
Twilight Dream Dragon Age Layout

Jan 25th, 2017
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  1. [div=background: #800000 url( center fixed; border-radius: 15px; border: 10px solid transparent; padding: 15px; -webkit-border-image: url( 30 round; -o-border-image: url( 30 round; border-image: url( 30 round; margin: auto; width: 85%;]
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  4. [tabs]
  5. [tab=Introduction and Summary]
  6. Welcome to the "Dragon Age: Shattered Dreams" roleplay! I will be your GM and general story teller for your many endeavors for this tale. We will be picking from the four main races and three classes from "Dragon Age: Inquisition". We will also be including specializations at some point, I will be the only Rift Mage for this roleplay. I have an idea that links my character to such magic. In its place, I will allow Blood Mages. But for the start, stay with the three basic classes. Also, please be sure to look over everyone's character sheet to be sure that we don't have too many of the same kinds of classes. One or two is fine, but we can't all be the same thing. We want diversity.
  8. [B]Summary[/B]
  9. This roleplay will primarily be in the Tevinter Imperium at first, though by no means will it be the only place we will be visiting. My character Tiberius is the adoptive son and heir of Radonis the Archon that is mentioned in Inquisition. He is of the Laeten class, the second highest social rank in the Tevinter Imperium. The reason this is important is because of his distant ancestor, Tidarion was also of the Laeten class. Tidarion was the first Laeten to become an Archon, and it was because of his lowborn mage status that the Magesterium, at that time, refused to accept Tidarion and started a civil war that lasted over seventy years because they believed that magic was a favor of the Old Gods and not of an accidental birth. It would seem history intends to repeat itself.
  11. Before his coronation as official Archon Tiberius Planasene, under the tutelage of one Dorian Pauvus, runs away to come to terms with the pressures of ruling a nation like Tevinter. In his attempt to shirk his duties, he runs into several individuals, each one succumbing to his tricks and hijinx, becoming a wanted criminal who are thought to have kidnapped the Archon. Meanwhile, they soon form a band of mercenaries who roam the lands, taking on jobs and responsibilities all the while Dorian keeps in contact with Tiberius using a magic communication crystal. This allows him to keep well informed about situations arising across the country as well as avoid patrols on the lookout for Tiberius and his friends. It'll also be a plot device for when they start finding more about Solas and his objectives as well as where the Elves across Thedas are disappearing to.
  13. Once they have a complete a complete understanding of what he intends to do--tear down the veil causing a cataclysm that will likely kill countless people. So Tiberius finally accepts the Archon position and ceases hostilities with the Qunari who he then invites to talks about a temporary peace in light of a unifying force to prevent a worldwide catastrophe. So the Qunari and Tevinter join forces to stop Solas.
  15. [/tab]
  17. [tab=Rules]
  19. 1. Be polite, and forthcoming with ideas.
  20. 2. Have well written, and legible posts. No text speak; capitalization and punctuation where it counts. You don't need to be a grammar Nazi, but I do expect you to be intelligent enough to handle putting effort into posts.
  21. 3. I expect commitment; we all have lives and things to do and I understand some things take precedent. That said, however, don't just drop out, out of nowhere with no explanation and leave the group.
  22. 4. I will be as accommodating as I can be, but my word is law in the roleplay.
  23. 5. Though this takes place after DAI, a lot of the effects in its story are still felt. So those of you who haven't played the game yet, it is probably best you don't join. It would take too long to go over and you would just be confused. Only those who have played and finished DAI may join.
  24. 6. Canon characters such as Cassandra, Iron Bull, Blackwall, Solas--are all NPC's. We will be making original characters from Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Qunari. Basic classes to start out with.
  25. 7. The posting requirements are as follows: a minimum of two paragraphs consisting of eight to ten sentences per post. As stated above, proof-reading is expected to have been done beforehand.
  26. [/tab]
  28. [tab=Character List & Character Sheet]
  31. [imga=left][/imga]Name: Tiberius
  32. Creator: [USER=12256]@Mangekyō [/USER]
  33. Status: Alive
  35. -----
  37. Name: Valiant Beckett
  38. Creator: [USER=20487]Tyrannosaurus Rekt[/USER]
  39. Dice Roll: 2
  40. Status: Alive
  42. ----
  44. [Imga=right][/imga]Name: Makon Kroscak
  45. Creator: [USER=1034]@Cerulean[/USER]
  46. Dice Roll: 4
  47. Status: Alive
  49. [hr][/hr]
  51. [B]Basics[/B]
  53. Name (& pronunciation):
  54. Date of Birth (& age):
  55. Place of Birth:
  56. Gender:
  57. Species/Racial Origin:
  58. Social Class/Community Status:
  59. Language:
  60. Family/Friends/Pets/Etc:
  62. [B]Physical Description[/B]
  64. Height:
  65. Weight:
  66. Hair:
  67. Eyes:
  68. Detailed Physical Description:
  69. Typical Clothing/Equipment:
  71. [B]Personality/Attributes[/B]
  73. Personality/Attitude:
  74. Skills/Talents:
  75. Favourites/Likes:
  76. Most Hated/Dislikes:
  77. Goals/Ambitions:
  78. Strengths:
  79. Weaknesses:
  80. Fears:
  81. Hobbies/Interests:
  82. Regular Routine:
  83. (optional) Philosophy of Life:
  84. (optional) Attitude Toward Death:
  85. Religion/Beliefs:
  86. (optional) Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
  87. Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
  88. Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
  89. Education/Special Training:
  90. Place/Type of Residence:
  91. Occupation:
  92. Place of Work:
  93. Work-related Skills:
  94. Past Occupations:
  95. [/tab]
  96. [tab=Classes]
  97. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
  98. [IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
  99. Battle-hardened and masters of close combat, warriors are pivotal to any group entering battle. As front-line fighters, they absorb the brunt of opponent attacks, steal enemy focus, and create an opening for deadly ranged assaults from other classes. While some warriors prefer visceral, sweeping damage, many are silverite-clad bulwarks, weathering any blows they don't deflect with their shields.
  101. [hr][/hr]
  103. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
  105. [IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
  106. Armed with bows, daggers, and any number of dirty tricks, the rogue's primary focus is damage: tearing foes down one at a time with systematic efficiency. Rogues commonly use a mixture of stealth and mobility to reach positions of advantage, be it a sniper's perch away from enemy blades or behind an unsuspecting mage. Deadly and resourceful, rogues can tip the balance of any strategic assault.
  108. [hr][/hr]
  110. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
  111. [IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
  112. Those who can tap into the raw energy of the Fade and block the whispering temptations of demons are truly exceptional. When they turn that mental focus onto the field of war, they can be truly terrifying opponents. Rains of fire, walls of ice, or even the ability to heal allies make up a mage's toolkit. Most employ considerable skills rendering foes not only weakened, but also vulnerable to physical attacks, setting up opportunities for their teammates to exploit.
  113. [/tab]
  114. [tab=Races]
  115. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
  116. [IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
  117. [URL='']Humans[/URL] are the most numerous, yet also the most contentious of all the races of Thedas. Only four times have they ever united beneath a single banner, the last being centuries ago. The monotheistic faith of the Chant of Light plays a major role in human society. The majority of humanity in Thedas descended from numerous human tribes.
  119. [hr][/hr]
  121. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
  122. [IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
  123. A humanoid race, [URL='']Elves[/URL] are typically shorter than humans and have a slender, lithe build and pointed ears. Long ago, the elves were the dominant race on Thedas, and their advanced civilization was based on nature, the Fade and magic. After the fall of their great city of Arlathan and the empire of Elvhenan, its following plunder by the Tevinter Imperium and the subsequent generations of slavery, the elves lost most of their cultural heritage and identity. They attempted to rebuild their society in the Dales, but after three centuries they fell to the Chantry's Exalted Marches.
  125. Since then, the elves have separated into two distinct groups: the Dalish, who chose to lead nomadic lives rather than submit and strive to keep elven culture alive, and the city elves, who live alongside humans, usually as impoverished outcasts, and have adopted many human customs. Overall, the elves are now a people associated with poverty, crime, barbarism, and are often used as scapegoats for humanity's difficulties. In Ancient Tevinter elves were called "rattus". Modern humans use the racial slurs "knife ears," "slant-eared" or, less cruelly, "rabbit." Though most of the elven language has been lost, they once referred to themselves as "elvhen," which means "the people".
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  129. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
  130. [IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
  131. The [URL='']Dwarf[/URL], or dwarva, as the dwarves refer to themselves, are one of the major humanoid races of the Dragon Age setting. Strong, stocky, and shorter than any other humanoid race, the dwarves are skilled builders and boast a long tradition of courage and martial skill that has served them well in their millennia-long battle against the darkspawn. They once developed a huge, great empire which spread across vast underground networks of twelve great thaigs that spanned the breadth of Thedas. However their world was all but destroyed during the First Blight, and they are now a race in decline.
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  135. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG]
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  137. [/CENTER]
  138. The [URL='']Qunari[/URL] is the name most commonly used to describe the white-haired, metallic-skinned race of giants and their society that governs the islands of Par Vollen and Seheron, as well as the settlement of Kont-Aar in northern Rivain, and Qundalon in the Anderfels.
  140. Members of any race who adhere to the teachings of the Qun can become "Qunari", but those other than the original giant race, that is humans, elves, and dwarves, are called Viddathari within the Qun. Humans of Rivain and Elven slaves of Tevinter are especially susceptible to conversion, although it is not unknown for members of other groups to embrace the Qun.
  141. [/tab]
  142. [tab=Location & Map]
  145. [B][SIZE=7][U]Tevinter[/U][/SIZE][/B] - [URL='']Dragon Age Wiki[/URL]
  146. [IMG][/IMG]
  147. [LIST]
  148. [*]Minrathous
  149. [*]Qarinus
  150. [*]Silent Plains
  151. [*]Temple of Andruil
  152. [*]Arlathan Forest
  153. [/LIST]
  155. [hr][/hr]
  157. [B][SIZE=7][U]Nevarra[/U][/SIZE][/B] - [URL='']Dragon Age Wiki[/URL]
  158. [IMG][/IMG]
  159. [LIST]
  160. [*]Nevarra City
  161. [*]Cumberland
  162. [/LIST]
  164. [HR][/hr]
  166. [B][SIZE=7][U]Anderfels[/U][/SIZE][/B] - [URL='']Dragon Age Wiki[/URL]
  167. [IMG][/IMG]
  168. [LIST]
  169. [*]Hossburg
  170. [/LIST]
  172. [hr][/hr]
  174. [B][SIZE=7][U]Antiva[/U][/SIZE][/B] - [URL='']Dragon Age Wiki[/URL]
  175. [IMG][/IMG]
  176. [LIST]
  177. [*]Antiva City
  178. [/LIST]
  180. [hr][/hr]
  182. [B][SIZE=7][U]Par Vollen[/U][/SIZE][/B] - [URL='']Dragon Age Wiki[/URL]
  183. [IMG][/IMG]
  184. [LIST]
  185. [*]Qunandar
  186. [/LIST]
  188. [/tab]
  190. [tab=Languages]
  195. [/tab]
  196. [/tabs]
  197. [/div]
  198. [/div]
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