

Feb 28th, 2019
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  1. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  2. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  3. Toz arrives from the north.
  4. Toz closes the door to the north.
  5. Toz locks the north door.
  7. Toz takes a moment to brush the dirt off of himself.
  9. You have emoted: Tatia looks to Toz from her place in front of the fire grinning slightly. "Looking a little bloody, Bam." she remarks with an amused tone. "I think you picked the perfect person to curl up against." she teases, beckoning Toz towards her.
  11. Taking a moment to peel off his leather armor, Toz treads towards you, shedding clothes next until he's down to only his pants. He moves to slide down beside you, slinging his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close. "I think you did too," he tells you, with a lazy grin, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek firmly.
  13. You have emoted: Tatia cant help but smile when she's pulled in close to Toz, offering no resistance. Her hand slides up to run her fingertips along the musculature of his chest absently, "Tell me about the fight?" she asks while tilting her head to look at Toz.
  15. Leaning back just a little so your hand has room to move, Toz smiles back and shrugs his shoulders. "Indorani, Carnifex and me as monk. Just a generic slaughter," he explains to you. "They tried to kill me, but I got my lyre up and kept it up before they could finish the job. Only a few of them know how to handle it, and those died in short order. I...hit pretty hard, as well?"
  17. You have emoted: "I know how hard you hit." Tatia returns with a teasing laugh, poking Toz's chest lightly. "Sounds like you had a good fight then!" She brings her free hand up to lace her fingers with his draped over her shoulder. "You had a good week?"
  19. "Has been," Toz confirms to you. He leans in and finds your lips, kissing lightly and lingering after. "Mm. I think I owe you some promises too, soon," he notes, giving your hand a squeeze as he finds it laced with his own. "Rest is calling to me soon, but there's still a collar in my pack I haven't forgotten about?"
  21. You have emoted: Tatia smiles softly after the shared kiss breaks, scooting a little closer to nestle herself against Toz's side. "I'm not far from rest either." she admits, followed by a mischievous grin "Mm, that will be fun." she notes, pressing her side against his in a light bump.
  23. Lowering his arm, Toz hooks it around your waist and pulls, trying to encourage you into his lap rather than simply leaning against him. "Then come here and kiss me, so we can both rest," he tells you, offering a slight grin. "Vest and those pants, or just the collar?" he wonders after.
  25. You have emoted: "Definitely vest and leather pants. What you end up in in the end? That's yet to be seen." Tatia decides with a smile, climbing easily into Toz's lap. She lifts her hand to press flatly against his cheek, leaning in to press her scarlet lips sweetly against Toz's own.
  27. With you sliding into his lap, Toz shifts both hands and rests them on you rump, pulling you in against him as he shifts forward, and into you kiss. His own contact is not as sweet as your, more firm with a note of roughness beneath, nipping at you lower lip once, sharply, as the contact continues. He doesn't offer words in reply, simply an agreeable, wordless murmur.
  29. You have emoted: Tatia leans back briefly to squint her eyes at Toz, leaning back in quickly to kiss him roughly in return. Breaking the kiss, she quirks an eyebrow and leans in to press her lips against Toz's ear. "You're lucky we are both tired, otherwise.." she trails off, her hand sliding down to tug at the leg of his pants, "These would be gone with your back against a wall." she murmurs softly.
  31. Curling his claws into your dress, Toz gives a toothy grin as you tugs on his pants. "I think usually that ends with your back to the wall," he retorts, turning his head to warmly kiss your jawline. He nuzzles lazily against it and then rolls back, sure to press his hips forward into your first, lowering himself to the furs. "Soon though, hm?"
  33. You have emoted: "Mm, whoever ends up against the wall.. it's all worth it in the end." Tatia returns, pausing to exhale a slow breath with Toz's hips pressing against her. She narrows her eyes down at him as he lays back, eventually laughing softly and stretching herself out against his chest. "Love you." she murmurs softly while nuzzling her face against Toz's neck with a slight smile. "Pleasant dreams, Bam."
  35. "Love you too, Tat," comes Toz's warm reply, one hand lifting to stroke through your hair, cradling you against the crook of his neck, other remaining on your rear, holding fast. "Sleep well, and look forward to seeing a lot more of you soon." He shuts his eyes and settles, resting warmly beneath you form, both of his hearts peacefully thumping away.
  37. You have emoted: Tatia exhales a content breath and smiles softly against Toz, slipping off to sleep shortly after.
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