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Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. Pardon the exasperation.
  3. So I was talking to this guy, and I think he's too narrow-minded and selfish to really have a constructive conversation with. Not really the point of my confusion and irritation though.
  4. I'd asked if they were going to the local pride celebration this weekend (I've never gone but I was curious if they were the type) and they vehemently rejected the idea, saying it's because it's the culmination of their problem with the gay community. Which honestly, I understand, because pride festivals are filled with the kinds of folks who not only wear their sexuality on their sleeves, it's their entire personality. Not only are some of those folks embarrassing to talk to, they're uninteresting. I don't have any issues with these folks doing what makes them happy, because I can just live my life and they can live theirs. But this discussion expanded into his rejection of the idea of "all the new sexualities" outside LGBT. That folks get mad when you don't accept new ideas. That he'd never try to understand. That it somehow discredits trans people.
  5. "Oh another thing is if you lean right the gays will cut you"
  6. "I have never once felt oppressed for being gay. I understand people around the world aren't so lucky but here we have it pretty good and I'm not complaining"
  7. "There's no laws putting us down yeah some people have called me dirty words but I'm not gonna cry about it. And the more gay people empower themselves the more I push back"
  8. "Hate crimes are terrible and can happen to literally every group of people but that's not the governments fault really and most people aren't that extreme"
  9. There's more but just, holy shit, I can't tell if this guy is selfish and cold, or just a moron because he's only 18. But it can't be that, because I know plenty of intelligent young folk, and stupid fucking adults.
  10. When I'd mentioned that other people have had different experiences, myself and others, he said "Hey I use to be fat but got bullied and lost all the weight but I'm not gonna hold on to that. I got called fag all the time but I'm not gonna hold on to that." Oh yeah because you got over it, means everyone should be like you and just get over their problems. Even if they're super complex or they got raped or assaulted or lost their job or some shit, just get over it.
  11. The whole point I was trying to make was that people are injured, physically or mentally, or killed, for such things as sexuality. Hence the hate crime business. But he just brushed that off. I don't know what the fuck is so hard about sympathy and seeing shit from perspectives outside your own. I can see the world this guy must have been raised in, but holy shit, I can't see a reason outside of selfishness and stupidity that allows you to hold these perspectives.
  12. I have seriously lost count of the number of people I've had discussions with that lack empathy, or common sense. Goddamn it it's called common sense. But I guess there is no such thing. It's just sensibility.
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