

Aug 10th, 2018
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  1. ˗ˏˋ PEPE ˎˊ˗
  6. ∎︎ NOTE TO ISEUL ≡ hi !!! so obviously if you see this note, i didn't procrastinate and actually completed the form! i know it may not be the best or the character may not be what you want but i had fun writing the form. i wanted to make her as interesting as i could without overdoing it but i have a minimal amount of creativity cells in my body. i hope this af does good and i'm so happy that i inspired you bc woAH that's a big deal (at least for me). so i'm sorry if this form is highkey sucky but i did my best! it slowly got worse as i wrote it but.. here ya go!
  9. ˗ˏˋ LIKE ˎˊ˗
  14. ∎︎ BACK UP ≡
  15. — YURA ( GIRL’S DAY ) or YUJIN ( CLC )
  18. ˗ˏˋ HIGH HEELS ˎˊ˗
  20. ∎︎ FULL NAME ≡ kang sora
  21. ∎︎ OTHER NAME ≡ N/A
  23. ∎︎ NICKNAME ≡
  24. ' QUEEN ' — it was the very first nickname given to her by the fans. on no.mercy, sora had such a strong and feminine presence that fans would call her 'queen sora' or just 'queen'. it stuck after debut.
  26. ' SOSO ' — a cute nickname that GONE BAD gave her. at first, it was annoying but eventually she got used it and lowkey likes it (but she won't admit it to GONE BAD).
  28. ' TWISTER ' — she got this after a time when she recommend playing twister in the practice room because she claimed she was 'the god of twister'. yet, she lost and ended up in the ER because she nearly broke her nose. this was before debut. now anytime something embarrassing happens and she makes fun of them, they'll say something like "are you forgetting something, twister?" they've never shared this nickname with anyone besides them.
  30. ∎︎ BIRTHDATE ≡ july 29th, 1994
  32. ∎︎ WEIGHT ≡ 51kg
  33. ∎︎ HEIGHT ≡ 164cm
  35. ∎︎ NATIONALITY ≡ korean
  36. ∎︎ ETHNICITY ≡ korean
  38. ∎︎ BIRTHPLACE ≡ busan, south korea
  39. ∎︎ HOMETOWN ≡ busan, south korea
  42. — KOREAN | fluent.
  43. — CHINESE | concersational & is learning more.
  45. ∎︎ FAMILY ≡
  46. ' KANG YUJEONG ' — mother
  47. ' KANG HYUNKI ' — father
  50. ˗ˏˋ NO OH OH ˎˊ˗
  52. ∎︎ PERSONALITY ≡
  55. this can either be good or bad in certain cases. sora tends to be over dramatic whether it be seriously or just because she's so extra. in serious situations, she may be just a little bit more dramatic than needed but she doesn't get really mad. rather, it's more of she twists words or hears what she wants to hear. it can be a quite annoying since sora gets petty at the worst times. but in other cases of her being over dramatic could be things such as falling but really over the top, being super loud and making everything more 'extravagant' than need be, or over-doing her singing and dancing just for laughs. the members sometimes joke that she could be a broadway star if she wanted because she is so dramatic. but jokes on them, sora was the star in her high school theater program. she loves attention even if she may not show it at first and loves to be on stage. however, while her talent may come naturally, she has trouble putting in the work. sora is just overall a really extra person and is always doing the most to make people laugh.
  57. WEIRD |
  58. behind her cold exterior, sora really is just a 'normal' girl. normal as in she is hella weird. just like with her whole extraness, she is constantly doing the most to make people laugh. it's because she enjoys having people watching her. lucky for her, she is a funny person and it's never really awkward. unfortunately, because she has such a mean exterior, many people tend to judge her from the beginning and don't really think of her as 'funny'. sora tries her best on variety shows and enjoys being on them. at the time of her debut, she was more reluctant to do stuff on shows and often said things that netizens declared as 'rude' when it was really sarcasm and playful insults. now, she works hard to be enjoyable and nice to people on shows especially since she got so much hate before. but with her friend/group members, sora is someone they'd describe as 'the unexpected moodmaker'. she is playful and has a weird sense of humor. sometimes the members get concerned for her.
  60. CHARMING |
  61. sora knows she's hot and is not afraid to show it. this is the one thing she doesn't let knetz get to her about. sometimes they'll say she's a 'slut' or 'trying to hard' just because she is confident in herself. sora is not afraid to flirt or express attraction towards someone. she is a firm believer that idols shouldn't be bashed for dating or being intimate with another person but she definitely knows her limits. sora wouldn't ruin someone's career and never goes too far unless it's in private and the other person is perfectly comfortable with it. once she senses they are uncomfortable, she'll stop. but tied to being 'extra', sora is what fans call 'rude' and 'disrespectful' on stage and even offstage all the time. it's part of her charm — sexiness. always doing the most for her fans. with her members, she enjoys making them flustered and shy with skinsip or something suggestive. overall, sora is just really comfortable and confident with her body and looks.
  64. a major flaw of hers. sora comes off a rude person at first. growing up, she constantly had the focus on her so she tends to make a lot of situations about herself. while she doesn't mean it, it can easily be turned into 'she hates her members' or 'she's trying to steal the spotlight'. honestly, she is not someone who wants to be in the background. it may also be a way to engage in a conversation. if she hears someone talking about something she can relate to, she'll just barge in with her own story. it makes people a little uncomfortable. she doesn't think she's being rude but her members will always tell her when she is being selfish. it's why many people tend to steer away from her. when she's not close to someone, she has a coldness to her as if she doesn't trust them. she'll always talk about herself and never ask about you. but people never actually put in enough effort to realize that she is actually nice and not completely full of herself. in all honesty, sora is just not a very good listener as she is someone who could talk about herself for days. she's working on it.
  66. LAZY |
  67. odd for a main dancer but it's another one of her major flaws. but's not just with exercising. in fact, when it comes to dancing, she'll actually put in some effort. but sora is used to having 'natural talent'. dancing was something that came natural to her so she never really thought of putting in a lot of effort to get better like other people. of course, once she became a trainee, she was forced to be more productive and did end up improving her dancing skills. but it's not just that. sora grew up in a wealthy family with butlers and maids and even her parents that would gladly do stuff for her. therefore, she is not the ideal person to go to if you need help with something. she really doesn't know how most things work anyway. it's things like her laying down on the couch watching tv and making one of the other members go make her water even though they're already busy that annoy them. sora does it without thinking. she'll probably whine if they say no and tell her to do it. if she whines enough, they'll eventually get so aggravated they'll do it. it depends on the member's mood though. sometimes they'll just let sora be sora and do what she wants and other times they'll call her out and sora will realize how much of a bitch she's being to them.
  70. here's where her laziness can be an issue. sora is someone who automatically thinks if she can't do something on the first or third try, she'll never be able to do something. she'll just give up. so you can imagine how the trainers had hard time with her during her trainee days. sora has never really worked her talent. it was all just there. in practices, if she doesn't have the dance steps down the fastest, she'll get stressed. but the good thing is that she is able to cool down pretty quickly and try again. however, this is a occurs many times throughout practice. but in the end, she realizes how worth it the struggle was. however, sora will always be someone who will get frustrated when she can't do something. she has never worked a day in her life so she doesn't understand how the others just make mistakes and try to fix them for more than a few minutes. basically, she doesn't have much patience. if it's not there, she'll automatically think she's not talented and she sucks at it.
  72. CARING |
  73. truly, sora is a kind and caring person. she tries her best to be as sweet as she can and the members can tell that she is trying her best even though she can be a little petty bitch sometimes. they understand she grew up in a lifestyle that is didn't require her to work or most people tend to have respect towards them rather than the other way around. but during her time in starship, sora has acquired many new views on life and how to be a better person. however, there are things that will never go away or are hard to get rid of. and some things people don't even try to help her with. but sora definitely starts to care more and more for the people she gets close to. the closer she is to someone, the more she comes out of her shell and begins to show that she is, in fact, not a stuck-up rich kid. she would be by her members' side in a heartbeat if they were hurt or try to give you as much affection and love she can when one of the girls is upset or struggling. over time, sora will learn from her mistakes and be the caring person the girls know she is.
  76. ∎︎ BACKGROUND ≡
  78. the way her parents met was almost like a 'the little mermaid' ordeal except with some changes in the plot. her mother was a mermaid and her father was wealthy business man. he met yujeong (her mother) whenever she came in for an interview. needless to say, she didn't get the job because there was a no romance rule in the office and hyunki (her father) seemed to like yujeong too much. yujeong didn't come from a wealthy background so it was a whole turn around into the 'rich life' whenever hyunki decided to marry her. her mother was reluctant to tell her father that she was mermaid. she wanted to live a normal life much to yujeong's father's disapproval but she knew he would find out one day so might as well tell him. he was shocked but didn't love her nonetheless. she was hoping that her kid wouldn't inherit her mermaid genes but it seems her wish didn't come true because after sora's first bath, hyunki came out the bathroom yelling about how their daughter turned into a fish.
  80. growing up, sora got everything for her. she was homeschooled and didn't have many friends besides a few wealthy families' kids. they had butlers and maids so she rarely did anything for herself. she was ALMOST a snobby rich kid but her mother wouldn't allow that. yujeong was a humble and wanted to teach sora that just because she had more than others, she wasn't better than anyone. sora is a mix of her father and mother. she isn't like one of them more than the other (if you don't count the whole mermaid thing). lucky for her, because she wasn't exposed much to people, she had no problem hiding what she was. all she had to do was avoid getting in the water if they ever went to the beach or swimming in public swimming pools. basically any water around other people, she ignored. sora first discovered her dancing skills when she was 12. her mom wanted her to be productive and suggested dancing classes. in the end, she surprised herself and many other people. her ego kinda went up because of it. entering her teenage years, the family came to a collective decision that sora would enroll in a high school so she could meet new people. there were many people who wanted to be her friend once they somehow discovered she was the daughter of a wealthy family. although she was popular, she never made an actual friends. high school was also where she discovered her love for performing. once again, in an attempt to help sora be humble, her mother pushed her to join a club so she joined the drama club. she fell in love. it expanded as she discovered not just acting but singing as well. she looked up to idol groups. what better way to show off her dancing AND get to perform? become an idol! she auditioned for many companies but her ultimate decision was starship as they were the first call her back. her parents supported her decision whole-heartedly. her father was a little hesitant at first but gave in after seeing the star potential in her.
  83. ˗ˏˋ CHAMISMA ˎˊ˗
  85. ∎︎ LIKES ≡
  86. — roses | her favorite flower.
  87. — musicals | no doubt about it. musicals are what made her love theater.
  88. — tea | she prefers it over coffee any day.
  89. — snow | or just winter in general. it's her favorite season.
  90. — k-dramas | she loves how cringy and over-dramatic they are. but sometimes she can get really into them.
  91. — travelling | her dream is doing a world tour since it involves her two favorite things — performing and travelling!
  92. — cats | she has nothing against dogs, but cats are cuter to her and she likes that they're so calm.
  93. — performing | she LIVES for performing. being on stage makes her happy.
  94. — skinship | she's a touchy person and will hold hands and kiss the members all the time.
  96. ∎︎ DISLIKES ≡
  97. — dirty clothes | she hates wearing dirty clothes or just seeing them. she does her laundry very often.
  98. — bugs | all bugs can die. that's her take on that.
  99. — tomatoes | she won't eat them. if something has tomatoes in it, she won't eat that either.
  100. — coffee | she just doesn't like the taste of it.
  101. — staying up late | although she can if need be, she hates doing so and hates lacking sleep.
  102. — sour candy | she's someone who cannot handle sour candy therefore she never eats it.
  103. — liars | as an honest person, she hates being lied to.
  104. — soda | water, tea, and lemonade is all she drinks.
  105. — the color orange | she thinks it's an ugly color. that's it.
  107. ∎︎ HABITS ≡
  108. — filing her nails | it's kinda weird but she tends to carry around a nail file with her and will pull it out randomly and start filing her nails. most of the time it's when she's nervous but sometimes it's random.
  109. — biting her lip | she does it constantly without even realizing. she does it the most whenever she's concentrating on something.
  111. ∎︎ HOBBIES ≡
  112. — photography | whether it be of herself or other things, she finds photography very enjoyable especially since she'll travel a lot being an idol. she'd like to keep her memories.
  113. — crossword puzzles | the members tease her for it but she finds crossword puzzles super enjoyable and will lay in bed doing them all day.
  115. ∎︎ FEARS/PHOBIAS ≡
  116. — hemophobia | the fear of blood. she hates seeing it and too much blood can cause her to faint.
  118. ∎︎ TALENTS ≡
  119. — flexibily (idk if this counts as dancing)
  120. — imitations of animals (her most popular is a bird)
  121. — acting
  123. ∎︎ TRIVIA ≡
  124. — she is prone to breaking earphones. she has gone through 5 pairs in one-two months.
  125. — she's ambidextrous.
  126. — she gets aggravated whenever things are not symmetrical when decorating.
  127. — she brushes her teeth four times a day.
  128. — she's allergic to shrimp.
  129. — she has named many of her inanimate objects she loves the most.
  130. — she can't whistle.
  131. — always drinks tea before she goes to bed.
  132. — wants to get a small tattoo behind her ear.
  133. — she laughs when she's scared because it gets rid of fear.
  134. — would like to act in a k-drama.
  137. ˗ˏˋ HOBGOBLIN ˎˊ˗
  139. ∎︎ SEXUALITY ≡ straight | she finds plenty of women attractive but has never found herself romantically/sexually attracted to one.
  141. ∎︎ IDEAL TYPE ≡
  142. — she is automatically attracted to any with a sense of style or looks well put together. she values people who take care of how they look.
  143. — she'd like someone who is patient. she knows most people automatically assume things about her so anyone who is patient and makes an effort to get to know her makes her heart warm.
  144. — someone okay with skinship or even better initiates himself.
  146. ∎︎ LOVE INTEREST ≡ chae hyungwon
  148. ∎︎ HOW DO BOTH ACT ≡ (this terrible but,, sigh)
  150. HER |
  151. sora isn't one to deny anything. she thought hyungwon was hella attractive when she met him and he had already ticked off one thing in her ideal type list — fashion. he seemed quiet though so she wasn't too sure how to approach him. they officially met whenever DESTROYER was talking to hyungwon and jooheon and invited her over while she was passing. she wanted to make a good impression but we all know she's not very good at that. as usual, she talked about herself whenever she was given a chance but mostly tried to stay quiet. hyungwon was also pretty quiet and she liked his 'mysterious' vibe. it made her want to know more. of course, she would grow out of her shell and start becoming much more playful and sweet and cute to him. it was much different from when he first met her. despite the fact that he seemed a little shy, sora wanted to make efforts to get to know him. she discovered that he was just quiet but she liked seeming him also come out of his shell more and be real around her. sora is not one to hide her feelings. when she realized she had a major crush on the boy, she went with it. she would try and be more touchy with him and flirt just a little bit but not enough to scare him off. she was pretty confident that he liked her but she wasn't going to say anything for a little bit just so she could be sure. but she began to notice how nervous he got — way more than when they were friends. it made her assumptions go way up. although most girls love when a guy confesses to them, she didn't think hyungwon would anytime soon so she took it upon herself to do it. the are pretty different and sora is probably much more hyper than him. but they get along well and are lowkey kinda annoying to the others but sora doesn't really care.
  153. HIM |
  154. hyungwon actually didn't really take notice to sora's 'mean' attitude when they first met. he just thought she liked to talk and could tell that she was a confident person by the way she carried herself. he noticed that would talk to him whenever she could and it's not that he had a problem with it, he was just confused as to why she was so set on him. but he did give in and ended up enjoying her company. he also took note of how sora seemed to be quite different compared to him. but hyungwon has his moments too. he overall enjoyed being friends with her. she was funny, nice, and charming. something about her made him like her more and more each day. of course, sometimes he got a bit annoyed with the way she would act but her members explained to him how she grew up. so now, he tends to help her. he doesn't think she's a bad person or a rude person but he does think she has her flaws. hyungwon probably developed his crush before sora did. while sora may have being flirty and thought he was attractive, he most likely saw her as more than a friend way before her. but he's too shy to say anything. he kinda just let sora do her thing and he would be there joking around with her but pretty much dying on the inside. he would be nervous when she'd do practically anything and for a good while he was hella good at covering it up. but then sora started to get touchy and initiated more skinship. that's when it got difficult for him. so he relieved when sora admitted to having a crush on him because he didn't think he could hide it for any longer but he also didn't think he could tell her. now with all that weight off his shoulders, he is able to respond to her with all his heart !!
  156. ∎︎ REQUESTED SCENES WITH LI ≡ (some of these may be more 'trivia' than scenes)
  158. — sora likes to take pictures of him or them together, especially polaroids. she'll hang them up in her room. however, hyungwon doesn't know that until they start dating.
  160. — (this one is optional) their relationship somehow was revealed to the public unwillingly. they did want to keep it a secret for a while but the media managed to find out without them knowing. it was a bumpy ride a for a hot minute but they refused to let the public break them up. eventually, the fans would get used to it.
  162. — this isn't specific but i just want some cute cuddling scenes where they fall asleep on each other.
  164. — (this is so generic) okay basically both groups are playing hide and seek and hyungwon's headass says they should hide together. and sora's headass agrees. they pick her room closet wow!!! to the point, they're really close and even though he can't see her, he says she's beautiful and kisses her. sora is like kdfjdkdkd bc first kiss. anyway it's cute and everyone claps.
  166. — hyungwon gives her piggyback rides around the building all the time even before they date. many trainees confused them for a couple at the time.
  168. — this is not even a scene i just think it would be funny if one of the girls (or boys) called them 'soso and dodo' and even made their ship name 'sodo'.
  170. — ah the legendary scene where he discovers she's a mermaid. idk if starship has a pool but now they do. it's private don't worry. so anyway it was just hyungwon and sora there chillin'. of course, she didn't want to get in the water but hyungwon just woke up from a nap (typical) and was now bored. he jumped in and said she should join and she refused obviously. je wasn't taking no for answer and while she wasn't looking, he picked her up and threw her in. sora knew she was done for now and there was nothing she could do about it. her confidence was gone and opened her eyes to see hyungwon frozen. she started talking a million words a minute but eventually he got in and was like "this is probably the craziest thing i've ever seen but because it's you, i have no problem with it."
  173. ˗ˏˋ WHERE ARE YOU? ˎˊ˗
  175. ∎︎ STAGE NAME ≡ sora
  177. ∎︎ TRAINING YEARS ≡ 5 years | has only been in starship.
  180. — appeared in a k-drama (i don't know many so you can pick one ig) but didn't have any lines.
  181. — was a back-up dancer for sistar many times.
  183. ∎︎ SCANDALS ≡
  184. — sora has had much hate for being 'rude'. i don't know if that's really a scandal.
  185. — a dating rumor with kai of exo because they were caught out together. it was denied. they're just dancing buddies.
  186. — she was thought to be smoking but it was just a lollipop.
  188. ∎︎ VARIETY SKILLS ≡
  189. — constantly showing off her dancing mainly because they usually ask who the main dancer is.
  190. — will also show off her flexibility ^
  191. — her imitations!! sometimes it's of animals and other times of her members.
  194. — knowing brother
  195. — weekly idol
  196. — idk if it'll go into 2018 but if it does, idol room
  197. — law of the jungle
  199. ∎︎ FAN SERVICE ≡
  201. WITH |
  202. — she does skinship with the members (holding hands, back hugs, kissing their cheek)
  203. — likes to be the slightest bit sexual with them such as dancing on them or getting really close idk
  205. WITHOUT |
  206. — she overdoes her poses for cameras and acts like a model all the time
  207. — disobeys the security guards and takes gifts/signs stuff for fans at the airport, etc.
  208. — acts sexy (is that fanservice lmao?)
  211. ˗ˏˋ BKACK DRESSˎˊ˗
  213. ∎︎ INDIVIDUAL GREETING ≡ "hello, i'm equ1nox's dancing drama queen, sora!"
  215. ∎︎ INDIVIDUAL FANDOM NAME ≡ royals | since her nickname is 'queen', she thought it was fitting.
  216. ∎︎ INDIVIDUAL FANDOM COLOR ≡ crimson.
  218. ∎︎ SOCIAL MEDIA ≡
  219. — INSTAGRAM | queenksr
  220. — TWITTER | sorakang94
  223. ALL IN | 8
  224. the thing is, ALL IN is very hardworking and sora is someone who is, well, not. they have their differences but ALL in does try to help her out and teach her how not to be lazy.
  226. X | 7
  227. sora is very slightly scared of X but she does agree with her on views on not being a stereotypical girl group. sometimes they get a long and sometimes they'll argue a lot.
  229. GONE BAD | 9
  230. she finds GONE BAD to be absolutely adorable and would protect this girl with her life. however, she doesn't really like how sensitive she is.
  232. BEAUTIFUL | 10
  233. they're the closest. they don't really have many issues with each other maybe other than the fact that one is impatient and the other is slow to do things. but they do get along very well which is odd.
  235. DESTROYER | 6
  236. they're close but not really close. sora thinks she is very cute but they both like to talk and it can be a handful with both of them.
  238. FIGHTER | 5
  239. sora just doesn't know her as well as the other members. she would like to get to know her more, though.
  243. — some scenes of sora and BEAUTIFUL being best friend goals. but i'd also like to see how they become close. you have one who was not from a rich family and the other is rich-born and a little selfish. i think BEAUTIFUL would be very beneficial for sora especially since she's very humble.
  245. — her and DESTROYER doing songwriting together or trying to. DESTROYER always asks for the girls help because she wants them to be included. however, we learn that sora isn't very good at songwriting and she gets frustrated trying write lyrics. i think it would be a good scene to bring the two closer.
  247. — a scene where (towards the beginning-middle) sora tells one of the boys (maybe wonho or changkyun) she thinks hyungwon is cute. but of course, she can't leave without getting their feelings out. sora basically manipulates the poor boy into telling her what he thinks of any of the girls. of course, sora likes her tea ;)
  249. — sora begins to try and work harder. she goes to the practice room alone to make sure she has their dance down. she overcomes her problems alone and has to keep herself calm and not stress out without the members help. and after hours, she's satisfied and ecstatic that she did it by herself.
  252. ˗ˏˋ DISTANCE ˎˊ˗
  254. ∎︎ FASHION STYLE ≡ sora does like to look her best. she doesn't tend to dress down unless it's something super duper unimportant and barely anyone will see her. she can look comfortable in a stylish way.
  270. things like this basically sum up what sora likes to wear (also mijoo is so extra in some of these lmao)
  273. ∎︎ VIDEOS ≡
  274. | i know this is an intimate stage (but i fucking love it so much) so she's dancing with a back-up dancer to avoid rumors and scandals. also, don't include the very last part when they 'kiss'.
  276. | i tried finding videos of mijoo singing alone and this was the only one. if you need another one, tell me!
  278. ∎︎ EXTRA ≡ nope!
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