
lbqc really get talking

May 2nd, 2010
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  1. [05:42:38] <luckybunny> So.. now we're not having voyeurs... we could chat? Only I kinda suck at it big time, so if I'm silent, it's me trying to come up with something other than 'ummmmmm,.... errrr.. uh..'
  2. [05:44:24] <luckybunny> Being masterful with words doesn't really count when the thoughts aren't present. Blank minds are tough to work with
  3. [05:50:04] <QuirkyCarla> hehe I suck at chatting too.
  4. [05:50:29] <luckybunny> haha
  5. [05:50:37] <QuirkyCarla> uh...
  6. [05:50:42] <QuirkyCarla> what kind of music do you play?
  7. [05:50:44] * luckybunny just goes red and grind
  8. [05:50:54] <luckybunny> grins*
  9. [05:51:02] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  10. [05:51:04] <luckybunny> Metal mostly
  11. [05:51:18] <luckybunny> but I like virtually everything
  12. [05:51:24] <luckybunny> you?
  13. [05:53:02] <QuirkyCarla> I like music from most genres, but tend to listen to pop/rock/r&b
  14. [05:53:53] <luckybunny> :D
  15. [05:55:01] <buryuntime> play can imply listening to or composing the music. specify.
  16. [05:55:05] * luckybunny again just grins like a dweeb. <<Why I normally survive 1 date max
  17. [05:55:19] <QuirkyCarla> I meant with your guitar.
  18. [05:55:21] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  19. [05:55:25] <luckybunny> I went with listening
  20. [05:55:38] <luckybunny> ah... anything easy
  21. [05:55:42] <buryuntime> iร‚ยดm glad I brought this up.
  22. [05:55:48] <luckybunny> as in entry level
  23. [05:55:56] <luckybunny> :D
  24. [05:56:42] <QuirkyCarla> Ah.
  25. [05:56:45] <QuirkyCarla> That's cool.
  26. [05:56:46] <luckybunny> Staind - Outside is one of my faves
  27. [05:56:47] <QuirkyCarla> :)
  28. [05:56:55] <QuirkyCarla> That's a good song.
  29. [05:57:06] <luckybunny> and Metallica - Nothing else Matters
  30. [05:57:50] <QuirkyCarla> Ah.
  31. [05:59:48] <QuirkyCarla> See, I suck at chatting, too.
  32. [05:59:49] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  33. [06:00:02] <luckybunny> :D
  34. [06:00:20] <QuirkyCarla> Did you go to uni?
  35. [06:00:27] <luckybunny> nope
  36. [06:01:12] <luckybunny> I was a rebel at school. Missed 70% of my final grade, then decided the other 30% wasn't worth it
  37. [06:01:34] <luckybunny> so technically I dropped out
  38. [06:02:50] <luckybunny> although the teachers predicted I'd be getting 90%+ in English, Geography, Music, Spanish, French, Design, and Science
  39. [06:03:37] <QuirkyCarla> Ah.
  40. [06:04:09] <luckybunny> Basically, I never met any potential I ever had, and still have
  41. [06:05:13] <QuirkyCarla> I don't meet my potential either. I never dropped out, but I've always just done the minimum amount of work.
  42. [06:05:17] <luckybunny> was labeled a daydreamer, a loner, and a drifter throughout school
  43. [06:05:22] <QuirkyCarla> I also always try to get the easiest professors.
  44. [06:05:43] <luckybunny> :)
  45. [06:05:47] <QuirkyCarla> Ah. I was just called quiet.
  46. [06:06:00] <QuirkyCarla> People also thought I was super smart because I was quiet.
  47. [06:06:26] <luckybunny> I was usually the only one not talking in class
  48. [06:07:00] <QuirkyCarla> I remember in 8th grade someone told me they were going to vote for me for "most studious", and I wanted to laugh because I hardly ever studied.
  49. [06:07:07] <QuirkyCarla> Still got decent grades though.
  50. [06:07:15] <luckybunny> too busy doodling, half listening, and reading textbooks cover to cover
  51. [06:07:45] <QuirkyCarla> You read textbooks cover to cover?
  52. [06:07:55] <luckybunny> the 70% of the final mark was classwork/homework
  53. [06:08:00] <luckybunny> yes
  54. [06:08:06] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  55. [06:08:23] <luckybunny> 30% is the actual exam
  56. [06:08:27] <QuirkyCarla> I don't think I could read a textbook cover to cover.
  57. [06:08:34] <QuirkyCarla> Oh.
  58. [06:09:40] <luckybunny> If they kept the earlier format of the exam counting 100%, I'd have done brilliantly
  59. [06:09:47] <luckybunny> without studying
  60. [06:10:04] <QuirkyCarla> Awesome.
  61. [06:10:34] * elen (n=elen@unaffiliated/elen) has joined ##unravel
  62. [06:10:43] <elen> good evening
  63. [06:10:53] <QuirkyCarla> wb elen :D
  64. [06:10:56] <luckybunny> evening, li'l sis
  65. [06:10:57] <elen> aw, did stonelore take his meds
  66. [06:11:02] <elen> hi
  67. [06:11:08] <elen> whats up
  68. [06:11:11] <luckybunny> dunno
  69. [06:11:15] <elen> you two still flirting
  70. [06:11:27] <elen> have i missed much
  71. [06:11:43] <QuirkyCarla> we were just chatting
  72. [06:11:46] <elen> you know i hate missing out on that
  73. [06:11:53] <elen> awww
  74. [06:12:01] <elen> you two are such a cute pair
  75. [06:12:05] <elen> i must admit
  76. [06:12:10] <elen> hmmm
  77. [06:12:21] <elen> where would you live, london or new jersey
  78. [06:12:27] <elen> i would pick london myself
  79. [06:12:31] <elen> what about you carla
  80. [06:12:44] <elen> london is more fun
  81. [06:12:49] <elen> and interesting
  82. [06:12:52] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  83. [06:12:56] <QuirkyCarla> i've never been to london
  84. [06:12:59] <elen> the states sucks
  85. [06:13:02] <elen> me either
  86. [06:13:07] <QuirkyCarla> yes, it does
  87. [06:13:08] <luckybunny> I hae
  88. [06:13:11] <elen> lets go together to visit lb
  89. [06:13:13] <luckybunny> have*
  90. [06:13:18] <QuirkyCarla> ok
  91. [06:13:26] <luckybunny> :D
  92. [06:13:27] <elen> would you have us lb
  93. [06:13:34] <luckybunny> ya
  94. [06:13:38] <QuirkyCarla> that sounds wrong
  95. [06:13:40] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  96. [06:13:43] <elen> hehe
  97. [06:13:55] <elen> you have such a bad mind quirky
  98. [06:13:58] <QuirkyCarla> sorry
  99. [06:14:00] <QuirkyCarla> yes i do
  100. [06:14:05] <elen> you'd better be
  101. [06:14:08] <luckybunny> I know a hotel nearby you guys could stay in
  102. [06:14:11] <elen> i may not get over this
  103. [06:14:20] <elen> hey , what the hell
  104. [06:14:26] <elen> we are staying in your pad
  105. [06:14:31] <QuirkyCarla> my roommate is going to be in london in 2 weeks
  106. [06:14:32] <elen> its too expensive
  107. [06:14:41] <elen> really
  108. [06:14:45] <QuirkyCarla> swapping houses
  109. [06:14:46] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  110. [06:14:47] <luckybunny> :D
  111. [06:14:56] <elen> hey you should get her to check out lb
  112. [06:15:06] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  113. [06:15:10] <QuirkyCarla> like a stalker
  114. [06:15:24] <luckybunny> margot?
  115. [06:15:34] <elen> yeah, get margo to peek in his window?
  116. [06:15:36] * QuirkyCarla imagines margot taking pics of lb while he's not aware
  117. [06:15:38] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  118. [06:15:44] <elen> yeah
  119. [06:15:56] <elen> he walks around the house nude, he told me once
  120. [06:16:02] <QuirkyCarla> really?
  121. [06:16:06] <elen> so margot could shoot away
  122. [06:16:09] <luckybunny> no I don't
  123. [06:16:11] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  124. [06:16:16] <elen> you do so you lier
  125. [06:16:25] <QuirkyCarla> i don't
  126. [06:16:30] <elen> lb is an exhibitionist
  127. [06:16:33] <elen> i do
  128. [06:16:34] * QuirkyCarla wonders if luckybunny wears boxers or briefs
  129. [06:16:37] <QuirkyCarla> lol elen
  130. [06:16:43] <luckybunny> the former
  131. [06:16:46] <elen> when no one is home
  132. [06:16:55] <elen> i love to get nude
  133. [06:16:58] <elen> but i get caught
  134. [06:17:03] <QuirkyCarla> by who?
  135. [06:17:06] <elen> i got caught by the mail man
  136. [06:17:09] <QuirkyCarla> omg
  137. [06:17:16] <elen> when he was putting letters in the box
  138. [06:17:20] <luckybunny> *cringe*
  139. [06:17:20] <elen> and our eyes met
  140. [06:17:21] <QuirkyCarla> was it a hot mail man?
  141. [06:17:25] <QuirkyCarla> oh god
  142. [06:17:29] <elen> and i ran
  143. [06:17:34] <luckybunny> msn hotmail
  144. [06:17:39] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  145. [06:17:42] <elen> and he ran
  146. [06:17:49] <elen> and sometimes we run into each other
  147. [06:17:53] <luckybunny> oops
  148. [06:17:55] <QuirkyCarla> awkward
  149. [06:18:00] <elen> and we both pretend we dont see each other
  150. [06:18:04] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  151. [06:18:21] <elen> i like being free though
  152. [06:18:30] <elen> women are so compact
  153. [06:18:31] <QuirkyCarla> i think fed ex or something came to my house at like 7 am once
  154. [06:18:39] <QuirkyCarla> and i had to answer the door in my nightgown
  155. [06:18:39] <elen> were you naked
  156. [06:18:42] <QuirkyCarla> no
  157. [06:18:45] <elen> nightgown
  158. [06:18:48] <QuirkyCarla> my hair was a mess
  159. [06:18:51] <QuirkyCarla> and i looked horrible
  160. [06:18:51] <luckybunny> ooowie
  161. [06:19:13] <elen> ooh, im sure you could never look horrible
  162. [06:19:14] <QuirkyCarla> but i needed my mail
  163. [06:19:18] <elen> lol
  164. [06:19:20] <elen> of course
  165. [06:19:26] <QuirkyCarla> i definitely could
  166. [06:19:28] <elen> what was it your drug supply
  167. [06:19:35] <QuirkyCarla> i think concert tickets or something
  168. [06:19:40] <elen> oooh
  169. [06:19:40] <luckybunny> :)
  170. [06:19:41] <QuirkyCarla> so i had to answer the door
  171. [06:19:48] <elen> good decision
  172. [06:20:05] <QuirkyCarla> one time i didn't answer the door and it was a laptop i had ordered
  173. [06:20:10] <QuirkyCarla> so i didn't get it until the next day
  174. [06:20:12] <QuirkyCarla> that sucked
  175. [06:20:26] <luckybunny> I'm working today (it's now 6:19)
  176. [06:20:31] <buryuntime> I love getting mail.
  177. [06:20:37] <QuirkyCarla> working where?
  178. [06:20:37] <luckybunny> Building a playground
  179. [06:20:40] <QuirkyCarla> I love mail too.
  180. [06:20:48] <QuirkyCarla> Nice.
  181. [06:20:48] <luckybunny> charity work
  182. [06:20:52] <QuirkyCarla> You're in construction?
  183. [06:20:54] <QuirkyCarla> Oh.
  184. [06:21:08] <luckybunny> It's exciting stuff
  185. [06:21:13] <QuirkyCarla> :)
  186. [06:21:25] <luckybunny> I've been to parliament
  187. [06:21:28] <elen> 6:19 am
  188. [06:21:30] <QuirkyCarla> nice
  189. [06:21:33] <elen> and you have not slept
  190. [06:21:38] <elen> and your working?
  191. [06:21:40] <elen> are you mad
  192. [06:21:42] <QuirkyCarla> i have to be up early in the morning too
  193. [06:21:45] <elen> your going to lose it
  194. [06:21:46] <luckybunny> and spent a week in France
  195. [06:21:55] <QuirkyCarla> nice
  196. [06:21:56] <elen> he stayed up all night
  197. [06:22:00] <QuirkyCarla> i want to go to france
  198. [06:22:01] <elen> to be with you
  199. [06:22:15] <QuirkyCarla> i've stayed up all night before
  200. [06:22:17] <luckybunny> It's called ATD 4th World
  201. [06:22:23] <QuirkyCarla> and then had to be up early
  202. [06:22:34] <elen> yeah, its painful doing that
  203. [06:22:38] <QuirkyCarla> it sucks
  204. [06:22:43] <QuirkyCarla> i don't want to go tomorrow
  205. [06:22:46] <elen> lb does it all the time
  206. [06:22:47] <QuirkyCarla> and help with the kindergarten class
  207. [06:22:54] <elen> awww
  208. [06:22:55] <QuirkyCarla> i do too
  209. [06:22:55] <luckybunny> it does, but I often do it
  210. [06:22:59] <elen> you will love that
  211. [06:23:03] <QuirkyCarla> and then i end up falling asleep at 6 pm
  212. [06:23:11] <QuirkyCarla> elen, they've been stressing me out lately.
  213. [06:23:14] <luckybunny> yes me too
  214. [06:23:19] <elen> oh
  215. [06:23:26] <elen> that sucks then
  216. [06:23:29] <luckybunny> ouch... kiddies
  217. [06:23:33] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  218. [06:23:42] <elen> i couldn't be a teacher
  219. [06:23:52] <QuirkyCarla> i wish i had gotten an older grade level
  220. [06:24:15] <elen> yeah, junior high
  221. [06:24:21] <elen> they are a nice challenge
  222. [06:24:21] <QuirkyCarla> nooooooo
  223. [06:24:25] <elen> i like them
  224. [06:24:26] <QuirkyCarla> not junior high
  225. [06:24:32] <QuirkyCarla> they're so bad
  226. [06:24:37] <elen> mmhmm
  227. [06:24:43] <QuirkyCarla> i'm thinking more like 3rd or 4th grade
  228. [06:24:46] <luckybunny> teens are unruly
  229. [06:25:02] <QuirkyCarla> the kindergarteners are making me not want to be a teacher
  230. [06:25:13] <QuirkyCarla> get my degree and get a different job
  231. [06:25:15] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  232. [06:25:20] <luckybunny> :D
  233. [06:25:20] <elen> a lot of adhd?
  234. [06:25:40] <QuirkyCarla> a lot of not listening
  235. [06:25:50] <QuirkyCarla> one kid probably has adhd
  236. [06:25:56] <QuirkyCarla> a lot of behaviour issues
  237. [06:26:05] <elen> you can pick out early the ones who will be in trouble
  238. [06:26:10] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  239. [06:26:29] <elen> i went to school with some kids who had such learning disabilities
  240. [06:26:31] <QuirkyCarla> most of them are adorable
  241. [06:26:36] <QuirkyCarla> but it's still really hard
  242. [06:26:40] <QuirkyCarla> ohh
  243. [06:26:47] <elen> and they ended up on probation
  244. [06:26:55] <QuirkyCarla> some parents just don't care
  245. [06:26:59] <elen> yeah
  246. [06:27:02] <QuirkyCarla> they don't teach their kids the alphabet or anything
  247. [06:27:07] <luckybunny> :(
  248. [06:27:09] <elen> its very sad
  249. [06:27:11] <QuirkyCarla> so some kids don't know the sounds the letters make
  250. [06:27:13] <QuirkyCarla> or how to write
  251. [06:27:18] <elen> i know
  252. [06:27:18] <luckybunny> I was reading by 3
  253. [06:27:19] <QuirkyCarla> and it's hard to help them
  254. [06:27:24] <elen> 3?
  255. [06:27:26] <elen> wow
  256. [06:27:30] <QuirkyCarla> that's awesome, luckybunny
  257. [06:27:38] <elen> thats really early
  258. [06:27:45] <QuirkyCarla> if i ever have kids, i want to teach them stuff super early
  259. [06:27:59] <luckybunny> :)
  260. [06:28:02] <elen> yeah
  261. [06:28:07] <elen> do you want kids
  262. [06:28:13] <QuirkyCarla> i don't know
  263. [06:28:23] <luckybunny> I used to read kiddie books in my pram
  264. [06:28:27] <elen> i dont
  265. [06:28:35] <elen> pram?
  266. [06:28:51] <QuirkyCarla> is that like a play pen?
  267. [06:28:51] <elen> what were your parents like lb
  268. [06:29:38] <elen> were they strict, lenient, i know they set
  269. [06:29:54] <elen> your the boundary king
  270. [06:30:10] <elen> not really
  271. [06:30:10] <luckybunny> pram = stroller
  272. [06:30:15] <QuirkyCarla> ohh
  273. [06:30:16] <elen> he is very layed back
  274. [06:30:21] <elen> ohh stroller
  275. [06:30:30] <QuirkyCarla> hahaha
  276. [06:30:34] <QuirkyCarla> i love you elen
  277. [06:30:42] <luckybunny> My dad wasn't very strict but my mum still is
  278. [06:30:55] <elen> i love you way more QuirkyCarla
  279. [06:30:59] <QuirkyCarla> nah
  280. [06:31:17] <elen> were they alcoholics or anything interesting
  281. [06:31:22] <luckybunny> My dad left my mum early in my life
  282. [06:31:34] <elen> oh... =(
  283. [06:31:42] <luckybunny> but stayed in touch
  284. [06:31:57] <elen> oh well thats good
  285. [06:32:11] <luckybunny> I went to his 2nd wedding after my mum in September
  286. [06:32:23] <elen> maintaining contact with both parents is important
  287. [06:32:34] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  288. [06:32:36] <luckybunny> not often though
  289. [06:32:45] <QuirkyCarla> crap
  290. [06:32:51] <QuirkyCarla> my dad's birthday was the 10th
  291. [06:32:56] <QuirkyCarla> i still haven't called him
  292. [06:32:59] <luckybunny> I see my dad on average once every 2 years
  293. [06:33:01] <QuirkyCarla> i keep forgetting
  294. [06:33:08] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  295. [06:33:14] <QuirkyCarla> I see mine like twice a year
  296. [06:33:20] <elen> i forgot my dad's and he lives with me
  297. [06:33:25] <elen> im not close to him
  298. [06:33:25] <luckybunny> and I never call
  299. [06:33:26] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  300. [06:33:31] <elen> he turned 50
  301. [06:33:40] <luckybunny> and he never calls
  302. [06:33:45] <elen> and i ignored the pink flamingos on the lawn
  303. [06:33:54] <elen> prick
  304. [06:33:57] <luckybunny> but we get on well
  305. [06:34:31] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  306. [06:34:59] <luckybunny> It's probably because I rarely see my dad that I like him 100x more than my mum
  307. [06:35:17] <luckybunny> she's always calling me and asking me over
  308. [06:35:17] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  309. [06:35:22] <QuirkyCarla> awww
  310. [06:35:26] <QuirkyCarla> she's lonely
  311. [06:35:51] <luckybunny> she has my stepdad
  312. [06:36:05] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  313. [06:36:08] <luckybunny> she's been with him since I was 5
  314. [06:36:29] <luckybunny> 21 years...
  315. [06:36:30] <elen> oh so he is kind of like a dad too
  316. [06:36:34] <luckybunny> ya
  317. [06:36:36] <elen> was he nice to you
  318. [06:36:39] <luckybunny> yes
  319. [06:36:47] <luckybunny> but strict too
  320. [06:36:50] <elen> thats why you turned out so well
  321. [06:37:02] <luckybunny> yes
  322. [06:37:44] <luckybunny> I was encouraged to do stuff I enjoyed
  323. [06:37:47] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  324. [06:38:01] <luckybunny> like research
  325. [06:38:47] <luckybunny> yes, by the time I was 8 I had jars of live insects and a medical library
  326. [06:39:35] <QuirkyCarla> O_O
  327. [06:39:41] <luckybunny> that's a reason why I think I may be an Aspie
  328. [06:39:49] <QuirkyCarla> you do sound aspie
  329. [06:40:28] <luckybunny> I have a dx assessment on Tuesday
  330. [06:40:38] <luckybunny> 17th
  331. [06:41:06] <QuirkyCarla> nice
  332. [06:41:50] <luckybunny> I rescheduled it around a local meetup
  333. [06:42:10] <luckybunny> but my flatmates said I shouldn't have
  334. [06:42:31] <luckybunny> I should have taken the 3rd
  335. [06:44:22] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  336. [06:45:52] <luckybunny> oh well, at least I eventually got one
  337. [06:45:53] <QuirkyCarla> i was diagnosed when i was 16
  338. [06:45:58] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  339. [06:46:20] <luckybunny> Best place in the country, I'm told
  340. [06:46:28] <luckybunny> the top experts
  341. [06:48:24] <QuirkyCarla> nice
  342. [06:48:26] <QuirkyCarla> :D
  343. [06:49:49] <luckybunny> I'm glad we got talking. Even though buryuntime and elen had to help :D ...and now I'm lost again
  344. [06:50:10] <QuirkyCarla> haha
  345. [06:50:17] * QuirkyCarla wonders where elen went
  346. [06:50:48] * luckybunny doesn't know
  347. [06:51:01] <QuirkyCarla> How do you like living in London? Have you lived there all your life?
  348. [06:51:51] <luckybunny> No. I lived in Coventry until I was 10, then moved to South Africa. Came back to London at 13
  349. [06:52:37] <QuirkyCarla> Oh wow.
  350. [06:52:42] <luckybunny> and moved around a fair amount around here too
  351. [06:53:49] <luckybunny> you?
  352. [06:55:54] <QuirkyCarla> I've pretty much always lived in NJ, except the year I lived in North Carolina and the semester I studied in Australia.
  353. [06:56:30] <QuirkyCarla> I've moved around NJ a lot though.
  354. [06:56:49] <luckybunny> Oz!!! Always wanted to see Oz
  355. [06:57:01] <QuirkyCarla> Oz is awesome.
  356. [06:57:17] <luckybunny> :D
  357. [06:57:27] * elen (n=elen@unaffiliated/elen) has quit IRC ("Leaving")
  358. [06:57:30] <QuirkyCarla> :D
  359. [06:58:25] * luckybunny is more nervous now than outrageously flirting in open channel
  360. [06:58:37] <QuirkyCarla> lol, why?
  361. [06:59:39] * xiong ( has joined ##unravel
  362. [07:00:18] <luckybunny> I don't know
  363. [07:00:53] <luckybunny> It's like trying to come up with something to say, but trying far too hard
  364. [07:01:12] <QuirkyCarla> oh, true
  365. [07:01:32] <luckybunny> so I end up with thousands of ideas but nothing makes sense
  366. [07:01:40] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  367. [07:01:55] <luckybunny> because it's all mussed up together
  368. [07:02:20] <QuirkyCarla> i wish i was as good as elen at chatting
  369. [07:02:24] <xiong> hi hi puffy amiyumi
  370. [07:02:45] <QuirkyCarla> hey xiong
  371. [07:02:47] <luckybunny> so then I try harder, and it's like a 'beat the clock' round on a gameshow
  372. [07:02:56] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  373. [07:03:06] <luckybunny> :D
  374. [07:03:15] <QuirkyCarla> :D
  375. [07:03:18] <luckybunny> but hey all is well
  376. [07:04:32] <xiong> QuirkyCarla, Don't worry. On Starlink-IRC#aspergers, there are a couple of guys who monologue for hours about snow and the depth of the pile of carpets.
  377. [07:04:39] <xiong> I for one don't expect brilliant conversation, although it might be nice to have a connected exchange from time to time.
  378. [07:04:50] <QuirkyCarla> lol xiong
  379. [07:04:51] <luckybunny> Capricorn... mid Dec - mid Jan
  380. [07:04:59] <luckybunny> '86
  381. [07:05:10] <QuirkyCarla> yes
  382. [07:05:21] <luckybunny> I remembered your age and sign
  383. [07:05:30] <luckybunny> but not the date
  384. [07:05:42] <QuirkyCarla> January 14th
  385. [07:05:44] <luckybunny> which is unusual for m
  386. [07:05:49] <luckybunny> me*
  387. [07:05:57] <luckybunny> ok cool
  388. [07:06:04] <luckybunny> 13th Sep 83
  389. [07:06:40] <QuirkyCarla> :)
  390. [07:07:26] <luckybunny> hi xiong
  391. [07:07:40] <luckybunny> *Bear*
  392. [07:07:44] <luckybunny> Dave
  393. [07:08:14] <luckybunny> :)
  394. [07:08:39] <QuirkyCarla> Dave?
  395. [07:08:48] <luckybunny> xiong
  396. [07:09:26] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  397. [07:09:42] <xiong> Paper or plastic?
  398. [07:10:05] <luckybunny> paper
  399. [07:11:17] <QuirkyCarla> both
  400. [07:11:26] <QuirkyCarla> easier to carry the groceries that way
  401. [07:12:29] <luckybunny> True
  402. [07:12:52] * elen (n=elen@unaffiliated/elen) has joined ##unravel
  403. [07:12:55] <luckybunny> But I can make paper cups, not plastic ones
  404. [07:13:03] <elen> oh...
  405. [07:13:15] <luckybunny> wb elen
  406. [07:13:21] <luckybunny> we need you
  407. [07:13:27] <elen> coming in on the middle of convos is not always the best
  408. [07:13:34] <elen> you need me?
  409. [07:13:46] <elen> awwww
  410. [07:13:50] <elen> spanks
  411. [07:13:57] <elen> i mean thanks
  412. [07:14:00] <luckybunny> just to get a topic going, then to watch
  413. [07:14:06] <elen> lol
  414. [07:14:20] <buryuntime> welcome elen
  415. [07:14:20] <elen> oh, you like me watching you two french kissing?
  416. [07:14:26] <QuirkyCarla> yay
  417. [07:14:29] <QuirkyCarla> wb elen
  418. [07:14:30] <elen> buryuntime
  419. [07:14:40] <luckybunny> no nothing like that
  420. [07:14:46] <elen> its about time you greeted me after all that greeting i did earlier
  421. [07:14:50] <elen> lol
  422. [07:14:55] <luckybunny> haha
  423. [07:15:07] <buryuntime> :)
  424. [07:15:08] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  425. [07:15:08] <elen> well my mom is a cool lady
  426. [07:15:23] <elen> she was a punk rocker/druggie when she was younger
  427. [07:15:53] <luckybunny> It's just that we're getting along fine, but we keep running dry and need a catalyst
  428. [07:16:16] <elen> oh, i thought we were discussing our parents
  429. [07:16:23] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  430. [07:16:25] <luckybunny> you got us going fine before you disappeared
  431. [07:16:28] <elen> my mom used to go out with a guy in a punk band
  432. [07:16:43] <elen> his name was michael nightmare
  433. [07:16:48] <QuirkyCarla> my parents aren't that cool
  434. [07:16:56] <elen> my dad isn't
  435. [07:16:58] <QuirkyCarla> oh
  436. [07:17:08] <elen> whats your mom like QuirkyCarla ?
  437. [07:17:23] <elen> if she is like you, she is amazing
  438. [07:17:26] <QuirkyCarla> quirky
  439. [07:17:28] <QuirkyCarla> ;)
  440. [07:17:29] <elen> lol
  441. [07:17:33] <luckybunny> agreed
  442. [07:17:38] <QuirkyCarla> Nah, we're not that much alike.
  443. [07:17:48] <QuirkyCarla> I'm quiet, and she talks too much.
  444. [07:17:51] <elen> were you two close?
  445. [07:18:02] <QuirkyCarla> yeah, but not until i got older
  446. [07:18:09] <QuirkyCarla> we used to fight a lot when i was younger
  447. [07:18:14] <QuirkyCarla> and she still drives me insane sometimes
  448. [07:18:32] <elen> tell us about the worst fight you ever had
  449. [07:18:35] <luckybunny> mums do
  450. [07:18:51] <QuirkyCarla> i can't think of one
  451. [07:18:54] <QuirkyCarla> we had so many
  452. [07:18:55] <luckybunny> That's what they're for
  453. [07:19:01] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  454. [07:19:06] <QuirkyCarla> I miss her though.
  455. [07:19:13] <elen> where does she live
  456. [07:19:17] <luckybunny> Me too with mine
  457. [07:19:31] <QuirkyCarla> About 45 minutes south of here.
  458. [07:19:45] <elen> towards new york?
  459. [07:19:52] <elen> or bender lol
  460. [07:20:01] <QuirkyCarla> i'm closer to new york than her
  461. [07:20:12] <elen> lb you should watch out for a guy named bender
  462. [07:20:17] <elen> he was after QuirkyCarla
  463. [07:20:24] <QuirkyCarla> no he wasn't
  464. [07:20:28] <elen> lol
  465. [07:20:36] <elen> he wanted to meet you for coffee
  466. [07:20:43] <elen> he was creepy though
  467. [07:20:47] <elen> like i told you
  468. [07:20:53] <elen> he freaked out on me
  469. [07:20:55] <QuirkyCarla> he never asked me to meet him for coffee
  470. [07:20:57] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  471. [07:21:06] <elen> he didn't?
  472. [07:21:09] <elen> hmm
  473. [07:21:26] <elen> maybe i asked him for coffee
  474. [07:21:45] <QuirkyCarla> hahaha
  475. [07:21:46] <elen> before i knew what he was like
  476. [07:22:00] <elen> that guy was a walking time bomb
  477. [07:22:08] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  478. [07:22:11] <elen> lb do you have any siblings
  479. [07:22:26] <elen> did he fall asleep
  480. [07:22:32] * elen pokes lb
  481. [07:22:36] <elen> hmm
  482. [07:22:39] * QuirkyCarla also pokes luckybunny
  483. [07:22:41] <luckybunny> Yes I have a big sister and 2 half brothers
  484. [07:22:55] <elen> oh, tell me about your sister
  485. [07:23:01] <luckybunny> mobile phone... Typing is slow
  486. [07:23:17] <QuirkyCarla> awww...are you close with them?
  487. [07:23:18] <elen> your not on your way to your volunteering are you
  488. [07:23:19] <luckybunny> She's 30/5/78
  489. [07:23:27] <luckybunny> so 31
  490. [07:23:47] <luckybunny> and my younger half brothers are 19 and 13
  491. [07:23:53] <elen> so your little bro
  492. [07:23:59] <luckybunny> yup
  493. [07:24:09] <elen> thats why you keep trying to adopt me as little sis
  494. [07:24:14] <luckybunny> I'm closer to my sister
  495. [07:24:20] <elen> as you dont have a little sister
  496. [07:24:26] <luckybunny> but we hardly speak
  497. [07:24:42] <luckybunny> my brothers live in Wales
  498. [07:24:51] <elen> lb, tell us about the first time you fell in love
  499. [07:24:53] <luckybunny> with their mum
  500. [07:25:09] <luckybunny> it was 16/5/00
  501. [07:25:20] <luckybunny> about 5:10pm
  502. [07:25:21] <elen> how old were you
  503. [07:25:24] <luckybunny> 16
  504. [07:25:25] <elen> hehe
  505. [07:25:28] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  506. [07:25:32] <QuirkyCarla> exact date and time
  507. [07:25:34] <elen> to be exact
  508. [07:25:44] <luckybunny> sorry
  509. [07:25:53] <elen> its cute
  510. [07:25:58] <luckybunny> that's when I knew
  511. [07:26:03] <elen> anyways, how did it happen
  512. [07:26:09] <elen> who was it
  513. [07:26:19] <luckybunny> right before she broke my v-card
  514. [07:26:27] <elen> ahhh
  515. [07:26:33] <luckybunny> in a pak
  516. [07:26:36] <elen> was she older
  517. [07:26:37] <luckybunny> park
  518. [07:26:40] <luckybunny> no
  519. [07:26:49] <xiong> Hi luckybunny.
  520. [07:26:52] <elen> how did you meet her
  521. [07:26:56] <luckybunny> 1 month and 6 days younger
  522. [07:27:00] <elen> lol
  523. [07:27:04] <elen> to be exact
  524. [07:27:08] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  525. [07:27:14] <luckybunny> she was previously dating my acquaintance
  526. [07:27:36] <QuirkyCarla> he's reminding me of Arsanerit with having these dates memorized.
  527. [07:27:39] <elen> oh you stole your best friend's girl!!!
  528. [07:27:41] <luckybunny> we lasted 5 days together
  529. [07:27:50] <elen> hehe, yeah
  530. [07:27:50] <xiong> Mommie's all right. Daddie's all right. They just seem a litttle weird.
  531. [07:28:06] <luckybunny> before she moved on to my best friend
  532. [07:28:30] <elen> oh....
  533. [07:28:35] <elen> thats horrible
  534. [07:28:40] <elen> how traumatic
  535. [07:28:53] <QuirkyCarla> :(
  536. [07:29:11] <luckybunny> yes but we spent the next year and a half as friends with benefits
  537. [07:29:30] <elen> was she benefiting your friend too
  538. [07:29:35] <elen> at the same time
  539. [07:29:36] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  540. [07:29:39] <luckybunny> she went through another 6 guys in that time
  541. [07:29:45] <elen> wow
  542. [07:29:47] <QuirkyCarla> O_O
  543. [07:30:04] <elen> that didn't hurt
  544. [07:30:18] <luckybunny> yes
  545. [07:30:39] <elen> you shouldn't share your gf with other guys
  546. [07:30:44] <elen> dont do that anymore
  547. [07:30:48] <luckybunny> I know :(
  548. [07:30:50] <elen> its a little strange
  549. [07:30:59] <elen> nudge nudge
  550. [07:31:10] <xiong> Well. There's a reason why most people plan to move out as soon as they can possibly do so. Family is often toxic.
  551. [07:31:22] <elen> was yours xiong
  552. [07:32:56] <luckybunny> Second time I truly fell in love, it got as far as the second date before she told me on MSN she didn't see me as more than a friend
  553. [07:33:11] <elen> eicchchh
  554. [07:33:26] <luckybunny> Even though she kissed me on both dates
  555. [07:33:56] <luckybunny> She went back to her school sweetheart
  556. [07:34:11] <elen> french kissed?
  557. [07:34:13] <elen> lol
  558. [07:34:17] <luckybunny> elen you probably remember Juzlie
  559. [07:34:20] <luckybunny> yes
  560. [07:34:23] <elen> yes, i do
  561. [07:34:28] <luckybunny> yes
  562. [07:34:31] <elen> she was a wing nut
  563. [07:34:43] <elen> thats not who you mean
  564. [07:34:47] <elen> do you
  565. [07:34:50] <luckybunny> vyes
  566. [07:35:05] <elen> she was the second person you fell in love with?
  567. [07:35:17] <luckybunny> truly, yes
  568. [07:35:23] <elen> hmm
  569. [07:35:29] <elen> she was weird as hell
  570. [07:35:34] <elen> game player
  571. [07:35:45] <elen> i hated all that shit she did to you
  572. [07:35:51] <elen> and led you on
  573. [07:36:14] <elen> when did you fall in love with her...
  574. [07:36:24] * elen gets ready for the exact date
  575. [07:36:33] <luckybunny> haha
  576. [07:36:41] <luckybunny> gradually
  577. [07:36:55] <luckybunny> from February to April 09
  578. [07:37:00] <elen> she was toxic
  579. [07:37:10] <elen> oh, it ended in april
  580. [07:37:12] <elen> wow
  581. [07:37:17] <elen> are you sure
  582. [07:37:29] <elen> it seemed like it went on longer than that
  583. [07:37:40] <elen> qc, have you ever been in love
  584. [07:37:44] <luckybunny> no that's when I fell in love. Feb-April
  585. [07:37:50] <elen> hmm
  586. [07:38:04] * elen poke QuirkyCarla
  587. [07:38:07] <luckybunny> May 26th, 21:46 it came to an end
  588. [07:38:15] <QuirkyCarla> i don't think so
  589. [07:38:28] <elen> oh, your ready then
  590. [07:38:34] <luckybunny> :)
  591. [07:38:40] <elen> you have been infatuated though
  592. [07:38:43] <elen> im sure
  593. [07:39:15] <elen> hard to separate the two sometimes
  594. [07:39:15] <QuirkyCarla> yes
  595. [07:39:25] <elen> i am always infatuated
  596. [07:39:33] <elen> but i have never been in love either
  597. [07:39:46] <elen> i fall infatuated very easily
  598. [07:40:02] <elen> but i think im afraid to fall in love
  599. [07:40:10] <elen> and i have the brakes on
  600. [07:40:19] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  601. [07:40:22] <QuirkyCarla> getting hurt sucks
  602. [07:40:38] <luckybunny> Mish may have been a 3rd time, but there's the fact that I am able to watch her go.
  603. [07:40:38] <elen> and wont someone get below the surface to grab onto my heart
  604. [07:41:08] <elen> have you been hurt QuirkyCarla
  605. [07:41:24] <luckybunny> Maybe I'm just used to being hurt
  606. [07:41:28] <QuirkyCarla> yes
  607. [07:41:50] <elen> yeah, it makes it hard to trust
  608. [07:42:02] <QuirkyCarla> have you been hurt?
  609. [07:42:09] <elen> yes
  610. [07:42:13] <elen> and it sucks
  611. [07:42:16] <luckybunny> but maybe it only feels real rather than was
  612. [07:42:17] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  613. [07:42:37] <elen> probably bunny
  614. [07:42:37] * luckybunny huggles QuirkyCarla
  615. [07:42:47] * QuirkyCarla huggles luckybunny
  616. [07:42:53] <luckybunny> :D
  617. [07:42:54] * elen pushes the love birds together
  618. [07:42:57] <QuirkyCarla> :D
  619. [07:43:05] * luckybunny wouldn't hurt ya
  620. [07:43:06] <elen> you two are such cuties
  621. [07:43:18] <elen> and you both have such gentle personalities
  622. [07:43:22] <QuirkyCarla> awww
  623. [07:43:40] <luckybunny> :)
  624. [07:43:44] <elen> your both very cool
  625. [07:43:52] <elen> and smart
  626. [07:44:16] <QuirkyCarla> thanks
  627. [07:44:22] <QuirkyCarla> you are too
  628. [07:44:23] <luckybunny> ty li'l sis
  629. [07:44:26] <elen> im glad you two are getting to know each other
  630. [07:44:40] <QuirkyCarla> me too
  631. [07:44:41] <elen> you know im teasing most of the time
  632. [07:44:44] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  633. [07:44:46] <luckybunny> yes
  634. [07:45:21] <elen> but i have a feeling that you two will become very close
  635. [07:45:29] <elen> very very very close
  636. [07:45:35] <elen> need i say more
  637. [07:45:35] <luckybunny> awwwww :D
  638. [07:45:48] * luckybunny beams at the thought
  639. [07:45:55] <elen> well two nicer people could not get together
  640. [07:46:16] <elen> just think carla, i can visit you two in london lol
  641. [07:46:20] <luckybunny> oh no. What happened with them?
  642. [07:46:46] <luckybunny> And who were they?
  643. [07:47:08] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  644. [07:47:57] <luckybunny> oh...
  645. [07:48:09] * luckybunny catches it
  646. [07:48:12] <luckybunny> oops
  647. [07:48:23] * luckybunny blushes
  648. [07:48:50] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  649. [07:48:51] <QuirkyCarla> that was cute
  650. [07:49:38] <luckybunny> as in there isn't 2 nicer people, rather than someone actually failed getting an actual existing nicer pair together
  651. [07:50:34] * luckybunny thinks of an alternate, clearer way to word that
  652. [07:51:33] <luckybunny> 'Well.. finding a nicer couple to unite would be impossible'
  653. [07:51:44] <luckybunny> :D
  654. [07:51:48] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  655. [07:54:28] <luckybunny> Finding a cooler li'l sis to assist would be tough too
  656. [07:54:36] <QuirkyCarla> :)
  657. [07:54:44] <luckybunny> :)
  658. [07:55:13] * luckybunny gazes fondly at QuirkyCarla
  659. [07:55:33] * QuirkyCarla gazes back even more fondly at luckybunny
  660. [07:55:40] <luckybunny> :D
  661. [07:55:46] <buryuntime> :3
  662. [07:55:56] <luckybunny> (Y)
  663. [07:56:01] <luckybunny> ('.')
  664. [07:56:37] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  665. [07:56:53] <luckybunny> ooo! Bow tie
  666. [07:59:23] * xiong ( has quit IRC (Connection timed out)
  667. [07:59:47] * QuirkyCarla pokes elen
  668. [08:00:16] <luckybunny> haha
  669. [08:00:39] <luckybunny> she's disappeared again :(
  670. [08:00:58] <luckybunny> probably decided to give us privacy
  671. [08:01:27] <QuirkyCarla> haha
  672. [08:04:08] * elen (n=elen@unaffiliated/elen) has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  673. [08:04:41] <luckybunny> hmmm that's why
  674. [08:04:44] <QuirkyCarla> awww
  675. [08:05:06] * elen (n=elen@unaffiliated/elen) has joined ##unravel
  676. [08:05:10] <elen> he again
  677. [08:05:13] <QuirkyCarla> :D
  678. [08:05:15] <QuirkyCarla> wb
  679. [08:05:31] <luckybunny> wb li'l sistah
  680. [08:05:32] <elen> i was disconnected
  681. [08:05:45] <luckybunny> We know
  682. [08:05:48] <luckybunny> :D
  683. [08:05:52] <luckybunny> ;)
  684. [08:05:52] <elen> and i couldn't get back on
  685. [08:05:55] <QuirkyCarla> ohh
  686. [08:06:00] <elen> oh, it said that
  687. [08:06:07] <luckybunny> timed out
  688. [08:06:12] <luckybunny> just now
  689. [08:06:16] <elen> yeah, i couldnt get a connection
  690. [08:06:38] <luckybunny> Breakfast!!
  691. [08:06:44] <elen> lol
  692. [08:06:47] <elen> your crazy
  693. [08:06:48] <luckybunny> Sausage eggs and chipls
  694. [08:06:51] <luckybunny> chips
  695. [08:06:52] <QuirkyCarla> nice
  696. [08:07:45] <luckybunny> :)
  697. [08:07:48] <luckybunny> yummmm
  698. [08:11:05] * QuirkyCarla should sleep soon
  699. [08:11:12] * Arsanerit should wake up soon
  700. [08:11:14] <luckybunny> ok
  701. [08:11:21] <QuirkyCarla> lol Arsanerit
  702. [08:11:29] <QuirkyCarla> you just popped in
  703. [08:11:40] <luckybunny> do you have facebook, MSN or anything?
  704. [08:12:17] <QuirkyCarla> yeah
  705. [08:12:29] <luckybunny> my facebook is
  706. [08:12:31] <QuirkyCarla> MSN is
  707. [08:13:46] <luckybunny> added on yahoo
  708. [08:16:25] <luckybunny> :D
  709. [08:19:41] <QuirkyCarla> hmmm i didn't get the add
  710. [08:19:50] <luckybunny> ?
  711. [08:19:59] <luckybunny> I'll retry
  712. [08:20:17] <buryuntime> I think it sometimes takes it awhile.
  713. [08:20:58] <luckybunny> I think it went through
  714. [08:21:13] <QuirkyCarla> yeah i got it now
  715. [08:21:43] <QuirkyCarla> weird now it says add request pending
  716. [08:21:49] <QuirkyCarla> under your name
  717. [08:22:29] <luckybunny> I do believe I attempted adding it to facebook chat before.... I have a different messenger system. It's called Palringo. Adds everything together
  718. [08:23:02] <luckybunny> add accepted
  719. [08:23:51] <luckybunny> I sees ya
  720. [08:24:29] * xenosapiens_ (n=Andrew@unaffiliated/xenosapiens) has joined ##unravel
  721. [08:24:47] <luckybunny> wb xenosapiens
  722. [08:24:49] * xenosapiens (n=Andrew@unaffiliated/xenosapiens) has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)
  723. [08:24:55] <QuirkyCarla> ah same
  724. [08:25:03] * xenosapiens_ is now known as xenosapiens
  725. [08:25:05] <luckybunny> :D
  726. [08:31:37] <QuirkyCarla> added you on facebook too
  727. [08:33:07] <luckybunny> :D
  728. [08:33:52] <QuirkyCarla> :D
  729. [08:34:51] * elen (n=elen@unaffiliated/elen) has quit IRC ("Leaving")
  730. [08:35:02] <luckybunny> Accepted!
  731. [08:35:37] <luckybunny> I hate IE Mobile
  732. [08:37:09] <luckybunny> Condensed version of facebook, specifically designed to be regular mobile friendly. Of course, IE Mobile can handle better, but not the regular version of fb
  733. [08:37:51] <luckybunny> so I'm halfway between crappy and good
  734. [08:37:59] <QuirkyCarla> Ah.
  735. [08:39:51] <luckybunny> wow was that my longest paragraph? a rant about how fb could be better on Windows Mobile. haha. Well at least it beats earlier with just shy grins.
  736. [08:40:20] <luckybunny> You're a cutie!! :D
  737. [08:40:24] <QuirkyCarla> You write longer paragraphs than I do, haha.
  738. [08:40:33] <QuirkyCarla> Aww, thanks.
  739. [08:40:37] <QuirkyCarla> So are you.
  740. [08:40:47] <luckybunny> tyvm :D
  741. [08:40:58] * luckybunny kisses QuirkyCarla
  742. [08:41:23] * QuirkyCarla kisses luckybunny back.
  743. [08:42:07] <luckybunny> ;)
  744. [08:42:52] <QuirkyCarla> ;)
  745. [08:43:35] <luckybunny> I should be getting ready. I have to go out in 45 minutes
  746. [08:44:16] <QuirkyCarla> ohh
  747. [08:44:25] <QuirkyCarla> I should have been sleeping hours ago.
  748. [08:44:56] <luckybunny> I kept you up?
  749. [08:45:19] <QuirkyCarla> I probably would have been awake anyway.
  750. [08:45:25] <QuirkyCarla> I can never sleep when I have to get up early.
  751. [08:46:13] <luckybunny> :( me neither
  752. [08:46:38] <QuirkyCarla> It's Friday at least.
  753. [08:46:44] <luckybunny> it's cos I normally sleep late, so I wake late too
  754. [08:46:57] <QuirkyCarla> Same.
  755. [08:47:38] <luckybunny> add on I tend to not be able to shut myself down til at least 2am no matter what I do
  756. [08:48:00] <QuirkyCarla> Me too. 2 am is a reasonable bed time for me.
  757. [08:48:29] <luckybunny> I can go to bed at 10, and still be laying there bored at 4
  758. [08:48:58] <QuirkyCarla> I think I'd get up and go to the computer after a couple hours.
  759. [08:49:00] <QuirkyCarla> :P
  760. [08:49:08] <luckybunny> except with the extra energy I didn't burn off
  761. [08:49:16] <luckybunny> yes me too
  762. [08:50:26] * DonkeyHotei ( has joined ##unravel
  763. [08:50:55] <QuirkyCarla> hi DonkeyHotei
  764. [08:51:04] <DonkeyHotei> hello
  765. [08:51:28] <luckybunny> Dan!
  766. [08:51:32] <luckybunny> howdy
  767. [08:51:36] <DonkeyHotei> doody
  768. [08:52:15] * xenosapiens (n=Andrew@unaffiliated/xenosapiens) has quit IRC (Connection timed out)
  769. [08:52:40] <QuirkyCarla> lol
  770. [08:54:57] <luckybunny> ok. I'm going to disappear for a number of hours.
  771. [08:55:08] <luckybunny> probably about 9 hours
  772. [08:56:16] <QuirkyCarla> ok
  773. [08:56:19] * luckybunny kisses and huggles QuirkyCarla
  774. [08:56:31] <DonkeyHotei> i might sleep during that time
  775. [08:56:37] * luckybunny waves to everyone
  776. [08:56:44] <QuirkyCarla> you'll probably see me in like 12 hours.
  777. [08:56:56] <luckybunny> :D
  778. [08:57:01] <DonkeyHotei> you going, too?
  779. [08:57:07] * QuirkyCarla kisses and snuggles luckybunny
  780. [08:57:09] * luckybunny looks forward toj it
  781. [08:57:21] <QuirkyCarla> I have to be up in a few hours, DonkeyHotei.
  782. [08:57:26] <DonkeyHotei> ok
  783. [08:57:30] <luckybunny> byezzzz all
  784. [08:57:34] * QuirkyCarla does too
  785. [08:57:36] <QuirkyCarla> bye
  786. Session Close: 2009/11/13 08:57:59
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