
Hoenn episode 10

Oct 15th, 2017
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  1. [Hoenn Episode 10]
  2. [Saturday]
  3. [Morning]
  5. [Jalen]
  7. Sadness....despair....failure...These are the feelings that flow within me this morning while I eat breakfast. Yesterday's events still resonates in me with Caeldori's Blaziken beating my Combusken with ease. Luckily, he turn out to be fine, but goddamn that was a terrible loss for us. The fact that her Blaziken get faster JUST by doing nothing is absolutely unfair. Why, if there was a tier system for all the known Pokemon...Her Blaziken would be able to contend with legendaries. Whatever, I leave out the Pokemon Center and was gonna head out to the PKMN Mart when I see Lucina and Rin entering Lavaridge Town. "Hey Jalen!" Lucina call out to me as she and Rin approach me. "How are ya?" "I'm fine..." Rin frowns at me. "Huh..What happened? Are you well?" Sighing as Rin seems to be the more perspective one out of the two, I answered them both with what occured last night. Lucina seems very worried as Rin have a face of 'I knew it'. "Figures you wanted to go and stop you were able to beat one of the Aqua Admins, but lost to Caeldori, am I correct?"...I nod at her. "Well, Can't say that I'm upset at you, but you shouldn't fight them alone...At least have us come with you to help you."
  9. "She's right." Lucina lay a hand on my shoulder. "The fact that you're still alive is a lucky thing to be happy about, same for your Pokemons." "Yeah..." Looking up to the sky, I ponder in thought for a moment before slamming my fist to my palm. "Ok! I know what I need to do now, No more playing around....I'll become the best trainer here in Hoenn!!" Both of them nod at me with smiles. I run towards the Lavaridge Mart to buy supplies for this training session I'm gonna do."Where are you going?" Rin call out to me and I turn back to her. "I'm off for one serious training session!!!" Running to the mart...I am gonna need a fishing rod for my next Pokemon. And maybe some Ultra and Dusk Balls....
  12. [3rd Person]
  14. Siegbert stepped off of his private copter on his family's private ground, a 40 arches mansion with many of life's excesses at reach(Pools, Gyms, A Private MARKET). But he is not concerned with such things at the moment...He have beaten Kjelle of Lavaridge and as promised, His father shall give him his next 3 mons. He look ahead and see his girlfriend, Ashley waiting at the door. "Sieggy!" She call out to him and hug him. "Oh, I missed you soooo much! How have you been?" "I'm doing fine, just won my 4th badge. You received your Pokemon from your mother in Kalos?" Ashley giggle and showcase 3 new balls on her waist. "Yup! Got them here from one of my servants!" "Excellent, let's not keep my father waiting then." He latch his arm with her own. "Let's go."
  16. The 2 of them don't feel like catching Pokemon, so since they have connections, their parents have their servants catch the Pokemons the teens want and give it to them, with Siegbert getting the 3 Hoenn Starters, and Ashley receiving the Unova Elemental Monkeys imported from the Pinwheel Forest there. The 2 walk inside the mansion with many, many, MANY artworks of the Brando family, starting with the founder of the company, Dario Brando and then to his son, Dio Brando. The line continues for many years until we get to Garon Brando, the father of Xander Brando. the current head of Brando Corp. and finally, Siegbert have his picture next to his father, as next in line. They head to his father's private quarters on the 3rd floor.
  18. They enter the room and see his father looking out the window in a pondering manner. Xander is a man who proves that the apple don't fall far from the tree regarding Siegbert's behavior as earlier, he have funded a project using tax money from the poor as president of not just Brando Corp...but Hoenn as a whole. What is said project? He will never speak of it. "Siegbert, I trust that your journey been well?" He don't face his son and his girlfriend who bow before him and rise. "Yes, Already I have 4 badges in my possession, I'll be heading to Petalburg after a moment of respite here." Xander nods and tun towards them. He is a remarkably handsome man in his early 40's who is still in good shape after a life of Pokemon battling back when he was younger before retiring. "So I assume you're ready for your next 3 Pokemon?" He walk to his desk and press a button that opens up a drawer with a container in it. Inside it are 3 Pokeballs. "These are Metang, Shelgon, and Pupitar...Hand selected by our servants here for you to use." Siegbert smiles and take the 3 balls and strap them on his waist. "Thank you father, I shall use them to win many battles." Xander have a stoic look, but he nods in approval. "See to it that you do, now leave me be...I have many things to do." He sits at his desk and organize his paperwork as the 2 teens leave the room. Once they are gone..."(Now...I need to see how Project Delta is coming along.)" Xander turn on the computer that shows his lab in the Brando Science Tower....
  20. Siegbert and Ashley head to his very big room with a king size bed in a black/purple color motif with the finest curtains and carpeted floors. Ashley jump on his bed and sighs in bliss. "Ahhh...Nothing better than having curtains imported from Unova to sleep in, right?" Siegbert nods and inspects his Pokemon with his Pokedex. He's not concerned with his girlfriend at the moment as he is thinking on one thing only...
  22. To crush Jalen and make him suffer. "(I will make you rue the day you were ever born, you damned bastard....)"
  25. [Back to Jalen...3rd person now]
  27. It's been a long, 3 hours for Jalen waking up at 8AM and doing various things since then. 1st of all, he went to Meteor Falls and went exploring for any Pokemon he wanted. Eventually, he caught a rare pokemon called Bagon in the deep parts of the cave. Looking it up reveals that it's one of Hoenn's 2 Psuedo-Legendaries. Happy with that infomation, his next spot is the route before the cave and with a Super Rod, begins to fish for a Water Pokemon. He don't want a Barbroach due to how he don't think they are good, He don't want a Marill, he don't need another Fairy type. Tentacruel have good SPD, but isn't up to his standards....And despite most boys liking it, he don't want a Gyarados due to how bad their attitudes are. "(I don't need to live in fear of my own Pokemon trying to harm me...I already gonna have one murdering machine, no need for another.)" Of course, he refers to Salamence, the same Pokemon Caeldori escapred on and Bagon's last evo. A pokemon noted for how vicious it can get in battle, despite this, it can be very loyal if one catch it as a Bagon and treat it nicely, which Jalen plans on doing.
  29. His next Pokemon was the Water Pokemon he needed for the next gym. A Ruffian Pokemon called Corphish, which impressed Jalen by it's tough spirit against his Crobat. After a battle, he catches it and acquires his 5th Pokemon. "Finally..." Throwing the Pokeball containing Corphish in it in his hand. "I have something to deal with Rock, Ground, and Fire types!" Smiling as he head to the Fallabor PKMN Center to heal. "Now, now's the time to train!" After healing up, he went on a big training montage with his team. After all of his long and hard work...3 of his Pokemon have evolved. Bagon was the 1st to do so, encasing a hard shell around his body and becoming Shelgon with yellow piercing eyes as he awaits glorious evolution. Corphish was 2nd with a Star-crest on his head and blue marks on his body with larger claws and a more pragmatic personality thanks to the Water/Dark typeit is now that is Crawdaunt. And finally, Combusken grew taller and stronger legs with longer feathers as it became Blaziken, giving a shout of pride.
  31. Now, Jalen stands before the Lavaridge Gym with Crawdaunt's Pokeball in his hand, before he enters it..."Jalen, wait up!!" He turns around and see Lucina and Rin running towards him as Lucina catches her breath after calling out to him.. Rin step up and look at the gym. "So I see you're ready for the gym now, huh?" Jalen nods and look at his Pokeball. "Yeah, Got me 2 new mons and evolved 3 of my teammates. I feel quite confident in myself now." Lucina smiles at him. "Feeling better?" He supposed he does feel better, smiling back at the 2 girls. "Yeah, and I'm gonna crush the gym leader here!. Wanna watch?" Both girls nod with a wide smile on Lucina and a small one on Rin. "Hell yeah!" "I would love to." and so, the 3 teens went inside the Gym...
  34. [--]
  37. Meanwhile, on Route 120...East of the naturalistic city that is Fortree City. There is a base deep in the forests hidden from plain sight. A base that is one of the few bases Team Magma have in Hoenn built by them. How to enter it is a simple trick, every Magma Member is required to have a Magma Emblem with them that allow them to enter any Magma base in Hoenn. The entrance to the Delta Base(The name of the base here) is actually a tube within a Tree that shoots you down to the underground base. Down their are many lab work on making more land and developing more stuff with many Magma grunts working. They are licking their wounds after the somewhat failed mission on Mt. Chimmey with the revelation that the meteorite was a dud. However, Setsuna(The head scientist despite being a stoner) called Caeldori and told her that she and the team here found something very interesting. She is currently leading Caeldori and Selena down deeper to the base where it connects to the Scorched Slab, a mysterious slab of rock that is said to be hot to touch on the outside.
  39. The more they travel, the more natural the walls get as the machinery disappears to be replaced by the cave walls. "Setsuna, what have you found down here and why must I be here?" Caeldori is still getting over the dud meteorite at Mt.Chimmey as she follows her head scientist, Selena close behind tugging her collar feeling quite hot.." it me or am I the only one who feel the heat rising up the further we go down here?" Caeldori wipes her sweat and sighs. "This better be good, Setsuna or else I'm locking those drugs you love so much..." Setsuna gulps, hoping that this will make her lady happy...
  41. Soon, the heat gets worse and worse as the ladies take their longcoats off and carry them, Setsuna being more thicker than the 2 redheads behind her. The 3 ladies soon enter a clearing in the cave with a huge pit before them. Steam rising from there and the 2 redheads hearing bubbling of some liquid. "Setsuna, what the hell did you find?" Caeldori wipes her head once more, wondering why does it feel like a sauna all of the sudden...Setsuna smiles as she walk to the edge and point towards the middle. "Leader, I think you should come look at this...~" "Goddamnit, if this is all a giant pile of actual shit, I'm demoting you!" Caeldori grumbles while walking towards her, "Shit like this is no........" Caeldori stop talking as she look down at the pit. It's a pool of lava that is pracically hot as fuck and bubbling...if one were to fall down here, they would die in an instant with no pain. But that doesn't catch her eye....what DOES catches it is the figure standing in the middle's body a grey color of passiveness showing it's deep rest. But even while it's sleeping, Caeldori can feel the alluring power it contains in itself. Selena takes her glasses off and wipes her eyes, thinking this is all a dream.
  43. " that...Is that..."
  44. "Yes, is what we of Team Magma have been searching for all this time...And yet it has been underneath our noses this whole time..."
  46. Sleeping before them, was the legendary Pokemon of Land and Sun, Groudon....Caeldori turn to Setsuna with a calm, yet anxious look. "How long had you discovered it?" "Uhhh...." Setsuna takes a blunt out, swipes it against the air to ignite it due to the heat of the air and smoke it(Much to Caeldori's disgust and Selena's curiosity.) "Been about 2 been busy so I didn't call you up until yesterday." Caeldori facepalms. "I would had gladly stop what I was doing if THIS..." Pointing at Groudon."..Was what you and your team found!" Shrugging at this as if to show she isn't bothered by it, Setsuna finish her blunt and put it in her pocket. "Sooo...." Selena speaks up after staring at Groudon for the longest and turn to the older women. "What do we do now?" "We don't tell anyone of this, they may babble it out while in public for one thing....2nd off, we get ready to look for the Red Orb..the actual object...apparently a fake won't cut it." Caeldori ball her fist. "For that matter, there's only one place to go to...My. Pyre!!!"
  48. The other 2 nods, Caeldori turn and walk towards the entrance. "Selena, get a team ready to move out with me to Mt. Pyre tomorrow, we will rest up until then." "Yes, Mother!" And so Selena follows her mother with Setsuna close behind..
  51. [--]
  53. In Lilycove City, the 2nd metropolis and another port town for Hoenn as well as the location of the Master PMN Contest Hall, there is a cove offshore that is rumored to be a den of Sharpedos...In actuality, it is a rumor set up by Aqua spies to deter people from going there for it is the Aqua Hideout. Inside, unlike the Magma Hideout that is super clean and professional, the Aqua Hideout is more like a dorm of a university with some food littered here and there with dormrooms for the grunts. a Bright Blue/White motif in the hideout. As for where everyone is at...They are in a giant room set up like a class room for the meeting with everyone looking at the board with Camilla, Soleil, and Leo down there...Camilla speaking about the next objectives for them.
  55. "Now..." Smacking the prod to her hand as she is dressed up like a teacher with glasses and a skirt. "To refreshen up on the missions...We will have 2 small teams. One of them lead by Leo.." Who nods" to head to Southern Island and capture one of the Eon Twins and their Mega Stones for research...and the other lead by Soleil..." Who waves at the crowd. "To the Weather Institute and capture Castform as well as get notes on Kyogre if they have any there." Looking up at the crowd with a smile. "On your desks is a small paper, Few of you have a 1 or a 2 on it..if it's 1, you're with Leo...if it's're with Soleil...For the rest, you're here resting up for 2 days. The others? Have today to rest up and then head out. Any questions, loves?" No one dare to raise their hand and actually object to Camilla, especially when she's like this. "Now then, dismissed!~" As he grunts leave out of the room, Camilla, Soleil, and Leo go to her private quarters. They enter her room with a desk and a window behind her to show the Lilycove Sea...if one look hard enough, they can see Mossdeep City. Camilla groans as she head behind her dressing curtain and begin to strip her teaching clothing and change back to her regular Aqua outfit. Soleil watching as Leo covers his eyes, although all the 2 teens can see is Camilla's silouette. She exit the curtain and slouch on her chair behind the desk as Soleil and Leo sit before her.
  57. "Holy fuck, I started this team 7 months ago and we haven't where Kyogre's at...I hope that weather place have it otherwise I'll lose my shit." She reach to her drawer and pull out a bottle of wine to drink out of. "Well, Mom...I think they do, like...they are smart people and what-not..they better have it." Soleil cheer her mom up, not liking whenever she drinks..."I concur." Leo steps in. "And if the case of them not having it is true...then us getting one of the Eon Twins will be beneficial for us all in Aqua."
  59. Camilla belches and put her wine up, feeling better now."Allright then, you 2 get ready to move on out tomorrow." Both leave out after saying Yes Ma'am...Leaving Camilla to her thoughts. "(Meanwhile, there's that Jalen kid my daughter is lusting for disrupting both Magma and Aqua's plans..What the hell is his problem? No matter, he better not get in my way or I'll crush him regardless of my daughter liking him.)"
  61. Meanwhile, in her quarters, Soleil is inspecting her belonging getting ready for tomorrow's mission. "(Allright, I got everything I need with the town map, my Pokemon, and other stuff.)" She close her bag up and put it on the hook on her door as she lay in her bed and sighs. Ever since she left Mt. Chimmey, Jalen has constantly been on her mind. "If only he had joined us...oh well, I don't think he will ever join us now." She turn over and get under her covers to fall asleep. "I just hope...I don't see him at my mission..."
  63. [--]
  66. Back in Lavaridge Town, Jalen comes out and dousing Kjelle and making her completely wet with Crawdaunt sweeping the gym. Lucina and Rin follow him out. "Well, shit." Lucina and Rin have a look of shock. "I never seen anyone get so thrashed before..." "You wasn't kidding on training yourself...." Rin wipes her glasses as Jalen turn and smile at them in a cheeky manner. "Nope! That lost to Caeldori only made me stronger! Next up, Mom!"
  68. Lucina rubs her chin. "Right...Tharja....Well, before we do that..." She rummages through her bag and give Jalen a pair of goggles. "What the hell are these?" Rin take hers out of her bag and put them on as she explain them. "These are called Go-Goggles, and they allow you to venture into the desert west of here. Me and Lucina are planning on exploring there for the Pokemon to catch, and we was wondering if you wanna come." "Sure, sounds fun!" Lucina chuckles as she put hers on. "Never thought I would hear that from anyone...Allrighty, Let's roll!" And so, the 3 friends head on out to the desert in search of Pokemon....As Siegbert prepare his new team in order to defeat the 'peasant scum', Team Magma made the discovery of a lifetime and Team Aqua mobilizing out to catch up, Jalen is gonna do is best once he meet his mom and beat her to earn his 5th badge!
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