
MGE Fan Lore Entry - Dire Beastmen

Nov 4th, 2019
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  1. A powerful change that occurs rarely in beastmen. When one is given birth by a powerful monster, or after the touch something powerful, such as Lilith's Panacea or Tezcatlipoca's blessing, one's nature can intensify deeply.
  3. The monster grows taller, towering above normal men in size and strength. The change will mark itself across their fur and skin, sometimes even causing scars that are already present to become deeper, and their mana may become so thick as to be visible to the naked eye. Because this increase in physical strength comes from mana, their lifespan will also increase to be like that of a divine beast.
  5. Those physical changes will cause erratic behavior in monsters. Their intentions will change into becoming someone who is "strong" and "able to protect", and in the middle of this, many gain disheveled hair and unkept fur, as they instead focus on building up strength for their men. This does not mean that they will lose their charm as a inma however, and their curvy body will contrast their wild, "amazon" look.
  7. In addition to that, many seem to become more territorial and envious, but this is just a illusion caused by their increased power. In truth, the Beastman had always wanted to guard their territory and husband in the same way they do now. This transformation merely gave them the power to do so.
  9. It should be known however that the changes may be unpredictable. Although most monsters grow more aggressive, with examples such as Dire Grizzly Bears having lost their characteristic slowness, a Dire Danuki may still decide to extort her future husband despite being strong enough to go and take him on the spot. Even the physical changes may not have the predicted intensity.
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