
Phoenix Book Command 1.9

Apr 25th, 2016
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  1. summon FallingSand ~ ~1 ~ {Block:stone,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:FallingSand,Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:FallingSand,Block:activator_rail,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:gamerule commandBlockOutput false},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"fill ~2 ~-3 ~-1 ~7 ~-1 ~1 glowstone 0 hollow"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"fill ~2 ~-2 ~-1 ~7 ~-2 ~1 stained_glass 1 replace glowstone"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~1 ~-3 ~ wall_sign 4 replace {Text1:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Phoenix Book\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"gold\\\",\\\"bold\\\":true}",Text2:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"by\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\"}",Text3:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"RPGgrenade\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"dark_green\\\",\\\"italic\\\":true}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~1 ~-2 ~ wall_sign 4 replace {Text1:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Right Click\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\",\\\"clickEvent\\\":{\\\"action\\\":\\\"run_command\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"scoreboard players add @e[type=ArmorStand,name=TogAct,c=1] X7SU5y_A 1\\\"}}",Text2:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"to turn Off\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\",\\\"clickEvent\\\":{\\\"action\\\":\\\"run_command\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"execute @e[score_X7SU5y_A_min=1,score_X7SU5y_A=1] ~ ~ ~ blockdata ~ ~ ~ {auto:0}\\\"}}",Text3:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"and On\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\",\\\"clickEvent\\\":{\\\"action\\\":\\\"run_command\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"execute @e[score_X7SU5y_A_min=2] ~ ~ ~ blockdata ~ ~ ~ {auto:1}\\\"}}",Text4:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"clickEvent\\\":{\\\"action\\\":\\\"run_command\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"scoreboard players reset @e[score_X7SU5y_A_min=2] X7SU5y_A\\\"}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"summon ArmorStand ~3 ~-2 ~ {CustomName:TogAct,Marker:1,NoGravity:1,Invisible:1}"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"scoreboard objectives add X7SU5y_A dummy"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~6 ~-2 ~ chain_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/execute @e[type=Item,tag=book] ~ ~ ~ /execute @e[type=Item,tag=powder,r=1] ~ ~ ~ /kill @e[type=Item,tag=!tutorial,r=1]"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~5 ~-2 ~ chain_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/execute @e[type=Item,tag=book] ~ ~ ~ /execute @e[type=Item,tag=powder,r=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon Item ~ ~1 ~ {Tags:[\\\"tutorial\\\"],Item:{id:written_book,Count:1,tag:{title:\\\"Mastering Myths Vol. I\\\",author:\\\"The Beast Master\\\",generation:3,pages:[\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"Prologue\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,underlined:true},{text:\\\\\\\"Mythical beasts exist in the world. But to survive them you must learn of them. This volume tackles the mythical phoenix. The firebird is perhaps the friendliest of the beasts these books will speak of.\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\"Glossary\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:dark_red,bold:true,italic:false,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"- The Phoenix Egg\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"3\\\\\\\"}},{text:\\\\\\\"- Hatching\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"5\\\\\\\"}},{text:\\\\\\\"- Behaviour\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"6\\\\\\\"}},{text:\\\\\\\"- Usefulness\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"8\\\\\\\"}},{text:\\\\\\\"- Handling Tips\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"10\\\\\\\"}},{text:\\\\\\\"- Happiness\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"11\\\\\\\"}},{text:\\\\\\\"- Death\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"12\\\\\\\"}},{text:\\\\\\\"- The Solitary Bird\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:true,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\\\\\\\"14\\\\\\\"}}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\"The Phoenix Egg\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,italic:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"The Phoenix egg must be created, because the phoenix is more or less a fire infused chicken. So to get a phoenix egg, drop chicken eggs into an open flame. There is a small chance it will be infused with the properties of fire.\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false,italic:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\"You must be as close to the fire as possible when doing this to ensure that you get the newly created phoenix egg. The egg itself may be used as a weapon if need be.\\\\\\\",color:black}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Hatching\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"To hatch the phoenix egg, you must create a beacon. The beacon may not be lit, it matters not. The Magic from the beacon warms the egg's interior. After a long time the egg will hatch. Keep it safe.\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Behavior\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\" The phoenix will be restless on birth. It will take some time running around and getting used to its body. It has to shake off the ash from its feathers in order to feel comfortable. Once it has done this, it will stretch and be full height.\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Occasionally the bird will decide to fly. It will stretch its wings and fly for a little while, and then land, so do not worry about losing it. It cannot be tamed, however. It will run away from cats of all kinds, so please keep them far away from it, as they will hunt it down.\\\\\\\",color:black}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Usefulness\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"You may be wondering what this creature could be of use for other than simply the thrill of having it. The live phoenix's down will produce an infinite amount of healing when nearby. So no more medical needs.\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\"Another thing it does occasionally is lay its special unfertilized eggs. These eggs are indeed made of diamond. These diamond eggs can be used for any one of your needs, it is slow to lay them however.\\\\\\\",color:black}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Handling Tips\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"Since you cannot tame the phoenix, There are a few suggestions. You can make it follow you using seeds. And you can direct it using a lead. None of these will work if it is in flight. And for that you should make a cage\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Happiness\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"The phoenix has emotions, as any other creature. The happier the phoenix is, the more likely it is to lay its diamond eggs. To make it happy you can feed it some seeds. But what makes it happiest is room to run around and room to fly.\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Death\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"Death reaches us all, but it goes for the phoenix quicker. The phoenix will eventually die, so don't get too attached. Once it is about halfway through life it will begin to smoke. Once it is at its death throes it will begin to ignite in embers.\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\"Upon death the phoenix will leave only some meat, feathers and its egg behind. It can be hatched again using this egg as it is of the fertilized kind.\\\\n Important to note that if the phoenix dies an untimely death before age takes it, you won't be getting the egg back.\\\\\\\",color:black}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" Solitairy Bird\\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:true,extra:[{text:\\\\\\\"The phoenix is not a social creature. The reason for this is that they do not reproduce. They only reproduce with chickens and other birds and they're not fully physical, they are partly made of fire. When two phoenixes come in\\\\\\\",color:black,bold:false}]}\\\",\\\"{text:\\\\\\\" close proximity, both will burst into flames and be reduced to the eggs. So keep them separate unless you wish to recover the eggs. That is all you'll need to know.\\\\n\\\\n- The Beast Master\\\\\\\",color:black}\\\"]}}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~4 ~-2 ~ chain_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard players tag @e[type=Item] add powder {Item:{id:minecraft:blaze_powder}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~3 ~-2 ~ repeating_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard players tag @e[type=Item] add book {Item:{id:minecraft:book}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~ ~1 command_block 0 replace {Command:fill ~ ~-3 ~-1 ~ ~ ~ air}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-1 ~1 redstone_block},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:kill @e[type=MinecartCommandBlock,r=1]}]}]}]}
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