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a guest
Feb 25th, 2020
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  1. on rightclick on a entity:
  2. if name of entity is "&6Warrior":
  3. if {currentQuests::%player%::*} does not contain "warriorQuest1":
  4. open chest with 1 rows named "&6Warrior - Quest" to player
  5. wait 5 ticks
  6. format slot 4 of player with book named "&aMission" to close then run [execute console command "warriorquest %player%"]
  7. if {currentQuests::%player%::*} contains "warriorQuest1":
  8. if {missionkills.%player%.warrior} >= 10:
  9. remove "warriorQuest1" from {currentQuests::%player%::*}
  10. add "warriorQuest2" to {currentQuests::%player%::*}
  11. message "&6Warrior&7 » &3You finished your quest, click again to claim your reward." to player
  12. else:
  13. message "&6Warrior &7» &3Finish your mission, then come back to me." to player
  14. if {currentQuests::%player%::*} contains "warriorQuest2":
  15. message "&6Warrior&7 » &3Thank you for your service! Here is your reward" to player
  16. remove "warriorQuest2" from {currentQuests::%player%::*}
  17. add "warriorQuest3" to {currentQuests::%player%::*}
  18. if {currentQuests::%player%::*} contains "warriorQuest3":
  19. message "&6Warrior&7 » &3You already completed this quest!"
  21. command /warriorquest [<player>]:
  22. permission: *
  23. trigger:
  24. add "warriorQuest1" to {currentQuests::%player%::*}
  25. set {missionkills.%player%.warrior} to 0
  26. message "&6Warrior &7» &3So.. you are willing to do a quest?" to arg-1
  27. wait 12 ticks
  28. message "&6Warrior&7 » &3Kill 10 zombies for me, and come back for a reward." to arg-1
  29. wait 12 ticks
  30. message "&8[&6DuskQuest&8] » &3Quest started! Kill 10 zombies." to arg-1
  32. on death:
  33. attacker is a player:
  34. victim is a zombie:
  35. if {currentQuests::%player%::*} contains "warriorQuest1":
  36. if {missionkills.%attacker%.warrior} < 11:
  37. add 1 to {missionkills.%attacker%.warrior}
  38. message "&a+ 1 zombie kill. Remaining: %10-{missionkills.%player%.warrior}%" to attacker
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