
McDonald's Food In A Volcano

Sep 30th, 2016
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  1. Dry Bowser was smacking various tennis balls against the brick wall at the Grumble Volcano as he yawned and stretched his arms, shaking his head as he felt like he had enough of a work out for that, heading back into his volcanic home as he noticed Toadette and Petey Piranha were eating a truckload of McDonald's on his couch.
  3. "What are you two idiots doing this time!?" Dry Bowser bellowed as he grabbed both of the hungry eaters, glaring at them as he was quite pissed at how much crumbs got on his bed.
  5. Toadette farted and burped simultaneously as she giggled. "Ehehe... sorry. Petey here managed to get a lot of Mickie D's, and we just couldn't help but eat it all up!" She then let out a bassy poot so strong, she fell down onto the ground, grabbing the load of french fries that were scattered on the volcanic floor.
  7. Dry Bowser glared at Petey, who shrugged in response as he poured several burgers down his plant mouth, making the skeletal reptile sigh as he dropped the mutated piranha plant.
  9. "Tell me you at least got me some," Dry Bowser grumbled as he then folded his bony arms.
  11. Toadette emerged from a pile of burger wrappers as she glanced at Petey, who nodded as he then bellowed loudly, a portal appearing above Dry Bowser as a truckload of McDonald's fast food landed all on top of the skeletal reptile, who emerged drinking soda, munching burgers, eating fries, and chucking chicken of all sorts through his skull, despite the fact that he did not need to eat or drink due to being a skeleton. Toadette and Petey enjoyed this, as they resumed their rapid eating session, with the sounds of munching echoing throughout the entire volcano itself and the volcano based racecourse.
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