

Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. <font color= gray> “I did Gin! Now where is she! Tell me! </font> He was tearing up. </font> He pressed the hilt so tight he would be seeing stars, beginning to find it impossible to breath. He smushed the scythe as it bore against his adam’s apple, and then, just when Gin thought he would fall into the sweet embrace of unconsciousness, He relented completely, letting him drop to the harsh, hot sands of the Sarab.
  4. <font color= gray> “I won’t kill you Gin. I need Rena back, but if you don’t tell me… I’ll teach you a lesson in despair.” </font> He pulled the near unconscious Takashi, up from the sand, and threw him aside like some sort of ragdoll. So that he was looking up at the harsh sun. He pressed the brunt of his scythe against Gin’s chest. Then began adding pressure, if he did not speak, his ribs would give way, and his organs would follow shortly after. Despite this, it would be staggeringly painful.
  7. He pressured him, and pressured him, and kept pressuring him. Then picked him up from the sand by the throat, <font color= gray> “Gin… I love you… but I need to know where Rena is!” </font> He let go of him with a slight toss, and punched him in the face into the hot sand. He was not going to let this fight go to waste. He walked around him, kicking his sword to the side as he went.
  10. <font color= purple> It’s clear he won’t tell you anything! Just end his miserable existence! Let him die and his blood flow here in the Sarab! Let that river of sweet life giving liquid flow here in this parched land. </font> The voice gave a slight pause, then sarcastically added, <font color= purple> Not like he needs it anymore. He is defeated. Fallen. No more is his life worth than that ant which huddles across the scorching sands. </font>
  13. He let out a terrible wail. He removed his scythe, raising it high. He slammed its brunt against his shoulder, that should be enough to dislocate it. He pressed the scythe against his neck, ever so softly. He kept it there. <font color= grey> “Gin… you’re tempting me right now. I need to know. And I will know. Even if I have to drag you all the way back to Nostvale. No one messes with Rena. And I assure you, you’ll thank me for this in a few decades.” </font> He was going to say a few years, but that would be extremely generous considering what he was doing to the poor kid.
  16. He grabbed him again by the collar. Crying, but his crimson eyes beating full with hate and wrath. <font color= grey> “Gin! Just… just tell me!” </font> He headbut him. He broke his nose and might have caused a contusion. He used his other hand to force Gin’s weak, and pained body to look at him straight in the eyes. He would put him not only through physical but mental torture. He threw him back down, then opening a canteen of water, poured it all out next to him.
  19. <font color= gray> “Gin… you’ll die of thirst. Don’t be a fool.” </font> He put his boot on his fractured sternum, and pressing again, <font color= gray> “GIN! ANSWER ME! WHERE! IS! RENA!” </font>
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