
Legendarium Form

Aug 8th, 2016
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  1. ⋞ PART ONE ⋟
  3. ┆SLOT › Stab me, It’ll hurt less
  4. ┆FACE CLAIM › Hyuna (4minute)
  5. ┆BACK UP FACE › Momo (twice)
  6. ┆NAME › Eria Lee
  7. ┆NICKNAME(S) › Mini, Eric (only her brother calls her that)
  8. ┆AGE › 19
  9. .
  10. ┆BIRTHDAY › 12-09-1997
  11. ┆NATIONALITY › Korean
  12. ┆ETHNITICY › Asian
  13. ┆HEIGHT › 163cm
  14. ┆WEIGHT › 49kgs
  15. ┆BLOOD GROUP › O
  16. ┆LANGUAGES › Korean (Fluent), English (Semi-fluent) and Chinese (Very basic)
  18. ⋞ PART TWO ⋟
  21. Eria is very friendly, funny and a really cutie. Eria will do aegyo out of nowhere and act all cute. She always says hi to everyone and treats them nicely and with respect. She loves telling old jokes and acting like a kid, sometimes her jokes are so bad that people shake their heads at it while she laughing so hard at her own joke.
  23. Eria has always grown up around music cause her father was a drum teacher and her mother played the piano. When Eria was 12 years old she saw this guy rapping on the streets and she found it very interesting and she starting to teach herself how to rap, her parents weren’t happy that she picks rapping but they let her continuing with cause it her life. Eria parents made sure that she had a good and easy life without any trouble but she did bully in school cause she was too friendly and helpfully.
  24. ┆HOME TOWN › Busan, South Korea
  25. ┆BIRTH PLACE › Busan, South Korea
  26. ┆FAMILY ›
  27. Both her parents teach instruments, Her mother teaches piano and her father teaches the drums. Her older brother just finished his IT course in university and now is working a company that helps people with their software and computer. Eria is very close to her father because he did teach her how to play the drums. She also closes to her mother and always trusted her. She not close with older brother they use to fight a lot over small things when they were little.
  28. ┆LIKES ›
  29. -Spicy food
  30. -Rapping
  31. -Plaything the drums
  32. -Nature
  33. -Taking photos
  34. -Dogs
  35. -Fluffy teddy bears
  36. ┆DISLIKES ›
  37. -Cats
  38. -Bugs
  39. -bullies
  40. -dirty places
  41. -Onions and pickles
  43. -When she nervous she would bite her nails
  44. -She always sleeps while listening to music
  45. -She sleep talks
  46. -love writing lyrics
  47. ┆INSPIRATIONS › The main people who inspires her are her parents. She always gets inspired by other idols that are working hard and showing off their talent so she work even harder.
  48. ┆FACTS ›
  49. -She can rap really fast
  50. -She has two left feet (Which mean she can’t very well)
  51. -She always calls her parents when she upset
  52. -She works out once every 2 days to keep her fit body.
  54. ⋞ PART THREE ⋟
  56. ┆STAGE NAME › Eria
  57. ┆STAGE PERSONA › Eria stage personally is sexy and her fit body is what gives her that sexy feeling. She always show her cool side off when it her turn to rap because she goes all out and hard which makes the crowd go crazy.
  58. ┆FAN SERVICE ›
  59. ➹ -She does a lot of derp faces to make the fans laugh
  60. -She will take photos with fans
  61. -She always does a lot of aegyo
  64. ➹ Eria had a rough trainee life cause she can’t really dance that well and she had practice day and night to get her dancing right, sometimes she didn’t even sleep or eat to get the dance right. Eria did get a lot of good advice from her teachers about her rapping skills and sometimes for her singing skills.
  66. ┆TRAINING PERIOD › Training period was 4 years
  69. -She get motivate by her parents
  70. -To prove to everyone she has gotten better
  71. -Music itself gets her motivate
  74. ➹ Eria is willing to do variety shows with her members or by herself
  76. ⋞ PART FOUR ⋟
  78. ┆LOVE INTEREST NAME › Wonho (Monsta x)
  79. ┆BACK UP LOVE INTEREST › L (Infinite)
  80. ┆AGE › 21
  81. ┆BIRTHDAY › 2-3-1995
  82. ┆OCCUPATION › He an idol
  84. He very cold, harsh and like to ignore people who aren’t her members. He very hard to talk too and you be lucky to get a word out from him. He always very sexy on stage and it goes with his personality. When he around his members or friends he tend to laugh, smile and joke around a lot, but to be friends with him is very hard to show him that you want to be friends and mean it.
  85. ┆BACKGROUND › He had a rough childhood, always been bullied, tease and even got into fights all the time, that why he doesn’t really trust anyone much. His parents did everything they could to help him though they move from school to school to help but it only makes it worse from him. What help him was singing and music, that what him cope with all the bullying and moving around.
  87. ⋞ PART FIVE ⋟
  90. He always acting cold and ignore her when people are around but when people are not around he nice and make jokes with you.
  93. She always says hi to him and always does aegyo around him to get him to smile. She sometimes acts like her stage personality to get his attention.
  96. -He also calls her Mini cause she shorter than him and he the only one that calls her that.
  97. -How they meet was that she tripped over and crashed into him and landed on top of him.
  98. -When they are alone and she upset or his upset they would hug each other to help them through it.
  99. ┆STATUS ›
  100. They kind of knew each other because they went school together for a bit before he move away. Then slowly becoming closer and talking more often to each and even being close and flirting. At the end being together and being all cute and he finally opening up and being just like her.
  102. -Her randomly kissing him and running off straight after it happening leaving him speechless.
  103. -He catches her crying and hugs her to help her through it.
  104. -Him and her writing lyrics together and singing it together.
  106. ⋞ PART SIX ⋟
  108. ┆FANDOM NAME › Erms
  110. ┆DEBUT SONG › Blinded
  112. ┆DEBUT ALBUM NAME › Darkness
  115. -Her rapping insane fast.
  116. -Doing a dance break it be a sexy dance .
  118. ⋞ PART SEVEN ⋟
  120. ┆NOTE TO AUTHOR › Keep up the good work and don’t worry about upload right away take your time.
  122. ┆KIK ID › Sorry I don’t have an KIK ID but I do have Line.
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