
dead community dead life

Jan 13th, 2016
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  1. [1/12/2016 11:52:16 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: Just an announcement...
  2. [1/12/2016 11:52:25 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: Not going to be posting fanfiction or fanart anymore on the forums.
  3. [1/12/2016 11:52:41 PM] Ashema Bahumat: k
  4. [1/12/2016 11:52:54 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: I will still share creations with the PAN but I see no interest on posting it on the forums.
  5. [1/12/2016 11:53:10 PM] Ashema Bahumat: that gives recognition
  6. [1/12/2016 11:53:16 PM] Ashema Bahumat: keep that in mind
  7. [1/12/2016 11:53:23 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: Recognition from who?
  8. [1/12/2016 11:53:33 PM] Ashema Bahumat: other people
  9. [1/12/2016 11:53:41 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: Apart from Eltro, everyone who look at my fan-stuff is here.
  10. [1/12/2016 11:53:52 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: So yeah. What other people, Ashema?
  11. [1/12/2016 11:53:55 PM] Ashema Bahumat: every little bit counts, y'know?
  12. [1/12/2016 11:54:17 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: The fandom is pretty much dead as a dodo outside of the PAN. Don't see much use in posting on the forums.
  13. [1/12/2016 11:54:31 PM] Ashema Bahumat: just saying
  14. [1/12/2016 11:54:36 PM] ElectricSparx: I check in every now and then with the fanstuff section on the forums
  15. [1/12/2016 11:54:45 PM] Mew Mew Psychic: You're also here.
  16. [1/12/2016 11:54:47 PM] Ashema Bahumat: non-FP related stuff goes even further, too
  17. [1/12/2016 11:54:48 PM] ElectricSparx: no point in going there daily when not much gets posted
  18. [1/12/2016 11:55:17 PM] Sonic the Hedgehog: -facedesk-
  19. [1/12/2016 11:55:29 PM] Ashema Bahumat: what, I like variation
  20. [1/12/2016 11:55:33 PM] Ashema Bahumat: :v
  21. [1/12/2016 11:55:50 PM] Ultrablockstar: Well the point is that the community for FP is more or less dead.
  22. [1/12/2016 11:56:12 PM] Ultrablockstar: It's void, barely breathing, hardly anything happens
  23. [1/12/2016 11:56:29 PM] Ultrablockstar: You know it's kinda a bad thing what the General forums are more active
  24. [1/12/2016 11:56:51 PM] Ultrablockstar: That alone tells you that the FP community is barely there.
  25. [1/12/2016 11:57:02 PM] Ashema Bahumat: so that means we only have to see FP stuff?
  26. [1/12/2016 11:57:28 PM] Ultrablockstar: That's not the fucking point.
  27. [1/12/2016 11:57:31 PM] Ultrablockstar: I'm done
  28. [1/12/2016 11:57:40 PM] Ultrablockstar: I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall
  29. [1/12/2016 11:57:43 PM | Edited 11:57:49 PM] Ashema Bahumat: I'm just saying that non-FP stuff would be appreciated, at least from me
  30. [12:00:34 AM] Mew Mew Psychic: Well, I don't feel like posting non-FP stuff on a forum dedicated to FP.
  31. [12:00:55 AM] Ashema Bahumat: there's a general section, you know?
  32. [12:02:00 AM] Sonic the Hedgehog: -facedesk-
  33. [12:02:34 AM] Ashema Bahumat: besides, drawing different things helps you get better
  34. [12:02:40 AM] ElectricSparx: To be honest, a general art thread wouldn't be bad
  35. [12:02:53 AM] Bingo The Multiva: there is a general art thread actually
  36. [12:02:59 AM] Bingo The Multiva: no one seems to post there
  37. [12:03:00 AM] ElectricSparx: Is there?
  38. [12:03:19 AM] Bingo The Multiva: yeah
  39. [12:03:20 AM] Bingo The Multiva: let me find it
  40. [12:03:36 AM] Ashema Bahumat: the community isn't exactly filled with competent artists
  41. [12:03:43 AM] Ashema Bahumat: few and far between
  42. [12:03:54 AM] Ashema Bahumat: visual artists to be exact
  43. [12:03:55 AM] Bingo The Multiva: it's literally stickied!
  44. [12:03:56 AM] Bingo The Multiva: http://www.galaxytrail.com/forum/index.php/topic,162.0.html
  45. [12:04:22 AM] Bingo The Multiva: how do you miss that?
  46. [12:08:59 AM] ElectricSparx: I don't visit the general section often
  47. [12:09:17 AM] ElectricSparx: Most discussions there don't interest me
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