanahHolland> - Unpause -
  741. <SavanahHolland> Nadia continues look down "I kept taking off my bandages, they seemed annoyed, but I didn't want the bandages, they would not listen to me."
  742. <LipstickThespian> "Sometimes wanting something, and needing something, can conflict." Taylor says as she writes, "you didn't want the bandages. But you most likely needed them."
  743. <SavanahHolland> "No, I would have been fine.. If I wanted it better, It would have been, I did not need or want the bandages, I do not know why they did not understand that."
  744. <LipstickThespian> "So you knew what was right for you, is that it Nadia?" Taylor says, "do you find that. In your life. You know what to do, and how to address problems."
  745. <SavanahHolland> "I.. usually do not know what to do.. But then, I did, and I told them so, I knew what would be best for me in that moment."
  746. <LipstickThespian> "I see," Taylor says, "can you tell me Nadia. Why are you here?"
  747. <SavanahHolland> Nadia looks back up at the woman, taking a deep breath. "Fony had told me that I had to after what had happend yesterday."
  748. <LipstickThespian> "Who is this phony person, if I may ask?" Taylor says as she looks over at Nadia.
  749. <SavanahHolland> Nadia bites her bottom lip in thought "A close friend..?" she mumbles, trying to remember exactly the word "Boyfriend, he said he is my boyfriend."
  750. <LipstickThespian> "I'm not asking what he thinks he is," Taylor corrects her with a wave of her pen, "I'm asking you to tell me who you think he is."
  751. <SavanahHolland> Nadia looks, kinda confused at the woman for a moment "He says I am his girlfriend, so I see him as my boyfriend, that is what he is?"
  752. <LipstickThespian> "If he hadn't told you that you were his girlfriend," Taylor says, "what would you call him?"
  753. <SavanahHolland> "I would have called him my friend.. but he had explained it to me, two people date when they care about eachother, I care about him, and he cares about me. So that is why."
  754. <LipstickThespian> "Do you care about a lot of people Nadia?" Taylor asks her, "or just him?"
  755. <SavanahHolland> "I care about enough people.. not just him.. I care about Val.. and perhaps I care about Claire.." she mumbles the girl's name "I just care about him more."
  756. <LipstickThespian> "How long have you known him?" Taylor asks her, "how did you two meet?"
  757. <SavanahHolland> Nadia bites her bottom lip a little more "A month..? I do not know, time is not that easy here when you do not keep track." she tries to think for a moment "I believe, he was the third person I have met here, he had tried to help me, and I had helped him when he visited me in the infirmary. I had given up taking off the bandages by then because I know they would only keep me longer because
  758. <SavanahHolland> of it."
  759. <LipstickThespian> "What does it mean to be someone's girlfriend, Nadia?" Taylor says after listening to her.
  760. <SavanahHolland> "I do not.. know? I think it means, to care about the other, above everyone else, to be there for them, when they need you."
  761. <LipstickThespian> "So why do you care about him above everyone else, Nadia?" Taylor says.
  762. <SavanahHolland> "Because, he cares about me back, he is sometimes good to me, I enjoy his company more than others."
  763. <LipstickThespian> "I'm sure a lot of people care about you Nadia." Taylor says, "you say that he is sometimes good to you. Can you elaborate on that?"
  764. <SavanahHolland> "He is, he is kind to me most of the time, he tells me he loves me, he helps me sometimes too. I enjoy it when he does."
  765. <LipstickThespian> "Do you love him Nadia?" Taylor asks.
  766. <SavanahHolland> "I believe.. I do, at first Val and Fony told me that I love him, but I have said it now, I believe I do love him."
  767. <LipstickThespian> "Have you come to any of these conclusions without someone telling you, Nadia?" Taylor says.
  768. <SavanahHolland> "I.. do not know? I do love him.. he does not have to tell me that now, because I know I do."
  769. <LipstickThespian> "I'm concerned Nadia, from what you're telling me, you met this boy a month ago and he and his friends seem to be controlling you. Does it feel that way?"
  770. <SavanahHolland> Nadia bites her bottom lip a bit harsher "I do not believe that is happening, they are just helping me.'
  771. <LipstickThespian> "You know, con artists convince people they're just helping, and end up hurting people very badly." Taylor observes, "do you feel he's trust worthy?"
  772. <SavanahHolland> Nadia looks down, the lip biting having stopped while she thought "He had lied to me yesterday, about something very important, he made me believe him. But.. he told me the truth.. I think.. I have forgiven him.."
  773. <LipstickThespian> "Did he tell you the truth?" Taylor says to her quickly, "sometimes when sociopaths are caught in their lies. They'll try and pass off another lie as the truth, and then 'coming clean'"
  774. <SavanahHolland> "He.. did tell the truth.. I know he wouldn't hurt me more.. when we left.. I was too angry with him.. he had taken advantage of Claire.. but. he didn't mean to do that.. h-he said he was just.. trying to make her feel.. better.."
  775. <LipstickThespian> "He hurt you?" Taylor looks a little concerned at this comment.
  776. <SavanahHolland> Nadia doesn't nod, or move, just looking down "He told this girl.. that was in her cell, she was locked away for a few days. she was a mess, she wasn't prepared.. he told me.. that he loved her too.. but, I could not even fully figure out how to love him then.. it is unfair for him to love two.. he went alone... and told her that.. then when I came.. he lied.. he said.. I was the only one
  777. <SavanahHolland> he needed.."
  778. <LipstickThespian> "Nadia," Taylor says as she leans forward, "you don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. Okay?"
  779. <SavanahHolland> Nadia slowly moves to hug herself faintly, closing her eyes a little tighter "Okay.."
  780. <LipstickThespian> "Nadia," Taylor says as she watches her, "I want you to know that everyone's first love is difficult. Especially with young adults like you. People are very self-centered and self-gratifying. It is not your fault that a person you love is doing these things. Okay?"
  781. <SavanahHolland> Nadia takes a shaking breath, holding herself just a little tighter "But.. he makes me feel like it is my fault.. so it is.. he doesn't mean to make it sound that way.. but it is my fault.."
  782. <LipstickThespian> Taylor shakes her head, "it isn't your fault Nadia. It's not your fault for opening your heart to someone and them abusing that trust. You're the victim, okay?"
  783. <SavanahHolland> It felt strange to be called the victim, when she had always played the opposite role, all the people, innocent people, they were the victims. Fony was also the victim. She wasn't, she never could be. It was hard to even believe, but all she could really force out was a small "okay.." still looking down, not showing her face.
  784. <LipstickThespian> "Nadia," Taylor says. "Please look at me, I need you to understand this. I know it's hard to think, but you are in a relationship with someone who shows signs of being an abuser."
  785. <SavanahHolland> Nadia takes in a sharp breath, slowly looking up at the woman, her eyes closed rather tightly as her wings retract to fold tightly to her back. "He.. is not.. he is good to me still.."
  786. <LipstickThespian> "You're lying to yourself Nadia." Taylor says as she clicks her pen. "Just like he lied to you. Just like he's going to continue lying to you."
  787. <SavanahHolland> Nadia's nails dig into her arm "He.. I am not lying to myself.. I know.. he will get better.. It will be fine.. I- I know it will.."
  788. <LipstickThespian> "It isn't your job to help him get better," Taylor says very plainly, "he could find resources easily to help himself. If he wanted to."
  789. <SavanahHolland> "Yes.. he had told me that he was going to get help.. real help.. I think he meant you, or someone like you with the same job."
  790. <LipstickThespian> "I can't disclose my patient's medical records," Taylor says as she glances over to her computer, "but if he's not my patient and never has been. Well, that says a lot about the authenticity of his statement."
  791. <SavanahHolland> "What do you mean?" she asks with some somber curiousity "You do not have to say, if it is part of your job not to say."
  792. <LipstickThespian> "He isn't my patient Nadia," Taylor says, "he never has been. Which means the entire time he's been here he hasn't sought help. Nor has he after he met you."
  793. <SavanahHolland> "Oh.'
  794. <SavanahHolland> (fucking, enter)
  795. <SavanahHolland> "Oh" she says quietly "I think.. he was supposed to visit you after I do.. I am not sure.. he has told me he will.. so I believe he will."
  796. <LipstickThespian> "You believe it because you want it to be true, or because you know it's true?" Taylor says.
  797. <SavanahHolland> "Both." she says, a little louder than most of her words, it sounds slightly firm despite the girl's softer words.
  798. <LipstickThespian> "Well," Taylor says as she sits back. "I want you to know Nadia, I'm only trying to get you to think of your own actions to help yourself. I'm trying to work in your best interest when I say these things."
  799. <SavanahHolland> "I know you are.. You are much nicer and better than the other doctors I have met before." she smiles very slightly at her, eyes still closed like they had been the entire time. At least the woman hasn't laughed at her yet, that was nice.
  800. <LipstickThespian> Taylor smiles as she listens to the girl. "I'm not like most other doctors Nadia," she says as she reaches over and pats the girl's leg. "I get the priveledge to work with the most unique kids I've ever see."
  801. <SavanahHolland> Nadia smiles a little more at her, she seemed like a good woman, at least she understood more than the other ones. "It is good meeting someone like that, most doctors I have known that do what you do.. were rather.. strange? I do not know how to describe it."
  802. <LipstickThespian> "Different," Taylor says with a shrug, "have you dealt with a lot of doctors in your life?"
  803. <SavanahHolland> Nadia nods slowly "Yes, I have not been here very long, I have spent my life around doctors and nurses."
  804. <LipstickThespian> "Well there's quite a few of us here," Taylor gives a small laugh, "I'm glad you came to see me Nadia."
  805. <SavanahHolland> Nadia nods again, this time less reserved seeing, as she thinks about standing up, and looks like she will soon anyways. "I am glad I have come to see you as well, this has been good."
  806. <LipstickThespian> "Can I ask you one last question Nadia?" Taylor says as she puts her pad and pen down, "well two."
  807. <SavanahHolland> "Ask them." she says to the woman.
  808. <LipstickThespian> "When will I see you for another session?"
  809. <SavanahHolland> "Another session? Do I come back?" she asks curiously
  810. <LipstickThespian> "I would like you to," Taylor says with a nod, "it's up to you."
  811. <SavanahHolland> "Okay.. I will come back then.. next week?"
  812. <LipstickThespian> "If you wouldn't mind," Taylor says as she stands up from the chair. "Then my last question before we part ways."
  813. <SavanahHolland> "I do not mind, this has been.. helpful." she then looks to the woman once more, as Nadia herself stands up and her wings loosen a little from their tight fold. "What is it?"
  814. <LipstickThespian> "I'd like you to remember to keep yourself safe. From physical harm, but most of all, from the emotional harm that others can cause. Your happiness is important Nadia. Can you do that for me?" Taylor says as she walks over to the door.
  815. <SavanahHolland> Nadia puts her teeth together tightly as she tries to force a larger smile and a nod "I can do that, thank you for the help Doctor." she says, dusting off her skirt, and walking slowly back to the door.
  816. <LipstickThespian> Taylor lets the girl leave the office, and gives her a very calm "have a nice week. Nadia." Before she closes the door and goes to write a lot of paperwork.
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  819. <SavanahHolland> - Scene Victim -
  820. * You are now known as Kioku_no_Ame
  821. * You are now known as Ame_no_Kioku
  822. * You are now known as Kioku
  823. * Rose27 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  824. * LiftOrb is now known as Endorb
  825. <FakemixRed> Claire sits in the waiting room of the therapist, her tail wrapped around her waist and a sketchpad on her lap. She draws some trees as she waits. /I hope this doesn't go as bad as it did with Dr.Page/
  826. <LipstickThespian> Eventually the door to Doctor Taylor's office opens and she ushers the boy she was talking to out. "Next week then, it was good seeing you Lucas." She glances over at the girl sitting in the waiting room and smiles. "You must be Claire. Please, come in and close the door." She turns away and steps back into her room to go sit down.
  827. <FakemixRed> Claire stands up and walks into the room, closing the door on the way in " do you name? I mean.....I'm honored but also....confused." she sits down if she can /Oh no, was it due to the incident...does she think badly of me?/
  828. <LipstickThespian> Taylor walks over and grabs some things off of her desk before she steps over to two nice plush chairs over in the corner. "Well Claire, you did make quite the scene the other day."
  829. <FakemixRed> Claire blushes "I'm sorry.....I'm making everything....and I'm those I hurt....what is it....I should do more." Claire says quickly, but in her usual quiet voice. her tail squeezes her waist and her headwings droop
  830. <LipstickThespian> "You don't need to tell me these things Claire," Taylor says as she sits down and motions for Claire to do the same. "You sound nervous, you shouldn't be. We're all friends here."
  831. <FakemixRed> Claire obeys and squeaks out "...not friends.....a friend....doesn't hurt a becoming....a monster and attacking....people." Claire is tapping her fingers and biting her lip
  832. <LipstickThespian> "Well it's good to know you have a sense of right and wrong," Taylor says as she pulls open a notepad and starts to write. "Now Claire, I know I can't calm you down completely, but we can try."
  833. <FakemixRed> Claire nods "I don' being...this worried either but.....I can't help it....I did wrong's going to happen again.....whether I want to....or not." Claire grips her sketchpad, her strength crumpling the poor thing
  834. <LipstickThespian> "Now why do you think it's going to happen again?" Taylor asks her.
  835. <FakemixRed> Claire looks at Dr.Taylor and states as straightforwardly as possible "I am....bound by....contract to do....whatever Master....tells me to do....which has been....the case Grandfather...made a deal....with him"
  836. <LipstickThespian> "Oh I know," Taylor says with a nod, "I did some reading up on you after that little incident."
  837. <FakemixRed> "Then....why did you....ask? If you....already problem?" Claire tilts her head at the doctor,
  838. <LipstickThespian> "Just a thought excercise to see how open you can be with me," Taylor says with a smile. "So what do you want to talk about Claire? I'm here for you."
  839. <FakemixRed> Claire's headwings droop/Of course, she had to prove she can trust me...I did cause lots of trouble./ "I talk about....some trouble I've...been having when it my life.....from now on."
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  842. * You are now known as Kioku_no_Yume
  843. <LipstickThespian> "Well adjusting to a new school can always be hard," Taylor says with a nod, "difficult even."
  844. <FakemixRed> "I think....once I graduate....if I make it.....I'm going to.....find a remote place....and live there....away from people....I could hurt. But....I don't like being lonely." Claire says
  845. <LipstickThespian> "Well I'm sure there's other solutions to your problems that running away."
  846. <FakemixRed> "There are....but friends." Claire speaks
  847. <LipstickThespian> "Well it's good that you care about your friends safety," Taylor answers. "It doesn't mean you should run away to keep them safe."
  848. <FakemixRed> "Miss....or should I say Dr....then what should I do? I don't....know make it so.....Master's commands....don't hurt them."
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  850. <LipstickThespian> "You can call me whatever feels best. Doctor. Taylor. Miss. Whatever is comfortable for you," Taylor explains to her. "Well that's a difficult one, you're an interesting case in that regard. The researchers might be better suited to answer that one."
  851. <FakemixRed> "Oh....I'm sorry Miss Taylor....I'll talk about a are suited for. I am having....issues in my love life.....if you could it that." Claire fidgits in her seat twiddling her thumbs
  852. <LipstickThespian> "Tell me about it, if you feel comfortable doing it." Taylor prompts her.
  853. <FakemixRed> Claire hesitates before deciding she should just put it out there. "I think....I'm a love triangle. Miss Nadia...while Miss Nadia loves Mister Requal....and Mister Requal I'm not...sure how to go...about it."
  854. <LipstickThespian> "This is a complicated situation," Taylor says as she thinks about it. "Remind me. Nadia is the girl with the wings, and Requal, who is he?"
  855. <FakemixRed> "Mister Requal is....Miss Nadia's lover though....I think he's unhealthy....for her. His love....for me is....also horrifying. He...came to me...while I the Basement....for my crimes." Claire explains in a more secretarial manner than personal
  856. <LipstickThespian> "What did he do when he came to visit you Claire?" Taylor asks.
  857. <FakemixRed> "He...said lots of things...about him...wanting to be happy....and then declared his love for me....then tried to Miss Nadia walked in....afterwards and he tried....lying about it...I told her the...truth."
  858. <LipstickThespian> "Well that is problematic. Has he expressed these feelings to you before? Do you two know each other well?"
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  860. <FakemixRed> "He...calls me cute....and pets my head. we do...not know each...other well....I have not....been here long...enough for that."
  861. <LipstickThespian> "Do you enjoy his company? Or do you feel pressured by him when he's around you?"
  862. <FakemixRed> "I at first...enjoyed it....but soon it's become....horrible to be....around him....especially when he lashed me for hurting.....Miss Nadia."
  863. <LipstickThespian> "Claire," Taylor says very firmly, "are you telling me he's hurt you?"
  864. <FakemixRed> "No...not physically...but he's....threatened it...."
  865. <LipstickThespian> "If you ask me to, I can get a protective order for your Claire. It might be best to file one just in case. Alright?"
  866. <FakemixRed> Claire nods "I...would like that...if it's not....too much of....a bother."
  867. <LipstickThespian> "Consider it done," Taylor says with a smile as she writes a note for herself. "Now, you said something about you having feelings for this girl?"
  868. <FakemixRed> "Yes....I like....Miss Nadia....though she/...has a significant other....I would never....try....ok I did...once was a mistake."
  869. <LipstickThespian> "You know Claire," Taylor says to her, "most animal specials are polyamorous. However my feelings on the matter, it isn't usually healthy to pursue someone in a commited relationship. Teenagers however are fickle and float from partner to partner often."
  870. <FakemixRed> "I know...that's why....I'm just friends....with her. I don't....want to welcome after all." Claire says sheepishly
  871. <LipstickThespian> "Well," Taylor says as she sits back, "that's the healthy thing to do. Even if it hurts. I hate to say it, but they'll probably be done in a month and you can shower her with your feelings. That would be nice, wouldn't it Claire?"
  872. <FakemixRed> Claire wrinkles her forehead " you mean a month? And I...don't think....she will ever....reciprocate....anyways. " Claire sits forward on the seat, her wings fluttering a big /Oh no....did Requal try something again/
  873. <LipstickThespian> "Well most teenage couples, especially those founded by less than honest people like this boy you are talking about, don't last." Taylor answers, "you say she will never reciprocate. Why is that?"
  874. <FakemixRed> "She...doesn' kind. She's fine....with being a friend angel wouldn't want....romantic relations.....with a demon afterall." Claire points to her tail and wings to emphasize
  875. <LipstickThespian> "Well," Taylor says with a small laugh, "it wouldn't be the first time people broke social barriers to be with one another."
  876. <FakemixRed> "She...seems the teachings.....of the angels....I don't think....she would do that....for someone me."
  877. <LipstickThespian> "Tell me Claire, are you not willing to fight for the things you want?" Taylor asks her, "love is a powerful thing, and has changed a lot."
  878. <FakemixRed> "How....would I even....go about fighting,....for her love.?
  879. <LipstickThespian> "I would never suggest fighting outright," Taylor says. "People get defensive when they feel their ideals challenged. Try and talk to her about her ideals, how they differe from yours, and where you two can meet in the middle."
  880. <FakemixRed> "That's...a good start but....she's quite.....aggressive about....the rules angel. I don't know....if she would ever.....relent them....for me."
  881. <LipstickThespian> "There's always hope, Claire. You should always have it." Taylor says with a smile.
  882. <FakemixRed> "I don't....think so....hope isn't really something.....I can....really do. My mostly....following whoever is asking.....there's not for hope."
  883. <LipstickThespian> "That's concerning to me Claire. I can see due to your arrangement following those, but why others?"
  884. <FakemixRed> "I so....used to it....scared of what will....happen if I's crushing me." Claire says looking down "I was follow....but decide."
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  886. <LipstickThespian> "Well you're very aware of your circumstances, Claire. I think we should look into some self-esteem work for you."
  887. <FakemixRed> "Self-esteem work.....what does that.....involve....exactly?" Claire tilts her head /I probably do have self-esteem issues....i'm so worthless/
  888. <LipstickThespian> "Simple excercises to boost your self esteem. I think it could help you a lot." Taylor thinks for a second, "do you have an extra journal sitting around?"
  889. <FakemixRed> "Yes....I have lots.....what complimenting myself? because....there's not....much there." Claire says as she shows the sketchpad as a stand in journal for now
  890. <LipstickThespian> "I want you to start a new journal for me Claire. A self-esteem one." Taylor says, "everyday I want you to write a paragraph for me. What you felt proud of doing that day. Okay?"
  891. <FakemixRed> "I don't know....if I a whole paragraph.....a day on what.....I'm proud on. I don't.....accomplish much." Claire says
  892. <LipstickThespian> "Give it time," Taylor says with a smile. "You might only have a sentence, you might have nothing, but if you try and think of it everyday then I think you'll find a lot to be proud of."
  893. <FakemixRed> Claire thinks hard, stroking her chin with her tail before giving a defeated look "I can't....think of anything.....I could be.....proud of. Other than.....perhaps coming here.....all I did was.....wake up......and eat and stuff..."
  894. <LipstickThespian> "There!" Taylor says quickly, "you came here. You made a change. You challenged yourself and went through with it. You can be proud of that Claire."
  895. <FakemixRed> "I only.....came here....because I needed help....that's not....something exactly rely on....someone else." Claire says
  896. <LipstickThespian> "The strongest people I know are the ones who asked for help," Taylor says softly. "There was an alcoholic boy that was in my first year of my masters who always thought he would be shunned for asking for help. When he finally did ask for help, the community rallied around him. People inherently want to help each other."
  897. <FakemixRed> "but if people....naturally want to help....each other....doesn't that make getting help....even easier and thus.....less to be proud of?" Claire couldn't understand this woman, strength was the power to stand alone
  898. <LipstickThespian> "Sometimes putting your pride aside, is the thing to be most proud of." Taylor answers.
  899. <FakemixRed> Claire can understand that one " a deadly....sin after's good to.....rid yourself of it...."
  900. <LipstickThespian> "Well you could put it like that," Taylor says with a shrug.
  901. <FakemixRed> "oh....I guess." Claire gets dejected by the shrug /She's probably just humoring me because it's her job. Don't go feeling special now/
  902. <LipstickThespian> "I want you to feel proud of yourself Claire, I want you to help me do that."
  903. <FakemixRed> Claire digs deep into her mind "People say....I have....nice hair? at least....according to Akemi. And that.....I'm cute?" Claire's just trying to please the doctor here
  904. <LipstickThespian> "I think you have lovely hair," Taylor says with a smile, "do you like it when people comment you? Does it make you feel proud of yourself?"
  905. <FakemixRed> "It's....nice when....people do....and they're not.....expecting return. Though....I guess Akemi does hear the sounds.....I make." Claire blushes at that
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  908. <LipstickThespian> "Well, you know you don't own anyone anything for their compliments." Taylor says.
  909. <FakemixRed> "When...I was complimented....back home....that meant....Mom wanted me to do something.....really bad."
  910. <LipstickThespian> "We can more you away from that mindset Claire, it just takes time. Thinking about it. Absorb the compliment and feel good about it, but don't associate it with having to do things for others."
  911. <FakemixRed> Claire nods "It live....such a life. I want one....where I'm not....scared or someone....all the time." The bluetooth lights up at the most inoppurtune moment
  912. <LipstickThespian> "As long as we aim for our perfect vision, we can grow as people."
  913. <FakemixRed> "Well....I guess.....trying is what's important....maybe?" Claire says nervously
  914. <LipstickThespian> "I think it is always the first step." Taylor says with a nod, "what else would you like to talk about?"
  915. <FakemixRed> Claire thinks "What does it become a hero?"
  916. <FakemixRed> "I be one....if possible"
  917. <LipstickThespian> "A hero can be a lot of things. I guess it boils down to: what do you think is a hero, Claire?"
  918. <FakemixRed> "Someone....who saves others? no...that's a...savior. Someone who fights....evil but....evil is perspective." Claire strokes her chin with the tail
  919. <LipstickThespian> "What would make Claire a hero?" Taylor guides her along.
  920. <FakemixRed> "uhhh...I guess....being able to help....those in need? Even costs me,"
  921. <LipstickThespian> "That'
  922. <FakemixRed> "What? Oh...I guess what I consider....a hero."
  923. <LipstickThespian> s noble of you Claire. I think you could do that."
  924. <FakemixRed> (redact that)
  925. <FakemixRed> "Well....maybe. If I past my contract." Claire says somberly
  926. <LipstickThespian> -Scene Pause-
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  933. * SirGoldFish has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  934. * You are now known as Kioku
  935. * You have left channel #Sunnybrook-IC5
  936. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jul 26 12:09:48 2015
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