
my autismal survival story

May 12th, 2016
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  1. So. I heard more stories of people playing Survival. I finally grew a pair of testicles and decided to hop in. First few tries I went straight for Concord. After dying a few times I realized this might've been a bad idea because no beds nearby, and undergeared. So I headed straight for Abernathy Farm. The entire trip to the Satellite Array was stressful.
  3. I had come across a skeleton with a .44 Magnum beside him, and as soon as I picked it up three raiders, and one of their dogs started fighting some Mole Rats right in front of me. My trusty canine companion went after one of the Raiders, pinning his arm. I drew the trusty .44, and took aim.
  5. BANG, he went down. I aimed at another one.
  7. BANG, then she went down. I took my attention to the dog, who was distracted by Mole Rats, right as the last Mole Rat died...
  9. BANG, he's gone now. My heart was racing. I had just fought off a Raider ambush with only me and the help of a Canine. What was once a leisurely jog that would end with me casually waltzing over and shooting a few enemies after two hours was a heart-pounding, adrenaline-surging event that had my heart racing.
  11. But that was just the beginning.
  13. Oh no, my friends. It gets worse from there.
  15. After actually getting to the array, I drew a shotgun, and slowly creaked the metal door open that would lead me to the heart of the facility. A Raider exclaimed in suprise.
  17. BU-BUNK, a loud gunshot rang out as she went flying back. I then started taking fire from the tower up top. 'Fuck, no way I can get up there and take her out.' I thought. My Canine companion bravely charged ahead, drawing the Raider's fire. I rushed up, shotgun in hand.
  19. BU-BUNK. He was killed, I slept a few times, still having the 'DANGER' alert pop up while I was there. The last Mole Rat burrowed out of the ground. BU-BUNK BU-BUNK.
  21. There. Area secured, shit's under control.
  23. I slept one more time, heading inside. Tensions were high due to the extreme close quarters of the area, I feared my shotgun would be inefficient at dispatching the hostiles in time. My worst fears came true, I dispatched one of the Raiders with a shotgun. When suddenly I heard a distinctive, horrifying BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT noise. Dog-Meat was knocked out of the fight almost instantly, a few stray shots hitting me. I used a Stimpak and drank some water to compensate for the dehydration. I began throwing grenades blindly. One grenade I threw hit it's mark. It killed Ack-Ack, the raider with the Minigun. Another one had grabbed the Minigun and began running up to me. This was a grave mistake for him, and his colleagues.
  25. BU-BUNK. Gone. I had the Minigun, and I was ready to tear some assholes apart with it. I jumped down bravely after healing Dogmeat. I was able to hear the two survivors screaming 'MINIGUN! FUCKING MINIGUN!'
  27. You'd think their fear would calm me, but it only served to further accelerate the pace of my heart. I knew there were only a few left. I had no idea what tricks they would have up their sleeve. I ripped a Fusion Core out of a generator, and managed to dispatch the last two Raiders with a Minigun, then recover the Locket.
  29. Job.
  31. Done.
  33. I waltzed out proudly, at least as proudly as I could since my back was about to break. I killed two Radstags outside, harvested their flesh to satisfy my hunger, then popped the F-Core into the back of the Power Armor, turning the Valve to enter. And began walking home.
  35. And then I walked straight into a Mirelurk Nest. There were only two softshells, but those moments where I had to draw and spool up the Minigun, I was about to have a heart-attack. I dispatched them both after emptying an entire belt into them, then killed the hatchlings that were disturbed. Harvested the few eggs that didn't burst open like Chestbursters, then got the hell home.
  37. I've yet to return the Locket. I will, soon.
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