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Jul 16th, 2019
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  1. AuctionMenu:
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  21. ConfirmBuyItem:
  22. Material: EMERALD
  23. Displayname: "&aChces tento item opravdu zakoupit?"
  24. Description:
  25. - ""
  26. - " &fCena itemu ${price} {done}"
  27. - ""
  28. Slot: -1
  29. SelfBuyItem:
  30. Material: REDSTONE
  31. Displayname: "&cNemuzes zakoupit svuj item!"
  32. Description:
  33. - "&8"
  34. Slot: -1
  35. InventoryFullItem:
  36. Material: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  37. Displayname: "&cTvuj inventar je plny!"
  38. Description:
  39. - "&8"
  40. Slot: -1
  41. NotEnoughMoney:
  42. Material: BARRIER
  43. Displayname: "&cNemas dostatek penez!"
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  45. - "&8"
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  49. Displayname: "&eObnovit stranku"
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  52. - " &fKlikni &7pro obnoveni teto stranky"
  53. - ""
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  60. - " &6Cena : &f${price}"
  61. - " &6Expirace : &f{expire}"
  62. - ""
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  64. - ""
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  67. Material: MILK_BUCKET
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  70. - ""
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  72. - ""
  73. - " &fKlikni &7pro ukazani itemu ktere prodavas"
  74. - ""
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  82. - ""
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  84. - ""
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  94. - ""
  95. - " &fKlikni &7pro ukazani prodanych itemu"
  96. - ""
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  99. Material: BUCKET
  100. Displayname: "&6Prodej vse"
  101. Description:
  102. - ""
  103. - " &fKlikni &7pro otevreni menu Sell All"
  104. - ""
  105. Slot: 9
  106. WhatIsItem:
  107. Material: BOOK
  108. Displayname: "&eNapoveda k trznici"
  109. Description:
  110. - ""
  111. - " &7Tohle je &eHracka trznice&7. Muzes zde"
  112. - " &7prodavat svoje itemy za penize, ale take"
  113. - " &7kupovat. V tomto menu mas itemy ktere hraci prodavaji"
  114. - ""
  115. - " &7Tohle je super moznost jak si nejakym"
  116. - " &7zpusobem vydelat diky prodavanim itemu ktere"
  117. - " &7jiz nepotrebujes. Ale naopak ostatni hraci ano."
  118. - ""
  119. - " &eExpirovane &7itemy jdou do &eExpired &7menu"
  120. - " &eProdane &7itemy jdou do &eSold &7menu"
  121. - ""
  122. Slot: 53
  123. HowToItem:
  124. Material: GOLD_INGOT
  125. Displayname: "&6Jak muzu prodat svoje itemy?"
  126. Description:
  127. - ""
  128. - " &7Drz item v ruce ktery"
  129. - " &7chces prodat a napis:"
  130. - " &e/ah sell &f<cena> [<sec>]"
  131. - ""
  132. - " &7Napriklad:"
  133. - " &e/ah sell &f500 60"
  134. - " &7tento prikaz da do trznice"
  135. - " &7item za $500 &7na 60 sekund&7."
  136. - ""
  137. - " &e/ah sell &f2500"
  138. - " &7tento prikaz da do trznice"
  139. - " &7item za $2500 na defaultní expiraci"
  140. - ""
  141. Slot: 4
  142. SellerItem:
  143. Material: PLAYER_HEAD
  144. Displayname: "&6Seznam prodavacu"
  145. Description:
  146. - ""
  147. - " &fKlikni &7pro otevreni Seller menu"
  148. - ""
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  174. - " &6Cena : &f${price}"
  175. - " &6Expirace : &f{expire}"
  176. - ""
  177. - " &fKlikni &7pro zruseni itemu &b{plane}"
  178. - ""
  179. Slot: -1
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  181. Material: EMERALD
  182. Displayname: "&aOpravdu chces item zrusit?"
  183. Description:
  184. - ""
  185. - " &fKlikni znovu pro potvrzeni {done}"
  186. - ""
  187. Slot: -1
  188. InventoryFullItem:
  189. Material: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  190. Displayname: "&cTvuj inventar je plny!"
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  192. - ""
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  194. RefreshItem:
  195. Material: SLIME_BALL
  196. Displayname: "&eObnovit"
  197. Description:
  198. - ""
  199. - " &fKlikni &7pro obnoveni teto stranky"
  200. - ""
  201. Slot: 49
  202. BackItem:
  203. Material: BARRIER
  204. Displayname: "&eJit zpet"
  205. Description:
  206. - ""
  207. - " &fKlikni &7pro presunuti"
  208. - ""
  209. Slot: 36
  210. WhatIsItem:
  211. Material: BOOK
  212. Displayname: "&eNapoveda k trznici"
  213. Description:
  214. - ""
  215. - " &7Tohle je &eSelling &7menu. Zde si muzes vybirat"
  216. - " &7vsechny svoje itemy z aukce ktere jiz nechces"
  217. - " &7aby tam byly. Pokud chces jednoduse klikni na item."
  218. - ""
  219. Slot: 53
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  246. - ""
  247. - " &fKlikni &7pro vyzvednuti itemu &b{plane}"
  248. - ""
  249. Slot: -1
  250. InventoryFullItem:
  251. Material: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  252. Displayname: "&cTvuj iventar je plny!"
  253. Description:
  254. - "&8"
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  256. RefreshItem:
  257. Material: SLIME_BALL
  258. Displayname: "&eObnovit stranku"
  259. Description:
  260. - ""
  261. - " &fKlikni &7pro obnoveni teto stranky"
  262. - ""
  263. Slot: 49
  264. TakeAllItem:
  265. Material: MINECART
  266. Displayname: "&eVzit vsechno"
  267. Description:
  268. - ""
  269. - " &fKlikni &7pro vyzvednuti vsech itemu"
  270. - ""
  271. Slot: 4
  272. BackItem:
  273. Material: BARRIER
  274. Displayname: "&eJit zpet"
  275. Description:
  276. - ""
  277. - " &fKlikni &7pro presunuti"
  278. - ""
  279. Slot: 27
  280. WhatIsItem:
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  283. Description:
  284. - ""
  285. - " &7Tohle je &eExpired &7menu. Tady si muzes"
  286. - " &7vybirat jiz tvoje expirovane itemy z aukce."
  287. - " &7Jednoduse na dany item klikni."
  288. - ""
  289. Slot: 53
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  316. - " &6Penize : &f${total}"
  317. - ""
  318. - " &6Kupujici : &f{buyer}"
  319. - " &bDatum : &f{date}"
  320. - ""
  321. - " &fKlikni &7pro vyzvednuti penez &e{plane}"
  322. - ""
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  331. - ""
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  333. - " &6Datum : &f{date}"
  334. - ""
  335. Slot: -1
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  337. Material: SLIME_BALL
  338. Displayname: "&eObnovit stranku"
  339. Description:
  340. - ""
  341. - " &fKlikni &7pro obnoveni teto stranky"
  342. - ""
  343. Slot: 49
  344. BackItem:
  345. Material: BARRIER
  346. Displayname: "&eJit zpet"
  347. Description:
  348. - ""
  349. - " &fKlikni &7pro presunuti"
  350. - ""
  351. Slot: 18
  352. WhatIsItem:
  353. Material: BOOK
  354. Displayname: "&eInformace k trznici"
  355. Description:
  356. - ""
  357. - " &7Tohle je &eSold &7menu. Zde muzes"
  358. - " &7videt itemy ktere jsi jiz prodal."
  359. - " &7Vyzvedavat penize si muzes jiz zde."
  360. - " &7Staci jednoduche kliknuti."
  361. - ""
  362. Slot: 53
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  364. Material: MINECART
  365. Displayname: "&eAuto Collect: &aZapnuto"
  366. Description:
  367. - ""
  368. - " &fKlikni &7pro &c&nVypnuto"
  369. - ""
  370. Slot: 4
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  373. Displayname: "&eAuto Collect: &cVypnuto"
  374. Description:
  375. - ""
  376. - " &fKlikni &7pro &a&nZapnuto"
  377. - ""
  378. Slot: 4
  379. SellAllMenu:
  380. Title: "&0Hracska Trznice"
  381. WhatIsItem:
  382. Material: BOOK
  383. Displayname: "&eNapoveda k trznici"
  384. Description:
  385. - ""
  386. - " &7Tohle je &eSell All &7menu. Tady muzes prodat"
  387. - " &7svoje itemy instantne, aniz aby jsi musel jit do shopu."
  388. - " &7Nektere itemy maji i cenu $0, tudiz koukni se nejdrive na ceny"
  389. - " &7nez to prodas, pokud chces jiz prodat vloz na prazdne policka."
  390. - ""
  391. Slot: 53
  392. ListItem:
  393. Material: MINECART
  394. Displayname: "&eCenik itemu"
  395. Description:
  396. - ""
  397. - " &fKlikni &7pro otevreni Worth Item List"
  398. - ""
  399. Slot: 4
  400. BorderItem:
  402. Displayname: "&r"
  403. Description:
  404. - ""
  405. Slot: -1
  406. SellAllItem:
  407. Material: SLIME_BALL
  408. Displayname: "&6Prodat vse"
  409. Description:
  410. - ""
  411. - " &6Celkova cena : &f${total}"
  412. - ""
  413. - " &fKlikni &7pro prodani vseho {not}"
  414. - ""
  415. Slot: 49
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  419. Description:
  420. - ""
  421. - " &6Cena : &f${price}"
  422. - ""
  423. Slot: -1
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  427. Description:
  428. - ""
  429. - " &6Cena : &f$0"
  430. - ""
  431. Slot: -1
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  435. Description:
  436. - "&7"
  437. Slot: -1
  438. BackItem:
  439. Material: BARRIER
  440. Displayname: "&eJit zpet"
  441. Description:
  442. - ""
  443. - " &fKlikni &7pro presunuti"
  444. - ""
  445. Slot: 9
  446. SellAllInfoMenu:
  447. Title: "&0Hracska Trznice - Ceny"
  448. BorderItem:
  450. Displayname: "&r"
  451. Description:
  452. - ""
  453. Slot: -1
  454. SellItem:
  455. Material: STONE
  456. Displayname: "{itemname}"
  457. Description:
  458. - ""
  459. - " &6Cena : &f${price}"
  460. - ""
  461. Slot: -1
  462. WhatIsItem:
  463. Material: BOOK
  464. Displayname: "&eNapoveda k trznici"
  465. Description:
  466. - ""
  467. - " &7Tohle je &eSell All Info &7menu. Tady se muzes kouknout"
  468. - " &7za kolik penez muzes prodat itemy v SellAll Menu,"
  469. - ""
  470. Slot: 53
  471. BackItem:
  472. Material: BARRIER
  473. Displayname: "&eJit zpet"
  474. Description:
  475. - ""
  476. - " &fKlikni &7pro presunuti"
  477. - ""
  478. Slot: 4
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  488. Description:
  489. - "&8"
  490. Slot: 50
  491. SellerMenu:
  492. Title: "&0Hracska Trznice - Prodavaci"
  493. BorderItem:
  495. Displayname: "&r"
  496. Description:
  497. - ""
  498. Slot: -1
  499. SellerItem:
  500. Material: PLAYER_HEAD
  501. Displayname: "{name}"
  502. Description:
  503. - ""
  504. - " &6Prodava : &f{selling} Itemu"
  505. - " &6Prodano : &f{sold} Itemu"
  506. - " &6Vydelal celkem : &f${total}"
  507. - ""
  508. - " &fKlikni &7pro ukazani obchodu"
  509. - ""
  510. Slot: -1
  511. WhatIsItem:
  512. Material: BOOK
  513. Displayname: "&eNapoveda k trznici"
  514. Description:
  515. - ""
  516. - " &7Tohle je &eSeller &7menu. Tady se muzes kouknout"
  517. - " &7kolik lidi momentalne prodava v aukci."
  518. - ""
  519. Slot: 53
  520. BackItem:
  521. Material: BARRIER
  522. Displayname: "&eJit zpet"
  523. Description:
  524. - ""
  525. - " &fKlikni &7pro presunuti"
  526. - ""
  527. Slot: 4
  528. PrevPageItem:
  529. Material: PAPER
  530. Displayname: "&e▼ &fPredchozi &b{prevpage}"
  531. Description:
  532. - "&8"
  533. Slot: 48
  534. NextPageItem:
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  536. Displayname: "&fDalsi strana &b{nextpage} &e▲"
  537. Description:
  538. - "&8"
  539. Slot: 50
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