

Nov 13th, 2019
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  1. Herbalife's Prolessa Duo's unique formula creates a feeling of fullness called satiety, or a sense of being satisfied. It's this sense of fullness that eliminates those annoying cravings that are the downfall of most dieters. Lasting for up to 8 hours, this sense of satiety helps dieters to easily avoid the unhealthful snacks that add calories and excess pounds to unwanted places on our bodies.
  3. For as long as I can remember, people with a weight problem have been thought to possess a "strong lack of will power." And, it was this lack of will power that led to constant over-eating and snacking. But, today we know different. Today we know that it's the "power of the body" that sends signals to the brain telling us to eat. And, the body will do this when it is not receiving all the "proper nutrition" it needs.An unfortunate condition of being human is that the body won't tell us "what to eat" when it is not getting proper nutrition, it just tells us to "eat." So, it falls upon our own knowledge and experience to feed our bodies nutritious meals that will stop the body from demanding more food.
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