

Nov 21st, 2018
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  1. JasonToddRedX: ~is in downtown Bludhaven in my civilian clothes standing in a crowd of people waiting outside of a club the music can be slightly heard outside looks up & down the crowd not impressed with the turnout looks down at my phone in my head thinking thank god for one night of no crime going on, leans on a wall to wait more ~
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Ivy had been bored on the quiet evening with nothing to do, which was always a dangerous combination for her. She'd wandered herself into a nearby small park in the heart of the city looking to entertain herself, slowly meandering along the path that ran through the center of the park. Breaking from the pavement, she turned and headed across the grass, lowering herself to sit amongst the green plants and running her fingers through the blades. "Hi babies." She said in a gentle voice, twirling her fingers through the grass to trigger a growth spurt in the plant life around her. The tree behind her grew taller and thicker, its branches making their way toward her to offer her a seat while the flowers surrounding the fountain overgrew their beds and started to lean out toward park goers, getting a little grabby. The people in the park instantly started to scream, making an attempt to flee the area to no avail.-
  3. JasonToddRedX: (grayson your next or you still alittle busy ?)
  4. JasonToddRedX: (hes still busy haha ok my turn again )
  5. JasonToddRedX: ~manages to get inside the club about to order a drink from the cute bartender who was checking me out since I entered feels my phone go off signs looks at it seeing an alert of something going down in the park turns around heads out running to my old style mustang revs the engine to life speeds away makes ~ oops better check with bird boy first ~opens the radio revealing a computer pushes a few buttons ~ Nightwing something is going down in the park im on my way. ~turns down a blocked off alleyway turns around opens the back panel oulls out his suit changes then proceeds by rooftops ~
  6. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled to herself, wrapping her arm around the branch of the tree that was now craddling her comfortably. "I know. They don't appreciate you. It's okay, we'll get rid of them." Turning her attention to the civilians trying to get around the invasion of plant growth which had made its way into a thick forest in the short time she'd been there, she crossed one leg over the other and bounced her foot through the air, watching her flowers coil their stems around random people to pluck them off their feet and suspend them in the air.-
  7. JasonToddRedX: ~as they are being suspended from their feet they are suddenly dropped back down tot he ground as the stems holding them are cut drops down from standing between the civilians & some of the plant army what stood there was a man in a skull mask with an x across the forehead wearing an entirely black suit with another x over the left chest area starring at the lady he would get into a fighting stance speaking with a voice disquizer on~ such a waist pretty girl like you being evil & psychotic over plants, you going to stop what your doing or is this going to get fun
  8. DGNightwing: (just watching, to see how you do. Ill post in eventually.)
  9. JasonToddRedX: (ok)
  10. PrettyCIever has joined the chat
  11. PrettyCIever: ^^ hello ppl
  12. JasonToddRedX: ( hi )
  13. DGNightwing: (rp in session issa.)
  14. PrettyCIever: (Oops didn’t realize RP was going my bad)
  15. PrettyCIever: (Yeah I saw)
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she pouted her lips when Jason made his way into the park, shaking her head. "Why would I stop when we're all just having a little bit of fun?" She asked him, narrowing her eyes on the sliced stems of the flowers. "Do you always just go around killing things in your wake, wannabe? Rude." She took her time as she slipped off the tree branch and sauntered over to the now dead flowers, gently picking them up to craddle them in her hands. "You wouldn't know fun if it crawled up your cape."-
  17. DGNightwing: (steph)
  18. Alexithymiaa: (What?)
  19. DGNightwing: (want me to make you an ivy greenhouse?
  20. JasonToddRedX: do they look like they were having fun ~gesturing to the people behind me~ or are you talking about the fun only you can have ~draws a small rod from behind me it extends into a bo staff twirls it around gets ready~ lets see if you can hit the X ~crossing the x on my chest with a finger~
  21. Alexithymiaa: (I would frolic in that shit like my life depended on it.)
  22. DGNightwing: (Lmao. Ok. Give me some time, and i got you)
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She stole a glance at the people who were desperately trying to find a way out of the mass of plants that were now blocking the easy exits of the park. "Seemed like fun to me." Shrugging her shoulders casually, she rested a hand on her hip and watched him take a fighting stance, rolling her eyes. "Why do you have to ruin the fun? Don't you ever get tired of being boring?" She asked as she stomped her foot, the branches of the tree behind her growing and stretching out in his direction in an attempt to restrain him. "Let's hangout, babe."-
  24. Alexithymiaa: (I can make rooms, I just dont have the slots to post them... so I can invite people to a mass PC? I'm useless. Sorry.)
  25. DGNightwing: (Totally up to you.. I have plenty of slots, and i need to use them xD)
  26. Alexithymiaa: (So go for it. Your RP. Go nuts.)
  27. DGNightwing: (i mean im not about to take your thing tho, id be rude if im like "I MADE THIS ROOM FOR YOU, YOU GO HERE.)
  28. JasonToddRedX: ~leaps back to avoid some of branches tries throwing the bo staff past the tree aiming for Ivy's face as well as freeing my hand throwing some red x shurikens at the tree uses my cape to shield me from the x's small explosion~
  29. Alexithymiaa: (I adapt. I can make anything work. You know this.)
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Because the tree was pretty large at this point, the small explosion only cracked it slightly. Seeing him pull back and throw the bo at her, she had plenty of time to divert away from his line of fire, ducking down as it flew over the top of her head. "RUDE!" She screeched in a high pitched voice, dropping the playful and flirty facade. "Who the hell do you think you are?" She yelled again, throwing caution and rationale to the wind and launching herself at him in a fit. Throwing her right elbow directed at his face, she swung her left fist below in an attempt to drive an uppercut into his stomach.-
  31. JasonToddRedX: ~seeing my staff miss & her coming right at me quickly presses the front of my belt before her eyes sees me vanish but not before taking a small hit on the chin from her elbow she could hear me chuckling from many directions~ looks like I got under your skin there Ivy & as for who I am the name is Red X ~after saying that a buzzsaw sound comes from the tree that was still standing runs down along it showing a spinning x blade above my hand puts it to the base of the tree cutting dee along it as I was coming at her pushing off the tree spinning in air trying to land my right foot accross her face~ & Dont you forget it
  32. JasonToddRedX: afk
  33. DGNightwing: -Nightwing had heard some officers calling in a distrubance in the park. He had been on his nightly patrol. He was riding on his bike when he heard it, he heard that ivy had escaped during their last enounter, yt she was supposably seen at the park. he sped there with a vengance, hew as going to put her away for good tonight and wasnt going to leave until he finished the job, There was a little divit in the road that if he sped fast enough, it would turn out as a ramp. He did so, The bike flying in the air, he landed in the park and sped to where the two figures were fighting, he skidded his bike, jumping off ot it, tucking and doing a front flip, he landed on hsi feet loking at the two- I hate to break up the party, but you two are gettingin the way of my bed time. - He would look at Ivy.- You never called after our first date. I was truly upset.
  34. Alexithymiaa: -She let out another loud screech at the sound of the buzz saw, not wanting him to hurt her poor tree. When he launched himself at her with a flying kick, she'd had little time to react and took the blow to the face, her body crumpling in one direction from the momentum. Bringing the back of her hand up to her lip, she saw the deep red blood that was fresh from her mouth, tossing her head up to brush her hair out of her eyes when Nightwing almost literally dropped in. "As fond as I'm sure you are of your bed, I'm willing to bet you'd rather be out here with me." Getting up to her feet, she wiped her mouth again, trying again to be calm and collected. "Maybe I was put off by the fact that you left before the last one was over."-
  35. DGNightwing: -The other man was "tied up" by one of her vines (because hes afk) he clenched his fist and walked torwards ivy- Well im not going to leave this time. As a matter of fact, im feeling a little rough tonight- he would get close to her with a clenched fist still, he would lift his arm, and wind it back and throwing it, aiming for her jaw with a semi hard right hook, it wasnt full power, but if it would connect, it would surely throw her back a little, this was just a warning shot, or more so a "bring it on" shot he was throwing to rowd her up
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Oh really?" She asked with a daring glance, only seeing his movement slightly with little time to react to the oncoming hit. She tried to move out of the way of his fist, only half successful. His knuckles clipped her jaw with sent her head rocking back, her gloved hands moving to cover her mouth as she took several steps back to compose herself while her face throbbed. "Didn't your momma ever teach you not to hit a woman?" She asked, sliding her free hand through the air in a call to her plants. The grass around their foot rose up, growing high enough to give herself some cover in the now six foot tall blades. Moving quietly, she craddled her face in her hand, taking cover behind the tree.-
  37. PrettyCIever has left the chat
  38. DGNightwing: Eh, i was told to kep the garden well maintenenced. Thats what Im doing. -He rose a brow as the grass grew infront of him, he stepped back, he lifted his right hand up ro press a button on his mask, this would activate a thermal vision in his lense. He activates it and reaches behind his back, grabbing the ends of his escrima sticks, holding them in his hand, pressing a button to urn them on as he slowly walks through the grass, picking up her heat signals. - I can see you Ivy. Im not going to be as nie as i was the other dayl. YOu killed those cops you know....im going to lock you up for good.
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Easing off the trunk of the tree, she started to wade through the grass in the opposite direction that she'd left him, having no fear of walking blindly through the park. She knew her plants wouldn't steer her wrong as they gently parted in front of her to let her pass. "Sounds kinky." She called out to him, reaching the fountain in the center and stepping up onto the stone so she could see above the tall grass. "Why is everyone just trying to squash my fun all the time?" She asked, spotting him with his weapons drawn. Stomping her boot, her tree grew forward, trying to take the sticks from his grasp.-
  40. JasonToddRedX has left the chat
  41. DGNightwing: -He would follow her, quickly, yet slowly at the same time preparing himself for if and when her plants would attack him. Electrical currents ran through his escrima sticks, just as he suspected, one of them wrapped around his wriss, he clenched them hard as the y started to pull on the escrima sticks. The tree got the left one, however, he was able to hit the button on the right one, sending a shock to the tree, heating it up enough for the tree to possibly let go- These are very expensive ivy. Lets play fair now..- he would gain on her, swinging at the trees and grass with his stick, he would pull out his wing dings and throw three of them in her direction, not knowing if they would hit her, if they would, it would hurt, none of them were thrown hard enough to pierce the skin, but it would cut her a bit
  42. Alexithymiaa: "Hey!" She yelled at him when he shocked the tree which recoiled instantly, leaving him be. "You want to talk about fair, you're the one harming my poor babies." She jumped down from the fountain edge and back into the overgrown grass, beginning to head in his direction with the intent to retalliate on behalf of the tree. Not able to see the flying wing dings, all three struck her unexpectedly, sliding her skin on her neck and shoulder. She pressed a hand to the barely bleeding knicks in her skin, breaking into a run through the grass and colliding with him. "Knew you'd fall for me eventually." Her hands moved quickly to attack, her right first curling tightly and firing for his nose.-
  43. DGNightwing: You're using your "poor babies"as wepons and distractions. Just face that youre going to loose. i really dont have time for your games. This is really annoy..-he would get blasted in his nose, his head would snap back, but he quickly came back to senses, he grew slightly angry, he would turn to the side and lift his left leg in an upwards angle, aiming at her chest, right above where her breast where, right under her neck, he would throw a slight kick, aiming at that area, it was quick, not powerful at all, he was just throwing it to knock her back some so he could realize exatly what happened with the nose punch she threw, he hadnt expected it for some reason. He knew better then that.
  44. Alexithymiaa: -She let out a giggle after she punched him, taking the kick to the chest which threw her off. Stumbling a few steps back, the tall grass behind her supported her back to keep her from losing her balance completely and falling to the ground. "It's been fun playing with you, but it seems like you need a break from the rough and could use something more gentle. How about a goodnight kiss?" She asked, puckering her toxic lips and blowing a kiss in his direction.-
  45. DGNightwing: Eh, kissing is more of a third date kind of thing for me. -he would reach in one of his pouch and pull out a litle cartlidge- Plus, you look a little blue. You feeling okay? - With his left hand, he lifted up his suit a bit to cover his nose and mouth, he tossed the cannister on the ground , it was a regurgitant gas gernade. A small one that would send a cloud up, if enhaled, it would make who ever enhaled it begin to puke
  46. Alexithymiaa: (ew.)
  47. DGNightwing: (Yep xD)
  48. DGNightwing: (Id ont use it much, neither does NW xD)
  49. Alexithymiaa: "Where are my manners? I guess all of our dates just seemed so drawn out for me." She said dramatically, too busy being a bitch to notice his motions. When she noticed the cloud, it was too late to avoid inhaling the gas. The covered her nose and mouth with her hand, but it wasn't enough to stop the gas from seeping into her lungs. All at once she felt woozy, losing control of her body and falling to her knees to get sick on the ground, now completely debilitated.-
  50. DGNightwing: -he would walk to her, still covring his face with the mask, he would lean down, pull her to her feet, and completely manhandle her weak body, attempting to flip it over his shoulder, if she didnt try to stop it, he would carry her to his bike and take her to Bludhaven Police Department, in which she woul dproably escape this week, if she fought back, then clearly the fight wasnt over
  51. Alexithymiaa: -Feeling altogether weak and unable to put up any semblence of a real fight, she tried to resist his hands with no real effort or power, succumbing to his force when he hoisted her up onto his shoulder. "But goodnight kisses are for third dates?" She asked in a meak voice before just giving up. She was done.-
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