
Additional Info For Curious Cats

Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. 2013
  3. Inspired by Runnerguy2489 and Pheenoh I created my Twitch account and started speedrunning. Twilight Princess (hereinafter referred to as TP) was, and still is, my favourite video game of all time. I started off with Any% No Save & Quit but quickly switched over to All Dungeons as I disliked the category because of the outdated ruleset. After a few months I started with Any% and eventually I did a few 100% runs. I stuck with Any% and quickly achieved a solid time, establishing myself as a top player.
  6. 2014
  8. During the majority of 2014 I was inactive with speedrunning. I had become quite rusty towards the end of the summer but I started running again in October due to ZSR's Zelda Relay Race where I wanted to participate in the upper division. My time lowered drastically two months prior to the race and I ended up getting the fastest time for TP with the entire 3D Zelda speedrunning community watching!
  11. 2015
  13. I was by no means finished with speedrunning TP but I had a difficult time finding 3-4 hours of consecutive spare time to do attempts. Due to my conflicting schedule I started learning Okami HD New Game+ Any%. I had wanted to run it for a long time but I was too invested in TP and also lacked a PS3. The PS3 I bought (almost exclusively for speedrunning) had bad loading. Specifically I experienced menu lag, or "fan lag". This was terrible for the speedrun. You open and close the inventory screen hundreds of times in the run to perform an infinite jump glitch (KT). One jump per menu. The game runs at 30fps and the glitch can only be executed at once specific frame after the menu has been closed. Executing a frame perfect trick with a console in poor condition meant that my runs were destined to be very inconsistent. Due to this I started doing bufferless KTs which was unheard of at the time. During a race with the other top players I managed to come in 2nd, and with that run, achieved the 2nd fastest time on the leaderboards.
  15. I also played a lot of osu! this year. I wasn't exactly trying to get insane plays or improve as fast as possible. I just wanted to learn as much as I could. I ended up at around rank 25,000 with 2,696pp. Later this year I ran SM64 70 Star together with Zaf for a few months. My goal time was 59:xx but I ended up with a time of 1:00:33 before calling it quits. I will definitely come back to 70 Star one day and get a much better time.
  18. 2016
  20. The year of Overwatch. I played a ton of Overwatch, trying to improve as fast as I could. My rank fluctuated between Diamond and Master throughout the first few competitive seasons. By the end of season 4 I reached 3950 skill rating, just outside the range of Grandmaster.
  22. I also played a lot of RuneScape and Melee this year, but it wasn't until the end of 2016 before I started learning a speedrun again, which was Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I actually ran Amnesia back in 2010 but without any glitches.
  25. 2017
  27. I've mostly been playing Amnesia and Overwatch this year but I still play Melee and RuneScape occasionally. I don't really have a goal time for Amnesia, I just want to become as good at the game as I can be. The reason why I'm able to run Amnesia is because the speedrun is ~30 minutes long. Quite different from what I'm used to with TP being ~3 hours.
  29. Summer of 2017: I'm now practising TP again as Zaf finally came back and beat my time. TP is now my main focus and I will try my best to not fluctuate between other games.
  32. 2018
  34. I've focused a lot on TP Any% but it has been really difficult to find both time and motivation to grind out runs. I've never felt any real fatigue from grinding a category in this game because I've constantly taken breaks either willingly or not. I hope to find a period of time where I can grind it thoroughly to see how far I can push myself. Until then it's only going to be random big PBs here and there. My overall playtime is still very low compared to other players, which I find quite funny considering I've been around since 2013.
  35. Anyways, I managed to bring my time down from 3:09:16 to 3:01:17. I still want sub 3 but I'm not stressing it. I'm actually surprisingly content with my 3:01 at the moment. For 2019 I'll be completing goals in other games that I've procrastinated for very long, then I'll come back to TP, but probably not Any% at first. There are ILs and misc. categories that I wish to update first. Any% was never the main thing for me; I started with No Save + Quit and All Dungeons. To be quite honest I only ran Any% because everyone else did, but I'm more intrigued by categories with unique goals. Expect games like A Hat in Time, Amnesia, Okami and possibly even Journey in 2019 :). TP? Quite possibly, but we shall see.
  38. 2019
  40. School~
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