
Leg Shake Skip

Jul 15th, 2020
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  1. Leg Shake Skip progress
  3. - Entering DKTV Gamemode causes the RNG to be set to 0x8E32B6F7 (I guess to ensure that certain enemies respond consistently). This is only set on initially entering DKTV or any new demo
  4. - Diddy's Demo (The one seen for Any% 2015) changes RNG around 4 times a frame, but has frequent spikes of 30+ RNG Calls. Going up the hill seems like least eratic point, therefore less likely to get a 30+ call deviation. Start also seems relatively stable. With mashing to exit Diddy TV ASAP, you can rely on being within a 100 call window?
  6. - On the main menu, there are periods with 1 RNG Call a frame, some with 0 calls per frame
  7. - Submenus are a lot more stable, only RARELY experiencing a call change.
  8. - Jetpac menu is void of RNG changes, if a player needs to wait, this is the place to wait
  9. - Menu Event is determined upon DK ending his landing after exiting a submenu, and is based on RNG Value
  10. - This RNG Value is determined after around 30 (?) calls when exiting a submenu onto the main menu
  12. - The timer for the next event after coming from DKTV / A Submenu is completely random. It will vary between 300 frames and 427 frames (10s -> 14.3s lagless) depending on the lower 7 bits of the RNG Value (300 + value of lower 7 bits)
  14. TODO: Figure out function which translates RNG Value to Event
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