
UltimateFactions - messages.yml

Aug 23rd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Success_Messages:
  2. Successfully_Created: '&aSuccessfully created faction &e%faction%&a!'
  3. Successfully_Created_Costs: '&e$%amount% &ahas been withdrawn to create a faction!'
  4. Successfully_Set_Home: '&aSuccessfully set home for faction &e%faction%&a!'
  5. Successfully_Left: '&aSuccessfully left faction &e%faction%&a!'
  6. Successfully_Disbanded: '&aSuccessfully disbanded faction &e%faction%&a!'
  7. Successfully_Invited: '&aSuccessfully invited &e%player%&a!'
  8. Successfully_Joined: '&aSuccessfully joined &e%faction%&a!'
  9. Successfully_Reloaded: '&aSuccessfully reloaded!'
  10. Successfully_Created_Rank: '&aSuccessfully created rank!'
  11. Successfully_Deleted_Rank: '&aSuccessfully deleted rank &e%rank%!'
  12. Successfully_Edited_Rank: '&aSuccessfully edited rank!'
  13. Successfully_Added_Warp: '&aSuccessfully added Warp &e%warp%&a!'
  14. Successfully_Deleted_Warp: '&aSuccessfully deleted Warp &e%warp%&a!'
  15. Successfully_Kicked: '&aSuccessfully kicked &e%player%&a!'
  16. Successfully_Set_Rank: '&aSuccessfully added &e%player%&a to rank &e%rank%!'
  17. Successfully_Warped: '&aYou teleported to warp &e%warp%!'
  18. Successfully_Teleported_Home: '&aYou''ve got teleported to your faction home!'
  19. Successfully_Teleported_Warp: '&aYou''ve got teleported to warp &e%warp%&a!'
  20. Successfully_Teleported_Wild: '&aYou''ve got teleported to a wild spot!'
  21. Successfully_Claimed: '&aSuccessfully claimed this chunk for &e$%money%!'
  22. Chunk_AutoClaimed: '&2AutoClaim &8| &aClaimed for &e$%money%!'
  23. Successfully_UnClaimed: '&aSuccessfully unclaimed this chunk!'
  24. Successfully_UnClaimedAll: '&aSuccessfully unclaimed all chunks!'
  25. Successfully_Added_Enemy: '&aSuccessfully added enemy &e%enemy% &ato your list!'
  26. Successfully_Promoted: '&aSuccessfully promoted &e%player% &aas leader!'
  27. Successfully_Set_Name: '&aSuccessfully renamed faction to &e%faction%&a!'
  28. Successfully_Set_Description: '&aSuccessfully set description of faction &e%faction%&a
  29. to &e%description%&a!'
  30. Successfully_Ally_Sent: '&aSuccessfully sent an request to faction &e%faction%&a'
  31. Successfully_Ally_Added: '&aYou are now allied with faction &e%faction%&a!'
  32. Successfully_Truce_Sent: '&aSuccessfully sent an request to faction &e%faction%&a'
  33. Successfully_Truced_Added: '&aYou are now truced with faction &e%faction%&a!'
  34. Successfully_Unallied: '&aSuccessfully unallied faction &e%faction%&a!'
  35. Successfully_Untruced: '&aSuccessfully untruced faction &e%faction%&a!'
  36. Successfully_Unenemied: '&aSuccessfully unenemied faction &e%faction%&a!'
  37. Successfully_Edited_Ally: '&aSuccessfully edited ally!'
  38. Successfully_Entered_AdminMode: '&aSuccessfully entered adminmode!'
  39. Successfully_Left_AdminMode: '&aSuccessfully left adminmode!'
  40. Successfully_Entered_ByPassAll: '&aSuccessfully entered bypass all mode!'
  41. Successfully_Left_ByPassAll: '&aSuccessfully left bypass all mode!'
  42. Successfully_Started_Siege: '&aSuccessfully started a siege! Hurry up, you have
  43. only &e%time% &aminutes!'
  44. Successfully_Received_Advanced_Permissions: '&aSuccessfully received advanced permissions!'
  45. Successfully_Removed_Advanced_Permissions: '&aSuccessfully &cremoved &aadvanced
  46. permissions!'
  47. Successfully_Set_TownHall: '&aSuccessfully set townhall!'
  48. Successfully_Egged_TownHall: '&aSuccessfully egged townhall!'
  49. Successfully_Upgraded_TownHall: '&aSuccessfully upgraded townhall to level &e%level%&a
  50. for &e%money%!'
  51. Successfully_Removed_TownHall: '&aSuccessfully removed townhall!'
  52. Successfully_Deposit: '&aSuccessfully deposit &7%amount% &e%item%(s)!'
  53. Successfully_Withdraw: '&aSuccessfully withdrawn &7%amount% &e%item%(s)!'
  54. Successfully_Deposit_Money: '&aSuccessfully deposit &e%amount%$'
  55. Successfully_Bought_Energy: '&aSuccessfully bought 24h of energy!'
  56. Successfully_Updated_Top: '&aSuccessfully updated top factions!'
  57. Successfully_Received_RegionWand: '&aSuccessfully received wand!'
  58. Successfully_Set_Pos1: '&aSuccessfully set position 1 &8(&c%coords%&8)!'
  59. Successfully_Set_Pos2: '&aSuccessfully set position 2 &8(&c%coords%&8)!'
  60. Successfully_Created_Region: '&aSuccessfully created region &e%name%&a!'
  61. Successfully_Deleted_Region: '&aSuccessfully deleted region &e%name%&a!'
  62. Successfully_Upgraded_Faction: '&aSuccessfully upgraded faction to level: &e%level%
  63. &7(&c$%cost%&7)!'
  64. Successfully_Added_ShopCategory: '&aSuccessfully added a ShopCategory!'
  65. Successfully_Edited_ShopCategory: '&aSuccessfully edited a ShopCategory!'
  66. Successfully_Bought_ShopItem: '&aSuccessfully bought %amount%x %item%!'
  67. Successfully_Sold_ShopItem: '&aSuccessfully sold %amount% x %item%!'
  68. Successfully_Added_ShopItem: '&aSuccessfully added a Shop Item!'
  69. Successfully_Removed_ShopItem: '&aSuccessfully removed a ShopItem!'
  70. Successfully_Removed_ShopCategory: '&aSuccessfully removed a ShopCategory!'
  71. Successfully_Edited_Region: '&aSuccessfully edited region &e%region%&a!'
  72. Successfully_Created_Quest: '&aSuccessfully created a quest!'
  73. Successfully_Accepted_Quest: '&aSuccessfully accepted quest &e%quest%&a!'
  74. Successfully_Claimed_Reward: '&aSuccessfully claimed &e%reward% &aof &e%quest%&a!'
  75. Successfully_Completed_Quest: '&aYour faction has completed the quest ''&e%quest%&a''!
  76. You can claim your rewards now!'
  77. Error_Messages:
  78. Player_Not_Permitted: '&cYou are not permitted to do that!'
  79. Create_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f create <name>!'
  80. Invite_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f invite <player>!'
  81. Join_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f join <faction>!'
  82. Ally_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f ally <faction>!'
  83. Truce_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f truce <faction>!'
  84. Enemy_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f enemy <name>!'
  85. Set_Rank_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f setrank <player> [rank]!'
  86. Set_Warp_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f setwarp <name> [password]!'
  87. Del_Warp_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f delwarp <name>!'
  88. Warp_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f warp <name> [password] or /f warp list!'
  89. Kick_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f kick <player>!'
  90. Ally_Accept_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f acceptally <faction>'
  91. Set_Name_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f setname <name>!'
  92. Set_Description_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f setdesc <desc>!'
  93. Set_Leader_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f setleader <name>!'
  94. Neutral_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f neutral <faction>!'
  95. Siege_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f siege <faction>!'
  96. Deposit_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f bank deposit <amount>!'
  97. Region_Syntax: '&cPlease use /f region <create / delete> <name> or /f region list!'
  98. Reconnect_Error: '&cSomething went wrong, please reconnect!'
  99. Create_Error_Alphanumeric: '&cYou can use only alphanumeric letters!'
  100. Create_Error_Length: '&cThe name is too long!'
  101. Faction_Already_Exists: '&cThis faction does already exist!'
  102. Faction_Home_Not_Exists: '&cThere is no home you can teleport to!'
  103. Faction_SetHome_Error: '&cYou can''t set your faction home outside a claimed chunk!'
  104. Faction_SetWarp_Error: '&cYou can''t set a warp outside a claimed chunk!'
  105. Faction_SetWarp_Name_Error: '&cYou can''t name a warp like this!'
  106. Faction_SetWarp_Limit_Error: '&cYou can''t set more warps because your faction has
  107. reached the warp amount limit!'
  108. Faction_Warp_Error: '&cThis warp has a password. Please use /f warp <name> <password>'
  109. Faction_Warp_Wrong_Password: '&cWrong password!'
  110. Warp_Not_Found: '&cWarp not found!'
  111. Warp_Already_Exists: '&cThis warp does already exist! Please use /f delwarp <name>
  112. to delete it!'
  113. Faction_Not_Found: '&cFaction not found!'
  114. Player_Already_In_Faction: '&cYou are already in a Faction! Do /f leave to leave
  115. your faction!'
  116. Player_Invite_Error: '&cThis Player is already in a Faction!'
  117. Player_Invite_Self_Error: '&cYou can not invite yourself!'
  118. Player_Already_Invited: '&cYou have already invited this player!'
  119. Player_Has_No_Invites: '&cYou have no invitations!'
  120. Invite_Faction_Not_Found: '&cYou have no invitations from faction &e%faction%&a!'
  121. Player_Not_In_Faction: '&cYou are not in a Faction!'
  122. Player_Can_Not_Leave: '&cYou can not leave the faction, you are the leader!'
  123. Player_Not_Found: '&cThis player is not online!'
  124. Rank_Name_Null: '&cThe name can not be null!'
  125. Rank_Already_Exists: '&cThis rank already exists!'
  126. Rank_Prefix_Null: '&cThe prefix can not be null!'
  127. Rank_Set_Leader_Error: '&cYou can''t add another leader!'
  128. Rank_Set_Higher_Error: '&cYou can''t set a rank that is higher than you!'
  129. Rank_Not_Found: '&cRank not found!'
  130. Rank_Set_Self_Error: '&cYou can not change your own rank!'
  131. Kick_Error_Higher_Rank: '&cYou can not kick a player that has a higher rank than
  132. you!'
  133. Kick_Self_Error: '&cYou can not kick yourself!'
  134. Target_Error: '&cSomething went wrong! Maybe the target does not exist!'
  135. Target_Not_In_Faction: '&cThis player is not in your faction!'
  136. Cancelled_Action: '&cCancelled!'
  137. Chunk_Already_Claimed: '&cAlready claimed!'
  138. Chunk_Not_Claimed: '&cThis chunk is not claimed!'
  139. Claim_Error_World: You can't claim a chunk in this world!
  140. Claim_Error_Region: '&cYou can''t claim this chunk because it is in a blocked region!'
  141. Chunk_Not_Connected: '&cThis chunk is not connected with your faction!'
  142. Not_Your_Chunk: '&cThis chunk is not yours!'
  143. Faction_Hit_Error: '&cYou can not hit a player of your own faction!'
  144. Ally_Hit_Error: '&cYou can not hit an ally!'
  145. Ally_Exists_Error: '&cYou already have an alliance with &e%faction%&a!'
  146. Ally_Self_Error: '&cYou can''t send yourself a request!'
  147. Ally_Already_Sent_Request: '&cYou''ve already sent a request!'
  148. Ally_No_Requests: '&cYou have no requests!'
  149. Ally_No_Requests_From: '&cYou have no requests from faction &e%faction%!'
  150. Truce_Exists_Error: '&cYou already trust &e%faction%&a!'
  151. Truce_Self_Error: '&cYou can''t send yourself a request!'
  152. Truce_Already_Sent_Request: '&cYou''ve already sent a request!'
  153. Truce_No_Requests: '&cYou have no requests!'
  154. Truce_No_Requests_From: '&cYou have no requests from faction &e%faction%!'
  155. Truce_Hit_Error: '&cYou can not hit a truce!'
  156. Already_In_Relation: '&cYou are already in a relation with this faction! Do /f neutral
  157. <faction> first!'
  158. Place_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to place blocks in this area!'
  159. Place_TNT_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to place tnt in this area!'
  160. Place_Creeper_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to place creepers in this area!'
  161. Break_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to break blocks in this area!'
  162. Interact_Button_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use buttons in this area!'
  163. Interact_Lever_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use levers in this area!'
  164. Interact_Chest_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use chests in this area!'
  165. Interact_Shulker_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use shulkers in this area!'
  166. Interact_Ender_Chest_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use enderchests in this
  167. area!'
  168. Interact_Trapped_Chest_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use trapped chests in
  169. this area!'
  170. Interact_Dropper_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use droppers in this area!'
  171. Interact_Dispenser_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use dispensers in this area!'
  172. Interact_Hopper_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use hoppers in this area!'
  173. Interact_Repeater_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use repeaters in this area!'
  174. Interact_Comparator_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use comparators in this area!'
  175. Interact_Furnace_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use furnaces in this area!'
  176. Interact_Detector_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use daylight detectors in this
  177. area!'
  178. Interact_Door_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use doors in this area!'
  179. Interact_Trap_Door_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use trap doors in this area!'
  180. Interact_Plate_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use pressure plates in this area!'
  181. Interact_Anvil_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use pressure anvils in this area!'
  182. Interact_Gate_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use gates in this area!'
  183. Interact_Barrel_Error: '&cYou are not permitted to use barrels in this area!'
  184. Enemy_Exists_Error: '&cThis faction is already your enemy!'
  185. Max_Claim_Error: '&cThis chunk can not be claimed! Your faction has reached the
  186. max claims!'
  187. AutoClaim_Error: '&4AutoClaim Error &8| &cCan''t claim, Chunk is already claimed!'
  188. Faction_Not_In_Relation: '&cYou are not in a relation with this faction!'
  189. Already_Siege_Faction: '&cYou are already siege a faction!'
  190. Siege_Error: '&cYou can''t siege this faction! You need at least %needed% WarPieces
  191. to do that!'
  192. Siege_Online_Error: '&cYou can''t siege this faction! This faction needs at least
  193. &e%vaule% &conline players!'
  194. WarPiece_Error: '&cYou have no WarPieces with this faction!'
  195. Help_Error: '&cThis page does not exist!'
  196. Not_Enough_Money: '&cYou don''t have enough money!'
  197. Teleport_Error: '&cYou can''t teleport in enemy territory!'
  198. TownHall_Enabled_Error: '&cYou can''t use this command when the townhall feature
  199. is enabled!'
  200. TownHall_Create_Error: '&cYou can''t create your townhall while being sieged!'
  201. TownHall_Location_Error: '&cYou can''t set the townhall outside a claimed chunk!'
  202. TownHall_Already_Exists: '&cThe townhall already exists!'
  203. TownHall_Hit_Error: '&cYou can''t hit your own townhall!'
  204. TownHall_Move_Error: '&cYou can''t move your townhall yet!'
  205. TownHall_Move_Siege_Error: '&cYou can''t move your townhall while being sieged!'
  206. Deposit_Error: '&cYou don''t have enough items!'
  207. Withdaw_Error: '&cEither the bank doesn''t contain any of this item or your inventory
  208. is full!'
  209. Valid_Number_Error: '&cPlease enter a valid number!'
  210. Energy_Buy_Error: '&cYou can''t buy this yet!'
  211. AdminMode_Enter_Error: '&cYou can''t enter the adminmode while bypass all is active!'
  212. ByPassAllMode_Enter_Error: '&cYou can''t enter the adminmode while adminmode is
  213. active!'
  214. Inventory_Full_Error: '&cYour inventory is full!'
  215. Region_Does_Not_Exist: '&cThis region doesn''t exist!'
  216. Region_Already_Exist: '&cThis region does already exist!'
  217. Region_Locations_Error: '&cPlease select two locations first!'
  218. Regions_Not_Found: '&cNo regions found!'
  219. Empty_Bucket_Error: '&cYou can''t empty your bucket here!'
  220. Fill_Bucket_Error: '&cYou can''t fill your bucket here!'
  221. Wild_Teleport_Error: '&cThe wild command is disabled on this server!'
  222. Wild_Teleport_World_Error: '&cYou can''t use wild teleport in this world!'
  223. Join_Error: '&cThe faction is full!'
  224. Upgrade_Needed_Error: '&cYou can''t use this feature! You have to upgrade your faction
  225. first!'
  226. Fly_Chunk_Error: '&cYou have to be in a faction chunk to use this feature!'
  227. Fill_Block_Error: '&cThis is not a valid block to fill!'
  228. Fill_Block_Amount_Error: '&cYou have no TNT in your inventory!'
  229. Fill_Block_Full_Error: '&cThis Block is full!'
  230. Shop_Category_Create_Item_Error: '&aPlease choose a item!'
  231. Shop_Add_Item_Item_Error: '&aPlease choose a item!'
  232. Shop_Enabled_Error: '&cThe shop function is disabled!'
  233. Shop_Sell_Item_Error: '&cYou don''t have this item in your inventory!'
  234. Region_Name_Empty: '&cThe region name can''t be empty!'
  235. Quest_Max_Reached: '&cYou have reached the maximum amount of active quests!'
  236. Quest_Create_Select_First: '&cPlease select a quest type first!'
  237. Quest_Create_Missing_Argument: '&cPlease fill out each argument!'
  238. Quest_Create_Entity_Not_Found: '&cEntity not Found!'
  239. Quest_Create_Item_Not_Found: '&cItem not Found!'
  240. GUI_Tags:
  241. Confirm: '&aConfirm'
  242. Cancel: '&cCancel'
  243. Save: '&aSave'
  244. Next: '&eNext'
  245. Previous: '&ePrevious'
  246. Back: '&eBack'
  247. Enabled: '&aenabled'
  248. Disabled: '&cdisabled'
  249. 'True': '&atrue'
  250. 'False': '&cfalse'
  251. Create_Rank: '&aCreate Rank'
  252. Set_Icon: '&aSet Icon'
  253. Set_Name: '&aSet Name'
  254. Set_Description: '&aSet Description'
  255. Set_Prefix: '&aSet Prefix'
  256. Set_Permissions: '&aSet Permissions'
  257. Rank_Enter_Name: Enter name
  258. Rank_Enter_Prefix: Enter prefix
  259. Remove_Rank: '&cRemove Rank'
  260. Edit_Players: '&eEdit players'
  261. Edit_Rank: '&eEdit rank'
  262. Delete_Rank: '&cDelete rank'
  263. Edit_Players_Head: '&d%player%'
  264. Rank_CustomIcon: '&eCustom Icon'
  265. Rank_NormalIcon: '&eNormal Icon'
  266. Info_Members: '&eFaction members'
  267. Info_All: '&eInformation'
  268. Info_Enemies: '&eEnemies'
  269. Info_Truces: '&eTruces'
  270. Info_Allies: '&eAllies'
  271. Info_Relations: '&eRelations'
  272. Info_Ranks: '&eFaction ranks'
  273. Info_All_Name: '&eName: &a%name%'
  274. Info_All_Level: '&eLevel: &a%level%'
  275. Info_All_Description: '&eDescription: &a%description%'
  276. Info_All_Members: '&eMembers: &a%count% &8/ &e%max%'
  277. Info_All_Power: '&ePower: &a%count%'
  278. Info_All_Claims: '&eClaims: &a%count% / %maxclaims%'
  279. Info_Click_Lore: '&7&o- Click to open -'
  280. Info_Claim_Energy: '&eEnergy: &a%count%'
  281. Info_WarPieces: '&eWarPieces'
  282. Info_WarPieces_Lore: '&7Click to see warpieces'
  283. Edit_Ally_Permission: '&eEdit Ally Permission'
  284. Unally: '&cUnally'
  285. Confirm_Description: '&eDescription'
  286. Disband_Confirm_Lore: '&7Click to disband your faction'
  287. Leave_Confirm_Lore: '&7Click to leave your faction'
  288. Delete_Rank_Confirm_Lore: '&7Click to delete this rank'
  289. Set_Rank_Confirm_Lore: '&7Click to set rank &e%rank% &7to player &e%player%'
  290. Promote_Leader_Confirm_Lore: '&7Click to promote player &e%player% &7to leader'
  291. Ally_Request_Lore: '&7Click to send faction &e%faction% &7an ally request'
  292. Truce_Request_Lore: '&7Click to send faction &e%faction% &7an truce request'
  293. Neutral_Lore: '&7Click to neutral faction &e%faction%'
  294. WarPieces_Lore1: '&eYour WarPieces: &c%count%'
  295. WarPieces_Lore2: '&eTheir WarPieces: &c%count%'
  296. Warps_Warp: '&c%warp%'
  297. Warps_Lore: '&7Has Password: %value%'
  298. Warps_Value_Yes: '&aYes'
  299. Warps_Value_No: '&aNo'
  300. Admin_Factions: '&eFactions'
  301. Admin_Leader_Lore: '&7Leader: &3%leader%'
  302. Admin_Get_Permissions: '&eToggle Leader permissions'
  303. Admin_Get_Permissions_Lore: '&7You receive all permissions in this faction'
  304. Admin_Warps: '&eFaction Warps'
  305. Admin_Warps_Warp: '&c%warp%'
  306. Admin_Warps_Warp_Lore: '&ePassword: &7%password%'
  307. Admin_Warps_Warp_Lore_No_Password: '&7No password set!'
  308. Admin_Warps_Lore: '&7Manage all faction warps of this faction'
  309. Admin_Warps_Warp_Teleport: '&eTeleport'
  310. Admin_Warps_Warp_Teleport_Lore: '&eClick to teleport'
  311. Admin_Warps_Warp_Info: '&eInfo'
  312. Admin_Warps_Warp_Info_Lore: '&ePassword: &7%password%'
  313. Admin_Warps_Warp_Delete: '&eDelete'
  314. Admin_Warps_Warp_Delete_Lore: '&eClick to delete this warp'
  315. Admin_Disband_Faction: '&eDisband Faction'
  316. Admin_Disband_Faction_Lore: '&7You Disband Faction'
  317. Admin_Faction_Change_Name: '&eChange Name'
  318. Admin_Faction_Change_Desc: '&eChange Description'
  319. Toggle_Advanced_Permissions: '&eToggle advanced permissions'
  320. Admin_Get_Advanced_Permissions_Lore: '&8- &7Teleport ByPass'
  321. Admin_Bypass_All: '&bToggle Bypass All'
  322. Admin_Bypass_All_Lore: '&7Bypass all Factions'
  323. Admin_TownHall: '&eTownhall options'
  324. Admin_TownHall_Lore: '&7- Click to open -'
  325. Admin_TownHall_Remove: '&eRemove Townhall'
  326. Admin_TownHall_Remove_Lore: '&7Click to remove'
  327. Admin_TownHall_Get_Egg: '&eGet Townhall egg'
  328. Admin_TownHall_Get_Egg_Lore1: '&cWarning! &7To avoid Errors, please make sure'
  329. Admin_TownHall_Get_Egg_Lore2: '&7the townhall don''t exist when you place this egg!'
  330. Bank_Deposit: '&eDeposit'
  331. Bank_Withdraw: '&eWithdraw'
  332. Bank_Info: '&eInfo'
  333. Bank_Info_Lore: '&a&lCurrent Balance: &7$%amount%'
  334. Bank_Item_Info_Lore: '&a&lAmount: &7%amount%'
  335. Bank_Item_Info_Lore2: '&a&lTotal sum: &7$%amount%'
  336. Bank_Deposit_1: '&b&lDeposit 1: &a+ $%price% &7&o(Left-Click)'
  337. Bank_Deposit_32: '&b&lDeposit 32: &a+ $%price% &7&o(Shift-Left-Click)'
  338. Bank_Deposit_64: '&b&lDeposit 64: &a+ $%price% &7&o(Right-Click)'
  339. Bank_Deposit_All: '&b&lDeposit All: &a+ $%price% &7&o(Shift-Right-Click)'
  340. Bank_Withdraw_1: '&b&lWithdraw 1: &7&o(Left-Click)'
  341. Bank_Withdraw_32: '&b&lWithdraw 32: &7&o(Shift-Left-Click)'
  342. Bank_Withdraw_64: '&b&lWithdraw 64: &7&o(Right-Click)'
  343. Townhall_Title: '&8Townhall'
  344. Townhall_Lore: '&eSets the villager to ur current location'
  345. Townhall_Energy: '&eEnergy'
  346. Townhall_Energy_Lore: '&7%count%'
  347. Townhall_Buy_Energy: '&eBuy 24h of energy'
  348. Townhall_Buy_Energy_Lore: '&7Costs: &a$%costs%'
  349. Townhall_Upgrade: '&eUpgrade'
  350. Townhall_Upgrade_Lore: '&7Upgrade your Townhall'
  351. Townhall_Bank: '&eBank'
  352. Townhall_Bank_Lore2: '&7Current value: &a$%count%'
  353. Townhall_Move: '&eMove your townhall'
  354. Townhall_Move_Lore: '&7Can be moved in: &e%time%'
  355. TopFactions_Faction: '&6%faction%'
  356. TopFactions_Faction_Lore: '&7%description%'
  357. TopFactions_Faction_Lore1: ' '
  358. TopFactions_Faction_Lore2: '&8&m [&r&6Blocks&8]&m '
  359. TopFactions_Faction_Lore3: '&7Bank amount: &e$%amount%'
  360. TopFactions_Faction_Lore4: '&7Total: &e$%value%'
  361. TopFactions_PlacedBlock: '&e%block% &8: &c%amount%'
  362. TopFactions_PlacedBlock_Empty: '&cN/A'
  363. Regions_Lore: '&8» &7Left-Click to set &cpos1'
  364. Regions_Lore1: '&8» &7Right-Click to set &cpos2'
  365. Regions_Delete_Description: '&7Click to delete region &e%name%'
  366. Upgrade_Info_Lore: '&8» &ecurrent level: &6%level%'
  367. Upgrade_Info_Lore1: '&8» &anext level: &2%level%'
  368. Upgrade_Info_Lore2: '&8» &c$%cost%'
  369. Upgrade_Title: '&aUpgrade'
  370. Upgrade_Lore: '&7&o- Click to upgrade -'
  371. Upgrade_Maxed: '&cMaxed!'
  372. Upgrade_Upgrades: '&bSee all upgrades!'
  373. Upgrades_Fly: '&eFaction fly'
  374. Upgrades_Fill: '&eFaction Fill'
  375. Upgrades_MemberCount: '&eMember Count &7(max: &a%value%&7)'
  376. Upgrades_ClaimCount: '&eClaim Count &7(max: &a%value%&7)'
  377. Upgrades_TeleportDelay: '&eTeleport delay &7(&a%value%&7s)'
  378. Upgrades_MobDropMultiplayer: '&eMobDrop Multiplier &7(&a%value%&7)'
  379. Upgrades_PotionEffects: '&ePotion Effects &7(&a%value%&7)'
  380. Upgrades_PotionEffects_Next_Lore: '&eNext effects:'
  381. Upgrades_PotionEffects_Lore_Format: '&7- &7%effect%'
  382. Upgrades_GrowSpeed: '&eGrow-Speed Multiplier &7(&a%value%&7)'
  383. Upgrades_Soon: '&cComming soon'
  384. Upgrades_WarpCount: '&eWarp Count &7(max: &a%value%&7)'
  385. Upgrades_Lore_Unlocked: '&8» &aunlocked'
  386. Upgrades_Lore_Locked: '&8» &clocked'
  387. Upgrades_Lore_Next_Value: '&8» &6next&7: &e%value%'
  388. Shop_MainGUI: '&8UltimateFactions - Shop'
  389. Shop_AddCategoryGUI: '&8Add Category'
  390. Shop_AddCategory: '&eAdd Category'
  391. Shop_RemoveCategory: '&eRemove Category'
  392. Shop_EditCategory: '&eEdit Category'
  393. Shop_AddItem: '&8Add Item'
  394. Shop_RemoveItem: '&eRemove Item'
  395. Shop_AddCategory_Name: '&eName'
  396. Shop_AddCategory_Description: '&eDescription'
  397. Shop_AddCategory_Icon: '&eIcon'
  398. Shop_AddCategory_Enter_Name: Enter Name
  399. Shop_AddCategory_Enter_Description: Enter Description
  400. Shop_ChooseIcon: '&eChoose Icon'
  401. Shop_ChooseIcon_Lore: '&7- Click on the Item in your inventory -'
  402. Shop_EditCategory_Name: '%name%'
  403. Shop_EditCategory_Icon: '&eIcon'
  404. Shop_EditCategory_Description: '%description%'
  405. Shop_EditCategory_Add_Item: '&eAdd Shop Item'
  406. Shop_EditCategory_Remove_Item: '&eRemove Shop Item'
  407. Shop_AddItem_Name: '&eName'
  408. Shop_AddItem_Description: '&eDescription'
  409. Shop_AddItem_Price: '&ePrice'
  410. Shop_AddItem_Sell_Price: '&eSell Price'
  411. Shop_AddItem_Enter_Name: Enter Name
  412. Shop_AddItem_Enter_Description: Enter Description
  413. Shop_AddItem_Enter_Price: Enter Price
  414. Shop_AddItem_Enter_Sell_Price: Enter Sell Price
  415. Shop_AddItem_Item: '&eItem'
  416. Shop_AddItem_canSell: '&eCan sell'
  417. Shop_Item_Price_Lore: '&7Buy: &a$%price% &8| &7&oLeftClick'
  418. Shop_Item_Sell_Price_Lore: '&7Sell: &a$%price% &8| &7&oRightClick'
  419. Regions_Title: Regions
  420. Regions_Region: '&3%name%'
  421. Regions_Info_Title: 'Region: %region%'
  422. Regions_Info_Edit: '&eEdit region'
  423. Regions_Info_Delete: '&eDelete region'
  424. Regions_Edit_Change_Name: '&eChange name'
  425. Regions_Edit_Flags: '&eFlags'
  426. Regions_Edit_Flags_Lore_Format: '&7- &a%flag%'
  427. Regions_Flags_Title: Flags
  428. Region_Flags_DisablePVP: '&eDisable PvP'
  429. Region_Flags_DisablePlace: '&eDisable Place'
  430. Region_Flags_DisableBreak: '&eDisable Break'
  431. Invites_Title: Invites
  432. Invites_Faction: '&e%faction%'
  433. Invites_Faction_Description_Lore: '&7Click to accept or deny the invitation'
  434. Permission_Chat: Chat
  435. Permission_Build: Build
  436. Permission_Break: Break
  437. Permission_Open_Door: Open Door
  438. Permission_Open_Chest: Open Chest
  439. Permission_Open_Trapped_Chest: Open Trapped Chest
  440. Permission_Open_Ender_Chest: Open Ender Chest
  441. Permission_Home: Home
  442. Permission_Set_Home: Set Home
  443. Permission_Warp: Warp
  444. Permission_Manage_Warps: Manage Warps
  445. Permission_Place_TNT: Place TNT
  446. Permission_Kick: Kick
  447. Permission_Invite: Invite
  448. Permission_Claim: Claim
  449. Permission_UnClaim: UnClaim
  450. Permission_Ally: Add Ally
  451. Permission_Truce: Add Truce
  452. Permission_Enemy: Add Enemy
  453. Permission_Neutral: Neutral a Faction
  454. Permission_Withdraw: Withdraw
  455. Permission_Manage_Townhall: Manage Townhall
  456. Permission_Manage_Roles: Manage Roles
  457. Permission_Assign_Roles: Assing Roles
  458. Permission_Fill_Bucket: Fill Bucket
  459. Permission_Empty_Bucket: Empty Bucket
  460. Permission_Use_Button: Use Button
  461. Permission_Use_Lever: Use Lever
  462. Permission_Use_Trapdoor: Use Trapdoor
  463. Permission_Use_Repeater: Use Repeater
  464. Permission_Use_Comparator: Use Comparator
  465. Permission_Use_Dispenser: Use Dispenser
  466. Permission_Use_Dropper: Use Dropper
  467. Permission_Use_Hopper: Use Hopper
  468. Permission_Use_Furnace: Use Furnace
  469. Permission_Use_Fence_Gate: Use Fence Gate
  470. Permission_Use_Anvil: Use Anvil
  471. Permission_Disband: Disband
  472. Permission_Hit_Allies: Hit Allies
  473. Permission_Hit_Truces: Hit Truces
  474. Permission_Siege: Siege
  475. Permission_Fly: Fly
  476. Permission_Fill: Fill
  477. Permission_Change_Info: Change Info
  478. Permission_Manage_Quests: Manage Quests
  479. Permission_Claim_Quests: Claim Quest Reward
  480. Quests_Title: Quests
  481. Quests_Completed_Title: Completed Quests
  482. Quests_Completed_Quests: '&aCompleted Quests'
  483. Quests_Quest: '&e%quest%'
  484. Quests_Quest_Completed: '&e%quest% &8(&aCompleted&8)'
  485. Quests_Quest_Lore: '&7accepted: %value%'
  486. Quests_Quest_Completed_Lore: '&7completed: &atrue'
  487. Quests_Quest_Lore1: '&7type: &b%type%'
  488. Quests_Quest_Lore_Reward: '&7reward: &e%reward%'
  489. Quests_Quest_Completed_Claim_Lore: '&7&o- click to claim &ereward &7&o-'
  490. Quests_Quest_Completed_Claim_Lore2: '&c&lalready claimed'
  491. Quests_Quest_Lore2: '&8&m '
  492. Quests_Quest_Description: '&7%description%'
  493. Quests_Quest_Process: '&7process: &b%value%&7 / &3%max%'
  494. Quests_Create_Quest_Title: Create Quest
  495. Quests_Create_Quest: '&eCreate Quest'
  496. Quest_Type_Kill: Kill
  497. Quest_Type_Collect: Collect
  498. Quest_Type_Tame: Tame
  499. Quest_Choose_Icon: Choose Icon
  500. Quest_Choose_Type: Choose Type
  501. Quest_Choose_Reward: Choose Choose Reward
  502. Quest_Enter_Description: Enter description
  503. Quest_Enter_Name: Enter name
  504. Quest_Enter_Reward: Enter reward
  505. Quest_Set_Type: '&eSet Type'
  506. Quest_Set_Reward: '&eSet reward'
  507. Quest_Set_Action: '&eSet Action'
  508. Quest_Enter_Action: <amount>;<type>
  509. Quest_Reward_Text: '&e$%reward%'
  510. Rank_Leader: Leader
  511. Rank_General: General
  512. Rank_Lieutenant: Lieutenant
  513. Rank_Member: Member
  514. Rank_Recruit: Recruit
  515. Other:
  516. Default_ChatPrefix: '&7[&b%faction%&7] &e%player% &8: &f'
  517. Player_Get_Invite: '&aYou have been invited to join faction &e%faction%&a. Do /f
  518. join &e%faction% &ato enter the faction!'
  519. Player_Joined_Faction: '&aPlayer &e%player% &ajoined your faction!'
  520. Player_Faction_Disbanded: '&cYour faction was disbanded, you are now not longer
  521. in a faction!'
  522. Player_Faction_Left: '&e%player% &cleft the faction!'
  523. Player_Get_Kicked: '&cYou get kicked out of faction &e%faction%&c!'
  524. Player_Received_Rank: '&aYou received rank &e%rank%&a!'
  525. Player_Get_Promoted: '&bYou get promoted as leader!'
  526. Command_CoolDown: '&cPlease wait &e%ss &cbefore using this command again!'
  527. Entering_Territory: '&9Entering territory of &b%faction%'
  528. Entering_Wilderness: '&2Entering &awilderness'
  529. Entering_Region: '&bEntering region &3%region%'
  530. Entered_ChatMode: '&aSwitched to &9%chat% &achat'
  531. Public_Chat: '&7[&b%faction%&7] &e%player%&8 : &f'
  532. Public_Chat_No_Faction: '&7[] &e%player%&8 : &f'
  533. Faction_Chat: '&7[%rank%&7] &e%player%&8 : &f'
  534. Ally_Chat: '&7[&9Ally&7] [&b%faction%&7] [%rank%&7] &e%player%&8 : &f'
  535. Truce_Chat: '&7[&9Truce&7] [&b%faction%&7] [%rank%&7] &e%player%&8 : &f'
  536. Map_Header: '&9&m &r&9[ %faction% (%direction%)&9]&m '
  537. Ally_Request_Get: '&aFaction &e%faction% &awants an alliance. Type /f ally &e%faction%
  538. &ato accept their request!'
  539. Truce_Request_Get: '&aFaction &e%faction% &awants an truce. Type /f truce &e%faction%
  540. &ato accept their request!'
  541. Teleport_Start: '&aYou''ll get teleported in %s seconds...'
  542. Teleport_Pay: '&aYou''ve paid $%costs% to teleport'
  543. Teleport_Cancelled: '&cTeleport cancelled, you moved!'
  544. AutoClaim_Enabled: '&aAutoclaim enabled'
  545. AutoClaim_Disabled: '&aAutoclaim disabled'
  546. Faction_Unallied: '&cYour faction was unallied by &e%faction%&c!'
  547. Faction_Untruced: '&cYour faction was untruced by &e%faction%&c!'
  548. Faction_Unenemied: '&cYour faction was unenemied by &e%faction%&c!'
  549. Siege_Ended: '&cThe Siege is over!'
  550. Siege_Alert: '&cYour faction gets sieged by %faction%! Hurry up!'
  551. Energy_Is_Getting_Low: '&cThe energy of your faction is getting low!'
  552. Energy_Limit_Reached: '&cThe energy of your faction hit 0! All your chunks are unclaimed'
  553. TownHall_DisplayName: '&bTownhall: &e%faction%'
  554. Enabled_Fly: '&aEnabled &7fly mode!'
  555. Disabled_Fly: '&cDisabled &7fly mode!'
  556. Fly_Left_Chunk: '&cYou left your faction territory while having fly enabled! It
  557. will be disabled in 3 seconds!'
  558. Enabled_Fill: '&aEnabled &7fill mode! Right-Click a storage container to fill it
  559. with tnt out of your inventory!'
  560. Disabled_Fill: '&cDisabled &7fill mode!'
  561. Regions_Header: '&8&m [&r&cRegions&8]&m '
  562. TopFaction_None: None
  563. Help_HelpCommandHeader: '&8&m &r&8[&c %title%&8 (&e%page%&7/&e%maxpages%&8)
  564. ]&m '
  565. Help_HelpCommand: Shows this view
  566. Help_HelpCommandSyntax: '[page]'
  567. Help_AlliesCommand: Opens a GUI
  568. Help_AllyCommand: Adds a faction to your allies
  569. Help_AllyCommandSyntax: <faction>
  570. Help_AutoClaimCommand: Walk across a chunk and claim it
  571. Help_BankCommand: Opens the bank GUI
  572. Help_BankCommandSyntax: '[deposit]'
  573. Help_ChatCommand: Switch chat mode
  574. Help_ChatCommandSyntax: '[faction, ally, truce, public]'
  575. Help_ChunkSeeCommand: Shows the chunk borders
  576. Help_ClaimCommand: Claims a new chunk
  577. Help_CreateCommand: Create your own faction
  578. Help_CreateCommandSyntax: <name>
  579. Help_DelWarpCommand: Deletes a warp
  580. Help_DelWarpCommandSyntax: <warp>
  581. Help_DisbandCommand: Disbands your faction
  582. Help_EnemyCommand: Adds an Faction to your enemy list
  583. Help_EnemyCommandSyntax: <faction>
  584. Help_EnergyCommand: Opens the Energy GUI
  585. Help_FillCommand: Fills storage container with tnt
  586. Help_FlyCommand: Enables fly in your territory
  587. Help_HomeCommand: Teleports you to faction home
  588. Help_InfoCommand: Shows you an info about a faction
  589. Help_InfoCommandSyntax: '[faction]'
  590. Help_InviteCommand: Invites a player to the faction
  591. Help_InviteCommandSyntax: <player>
  592. Help_InvitesCommand: Shows your invites
  593. Help_JoinCommand: Joins a faction
  594. Help_JoinCommandSyntax: <faction>
  595. Help_KickCommand: Kicks a player out of your faction
  596. Help_KickCommandSyntax: <player>
  597. Help_LeaveCommand: Leaves a faction
  598. Help_ListCommand: Lists all factions
  599. Help_MapCommand: Shows territory map
  600. Help_NeutralCommand: Removes a faction from you relations
  601. Help_NeutralCommandSyntax: <faction>
  602. Help_QuestsCommand: Opens the quests GUI
  603. Help_RanksCommand: Opens a GUI
  604. Help_RegionCommand: Sets a region where power and warpiece system is disabled
  605. Help_RegionCommandSyntax: <list> or <create / delete> <name>
  606. Help_RegionsCommand: Opens a region GUI
  607. Help_ReloadCommand: Reloads the plugin
  608. Help_SetDescriptionCommand: Changes the description of your faction
  609. Help_SetDescriptionCommandSyntax: <description>
  610. Help_SetHomeCommand: Sets the faction home point
  611. Help_SetLeaderCommand: Promote a new leader
  612. Help_SetLeaderCommandSyntax: <player>
  613. Help_SetNameCommand: Changes the name of your faction
  614. Help_SetNameCommandSyntax: <name>
  615. Help_SetRankCommand: Sets a rank to a player
  616. Help_SetRankCommandSyntax: <player> <rank>
  617. Help_SetWarpCommand: Sets a warp point
  618. Help_SetWarpCommandSyntax: <name> [password]
  619. Help_ShopCommand: Opens a Shop GUI
  620. Help_SiegeCommand: Siege a faction
  621. Help_SiegeCommandSyntax: <faction>
  622. Help_TopCommand: Opens a GUI with top 10 factions
  623. Help_TopCommandSyntax: '[upgrade]'
  624. Help_TownhallCommand: Sets the faction townhall
  625. Help_TruceCommand: Adds a faction to your truces
  626. Help_TruceCommandSyntax: Adds a faction to your truces <faction>
  627. Help_UnClaimCommand: Unclaims a chunk
  628. Help_UnClaimCommandSyntax: '[all]'
  629. Help_UpgradeCommand: Opens a GUI where you can upgrade your faction
  630. Help_WandCommand: Get a region wand
  631. Help_WarpCommand: Teleports you to a warp
  632. Help_WarpCommandSyntax: <name> [password] | list
  633. Help_WildCommand: Teleports you to a random location
  634. PvP_Disabled_In_Region: '&cPVP is disabled in this region!'
  635. Region_Disabled_Action: '&cThis is not allowed in this region!'
  636. PlaceHolder_Faction_Not_Found: N/A
  637. Townhall_Killed: '&cYou townhall has been killed!'
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